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科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

       Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses.
       Last year, a serious school bus accident happened in China,when a nine-seat minibus crashed.There were 62 children inside ,and 21 of them died. To stop such accidents, the Center Government decided
to strengthen(加强)the rules for school buses.
       On April 5, the Government published new rules about school safety. These new rules are much
stricter than the old ones.
       Under the new rules, local governments must make sure that students attend nearby schools or
boarding (寄宿的)schools to reduce traffic risks(风险). Also, local governments must help kids in the
countryside reach their school buses.
       From now on ,school buses have a speed limit(限速)of 80km per hour on highways and 60km per
hour on normal roads. While on the road, other cars must let school bus go first.
       The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded(超载).
       There are many other rules as well. A school bus must have than seven seats. On each bus, there
must be at lest one adult(成年人)to keep an eye on the  kids.  Each school bus must have a fire
extinguisher(灭火器),a first aid kit(急救箱)and a GPS.
1. What does the underlined word"attend"mean?
A. join in              
B. drop out          
C. go to
2. Under the new rules, which of the following is TRUE?  
A. School buses can be overloaded when necessary.
B. School buses can go first when there are other cars.
C. School buses must driver 80km/h or less on normal roads.
3. According to the new rules, a school bus must have the following EXCEPT      
A. more than seven seats.
B. a parent of one of the students.
C. a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
4. The government made new rules for school buses because      .
A. school buses in China were not safe enough before.
B.62 students died in a school bus accident last year
C. 200 million children in China go to school by bus every day.
5. What's the best title of this passage?
A. How to Avoid Bus Accidents
B. Safety First on School Buses
C. Bus Speed Limit Is Necessary


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

       US teenagers may be facing a challenge (挑战) today. A recent survey suggests (表明) that they
are less honest than previous generations (上一代人).
       The survey was done among 29,760 students at 100 US high schools. The results suggest that in
the past year, 30 percent of US high school students have stolen from a store. And 64 percent may
have cheated on a test.
       However, 93 percent of the students said they were satisfied (满意) with their honesty. And 77
percent said,"when it comes to doing what is right, I am better than most people I know."
Some teachers were unhappy about the survey results. Some,  however,  defended (为……辩护)
today's students.
       "The competition is greater and the pressures (压力) on kids have increased greatly,"said Mel
Riddle, who was a high school teacher and headmaster for 40 years."It is the pressures that make it
easy for students to be dishonest."
       "I think these students are better than other generations,"he said."I find them more active, better
to work with and more thankful for support."" We have to create situations where it's easy for kids to
do the right things, "he added."We need to create classrooms where learning is more important than
having the right answer."
1. According to the survey, what challenge do US teenagers face today? 
A. They have trouble getting pocket money      
B. They don't get along well with teachers
C. They are not so honest as older generations    
D. They have too many tests to take each week
2. We can learn from the survey that children in the US nowadays         .  
A. behave worse      
B. work harder      
C. are less healthy      
D. are busier at school
3. According to the survey results,        percent of the students are satisfied with their honesty. 
A. 30              
B. 64              
C. 77                
D. 93
4. What's Mel Riddle's opinion about the idea that students are dishonest?  
A. He gets really angry about it            
B. He thinks parents must do something to stop it
C. He thinks the students should change their behavior
D. He thinks there are some reasons for being dishonest
5. What advice does Mel Riddle give on improving the honesty of students?  
A. Do not let students do anything          
B. Make it easier for them to learn
C. Ask students to find right answers        
D. Give students more free time to have fun


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

A. Scientists are still working on testing them.
B. So some clever farmers have solved (解决) the watermelon problem.
C. Doctors might be able to use vegetables to fight cancer now.
D. Since 1990s, many Chinese farmers have had amazing rice harvests (收成).
E. Well, today the poem needs to change to"Roses are red, roses are blue"!
       Most people may not think that there are any problems with watermelons (西瓜), but some Japanese sellers do. There is often wasted space when they store watermelon because round watermelons do not
sit nicely on shelves.  1   They make their watermelons grow in square (正方形的) glass boxes so the
watermelons become square. The only problem now is the price which is about 80 dollars each.
       Many people know the saying"Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you."   2   
Australian scientists have just recently discovered that when they put a chemical from a blue flower into
a rose, they can create a nearly 100% blue rose. Some of scientists' inventions are beautiful, not just useful.
         3   For many years Chinese scientists have been working on developing new kinds of stronger rice
and now they have produced a new kind called super rice. Super rice not only can protect itself against
insects (害虫) and diseases, but it also produces more than any other kind of rice. Today farmers can
grow almost one and a half times more rice than they could grow in the past.
          4   US scientists have discovered a way to put a chemical into tomato plants while they are growing. When cancer patients eat the tomatoes,  the tomatoes will fight the cancer in their  bodies.  These
cancer-fighting vegetables are not yet for sale.  5   If study finds no problems with tomatoes, then patients
can begin to use this easy and delicious new treatment.


科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    In many British schools, the pupils usually wear their school uniforms to school on weekdays. However, recently the students at LVS Ascot Junior School in England wore something quite different. What they wore was what people wear when they go to bed - pyjamas (睡衣). They did this not only for fun, but for a local charity called Christopher’s Smile.
    Christopher’s Smile was set up in 2008 by Karen & Kevin Capel whose only son Christopher died of cancer at a young age. They hope their charity will help pay for more research into children’s cancers. Since then, the charity has raised a lot of money and gotten more and more volunteers. Every year, thousands of people take part in different activities such as charity walk or run to show their support for Christopher’s Smile.
    The students of Grade 6 at LVS Ascot Junior School also wanted to do something for the sick children. They organized the event “Pyjama Day” to support Christopher’s Smile. “We wanted to raise money for our charity in a way that the whole school could join in it, so each pupil paid £1 to wear his or her pyjamas to school on Pyjama Day,” said the young organizers. Both the students and their teachers took part in the event with great interest. Together they not only raised some money, but also had a good time.
1. Who set up Christopher’s Smile? 
A. LVS Ascot Junior School’s teachers.          
B. The local government.
C. LVS Ascot Junior School’s students.          
D. Christopher’s parents.
2. Christopher’s Smile was set up to        .  
A. tell people some knowledge about children’s cancers
B. have fun for the students in LVS Ascot Junior School
C. help the local government do more things for students
D. raise money for more research into children’s cancers
3. What is not mentioned in the passage?  
A. Charity walk.        
B. Charity run.      
C. Charity concert.    
D. Pyjamas Day.
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. It has been four years since Christopher’s Smile was set up.
B. Few pupils wear school uniforms to school on weekdays in Britain.
C. In LVS Ascot Junior School, only students join in the event “Pyjama Day”.
D. All students in England need to wear pyjamas to school on Pyjama Day.
5. The best title for the passage may be       
A. The Christopher’s Smile  
B. Fun and charity  
C. The Pyjama Day  
D. Children’s cancers


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    DNA is the whole "map" of the human body. It is something that all humans have, and it tells the body
what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our parents, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.
    People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In I860, Mr Mendel discovered why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things called "genes"(基因) in
our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts are really messages. They're written in the DNA with a special language.
    In 1961, another two scientists found the first "word" that they could understand in that language. It
shows how DNA tells the cell (细胞)to build its parts,(有几个单词看不清) the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one "word" means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors will be able to do.
    Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine and help sick people: Other people worry that when wc Icam more "words" and find out more information, we will use it in the wrong way, just to
make people more attractive (有吸引力的), or stop sick people getting jobs.
1.When did Mr Mendel discover why we look the same as other people in our family?
A. In 2000.
B. In 1961.
C. In 1953.
D. In 1860.
2.What did the two scientists find in 1961? They found ______.
A. all the words in the DNA map
B. small things called "genes" in our body
C. the first "word" they could understand in that language
D. those small parts arc written in the DNA with a special language
3.How can we help sick people if we understand more "words" in the DNA map?
A. Make better medicine.        
B. Make them get jobs.
C. Make maps for them.          
D. Make them attractive.
4.Which one is not true according to the article?
A. Wc look like our parents because of "genes" in our body.
B. We have understood what all the words in the DNA map do.
C. DNA is the whole "map" of the human body.
D. DNA tells the cell to build its parts.
5.What do people think about this research about DNA?
A. It can be only bad.                    
B. It can be only good.
C. It can be good but won't work.          
D. It can be good and bad


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

      Mom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life. Over your lifetime, they may
 influence you more than anyone else you will meet. So if your mom loves to read, you just might
 grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just as she does.But parents do a lot more than just
 pass on their hobbies. Moms and Dads need to care for their kids the minute their kids are born.
 Most parents will do this as long as they live.
      Here are some ways you can stay close, get along well, and build a strong relationship ( 关系)
 with your parents.
      Spend time together. Instead of playing computer games or watching TV, ask your mom and
 dad to play with you. Go outside together, or do some reading.
      Be kind. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten a parent's day with
 a hug (拥抱), a card , or a joke. It's also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being
 asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters, your parents will be so happy!
      Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be perfect, but when you do your best,
 you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you're turning into a great kid. Why?
 Because it lets them know they're doing a good job.
1. Who may influence you more than anyone else you will meet according to the passage?
A. Teachers
B. Friends
C. Parents
D. Grandparents
2. Which of the following can't help you build a strong relationship with your parents?
A. Spending time together
B. Being kind.
C. Doing your best at whatever you do.
D. playing computer games or watching TV
3. Your parents will be unhappy if you _____.
A. clean up his or her room without being asked
B. fight with your brothers or sisters
C. try your best to do something
D. give them a hug

4. What does the underlined part in the passage mean? It means _____.

A. they make you become a good kid
B. they work hard
C. they are perfect
D. they do well in their office work


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:填空题

      Robot s__1__ are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already
 robots w__2__  in factories.These robots look more like huge arms.They do simple jobs over and over
 again.People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. But robots will never get bored. In
 the future, there will be more robots e__3__, and humans will have l__4__ work to do. New robots
 will have many different shapes. Some will look like humans, and others might look like snakes. After
 an earthquake, a snake robot could help look for people under b__5__. That may not seem possible
 now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes seemed i__6__ a hundred years
 ago.We never know what will happene in the future.


科目: 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

       Frogs are animals that can live both in water and on land. There are more than 5,000 kinds of frogs
on the earth. The earliest known frogs lived about 190 million years ago and the frogs today still look the
same. Here are some fun things that you might not know about frogs. Enjoy!
       The Biggest and the Smallest Frogs
       Some frogs can be very big. The biggest kind of frog is the Goliath Frog in West Africa. Its body can be nearly 30cm long, about the size of a large cat. The Gold Frog and the Poison Frog are the smallest
frogs in the world. They are less than 1cm long. Though the Poison Frog is very small, it is not weak at all. It is dangerous. Any animal that eats it will die very soon.
       The Best Jumpers
       Frogs are very good at jumping. They developed jumping legs so that they would not be eaten by
other large animals. Using their big strong legs, more frogs can jump over 20 times their own length. It is
like a person jumping over about 30,48. The Australian Rocket Frog can even jump over 2m, which is
50 times its body length(5.5cm). That might be the reason why frogs are called the best jumpers on the
       The Cryogenic Animal
       Some frogs like the Common Wood Frog have a special ability to live in very cold places. When the
temperature goes down, they become ice frogs. 2/3of their body water freezes. Their hearts stop, and
their breathing stops too. You may think they are dead, but in fact they are not. Maybe we humans can
learn the way that the frogs do for medical purpose.
1. The earliest frogs lived about ________ million years ago.
A. 20  
B. 30  
C. 50  
D. 190
2. The Gold Frog is one of the ________ frogs on the earth.
A. smallest  
B. biggest  
C. strongest  
D. weakest
3. ________ can jump over 2m.
A. The Goliath Frog  
B. The Common Wood Frog
C. The Poison Frog  
D. The Australian Rocket Frog
4. What will happen to a Common Wood Frog at very low temperature?
A.It will die very soon.  
B. It will be an ice frog.
B.It will become dangerous.  
D. It will become very small.


科目: 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

       Text messaging, or simply "texting", with allows people to send and receive messages on mobile
phones, becomes very popular today.
       The advantages of texting are obvious. Texting helps to save money. If you have a few words to
greet your families and friends on their birthdays or on some important festivals, sending messages can
be cheaper than phone calling. Texting helps to save time. Even if you want to send a message to 100
people, you can do it one second. Texting helps you to "talk" to someone when he is too busy to answer
the phone. Texting can also help you to "talk" to someone secretly if you don't want others to hear what
you are talking on the phone. These advantages are so amazing that many people are crazy about it.
They hold mobile phones in hands all day long, send dozens of messages each day, and even text while
driving or walking.
       However, texting has its disadvantages. Junk messages may come into your mobile phone box now
and then. When your phone box gets too full, you can't receive any more messages. You may therefore
miss some important information.
       What's more, if you don't do texting properly, for example texting while driving or walking, it can be
dangerous. It can cause injuries and even death. It was reported that about 6,000 people were killed and
half a million were injured for this reason each year. In Fort Lee, a small town in New Jersey, USA, three people died because they walked into traffic while texting in 2011. Two researchers at Stony Brook
University, New York found that texters are 60% more probably to have an accident than others. When
people are texting, they don't notice other people or things around them. To reduce traffic accidents, all
drivers of the UN are now not allowed to text while driving. About 32 countries have passed laws
restricting the use of mobile phones while driving.
       Texting is a wonderful way of communication. However, only when we use it properly, can we fully
enjoy the fun it brings.
1. How many advantages of texting are mentioned in the passage?
A. Two.  
B. Three.  
C. Four.  
D. Five.
2. What did the researchers at Stony Brook University find?
A. Texters are easier to have an accident.
B. Texting is a good way of communication.
C. 6,000 people were killed and injured.
D. Many people text to greet families and friends.
3. The underlined word restricting probably means _________.
A. not telling  
B. not allowing    
C. enjoying  
D. making
4. This passage is written to tell us that __________.
A. we should do less texting  
B. texting has many advantages
C. texting is better than phone calling    
D. we should do texting properly


科目: 来源:同步题 题型:阅读理解

        Since a training course opened in November, 2008 at the Science Palace in Harbin, children have made more than 16 small inventions. Here are three of them.
A boy demonstrated his invention, a pen with a reading glass, in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, Jan. 20, 2009.
A boy demonstrated his invention, a musical alarm clock, in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang province, Jan. 20, 2009.  
A boy demonstrated his invention which could cut an apple into pieces in Harbin, capital of northeast China's Heilongjiang province, Jan. 20, 2009.
1. The training course opened in _______ at the Science Palace in Harbin.   
A. January, 2008              
B. November, 2008  
C. January, 2009            
D. November, 2009 
2. The word “demonstrated” in the passage means "_______". 
A. showed
B. drew  
C. sold      
D. imagined  
3. The third boy invented something that could help people ______. 
A. see words clearly            
B. wake up every morning   
C. cut apples into pieces      
D. write something with a reading glass
4. The reading above is mainly about ______. 
A. students'school life
B. the training course in Harbin  
C. the Science Palace in Harbin
D. several new inventions by children 
5. What can we learn from the reading above? 
A. The three boys all come from Heilongjiang.
B. The three inventions were all demonstrated on the same day.
C. The invention of the musical alarm clock was the best of the three.      
D. There have been only three inventions since the training course opened.

