精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
Ecotourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in tourism. More and more of us are becoming concerned about the effects we are having on the destinations we choose, as well as the world around us. Some of us are choosing more green modes of transport to get there instead of flying, and some of us are choosing to visit greener destinations. India is one of the best places for ecotourism, and with the destinations below you can be sure that you’ll not only be protecting the earth, but giving something back to the area too.
Kerala, more commonly known as “God’s Own Country”, is a beautiful state on the southern tip of India. It’s a biologically diverse area, with many unique animal species, and almost 2,500 plant species in its tropical forests—that’s nearly a quarter of all India’s plant groups. In the past, though the forests in this area were much cleared, today they are well protected. There are plenty of wildlife reserves where you can see some of these unique animals.
With tourism developing in the area and money brought in, more attention can be given to protecting its plants and animals, ensuring that the people in the area have a better quality of life.
Arunachal Pradesh, situated on the most northern tip of India, is a resort for the more adventurous. With dry, desert heat in the summer and a snowfall best avoided in the winter, this area is less about greenery, and more about stunning desert landscapes. When visiting this amazing area, you'll be promoting locals earning income from their surroundings, encouraging them to make the most of them and preserve them, as well as gradually increasing their quality of life.
As a north Indian province, Ladakh supports much rare and even endangered plants and animals, which can be seen at Hemis High Altitude National Park. There are also many Tibetan monasteries, including the Hemis Monastery, to visit in the area.
小题1:Why do people regard Kerala as a biologically diverse area? (no more than 15 words)
小题2:What’s the author’s attitude towards the tourist industry in Kerala? (no more than 6 words)
小题3:What can the tourists enjoy in Arunachal Pradesh despite much hardship? ( no more than 4 words)
小题4:According to the passage, where would you like to go if you intend to study some endangered animals and plants? (no more than 7 words)
小题5:What is the passage mainly talking about? (no more than 6 words)

小题1:Because there live many unique animal species and almost 2,500 plant species.
小题2:The author quite approves of it./ He is in favor of it./He is for it./He is supportive./He is optimistic about it./He thinks it is quite good (beneficial).
小题3:The beautiful/stunning desert landscapes.
小题4:Hemis High Altitude National Park in Ladakh
小题5:The best ecotourism destinations in India.

试题分析:环保旅游好处多。印度是生态旅游最好的地方之一。下面的目的地可以肯定的是,你不仅会保护地球,还会回报这个地区。1.Kerala,被称为上帝自己的家乡;2.Arunachal Pradesh有着迷人的沙漠风光;3.Ladakh。
小题1:根据It’s a biologically diverse area, with many unique animal species, and almost 2,500 plant species in its tropical forests 可知,人们认为Kerala是一个生态多样化的地区是因为那里有很多独特的动物物种和近2500个植物品种。所以答案是 Because there live many unique animal species and almost 2,500 plant species.
小题2:根据With tourism developing in the area and money brought in, more attention can be given to protecting its plants and animals, ensuring that the people in the area have a better quality of life.可知,作者认为在这里发展旅游,可以赚钱用于保护这里的动植物,也可以提高人们的生活质量。所以作者的态度是赞成的。答案是The author quite approves of it./ He is in favor of it./He is for it./He is supportive./He is optimistic about it./He thinks it is quite good (beneficial).
小题3:根据this area is less about greenery, and more about stunning desert landscapes.可知。这里不是因为绿色,而是因为其美丽的沙漠风光。所以尽管很艰苦,但是游客来这里还是可以欣赏The beautiful/stunning desert landscapes.
小题4:根据As a north Indian province, Ladakh supports much rare and even endangered plants and animals, which can be seen at Hemis High Altitude National Park.可知,如果想看到稀有的濒危动植物的话,你可以去Hemis High Altitude National Park in Ladakh。
小题5:根据第一段的最后India is one of the best places for ecotourism,可知,本文主要讲述了印度是最佳生态旅游目的地之一。所以答案是The best ecotourism destinations in India.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

【1】A safari park is a park in which wild animals are kept. They are mainly located in east or central Africa. They often occupy a very wild area, with mountains and rivers. To visit the park and look at the animals, people have to drive around in a car for a few of hours because the park is huge.
【2】In south Africa there is a safari park, which contains all sorts of wild animals like lions, elephants, rhinoceroses(犀牛), zebras, wild pigs, deer and giraffes.
【3】There is a wild road leading through the park, but nobody is permitted to walk on the road. Anyone traveling in the park has to go in a car because wild animals may fiercely attack people. From the car he may see almost every types of African wildlife. Some of these are getting scarce (稀有的) because people kill them for various reasons. For example, rhinoceroses are killed for their horns (角), which are used in traditional Chinese medicines for colds and headaches. Perhaps they will be seen only in museums and books one day.
【4】Travels may purchase food for the animals. They can feed them when they tour the park. Of course, they should not feed them in a close distance because the wild animals may attack people. In addition, they should only give proper food to the animals.
【5】A traveler may carry a gun with him in his journey. The gun is given to him by the government. However, it is not used for hunting. In fact, a seal is fixed to it. The traveler may fire at a wild beast to defend himself in case he is attacked. However, he has to prove to the government that he has been attacked and that he has not fired at a harmless animal.
小题1:List one of the reasons why travelers have to stay in a car during their visit.(no more than 6 words)
小题2:Why are rhinoceroses getting scarce? (no more than 7words)
小题3:What warning is given to travelers when they feed the animals? (no more than 15words)
小题4:How does the government know the gun is fired? (no more than 10 words)
小题5:What is the passage mainly about? (no more than 6 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When we're learning a foreign language, making sense of what we hear is the first step toward fluency. It sounds obvious, but until recently, we didn't know much about how listening works. New research shows that effective listening involves more than simply hearing the words that float past our ears. Rather, it's an active process of analysing information and making meaning.
Studies of skilled language learners have identified specific listening strategies that lead to excellent comprehension. In addition to that benefit, research has shown that learners who adopt these strategies become better listeners.
So what are listening strategies? Skilled learners go into a listening activity with a sense of what they want to get out of it. They set a goal for their listening, and they make predictions about what the speaker will say. Before the talking begins, they review what they already know about the subject, and form an intention to “listen out for”what's important. Once they begin listening, these learners maintain their focus; if their attention wanders, they bring it back to the words being spoken. They don't allow themselves to be thrown off by confusing or unfamiliar details. Instead, they take note of what they don't understand and later make inferences(推测)about what those things might mean, based on other clues available to them: their previous knowledge of the subject, the identity of the speaker, and so on. All the while, skilled learners are evaluating what they're hearing and their own understanding of it. They're checking their inferences to see if they're correct.
Such strategies are all about thinking, and they produce a variety of benefits. Research indicates that such learners are better at analysing and storing new information, better at finding the best ways to practice what they have learned. Last year, for example, University of Ottawa researcher Larry Vandergrift published his study of 106 undergraduates who were learning French as a second language. Half of the students were taught in a traditional fashion, listening to and practicing texts spoken aloud. The other half, dealing with the same skill level and taught by the same teacher, were given clear instruction on how to listen. In the journal Language Learning, Vandergrift reported the results: The second group “significantly outperformed(胜过)” the first one on a test of comprehension. In a 2006 study by researchers from Singapore, Chinese speakers who were learning English as a second language reported increased motivation and confidence after they were taught metacognitive strategies.
Though listening is often treated as a way to make others feel appreciated, it's also one of the most powerful tools we have to gain information and insight(洞察力).
General idea of paragraphs
Detailed information
__小题1:__of effective listening
It includes our hearing the words and _小题2:_of the information to get the meaning.
The _小题3:__of specific listening strategies
★It will lead to excellent comprehension.
★Learners _小题4:_them can become better listeners.
 Listening strategies
★Review the _小题5:__fact about the subject.
★Set a goal for listening.
★__小题6:__the speaker's information.
★Maintain the _小题7:__on the words being spoken.
★Take note of the confusing details for later inferences.
★Evaluate the information being heard, the understanding of it and its __小题8:__.
The results of the experiment
Learners are more __小题9:__and confident.
Listening can make others feel appreciated and help the listeners gain information and insight.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

During the period of recent terrorist activities, people _____ not to touch and unattended bag.
A.had always been warnedB.were always being warned
C.are always warningD.always warned


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:单选题

1. —May I open the window to let in some fresh air ?
A.Come onB.Take careC.Go ahead!D.Hold on!


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1]I'm Jack.On July 14th,my family moved to Britain and excitement put me in a happy mood for weeks.
[2]After half a year self English training,I was sent into a local high schoo1.At the time I was extremely nervous.Students and teachers enthusiastically welcomed me and spoke to me very slowly,but I still hardly understood them.They liked me,because I was pretty outstanding in the math’s class.One day,a Russian guy challenged me and I put him on the ground by a bare hand.Since then,no one ever made a second challenge,and I got to know later that he was the strongest guy in the schoo1.I was actually quite proud as in China I never had chance to be seen like this.
[3]During the first two years of high school,I frankly didn’t achieve very much academically.The language put me down all the time.Needless to say,the British education system is very relaxing.I didn’t want to do as much work as before.It is terrific.
[4]Since the year 2000 I've taken great interest in designing and maintaining websites.With a large amount of effort and a small amount of time.I managed to construct a personal web.I gradually acquired the sense of professionalism and redesigned my sites again and again,and the first award or the official recognition was that my school put up my URL on their website as an example of the IT students’brilliance.
[5]I progressed.The flash version of the site won a few official website design awards.And I even started a business of web design.Nowadays,I devote much time in pursuit of Search Engine Marketing,which is vital to firms which heavily depend on internet sales.
小题1:Fill in the blank with one proper word.
When Jack moved to Britain,he was ______________________________________.
小题2:Which country might Jack come from?
小题3:Which paragraph does the following sentence belong to?
Actually,I hadn't even attended an IT lesson.
小题4:What did Jack succeed in establishing?(no more than 5 words)
小题5:What awards did Jack win?(no more than 5 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One morning in 2007.Parthasarathy---we usually called him Partha.---came to meet me.He was disabled and was not an engineer but had majored in a computer course in college.I told Partha,“I’d like to employ people like you.”In fact,it turned out to be the right decision to employ him.Partha had an amazing enthusiasm and his disability did not stop him from improving himself.I was not doing any charity by employing him because my company benefited more from Partha.I have realized that physically challenged people are more faithful than others but unfortunately we usually pay scant attention to them.
At that time our office was on the first floor and Partha had difnculty dealing with the stairs.Seeing him struggle.I decided to make the entire office disabled-friendly.Our ground floor is now intended for the disabled people, and we have special toilets for them.We have also built houses for them near the office so that they can avoid long travelling hours.
After meeting Partha,I decided to hire more disabled people.We waited six months to get another disabled person who then became our receptionist.
I don’t regard employing disabled people as charity.I consider it my responsibility.The country has spent much money educating me and I feel it is time for me to do something as a reward.
It is great to work with them.Seeing them work, get married, settle in life and have children is a wonderful experience.
We have 550 employees now, and 20 percent of them are disabled.We go to Engineering Colleges looking for disabled people but onty to find one or two in each college.Parents don’t send them out.The biggest challenge for the physically disabled is the attitude of their parents,but we hire them even if they are not engineers.
小题1:What kind of person was Partha?(No more than 10 words)
小题2:What does the underlined word “scant” in the 1st paragraph mean?
(No more than 2 words)
小题3:Why is the ground floor intended for the disabled people?(No more than l2 words)
小题4:How many disabled workers are there in the writer’s company now?
(No more than 2 words)
小题5:Do you agree to the writer’s plan to employ more disabled people? And why?
(No more than 30 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1]Perhaps you are an average student with average intelligence. However, you can receive better grades if you want. Yes, even students with average intelligence can be top students without additional work. Here’s how:
[2]Plan your time carefully. Make a list of your weekly tasks. Then make a schedule of your time. Be sure to set aside enough time to complete your normal reading and work assignments. Of course, studying shouldn’t occupy all of the free time on the schedule.
[3]Make good use of your time in class. Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later. Take notes to help you remember what the teacher says.
[4]Skim before you read. Look over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. As you preview the material, you get some idea of the content and how it is organized. Later when you begin to read you will recognize less important material and you may skip some of these portions. Skimming helps double your reading speed and improve your comprehension as well.
[5]_____, Go over your notes as soon as you can after class. Review important points mentioned in class as well as points you remain confused. If you know what the teacher will discuss the next day, skim and read that material, too. If you review your notes and textbook regularly, the material will become more meaningful and you will remember it longer. Regular review leads to improved performance on tests.
[6]Develop a good attitude towards tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t worry excessively about a single test.
[7]There are other techniques that might help you with your studying. Improving your studying habits will improve your grades.
小题1:What’s the main idea of the passage?(no more than 8 words)
小题2:What should you do if you fail a test?(no more than 4 words)
小题3:Please fill in the blank in the fifth paragraph with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
小题4:According to the passage, how can an average student improve his/her grades?(no more than 6 words)
小题5:What does the word “it”(line 4, paragraph 5)probably refer to?(no more than 3 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In the spring of 2013, Carly Zalenski's eyes were filled with tears as the dusty bus ran down a dirt road in southern Vietnam. The 14-year-old girl and her family had traveled by plane from Canton, Ohio, to Ho Chi Minh City and then by bus deep into the Mekong Delta. Now, as they approached the village, hundreds of cheering schoolchildren lined the entrance to the Hoa Lac School, a two-story concrete building that Carly had raised money for.
Carly started helping others when she was eight, handing out Thanksgiving baskets at church to families in need. It was a snowy day, and she saw that one girl was wearing a pair of broken shoes and others didn't have warm coats. The next November, she went door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, and then handed them out with the baskets.
But Carly wanted to do more - she wanted to "change lives," she says. She remembered that her grandmother's Rotary club had, years earlier, raised money to build a school in Vietnam. That was it, she decided. She'd build a school, too.
She put together a PowerPoint presentation on the people and culture of Vietnam. At 12, hardly able to see over the platform, she gave her first fund-raising speech. She spoke with enthusiasm" The kids in rural Vietnam don't have good schools, " she told a room of 200 Rotarians. "That's not fair. I want to raise money and improve the school condition to make their lives better. "
In two years, Carly set off with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week. "We traveled like crazy people to all these meetings," recalled her mother, Kris.
Finally, Carly raised $ 50,000, which was matched by the Vietnam Children's Fund. At the donation ceremony in Hoa Lac, the school principal was impressed with the ninth grader. "How wonderful," he said through a translator, "that a girl wanted to do something for kids of her age so far away. "
小题1:In which year was Carly born? (Within 2 words)
小题2:Why did Carly once collect used clothes from door to door? (Within 12 words)
小题3:What made Carly determine to build a school in Vietnam? (Within 10 words)
小题4:How did Carly help the kids in rural Vietnam when she was 12? (Within 5 words)
小题5:What does the school principal in Hoa Lac think of Carly? (Within 6 words)

