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19.As we know,it is common for people to catch a cold in winter and most people believe they know the reason for colds.However,scientists say people have some wrong beliefs about the cause of colds.
Many people think that once you get infected by colds,you will not be easy to be attacked by colds for the rest of your life.That's not the case.There are about 200different viruses that cause the common cold.You catch a cold because of one kind of them this time,but you might catch a cold next time because of another.
Others believe that people get sick just because of the cold weather in winter.That is also wrong.
It's because people tend to stay closer in winter and the cold virus is  transmitted from one person to another through handshakes,sneezing,or coughing.
While there is no actual cure for the common cold,scientists say there are still a few things you can do to help you.Some experts say honey and chicken soup are effective against colds.Especially honey.There is increasing evidence that it helps shorten the duration of the common cold sometimes even by two to three days particularly in children.Chicken soup also helps reduce the duration of the cold.
In addition,if you do have a cold and you don't feel like eating anything,it's not going to hurt you but you have to drink a lot and you can drink water or tea because doctors say the water cycle in your bodies helps to cure colds.That's very important.Though there is more than one way to deal with colds,doctors say the best advice is to continue using whatever works best for you.

68.We know from the second paragraph thatC.
A.the common cold is caused by only one virus
B.there are people who never catch a cold
C.colds can be caused by different viruses
D.all people are easily attacked by colds
69.The underlined word"transmitted"in the fourth paragraph means"A".
A.passed     B.changed    C.cured     D.caused
70.If you have a cold,you can do the following exceptD.
A.drinking a lot of water     B.drinking chicken soup
C.eating honey                D.forcing yourself to eat
71.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.now scientists have found out practical treatment for colds
B.different people may have different ways to fight against colds
C.working in freezing weather is the main reason for colds
D.colds can be passed from animals to human beings.

分析 本文叙述了人们常见的感冒给出了人们的对于感冒的理解的误区,感冒是有不同的病毒引起的,每次感冒的病毒可能不一样,文章指出感冒时可以多喝水鸡汤或蜜水等,但是不同的人可能有不同的战胜感冒的最好的方法.

解答 68.C.细节理解题.根据There are about 200 different viruses that cause the common cold.You catch a cold because of one kind of them this time,but you might catch a cold next time because of another.感冒是有不同的病毒引起的,故选C.
69.A.词义猜测题.根据from one person to another through handshakes,sneezing,or coughing这是因为人们倾向于呆在冬天感冒病毒通过握手,从一个人传到另一个人打喷嚏或咳嗽.可知"传播",故选A.
70.D.:细节理解题.根据Some experts say honey and chicken soup are effective against colds.和you can drink water or tea because doctors say the water cycle in your bodies helps to cure colds可知如果你感冒了你必须强迫自己吃东西.故选D.
71.B.推理判断题.根据Though there is more than one way to deal with colds,doctors say the best advice is to continue using whatever works best for you.不同的人可能有不同的战胜感冒的方法,故选B.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.七点前我不能离开办公室因为我在等一个电话.(get away from)I can't get away from the office before7:00 because I am waiting for a phone call..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The restaurant is full,so we have to look for ______ one.(  )
A.otherB.the otherC.the secondD.another


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.An allowance(零花钱) is an important tool for teaching kids how to make plans for the use of money,save and make their own decisions.Children remember and learn from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spent foolishly.
How large an allowance is suitable?Experts say there is not right amount.Actual amounts differ from region to region,and from family to family.
To set an suitable allowance for your child,work up a weekly plan.Allow for entertainment costs such as movies and snacks.Next,include everyday expenses such as lunch money,bus fare,school supplies."If you make the child responsible for these bills',"says Josephine Swanson,a consumer specialist,"he or she will learn to plan for necessary costs."
Finally,add some extra money to make saving possible.If you can keep your child's allowance in line with that of his friends.A child whose buying power falls away below his peers'can feel left out.
It can be tough,but don't excuse your children when they make a mistake with their allowance.When Brooke Stephens was ten and growing up in Jacksonville,her mother gave her﹩5aweek,﹩1.75of which was for bus fare and lunch."If you lose your money,"Brooke's mother told her,"you walk home."
One week the girl spent all her allowance in a candy store,then she called home for a ride."Mom made me walk home,"recalls Stephens,now a financial planner in Brooklyn."At first I was angry.But I finally realized that she was trying to teach me an important lesson."
Experts advise that an allowance should not be tied directly to a child's daily housework at home.Kids should help around the house not because they get paid for it but because they share responsibilities as members of a family.You might,however,pay a child for doing extra jobs at home,which can develop his or her early habits.

66、Which of the following is the possible title of the passage?C
A.How to develop a child's early habits.
B.How to work up an amount of pocket money.
C.How to teach a child about money.
D.How to teach a child to save money.
67、It can be inferred from the passage that if a child is given an allowance,he or she mayC.
A.spend all the money very soon              B.fall into the bad habit of wasting money
C.feel responsible and careful about money   D.lose the money and can not return home
68、In Paragraph 4,the words"his peers"refer toB.
A.his parents              B.his friends
C.his financial experts    D.his teachers
69、Why does the writer mention Brooke Stephens?C
A.To question the opinion about pocket money.
B.To compare Stephens with other financial experts.
C.To explain that parents should be strict when children are developing good habits about money.
D.To suggest pocket money is useless in developing a child's sense of responsibility.
70、The writer implies in the passage thatC.
A.children may feel lonely if they have no pocket money
B.a child's early good habits can be developed if he or she is paid for all the housework
C.paying children for their housework is no good
D.children may learn to put aside some money if they are given a great amount of pocket money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Laptop computers are popular all over the world.People use them on trains and airplanes,in airports and hotels.These laptops connect people to their workplace.In the United States today,laptops also connect students to their classrooms.
Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork anywhere they want.Within five years,each of the 1500students at the college will receive a laptop.The laptops are part of a$10million computer program at Westlake,a 110-year-old college.The students with laptops will also have access to the Internet.In addition,they will be able to use e-mail to speakwith their teachers,their classmates,and their families.However,the most important part of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computers without going to computer labs.They can work with it at home,in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees-anywhere at all!
Because of the many changes in computer technology,laptop use in higher education,such as colleges and universities,is workable.As laptops become more powerful,they become more similar to desktop computers.In addition,the portable computers can connect students to not only the Internet,but also libraries and other resources.State higher-education officials are studying?how laptops can help students.State officials are also testing laptop programs at other universities,too.
At Westlake College,more than 60percent of the staff use computers.The laptops will allow all teachers to use computers in their lessons.As one Westlake teacher said,"Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we're giving students a window on the world.They can see everything and do everything."

46.The main purpose of the laptop program is to give each student a laptop toB.
A.access the Internet                
B.use for their schoolwork
C.work at home                    
D.connect them to libraries
47.What does the underlined sentence in the second paragraph mean?C
A.Laptops have speakers.
B.They use the computer language.
C.They can communicate with their teachers classmates,and their families with a laptop
D.None of the above reasons is correct.
48.Which of the following is true about Westlake College?D
A.All teachers use computers
B.1500students have laptops.
C.Students there can do everything
D.It is an old college in America.
49.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.We don't know the result yet
B.The program is not workable.
C.The program is too expensive
D.The program is successful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

参考词汇:do a part-time job兼职,be a young volunteer 做青年志愿者
Dear Tom,
I am so sorry to answer your letter so late.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8."There is nothing either good or bad,but thinking makes it so."-William Shakespeare,Hamlet.One of the greatest sources of unhappiness,in my experience,is the difficulty we have in accepting things as they are.
  When we see something we don't like,we wish it could be different-we cry out for something better.That may be human nature,or perhaps it's something that's ingrained in our culture.
An example:in my recent article,A Beautiful Method to Find Peace of Mind,quite a few people thought my view was too negative because I said you should expect people to mess up,expect things to go differently than you planned,and that you should accept that willingly.
It's too negative to expect things to go wrong,they said.However,it's only negative if you see it as negative,if you judge it as bad.Instead,you could accept it as the way the world works-as the way things actually are.And try to understand why that is,and embrace it as it is.Accept these things as they are,and try to understand why they're that way.
Does it mean you can never change things and make this world a better place?Not at all.But not because the world is full of misery,but because that's the path you choose to take,because you enjoy that path and the process of change.
  Try a different approach:accept,and understand.It might lead to some interesting results.
63.What does the underlined word"ingrained"in the second paragraph mean?C
A.celebrated       B.followed         C.rooted       D.liked
64.What does the author mean by saying the underlined sentence in the third paragraph?A
A.People should take the world as the way it actually works.
B.The world is negative if people see and judge it as negative.
C.In current society we can expect nothing but mess-up people and go-wrong things.
D.We must try to understand what is nature of the world.
65.According to the article,people change the world becauseB.
A.the world is full of misery              B.they enjoy the process of change
C.they can't understand the world         D.they are kind people
66.Which of the following titles best sums up the whole passage?D
A.Change the world
B.Heal the world
C.Cherish the world
D.Accept the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.Tom was very angry aboutnot being invited (invite) to Mary's birthday party.

