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We were strongly recommended that we _____ in Malaysia.

A. didn’t travel B. wouldn’t travel C. hadn’t travelled D. not travel



【解析】句意:我们强烈建议我们不要在马来西亚旅游。表推荐、建议、要求和命令的动词,相应的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,即should加动词原形,should可以省略。 本句就省略了,故选D。

考点: 考查虚拟语气的用法。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高二下学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He was very rude to the Customs officer, _____ of course made things even worse.

A. who       B. whom C. that       D. which



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高三上学期第一次质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We regularly hear how important consumer spending is for the economy. The story goes like this:the more consumers spend,the more money circulates in the economy, which contributes to healthy job growth and profits. Keynes, a British economist,went as far as to say that individuals saving their money may actually be hurting the economy. Sounds troubling, doesn’t it?

Fear not. You aren’t actually hurting anyone else by saving money. Strong economic growth only comes from one place:savings. Not consumption. In fact,economic activity should not be mistaken for economic growth. For example,somebody takes their money, walks into a store, and purchases goods. The store increases its revenue.

But what happens to all of those goods and services that people have chosen not to consume by saving their money? Simple:Other people are allowed to consume them. Think of it this way:When you lend out your savings, you are actually saying,“Here, I am not going to consume right now, so why don’t you?” Banks simply play the middleman:they collect lots of people’s savings and then lend out lots of funds.

It takes an unbelievable amount of goods and services to construct a building. It takes food, shelter, and entertainment for all of the workers, as well. Without savings,it is quite impossible to finance such a construction. The coordination(协调)between savings and consumption is a necessary basis for sound economic growth. This coordination is also why consumer lending (say , to borrow a big sum of money to buy a car) is not productive,in a strict sense. It doesn’t increase the net (净的) amount of wealth of an economy. Those savings could have been used to construct, say, factory equipment.

None of this means consumption and spending are “bad” things. They simply do not make us wealthier. After all, the final goal of production and savings is to consume. But to say that consumption is the engine of economic growth is to put the cart before the horse. Or, to rephrase: the consumption of wealth can never make you wealthier. Happier, perhaps. Wealthier, no.

1.What is the author’s attitude towards Keynes’ theory?

A. Approving. B. Reserved(矜持的).

C. Uncertain. D. Critical.

2.The underlined word “revenue” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to‘‘_________”.

A. cost B. reputation

C. interestD. income

3.According to the author, which chart could show the effect of savings on economy?

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. The Saving Behavior of the Economy

B. Consumption:a Key Concept in Economy

C. Consumer Spending and Economic Growth

D. The Truth about Savings and Consumption



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高三上学期第一次质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

What was so ______ about Jasmine Westland’s victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed.

A. awful B. essential

C. impressiveD. obvious



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

This year the selfie earned its place as the Oxford English Dictionary’s 2013 Word Of The Year. It has taken over our culture --- and our smartphones. The rise of the selfie has become universal–between presidents, celebrities(名人) and citizens alike–and the trend is only continuing to grow.

A recent survey conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that 54 percent of Internet users have posted original photos online. And of those hundreds of millions of photos, many are of selfie photos.

For example, currently there are nearly 62 million posted selfie photos on Instagram, the social media tool that has significantly contributed to the personal photo’s popularity. That figure, which continues to rise every day, doesn’t even begin to include the selfies shared on Facebook and Twitter.

What makes the selfie so attractive -- and why do we feel it a must to take one? According to Dr. Pamela Rutledge, psychologist and director of the Media Psychology Research Center, the desire to take, post and get “likes” on selfies goes back to a biological behavior of all humans.

“I think it influences our sense of social connection in the same way as it does when you go to a party and people say ‘Oh I love your dress,’” Rutledge told The Huffington Post. “Biological, social recognition is a real need and there is even an area of the brain that contributes to social activity.”

There is a way to adapt to the growing selfie culture. Whether you’re a selfie novice or an advanced poster, there are always things to be mindful of when you’re posting, Rutledge advises.

She offered two main principles to follow when it comes to posting on social media:

1. The Grandmother Rule

“Don’t post anything online, whether text or visual, that you don’t want grandmother or future employer to see,” Rutledge said. “Selfies especially.”

2. The Elevator Rule

“You wouldn’t say something in an elevator that you or no one else wants to hear -- the whole world of social media is an elevator,” Rutledge said. “Be aware of the breadth (宽度) of platform. It’s easy to think you’re sharing a photo with a few people, but Instagram is public and people can come across things.”

1.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. The selfie is taking the lead.

B. Many people are fond of smartphones.

C. The selfie will take over everything.

D. The selfie is an important new word.

2. According to the passage, people like “selfie” so much, because they ___________.

A. want to show off their new dresses

B. need to be acknowledged in social life

C. desire to share good things

D. mean to amuse the public

3. The underlined word “novice” in Paragraph 6 probably means “________”.

A. greenhandB. publisher C. novelistD. celebrity

4.When it comes to posting on social media, Rutledge advises people to ______.

A. share photos only on Instagram

B. talk about your photos in an elevator

C. be cautious in posting things online

D. follow rules set by your grandmothers



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

____ is known to all, persistence is a kind of quality and that’s ____ it takes to do anything well.

A. As; which B. It; which C. It; what D. As; what



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mr. Bean constantly get into awkward and absurd situations, which greatly amuses audiences _____ their nationalities and culture.

A. in favor of B. in terms of C. according to D. regardless of



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省晋江市高二下学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The pregnant woman is about to give birth to a baby, so we’d better ________ a doctor immediately.

A.send in B.send off

C.send for D.send away



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届甘肃省高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The snowstorm ________ our difficulties.

A. added to B. added up

C. added up to D. has added


