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科目: 来源:甘肃省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    The word "day" has two meanings. When we talk about the number of days in a year, we are using "day" to
mean 24 hours. But when we talk about day and night, we are using "day" to mean the time between sunrise and
sunset. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. Always one half of the
earth is having day and the other half night. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over
and over by the spinning (旋转) of the earth. At the equator (赤道) day and night are sometimes the same length.
They are each twelve hours long. The sun rises at 6 in the morning and sets at 6 in the evening. For six months
the North Pole is tilted (倾斜) toward the sun. In those months the Northern Hemisphere (半球) gets more hours
of sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere. Days are longer than nights. South of the equator nights are longer
than days. For the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. Then the Southern Hemisphere
gets more sunlight. Days are longer than night. North of the equator nights are longer than days. Winter is the
season of long nights. Summer is the season of long days.
1. When the Western Hemisphere is having day, the Eastern Hemisphere is having ______.
[     ]
A. both day and night
B. day
C. neither day nor night
D. night
2. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by ______ of the earth.
[     ]
A. the pushing
B. the pulling
C. the spinning
D. the passing
3. At the equator day is as long as night ______.
[     ]
A. sometimes
B. never
C. usually
D. always
4. When the North Pole is tilted toward the sun, the Northern Hemisphere gets _____ sunlight.
[     ]
A. less
B. more
C. all
D. no
5. When it is winter in China, ______.
[     ]
A. the USA is tilted toward the sun
B. the South Pole is tilted away from the sun
C. the North Pole is tilted toward the sun
D. the North Pole is tilted away from the sun


科目: 来源:广东省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    If you don't use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using them
again, they will gradually (逐渐地) become stronger again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not
seem to know that it is the same with our memory.   
    If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we know that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that he
has a poor memory, many of us think that his parents are to blame (责怪), and few of us know that it is just
his own fault.   
    Have you ever found that some people can't read or write but they usually have better memories? This is
because they can not read or write and they have to remember things; they can not write them down in a little
notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memories are being exercised the
whole time.   
    So if you want a good memory, learn from these people: practice remembering.
1. What will happen to your arms or legs if you don't use them for some time?
    They will be ______. 
[     ]
A. strong
B. broken
C. weak
D. hurt
2. What does the word "fault" mean in the second paragraph?
[     ]
A. 困难
B. 过错
C. 粗心
D. 聪明
3. What do many of us think of the person with a poor memory?
[     ]
A. His parents are to blame.
B. He isn't clever.
C. He is foolish.
D. His parents are very clever.
4. Why do some people usually have better memories but they can't read or write?
    Because ______.
[     ]
A. they are stronger
B. they often practice remembering things
C. they have strong arms and legs
D. their parents are good
5. What does the passage mainly (主要) talk about?
[     ]
A. Arms.
B. Legs.
C. Behaviors.
D. Memories.


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:完形填空

     Radio, telephone and television are widely used in the world. When you   1   the radio, you can listen.
But when you use telephone, not only can you listen to others   2   you can chat with them, however, you
can't see the other one at all. Television is   3   than both of them. People can watch TV and listen to it,
   4   you can't take part in what you see.
    Today, some people are using a type of telephone   5   vision-phone. Two persons who are talking can
see each other   6   it.
    Vision-phones can be of great use when you have something   7   the person whom you are calling. It
may also have other uses in the future. Some day you may be able to call up a   8   and ask to read a book
right over your vision-phone. You may be able to do the shopping through it, too. Perhaps   9   the near
future, vision-phone will come into wider uses in our  10  life.
(     )1. A. turn on
(     )2. A. and
(     )3. A. more better
(     )4. A. or
(     )5. A. calling
(     )6. A. without
(     )7. A. to show
(     )8. A. bank
(     )9. A. in
(     )10. A. someday
B. turn off
B. but too
B. much worse
B. but
B. calls
B. with
B. showing
B. hospital
B. on
B. every day
C. turn down
C. but also
C. very good
C. while
C. called
C. for
C. to be shown
C. park
C. by
C. one day
D. turn up
D. so
D. much better
D. and
D. are called                  
D. into
D. shown
D. library
D. without
D. everyday


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence (智力) and feelings. In
August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and
other kinds of health problems during this month. In the northeast and the middle west, it is very hot
sometimes and very cold sometimes. People in these states have more heart trouble after the weather changes
in February or March.
    The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 study by scientists showed that the
IQ of a group of students was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ
was 10% lower. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can
make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often do worse on exams in the hot months of
the year (July and August). 
    Weather also has a strong influence on people's feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They
usually feel cold these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But big people may have a hard
time in hot summer. At about 18℃, people become stronger.
    Low air pressure (气压) may make people forgetful. People leave more bags on buses and in shops on
low-pressure days. There is "good weather" for work and health. People feel best at a temperature of about
    Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the weather's fault.
1. ______ can have a bad effect on health.
[     ]
A. Hot and wet weather
B. Good weather
C. Warm weather
D. High intelligence
2. People may have more intelligence when ______ comes.
[     ]
A. a rain
B. very hot weather
C. a wind
D. low air pressure
3. Low air pressure may make people ______.
[     ]
A. forgetful
B. sad
C. angry
D. tired
4. In "good weather"of 18℃, ______.
[     ]
A. people are very forgetful
B. people can't do their work well
C. thin people feel cold
D. people are in better health


科目: 来源:四川省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day.
During the practice the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So (1)he won't
have to think about passing the ball in the game
, he will just do it.
    (2)You can train yourself to think in English in this way. The first step is to think of the words that you
use daily, simple everyday words like book, shoe or tree. For example, whenever you see a"book", you should
think of it in English instead of in your mother language.
    After you have learned to think of several words in English, then move on to the next step-think of sentences
in English. (3)听是学英语的一个非常有用的方法. Listen first and don't care too much about whether you
fully understand what you're hearing. Try to repeat (重复) what you hear. (5)The you listen, the you learn.
After you reach a higher level, start having conversations with yourself in English. This will lead you to think
in English.
            1. He_____________ think about passing the ball in the game.
            2. ______________________________________________________________________
            3. ______________________________________________________________________
            4. The first step is to think of the words, and the second step is to __________________
            5. The ___________________ you listen, the ___________________ you learn.


科目: 来源:山东省中考真题 题型:填空题

 If you don't use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak; when you start using
them again, they will gradually (逐渐地) become stronger again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people
do not seem to know that it is the s  1   with memory. When someone says that he has a good memory,
he really means that he d  2   give it enough chance to become stronger.   
    If a friend says that his arms and legs are weak, we k  3   that it is his own fault. But if he tells us that
he has a poor memory, many of us think that his p  4   are to blame, and f  5   of us know that it is just
his own fault.   
    Have you e  6   found some people can't read or write but they usually have b   7   memories? This is
b  8   they cannot read or write and they h   9    to remember things; they cannot write them down in
a little notebook. They must remember dates, names, songs and stories; so their memory is the whole time
being exercised.   
    So if you want a good memory, l  10   from these people: practise remembering.
1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________   
6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


科目: 来源:黑龙江省中考真题 题型:阅读理解

    As we all know, the ocean moves. But waves (波浪) breaking on the beach make the ocean fun. When
you stand on the shore (海岸) and look at the waves, it seems like the water is rolling (翻滚) in toward you.
But the water is not really moving forward. What you see moving is wave energy. And wave energy comes
from the wind. 
    Let's think about how this works. As wave energy passes through the water, the energy makes particles
(粒子) of water move up and down. Just give you an example of a wave passing under a basketball. We put
a basketball on the sea. When the wind blows, a wave comes from behind the basketball. The basketball
moves up to the top with the wave. Then the wave continues and leaves the basketball behind. The basketball
looks lower, but it doesn't move forward. That's because the wave energy moves the water that is under the
basketball up and down as it passes.
    So why can you see a wave knock you down on the shore? When a wave moves toward the shore, the
bottom (底部) of the wave slows down because it meets the ocean floor. But the top, which is called crest,
keeps moving. The different action causes the wave to fall over or break onto the shore. If a wave is very
large, it carries a lot of energy when it hits the land. As time goes by, waves can break up and carry away
the rocks and other things on the shore. Shorelines are changing all the time because of wave action.
1. ______ is really moving forward when you look at the waves.
[     ]
A. Water
B. Wave energy
C. Water and wave energy
2. Match (与……相匹配) the sentences with the pictures and choose the right answer.
    (1) The basketball moves up to the top with the wave.
    (2) The wave continues and leaves the basketball behind.
    (3) When the wind blows, a wave comes from behind the basketball.
               a                                b                                 c
A. a-(2)
B. a-(3)
C. a-(3)
3. The underlined word "crest" in the passage means "           " in Chinese.
[     ]
A. 波峰
B. 波谷
C. 波长
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
[     ]
A. Wave energy comes from the wind.
B. All the waves can carry a lot of energy when they hit the land.
C. Wave action makes shorelines change all the time.
5. The main idea of this passage is ______.
[     ]
A. how wave energy causes wave action
B. what makes particles of water move
C. why a wave can knock you down


科目: 来源:期末题 题型:阅读理解

    I think the Dream (梦想号) is the best ship in the world now. What is the Dream like? The ship is very
beautiful. There are different rooms on the ship-the first class (头等舱), the second class and the third class.
The first class rooms are the best rooms. People can do some sports if they want. There is a swimming pool
and a gym on the ship. There are also many restaurants on it. People can eat their favorite food. If they feel
bored, they can listen to music. If they like quiet places, they can go to the libraries. There are two libraries on
the ship. One is for the first class, and the other is for the second class. The people of the third class can't go to
the libraries.
1. What is the name of the ship in this story?
2. Which is the best, the first class, the second class or the third class?
3. Is there a computer room on the ship?
4. How many libraries are there on the ship?
5. Can all the people go to the libraries?


科目: 来源:期中题 题型:阅读理解

     The relationship between student and teacher is less formal (正式的) in the U.S. than in many other
countries, especially at the college level. (1)当老师走进教室时,学生不必起立. Students are generally
encouraged to ask questions during class, to go to the teacher's office for help after class, and to phone
if they can't go to school and need help with their lessons. (2)Most teachers allow students to enter class
late or leave early, if necessary
     (3)However, students are still asked to be____________ to their teacher and classmates and to be
____________ during a test.
When the teacher or a student is speaking to the class, it's rude to talk to
another classmate, even in a low voice. When a test is being given, talking to a classmate is not only rude
but also wrong. In the eyes of most American teachers, students who are talking to each other during a
test are cheating (作弊).
A. 英汉互译。
1. 将(1)句译成英文。
2. 将(2)句译成中文。
B. 根据短文内容,简要回答问题。
3. 在(3)句的空白处分别填入一个适当的词使句意完整、上下文通顺。
4. 在文中找出与下面句子意思相近的句子。
    Most teachers think it is dishonest of students to talk about something when they are having an exam. 
5. 在文中找出最能表达该短文主题的句子。


科目: 来源:0115 期中题 题型:阅读理解

     Butterflies are common all over the world but the ones in hot countries are usually bigger and more brightly
colored than those in cooler countries, and there are more different kinds. Usually the male (雄性) butterfly is
more brightly colored than the female (雌性).The females have bigger and heavier bodies because they carry
the eggs. The gay (艳丽的) colors of the male help to attract the female and the dark colors of the female make
them difficult to be caught by enemies before they have laid their eggs.
     Some butterflies have bright colors on their wings (翅膀) which show when they fly, but when they stop
on a tree or leaf, they close their wings. On their wings there are green and brown marks which look like the
tree or leaves. They are difficult to see. The best example of this is the Dead Leaf Butterfly. When its wings
are closed, it really looks like a dead leaf. There are even marks that look like the holes in a dead leaf. When a
bird is running after a butterfly, and it closes its wings, it seems to have disappeared completely.
     Many butterflies have round marks on their wings that look like eyes. When they are resting, and their wings
are folded, these can't be seen. When a bird sees one, and begins to attack it, the butterfly opens its wings. The
bird thinks that it sees two eyes staring (凝视) at it, and, frightened, it flies away.
1. The male butterflies are usually ______ than the female butterflies.
[     ]
A. heavier
B. bigger
C. more brightly
D. more common
2. When the butterflies stop on a tree or leaf, they ______.
[     ]
A. show their bright colors
B. shake their wings
C. close their wings
D. are sleeping
3. There are green and brown marks which look like the tree or leaves on the butterflies' wings
     in order ______.
[     ]
A. to see themselves
B. not to be found
C. show themselves
D. to be showed
4. When a bird attacks a butterfly, the butterfly may ______.
[     ]
A. opens its wings and frighten the bird
B. fly away at once
C. close its wings
D. Both A and C
5. Which of the following statements is RIGHT?
[     ]
A. The butterflies are the same in the world.
B. Different butterflies likes living in different places.
C. The Dead Leaf Butterfly looks like a dead leaf when it stops.
D. Many butterflies have many eyes.

