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My neighbor is a old woman who is 70 year old. We both have gardens, but sometimes her garden is covered grass. I think she is too old to taking care of hers. This Saturday, when I was cutting the grass in her garden, I was noticing that she is trying her best to cut her grass. It would take her a few hour to cut the grass unless I didn’t help her. So I decided to help her. She was very gratefully to me. And she gave me some cookies which were tasted delicious.


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省庄河市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错




修改:在错的词下划一横线 ,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。



I saw a traffic accident on my way home on last night. A car hit a motorbike. The motorbike driver was bad hurt and sent to hospital. After a while, the traffic police came. Under the help of the people who witnessed the accident, the police found out a truth. The driver of the car was drinking and his car went out of control. At last he was taken to the police station. All the people there think the car driver was to blame for this accident.

Which is reported in the news reports, drunk driving causes many people lose their lives, such as the accident that happened in Hangzhou and Chengdu. It is high time that we prevent drunk driving.


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

In today's world, almost everyone knows that air pollution and water pollution are harmful to people's health. However, not all the persons know that noise is also a kind of pollution, and that is harmful to human health, too.

People who work and live under noisy conditions usually become deaf(聋). Today, however, scientists believe that 10 percent of workers in Britain are being deafened by the noise where they work. Many of the workers who print newspapers and books, and who weave(织)cloth become deaf. Quite a few people living near airports also become deaf. Recently it was discovered that many teenagers in America could hear no better than 65-year-old persons, for these young people like to listen to pop music and most of pop music is a kind of noise. Besides, noise produced by jet planes or machines will make people's life difficult and unpleasant, or even make people ill or even drive them mad.

It is said that a continuous noise of over 85 decibels(分贝)can make people deaf. Now the governments in many countries have made laws to control noise and make it less than 85 decibels.

In China, the government is trying to solve not only air and water pollution problems but also noise pollution problems.

1.The text is mainly about ____________ .

A. air pollution B. water pollution

C. noise pollution D. world pollution

2.Ten percent of the workers in Britain are being deafened because ________.

A. they are working in noisy places B. they often listen to pop music

C. they live near airports D. they are too busy to listen to others' talk

3.According to the text, a continuous noise of _________ decibels can make people deaf.

A. less than 85 B. less than 65

C. about 65 D. over 85

4.The government of China is trying to solve _______________ .

A. only air pollution B. only air and water pollution

C. only water pollution D. air, water and noise pollution


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省宣城市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末调研测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There are various camps. Have you heard about ‘‘Survival Camp”? “Survival Camp” is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities. Now about 1,100 companies are allowed to take children into the great outdoors without their parents.

The reason why people like “Survival Camp” is that they think getting close to nature is good for children. Many children in big cities spend all time watching TV and playing computer games. “Survival Camp” gives them an important change.

Is “Survival Camp” a wonderful idea? Maybe it is. Children need more free time to play. They need to be left on their own, without adults disturbing (打扰) them. Parents care too much about their children. They like to see the children being busy with activities that are controlled by adults but children don’t know what to do when they are in danger. Even something like crossing a small river seems to be a hard challenge. Children are not comfortable with danger. Even small danger like getting their feet wet or falling down seems very terrible to them.

Many people think the survival activities are good for children. Even years later, they will still remember what they have learned. Some have learned to stay calm in different times. Some have learned how to keep safe. Others have learned how to work in a team. All these skills will help them a lot in their lives.

1.What is “Survival Camp” according to the passage?

A. It is for children to have fun with parents.

B. It is for children to improve study skills.

C. It is for children to escape from danger.

D. It is for children to go into the lonely place for exciting activities.

2.Which children are more likely to take part in “Survival Camp”?

A. Poor children. B. Rich children.

C. Children from cities. D. Children from rural areas.

3.The last paragraph mainly deals with .

A. the suggestions of taking part in “Survival Camp”

B. the advantages of “Survival Camp”

C. the disadvantages of “Survival Camp”

D. the activities of “Survival Camp”


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

We used to go into different chat rooms on different websites. If you wanted to meet someone on the Net, you had to go into the same chat room. But now regular Net surfaces chat in OICQ. OICQ is an online chat software which is invented by Tencent Computer System Company of Shenzhen in February, 1999. Since then it has swept the country. Its symbol is a penguin wearing a red scarf(围巾).

Net friends can be divided into a buddy list (for good friends), a stranger list (for people you don't want to talk with at once), or an ignore list (for people you want to avoid on the Net). You can also build up family lists, co-worker lists, etc.

You can know whether listed friends are online as long as you use it. The cartoon portrait(画像)of the person turns bright if he is online. And the portrait turns dim if he is not there.

Traditional public chat rooms are often chaotic. It is difficult to focus on a conversation. OICQ can conduct a focused talk without interruptions by other chatters.

OICQ acts as a regular daily communication tool. "What is your OICQ number?" has become a modern topic.

1.OICQ is .

A. a special chat room for all cyber citizens (网民)

B. a cartoon portrait to recognize friends on the Net

C. an online chat software that helps you talk on the Net more freely

D. a modern phone number used by more and more people

2.OICQ has been well received .

A. since long ago B. for many years

C. for several years D. since nine years ago

3.With the help of OICQ, if you don't want to chat with someone, you can put him in .

A. a buddy list B. a strange list

C. an ignore list D. a co-worker list

4.In the fifth paragraph, the underlined word "chaotic" means .

A. crowded B. dark

C. dirty D. disorderly

5.The passage mainly tells us .

A. how to chat with people in the Net

B. how to use OICQ

C. how to choose a regular daily communication tool

D. some advantages about OICQ


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省延安市大学区校际联盟2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试(B)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

I went up to my mother's bedroom after her death and found a box full of papers. Inside was a letter. “Dearest Andrew,” it began, “there was never a right time to tell you.”

Along with the letter was my adoption paperwork—“Parents: unknown”—and two newspapers. The first described a newborn baby, wrapped in a pink blanket, discovered on a doorstep by a paperboy. The second was from a year later, reporting that the baby was still in a children’s home, yet to be adopted.

It was a shock. My childhood was happy; my adoptive father died when I was eight, but my mother made sure I couldn’t have had a more loving home. I didn’t do anything about trying to find out my birth parents for 15 years. However, there were so many questions. Why did my mother abandon me? Did she get into trouble? I didn’t feel angry with her for leaving me, but I wanted to know more about the circumstances surrounding my birth.

I started to research my history and went on local television news. Amazingly, a man called Ronnie got in touch with the TV station, saying I reminded him of his father, Angus. We met up and I was surprised to see a man 20 years my senior. We arranged a DNA test. The results were positive—Ronnie was my half-brother.

Ronnie told me that my father would have been 60 when I was born. He died before I started my search. My father was having an affair with a young woman during the year of my birth, but she is now married with her own family and I should respect her privacy. I would like my questions answered, but not at the expense of her happiness. “Abandoned” is such a sensitive word, but I don’t feel any sadness or rejection, because I don’t know the circumstances of my birth. Instead, I feel unique.

1.From the passage we can know that Andrew .

A. was wrapped in a blanket when found

B. was brought up in a children’s home

C. served as a paperboy when his mother died

D. was abandoned by his birth parents a year after birth

2.What contributed to Andrew’s looking for his birth parents?

A. Anger. B. Curiosity.

C. Bitter childhood. D. Present poor life.

3.What can we know about Andrew and Ronnie from the passage?

A. Neither has seen Angus. B. Neither is the son of Angus.

C. Both have the same father. D. Both are at the same age.

4.Why did the author give up searching for his birth mother?

A. He hated her because she abandoned him on a doorstep.

B. He didn’t have evidence due to his father’s death.

C. He felt it lucky enough to find his birth father.

D. He didn’t want to put her into trouble.

5.Which of the following words can best describe the author’s attitude towards his adoptive mother?

A. Dissatisfied. B. Forgiving.

C. Grateful. D. Concerned.


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省蚌埠市2017届高三7月月考英语试卷 题型:七选五

Nowadays, more people lose their jobs and the prices of goods and services steadily increase. 1.. But where do I start? Everything I’m paying for is necessity. There’s nothing I can cut down on.

But if you take a careful and objective look at your bills and all the “stuff” you’re paying for, you actually do not need a good majority of them. I’ve put together 5 tips that you can follow right now to reduce your costs.

1.Cut Back on Eating out.

Maybe you didn’t notice eating out is one of the things at your budget and you can save so much money just by reducing the number of times you eat out. 2.It’s so much cheaper preparing food at home and healthier too. This does not mean that you should never eat out. You can choose special days to eat out like birthdays or anniversaries.

2.Reduce Your Electricity Consumption

3.This will help reduce your electricity consumption. With CFLs(节能灯)you save so much on power. Also unplug appliances(家用电器)that you’re not using.

3.Cut Back on Magazine or Print Subscription(订阅费)

Magazines are great but sometimes they come with articles that you don’t really care about so you don’t bother reading them. 4.Review your magazine or print subscriptions to determine which ones to unsubscribe from. You can also draw out a list of topics or categories you like reading about and search for free online alternatives where you can read about the topic of your choice.

4.Cancel Your Gym Membership or Go for a Pay-Per-Use Plan.

Exercise is important to stay healthy. In fact, you save more money when you stay physically fit than if you are in poor health. But there are more affordable ways to keep fit, if you exercise for health’s sake and no as a body builder or something.

Exercise at home or jog around your neighborhood. If you can’t work out without an exercise trainer, try searching for exercise routines on You Tube. If you want to u se gym equipment, then you can convert your gym membership style to pay-per-use. 5.

Of course, you don’t need to practice all of these at once, but if you are really willing to cut down on those costs, then one of these will surely come in handy.

A.Start by turning off the lights you’re not using.

B.They’re so simple but the results are impressive

C.As an alternative, make more home-cooked meals

D.It’s time for you to take action and do something about your bills

E.That way you pay only when you come to the gym to use the equipment

F.Invest in gym equipment to cut down recurrent costs of gym membership

G.These days most of the information or news is available on the Internet for free.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

When my sister Diane began playing the violin, she was seven. How did she sound? Terrible. But she didn’t _________. At twelve, she asked our parents if she could _________ a full-time music school. They said no. Actually, everyone agreed that my sister __________ talent.

I was better at my _________. My teacher had told my parents that I had great __________. So my parents found the best piano teacher in the area to _________ me. But the only time he was _________was Saturday afternoons at 3 P. m. Back then, I was _________ about the British TV show “The Avengers”, which was ________ every Saturday at 3 P. p. m. I let nothing take up my “Avengers” hour . So I _________ this amazing opportunity. Today, I don’t even have a ________ in my house.

My sister became an engineer, but she _________stopped making music. When she was in her 40s, she switched (转换)_________. She went back to college, got a _________ in music education, and became a music teacher. She starts kids out on their first instrument and gives them all the encouragement and support she never _________.

Recently, she and a pianist pal put on a recital(音乐独奏会). A big crowd of friends and family _________ for her. As she played, I looked around at the _________. Everyone was _________enjoying the music. It occurred to me that I was the only person who remembered that 7-year-old kid making those perfectly _________ sounds and knew how far she had come, despite _________.

Talent is important. But enthusiasm is even more important.

1.A. admit B. advance C. quit(停止) D. improve

2.A. attend B. join C. leave D. visit

3.A. admired B. lacked(缺乏) C. had D. instrument(仪器)

4.A. major B. project C. composition D. instrument

5.A. ambition(雄心 ) B. patience C. enthusiasm D. potential(潜力)

6.A. examine B. train C. Correct D. challenge

7.A. available(有空的) B. punctual(守时的) C. skillful D. occupied

8.A. sensitive B. serious C. crazy D. particular

9.A. aired(播送) B. filmed C. Designed D. commented评论

10.A. grasped B. valued C. waited for D. turned down

11.A. book B. play C. piano D. violin

12.A. already B. even C. never D. once

13.A. attitudes B. careers(职业) C. plans D. positions

14.A. degree B. chance C. scholarship D. sponsor赞助商

15.A. expected B. provided C. imagined D. received

16.A. paid off B. showed off C. stayed up D. turned up

17.A. audience B. students C. spotlights D. platform

18.A. appropriately(适当地) B. anxiously C. obviously D. desperately绝望地

19.A. sweet B. awful C. powerful D. unique

20.A. everybody B. everything C. something D. somebody


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy,and to live longer.

Many people like to watch others play games. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when “their” player or team wins.

Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them. Football,for example,has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake,whether in China,Egypt or Italy!And think of people in cold countries. Think how many people love to skate or ski in Norway or Canada.

Some sports or games go back thousands of years,like running or jumping. Chinese wushu,for example,has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. People are inventing new sports or games all the time. Waterskiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other. But after a game together they may become good friends. Sports help to train a person's character. One learns to fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

1.Why do some people get excited when they watch a game?

A. Because their favourite team wins.

B. Because they win the game.

C. Because they get the good news.

D. Because they can't help themselves.

2.Which of the sports has a long history?

A. Waterskiing. B. Basketball.

C. Sailing. D. Jumping.

3.What does the underlined word “grace” probably mean?

A. 气馁 B. 失望

C. 开心 D. 风度

4.“What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake…”means:

A. People like catching fish

B. People are interested in jumping

C. People enjoy themselves swimming in the water.

D. People feel happy when washing in the water

