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科目: 来源:福建省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     Teachers at American colleges and universities have many different teaching methods. Some teachers
give homework and check homework every day, and students in their classes have to take many exams.
Some teachers give only writing tasks. Some teachers always follow a course outline and usually use the
textbook. Others send students to the library for tasks.
     The atmosphere in some classrooms is very formal. Students call their teachers Professor (教授) Smith,
Mrs. Jones and so on. Some teachers wear business clothes and give talks. Other classrooms have an informal ( 非正式的 ) atmosphere. Students and teachers discuss their ideas. Teachers dress informally, and students
call them by their first names. American teachers are different in their teaching styles.
     At most American colleges and universities, libraries and learning centers can be used by students at any
time. They can often use tape recorders, video machines and computers. They can buy books, notebooks and
other things at campus stores. There are also services (服务) to students. They can get advice on their
problems from their teachers. Colleges and universities usually offer facilities (设施) to students. Some schools
have swimming pools and tennis courts. Most have fast food restaurants.
1. At American colleges and universities, some teachers _________.
A. never give their students any homework
B. give classes in the library
C. give only writing tasks
D. only give their students writing exams
2. In an informal class, _________.
A. students call their teachers Professor Smith, Mrs. Jones and so on
B. students discuss their ideas with their teachers
C. students have to take many exams
D. teachers dress formally
3. The underlined word "campus" means _________ in Chinese.
A. 校园
B. 工厂
C. 社区
D. 广场
4. According to the passage, most schools in America have _________.
A. swimming pools
B. fast food restaurants
C. tennis courts
D. basketball courts
5. Which of the following is not mentioned in this passage?
A. Teaching methods.
B. Teaching styles.
C. College facilities.
D. University dinning rooms.


科目: 来源:福建省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     How many kinds of shapes (形状) can you name? If something is round, what do you call it? You call it
a circle. What can you see around you that looks like a circle?
     Another shape is square. A square has four sides. Each side is the same length (长度). A square has four
corners called right angles (直角).
     A triangle is also a shape. The prefix "tri" on the base word "angle" means "three". A triangle always has
three sides and three angles.
     All the pages of your textbooks have four square corners, but the pages are not square. Can you tell why
not? It is because the sides of each page are longer than the ends. Shapes like this are rectangles. You can say
that they are rectangular shapes.
      If you are given a piece of paper which is a rectangular shape, can you make the paper into a square? The
answer is "Yes", and it seems not so difficult. Now fold the square. What shape have you got? Do you think
it's very interesting?
1. You usually learn the knowledge discussed in this passage in _____ classes.
A. chemistry
B. math
C. history
2. Picture _____ is a rectangle.
A.  B.  C.
3. Picture _____ shows the right marks of"side & end" according to the passage.
A.  B.  C.
4. Fold a square in the way of the picture shown on the right, you may get a shape of _____.
A. square
B. rectangle                                       
C. triangle
5. In this passage, we've learned about _____ kinds of shapes.
A. three
B. four
C. five


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     A few minutes ago, walking back from lunch, I started to cross the street when I heard the sound of a
coin dropping. It wasn't much but, as I turned, my eyes caught the heads of several other people turning too.
A woman had dropped what seemed to be a dime (十美分硬币).
     The sound of a coin dropping on the street catches everybody's attention. Whatever the coin is, no one
ignores (忽视) the sound of it. It got me thinking about sounds again.
     There are so many sounds that catch the most attention. People in New York City seldom turn to look
when they hear the siren (警报) of a police car or an ambulance (救护车).
     When I'm in New York, I'm a New Yorker. I don't turn either. I hardly hear a siren there.
     At home in my little town in Connecticut, it's different. The faraway high sound of a police car, an
ambulance or a fire siren brings me to my feet if I'm sitting and brings me to the window if I'm in bed.
     It's the quietest sounds that catch our attention most easily, not the loudest. In the middle of the night, I
can hear water dropping a hundred yards away through three closed doors. I've been hearing little creaking
(吱嘎) noises and sounds in the middle of the night for twenty-five years in our house. Why do I never hear
those sounds in the daytime?
1. The sound of a coin dropping made people ______.
A. think of money
B. shout aloud
C. pay attention to it
D. look at each other
2. People in New York ______.
A. are used to sirens
B. don't hear loud noises
C. are interested in sounds
D. don't care about quiet sounds
3. The writer ______.
A. has a bad hearing
B. stays up late at night
C. comes from a little town
D. sleeps next to the window
4. The last paragraph (段落) tells us that ______.
A. the writer thinks a lot at night
B. water should be turned off at night
C. the sounds at night make the writer afraid
D. the quietest sounds at night are easily heard


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     If you knew a bottle of water had been recycled from urine (尿), would you drink it? Astronauts at the
International Space Station (ISS) may soon do so.
     NASA (美国航空航天局) said it would use a high-tech machine (高科技机器) to recycle wastewater
at the ISS. The machine will recycle everything from sweat (汗), the water for washing hands, shower water,
water used for brushing teeth, and even urine, to make drinking water.
     It will save NASA millions of dollars each year. At present, each ISS astronaut uses about 4.4 liters (升)
of water every day. It costs about $24 million a year to transport water up to ISS. NASA says that a liter of
water costs about $11,000.
     The machine will be sent to the ISS in October 2008. NASA hopes it will recycle about 93% of all water
used on the station.
     Will the water be clean? Scientists say the wastewater will go through a very complicated process (复杂
的过程). For example, different chemicals will be put in the wastewater; the water will be heated to 130℃ to
get rid of bacteria (细菌). The recycled water is thousands of times better than the water from a city tap,
scientists say.
1. NASA will use a high-tech machine to recycle wastewater at the ISS to _________.
A. protect the ISS
B. make astronauts at ISS work harder
C. provide better water and food for ISS astronauts
D. save the cost of transporting water up to the ISS
2. At present it costs NASA about _________ dollars to transport water up to an astronaut at the ISS a day.
A. 4.4 thousand
B. 11 thousand
C. 48.4 thousand
D. 24 million
3. Scientists plan to get rid of bacteria in the wastewater by __________.
A. freezing
B. heating
C. shaking
D. precipitating (沉淀)
4. The reading mainly tells us something about _________.
A. water recycling
B. the International Space Station
C. a high-tech machine
D. the cost of NASA
5. Which of the following sentences is true, according to the passage?
A. The recycled water is much better than that from a city tap.
B. The high-tech machine will recycle all the water used on the station.
C. At present, each ISS astronaut uses more water than the people living on the earth.
D. The high-tech machine can only recycle urine to make water at present.


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     3. For those of us who are studying at school, the time of exams is very stressful and difficult. Some
people find exam times so bad that they become ill, because they are afraid of failing; they are afraid of
letting their parents and family down. If exams are really making you ill or worried, don't hide your feelings.
Talk to someone about it. Maybe you can speak to a friend, or someone in your family, or teachers at your
place of study. If one person doesn't help you, ask someone else.
     How to get through exams? Here are some advice:
     Ask a teacher or tutor about how to review your lessons, and exam skills-how to work when you are in
an exam.
     Take short rests during your time of work. If your mind is tired, it will not remember well.
     Plan your work: study at times when you know you will work at your best.
     Get enough sleep, and eat healthy food.
     You need exercise to work well. Walk, run, play sport-whatever you enjoy.
     Stop thinking about the future and failing.
     If you feel ill, talk to someone about your worries. But don't be too relaxed! 4. Some stress over exams
makes you work hard for them.
     If it upsets you to talk to your friends about an exam when it is finished, don't do it! In fact, don't even
think about the exam you have finished. What is done is done. You cannot change what you have written!
     To this advice, we could add:
     If you are studying in the evening, don't go straight to bed. Your mind will still be "going round and round"
-thinking too much. Do something else, maybe walk or get exercise. Choose something that will relax you,
and make you think of other things.
1. Why do some students hate exams?
2. What should you do if the exam upsets you when it is finished?
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     French doctors and American scientists have reported doing an operation in which the doctor was outside
the operating room. This kind of operation is known as robotic operation.
     Doctor Marescaux did the operation in an office in New York City last month, while a sixty-eight-year-old
woman patient was in a hospital in Strasbourg, France.
     A doctor in Strasbourg got the patient ready. He placed medical tools and a small video camera in her
stomach area. Doctor Marescaux in New York watched the patient on a video screen. Then he used the
computer to send messages to the robot machine. The robot moved the tools that cut the woman's gallbladder
(胆囊) away. The woman got well soon after the operation and left the hospital two days later.
     Experts say the main problem with such a robotic operation is based on high-speed telecommunications
between the doctor and the robot. Technology must be able to send a doctor's order to a robot to move the
tools quickly.
     Experts also say a successful robotic operation will improve an operation. For example, the robot can make
much smaller movements than a person can. A robot machine can turn tools in ways that a doctor's hand
     Doctors say such a robotic operation will make possible safer and better operations in the future. They say
it will improve doctor training. It will also mean that doctors could do an operation on people in dangerous
places far away. And it could mean that people could have operations done by top doctors without having to
travel to the city where doctors work.
1. "Robotic operation" means "______".
A. a special kind of robot invented by doctors
B. an operation done far away
C. an operation done with the help of a robot
D. something done to mend a robot
2. We use the robot in the operation because ______.
A. it can send messages at a high speed
B. even a top doctor can't do the operation himself
C. it can make the operation safer and better
D. operations can be done without any doctors
3. If we want to use the robot in the operation, we must solve the problem of ______.
A. top doctors
B. smaller movements
C. doctor training
D. high-speed telecommunications
4. If the smaller movement can't be done by doctors in the operation, we may use ______ to solve it.
A. more tools
B. a robot machine
C. a video camera
D. telecommunications
5. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Robotic operation is good for doctor training.
B. Robotic operation has been used in the USA.
C. Experts speak highly of robotic operation.
D. The robot is used to watch the patient clearly.


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     The aim of students who come to school is to study. But to study requires a right way, or you waste
either the time or the money. The following are the ways of studying.
     The best time for reading is morning, because in the morning, the air is fresh and the mind is clear. For
that reason, we can get good result.
     (4) In studying we must have patience. If we have not known a text well, we must read it again. We
should not read the next one till we have learned the first one.
     (5) When we are studying, we must put our hearts into the book, or we can get nothing from the book
while we are reading.
     We must always ask "whys". If it is not well understood, write it down and ask our teachers or our
parents, or friends. In any possible way, we must know it completely and what we've learned can be used
well and made better.
     Though there are many ways for studying, yet the above mentioned will be quite enough if we can keep
them in heart and do so.
1. What's the main idea of the passage?
2. How many ways for studying are mentioned in the passage?
3. Why must we always ask “whys” in our study?
4. __________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     At Anacostia Senior High School we have a lot of problems. We have students suspended and we have
low test grades. I think this school is in need of improvement. The reasons why I believe this school needs
improvement are that children are getting suspended and missing out on class work, students are failing,
and the school is dirty.
     The first reason why this school needs improvement is that children are getting suspended and missing
out on class work. Students should not get suspended because it's like a vacation to them. They will not
change their ways. Instead of putting them out of school for suspension, we should have them in school.
In that way, students can still have good grades.
     The second reason why I believe this school needs improvement is that students are failing. If you come
to school every day you shouldn't fail. I can't blame it all on the students; it is the teachers' fault also. Some
teachers do not let students in the class. This school needs tutors. If students had tutors their grades could
     The third reason why I believe this school is in need of improvement is that it is dirty. Who wants to walk
into a dirty school every day? I don't! If students help out, the building will stay clean. There should be no
writing on the walls or eating in the halls. We need to treat our schools like we treat our homes.
     These are my reasons why this school needs improvement. If we do these things we can get good grades
have a nice looking school, and students will improve their grades. By doing these things we can also have
the most decent school on the other side of the fiver.
1. What is the meaning of the underlined word "suspended" in the first passage?
A. blamed
B. praised
C. put in a vacation
D. put out of school
2. How many reasons does the author give for the improvement of school?
A. One.
B. Two.
C. Three.
D. Four.
3. What can we know from the third paragraph?
A. Students have tutors.
B. Students have no tutors.
C. Students' grades are high.
D. Students' grades are not talked about.
4. What is the author's attitude to Anacostia Senior High School?
A. He is satisfied with the school.
B. He is not satisfied with the school.
C. He is surprised at the school.
D. He is excited at the school.
5. What is the best title of the passage?
A. Reasons for School Improvement
B. the Most Decent School
C. School Building
D. School Improvement


科目: 来源:江苏中考真题 题型:阅读理解

                                                   Paper Plane to Be Dropped from Space
     For most people, it is enough to see their paper planes fly for a few feet. The Japanese, however, want to
make a paper plane fly for 240 miles from space. This crazy paper plane plan was brought up by the leader of
Japan Origami Plane Association (日本折纸飞机协会), Mr. Takuo. In 1999, Mr. Takuo asked Mr. Suzuki, a
designer, if he could help design a 3-metre plane for a TV program. The plane flew successfully from the top
of a mountain. Then Mr. Takuo asked Mr. Suzuki if he would help send a paper plane from space. They made
plans to drop a paper plane from the International Space Station down to the Earth. The idea is to develop a
kind of modern plane that can study the atmosphere.
     An 8-inch-long paper plane has been made and treated with a chemical ( 化学药品) so that it can survive
the temperature of 200℃ as it enters the Earth's atmosphere again. Another 3-inch-long paper plane has been
tested at the temperature of up to 300℃. The paper plane will probably start its trip during a space walk. It will
continue at the same speed as the space station, but its orbit (轨道) will change slowly. Maybe it will survive
the drop, but the researchers don't know where it will land, so they have written a message in several languages,
saying, "This plane flew from the International Space Station. Please return the plane to Japan Origami Plane
     If the paper plane successfully flies from space, some new design ideas can be explored. It seems to be a
crazy idea, but who can say that it isn't a creative one?
1. What can we learn about the paper plane in the research?
 A. It can survive high temperatures.
B. It can send messages from space.
C. It can land where people want it to.
D. It can study the atmosphere. 
2. Why was the message written in several languages on the paper plane?
A. Because it is an international project.
B. Because it belongs to several countries.
C. Because it may land somewhere outside Japan.
D. Because it is popular with people in different countries.
3. Why do the Japanese do the research on the paper plane?
A. To set up a world record of the biggest paper plane.
B. To provide useful ideas for making a kind of modern plane.
C. To make the life in the space station more colorful.
D. To make Japan Origami Plane Association well known in the world.


科目: 来源:浙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

     At first, Betty and Barney felt comfortable in the alien space station. They were not afraid because the
aliens were very friendly. They stood around and looked at them. Some of them pointed at Betty and Barney
and spoke to each other in a language they didn't know.
     After about thirty minutes, the aliens began to feel them and to check them. They were very interested in
Betty's and Barney's bodies. Then, some of the aliens cut pieces of hair from Betty's and Barney's heads and
took small pieces of skin from their bodies. They were like scientists. Why were they doing this?
     Betty became frightened when one alien came towards her with a long, thin needle. It placed the needle
over the centre of her stomach and pushed it in. Betty was surprised,"It was a strange feeling. There was no
pain," she said later.
     Barney had false teeth which he could take out of his mouth. When the aliens discovered the teeth, they
became very interested in them. One by one they came up to Barney and took out his teeth, then put them
back in. They did this again and again, and they all made a strange sound when they did this. Barney thought
they were laughing.
1. Where were Betty and Barney? They were _________.
A. at home
B. in a cinema
C. in a hospital
D. in a space station
2. Why did the aliens take Betty's and Barney's hair and skin? Because they wanted _________.
A. to eat them
B. to research them
C. to sell them
D. to stay with them
3. According to the story, put the following sentences into the right order: _________.
a. The aliens played with Barney's false teeth.
b. An alien put a long, thin needle into Betty's stomach.
c. The aliens looked at Betty and Barney friendly.
d. The aliens cut pieces of hair from Betty and Barney. 
A. b-a-c-d
B. b-a-d-c
C. c-d-b-a
D. c-d-a-b
4. Suppose the story is from a movie, what kind of movie can it be? It can be a (an) _________.
A. comedy
B. documentary
C. action movie
D. science fiction movie

