²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º¸ß¿¼the College Entrance Examination


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ÖØÒª¶ÌÓwrite to sb £¨Ð´ÐŸøijÈË£©£¬thank sb for doing £¨Òò×öijʸÐлijÈË£©£¬bring sb up £¨¸§Ñø£¬´ø´óijÈË£©£¬tell sb about sth £¨¸æËßijÈ˹ØÓÚijÊ£©£¬pay off £¨»ñµÃ³É¹¦£©£¬make great progress£¨È¡µÃ½øÕ¹£©£¬realize one's dream£¨ÊµÏÖijÈ˵ÄÃÎÏ룩£¬go to Beijing University £¨Éϱ±¾©´óѧ£©£¬make it£¨³É¹¦µØ×öijÊ£©£¬worry about sb£¨Ê¹Ä³È˵£ÐÄ£©£¬let sb down£¨ÈÃijÈËʧÍû£©£®
1£®As you know£¬¢Ùit will be about three months before I take the College Entrance Examination£¬¢Úwhich makes my life a little busy and tiring£®
¢Ù´Ë´¦Êǹ̶¨¾äÐÍ"It  will be+Ò»¶Îʱ¼ä+before+Ò»°ãÏÖÔÚʱµÄ¾ä×Ó"£¬ÒâΪ"¹ýÁ˶à¾Ã²Å¡­"£®
2£®Perhaps there is still a lot for me to do before I realize my dream---going to Beijing University£®´Ë´¦ÊÇÓÉÏÖÔڷִʶÌÓï"going to Beijing University"×÷°éËæ×´Ó

½â´ð Dear Mum£¬
Mother's Day is coming£®I'm writing to you to thank you for bringing me up and showing me unselfish help£¬care and love£®Meanwhile£¬I'll tell you something about my present life£®£¨±íʾ¸Ð¶÷£©
As you know£¬it will be about three months before I take the College Entrance Examination£¬which makes my life a little busy and tiring£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿Luckily£¬my hard work is paying off£®I have been making great progress in my studies£¬especially in English£®£¨ÏÖ×´£¨Éú»î¡¢Ñ§Ï°Çé¿ö£©£©Perhaps there is still a lot for me to do before I realize my dream---going to Beijing University£®¡¾¸ß·Ö¾äÐÍ¡¿I firmly believe I can make it£®£¨¸ß¿¼·Ü¶·Ä¿±ê£©
Please don't worry about me£®I'll never let you down£®£¨¶Ô×Ô¼ºµÄÐÅÐÄ£©
Mum£¬happy Mother's Day!I love you£®

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¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

10£®My flight was delayed£¬so I read a book ________ time£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®killB£®killingC£®to killD£®having killed


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

8£®There are many sales of mobile phones on www£®taobao£®com£¬and you can choose _____ based on your own interests£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

5£®ÈËÃÇÍê³É¹¤×÷µÄ·½Ê½Í¨³£ÓÐÁ½ÖÖ£º¶ÀÁ¢Íê³ÉºÍºÏ×÷Íê³É£®Á½ÖÖ·½Ê½¸÷ÓÐÌص㣮ÇëÄãÒÔ"Working Individually or Working in a Team"ΪÌ⣬°´ÕÕÒÔÏÂÒªµãдһƪӢÓï¶ÌÎÄ£º
Working Individually or Working in a Team
There are basically two ways to get work done£®


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÊéÃæ±í´ï

12£®¼ÙÈçÄãÊÇij¹ú¼ÊѧУµÄѧÉúÀîÁú£®×î½üÄã°àͬѧ¾Í"¹ú¼Ê½»ÍùÖÐÊÇ·ñÓ¦¸Ã¶àʹÓÃÉíÊÆÓï"Õ¹¿ª±çÂÛ£¬´ó¼ÒÒâ¼û²»Ò»£®ÇëÄã¸ù¾ÝÒÔϱí¸ñÌáʾдһ·âПøʱ¹â̸ӢÓTime English editor£©±¨É磬²¢Ì¸Ì¸ÄãµÄ¿´·¨£®
Your idea¢Ù¡­
²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º¹ú¼Ê½»Íùinternational exchanges
Dear editor£¬
Li Long£®


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2£®Once there was a mole £¨÷úÊó£© called Molly£¬who lived in a field with her family£®Moles  I spent their time digging holes in the earth£®Although they have an excellent sense of smell£¬their£¨12£©Bis very bad and they can barely see beyond their noses£®
   Molly was a very £¨13£©Amole£¬for she decided to wear glasses to see better£®All the moles in the field £¨14£©Cher for this£¬and she felt sad£®
   One day the Mole Olympics were held in the field£¬and Molly put herself forward for the event of"the most extraordinary digger£®"This consisted of digging a hole more than two kilometers long£¬£¨15£©Afrom one point in the field and arriving at that same point through the tunnel£®At the end of the competition£¬to everyone's £¨16£©D£¬Molly became the champion of the event£®
   £¨17£©B her glasses£¬Molly had been the only mole to dig£¨18£©Cto the point she started from£®This made the other moles£¨19£©Bthat Molly was a normal mole£¬just like them£®The only £¨20£©Awas that she didn't mind wearing glasses£¬which helped her win the Mole Olympics£®

17£®A£®But forB£®Thanks toC£®Instead ofD£®Apart from


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÑ¡ÔñÌâ

4£®With the new family planning policy _______£¬many young parents are considering having their second child£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£®introduceB£®introducingC£®to introduceD£®introduced


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

17£®When dolphins get caught accidentally in fishing nets£¬the outcome is usually terrible£®They either get injured or spend their lives in captivity £¨±»¹ØÆðÀ´£© entertaining humans£®But while  13-year-old Sampal's story began that way£¬it has a perfect fairy-tale ending£®
     Sampal's story began in 2011£¬when she was accidentally caught by fishermen in the waters off South Korea£®However£¬instead of letting her go£¬the men sold her to an aquarium£®Here£¬she was placed in a small pool where she spent her days performing tricks for visitors£®
Sampal was not destined to spend  her life in captivity£®it Shocked by the conditions she was living in£¬South Korean animal advocates began to help her get free£®In 2013£¬the country's highest court issued a release order for not just Sampal£¬but also another two dolphins at the Korean Zoo£®
      At the end of May£¬the dolphins were handed to the Korean Animal Welfare Association where experts began their work to set the dolphins free£¬a two-month process that involves placing them inside a sea pen in the open waters£®However£¬Sampal was too impatient to wait that long£®On June 22nd£¬the clever little dolphin found a tiny tear in the net and escaped£®
£®For those of you wondering if Sarupal may have been a little hurried in her departure£¬here is some better news£®Researchers recently tracked her down 60 miles from where she had escaped and found she was swimming happily with 50 0ther dolphins that they believe were members of the group she was originally swimming with three years ago£®
      As for the others'£¿One of them is reportedly hanging out with two dolphins from its original  group£¬while the other still seems to be looking for the right group to join£®The best news is that all  of them seem to have forgotten their captivity experience and appear to be playing happily!
46£®According to the author£¬Sampal's story isC
A£®common                               B£®puzzling
C£®unusual                               D£®annoying
47£®What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 probably mean£¿D
A£®Sampal didn't like spending her life in a pool£®
B£®Sampal would have to lose her freedom£®
C£®Sampal's life was brought back to normal£®
D£®Sampal would certainly be helped by people£®
48£®Which of the following statements is true£¿B
A£®Sampal lived a happy life in the aquarium£®
B£®The process of setting a dolphin free is long£®
C£®The order of Koreran highest court was intended for Sampal£®
D£®Sampal was found weeping in the net before she escaped£®
49£®What was Sampal doing when researchers found her again£¿C
A£®She was trying to escape from the net£®
B£®She was waiting impatiently for her companions£®
C£®She was swimming with her group members£®
D£®She was looking for the right group to join£®
50£®We can infer from the last paragraph thatA£®
A£®dolphins like living in groups          
B£®dolphins like playing games
C£®dolphins are forgetful                  
D£®dolphins are good at looking for partners£®

