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短文填空 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

By the time he was 14, Mozart had    1.    many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras. While he was still a    2.   , Mozart was already a big star and   3.     Europe giving concerts. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very   4.    with him. “He is the greatest composer the world has known,” he said. The two were friends until Mozart’s    5.    in 1791.











1.composed。  根据常识可知莫扎特是音乐家,创作了很多名曲,所以此处填动词compose,根据时间状语By the time he was 14可以判断此处是过去完成时,答案填composed。


3.toured。从情理可知做为一个明星,得到处巡回演出,再由空后Europe giving concerts.可知此空填toured。






科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省慈溪市2009-2010学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:完型填空


第四部分写作 (共三节,满分30分)



John liked chocolates very much, but his mother__76__ gave him any, because they were__77__ for his teeth, she thought. But John had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandson very much, and sometimes he___78___ (bring) John chocolates when he came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to___79___ the old man happy.

One evening, a few days before John’s seventh birthday, he was saying his prayers(祷告)in his bedroom before he went to ___80___.“Please, God,” he shouted, “make__81__ give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday.”

His mother was in the kitchen, but she heard the small boy__82__ and went into his bedroom quickly.

“Why are you shouting, John?” she asked her son. “God can hear you when you talk__83__.”

“I know,” answered the clever boy__84__ a smile, “but grandfather is in the __85__ room, and he can’t.”



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年福建省高三暑假补习第一次考试英语试题 题型:填空题





第二节 短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)汉语提示;2)首字母提示;3)语境提示, 在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确

Danny is a little pig . He is happy because he wants to leave home

to see the world .

It’s a ____(阳光的)day . Danny goes away when his parents are         1.__________

sleeping .______his way he meets an elephant , a peacock and a rabbit .       2.__________

At last , he gets to a lake . He l__________ at his reflection in the lake        3.__________

and says, “I wish I _____(有)an elephant’s nose , a peacock’s tail and      4.__________

a rabbit’s e________ .” After a while , Danny’s wish comes true . He runs     5.__________

back ______(激动地). But his parents can’t recognize him , “Go away ,    6.__________

you’re not our son .” Danny goes to the ________ again . “ I just want to      7.__________

be a pig .” After _____(说)that, Danny waits and waits . Finally, he        8.__________

becomes a pig again, _____ makes him overcome with joy. Danny runs       9.__________

back quickly .His parents hug and say ,“ This is o_______ lovely baby .”      10._________



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届福建省高三上学期期末考试 题型:填空题





第一节   短文填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,根据以下要求:1)汉语提示;2)首字母提示;3)语境提示, 在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,所填单词要求意义准确、拼写正确

Do you like friends who can teach you a lot every day ? Books are

s       friends  because  they  bring knowledge to us and  keep us 76.    company through our life. They are so    (有价值)that libraries 77.    

are built to         (存放) them . Almost all great men are lovers 78.    

of books.Franklin said that it was books that  l    him to success 79.    

and that he could have achieved nothing w     books .Books are the 80.     

holders of mankind's        ( 经验 ) and imagination .They enable  81.     

us to see through the past and predict the       .So when you open 82.    

a book , you would get into a world         you  have never  been  83.    

before . A good book is a good teacher that h        you to  get   84.     

over difficulties .No matter what you are,         or old , poor   85.    

or rich , books are your devoted friends .Love books and  love  life .



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第三节:短文填空(共5小题。每小题1分,满分5分)    在短文的空白处填入合适的单词,使短文意义完整,逻辑通顺。答案写在短文后面的指定位置。(每空只填一词)  There are many theme parks in the world. Disneyland is one of them. You can not only step into a magical world but also can 85      your dreams there. As time goes by, Disneyland has become one of the most attractive parks worldwide. 86     , where there is a Disneyland, tourism is surely increasing. Dollywood is a most famous cultural theme park in the USA and the park’s  87      is its main attraction. People come here to enjoy the wondful country music played by famous music groups indoors or 88     .

England’s Camelot Park is a place where you can experience many ancient days and great deeds of English knights and ladies. Also you will learn how people worked on their farms in ancient  89     .

In short, wherever you go, you will find a theme park for you.

