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  A blood transfusion is a way of giving one person's blood to another person who needs it. When you need blood, you have a big problem because your body won't work right without enough healthy blood. Your heart pumps blood through blood vessels that reach very organ and tissue(组织)in the body. One of the blood's most important jobs is to deliver oxygen to each cell in the body. Without oxygen, the body can't live.

  Blood transfusions are possible because volunteers donate their blood. That is why hospitals have blood to give to others. It may sound creepy to donate blood, but it's safe and it's no big deal for a healthy person to donate a small amount--usually 473 milliliters. Your mom or dad might have done this. Kids don's usually donate blood, but it's a good thing to do for older teens. A person usually must be 17 to donate blood.

  Healthy donated blood is very valuable. They even call the place that collects it the blood bank. Do you understand why? A bank is a safe place for money and other valuables.

  People who have certain illnesses such as hepatitis(肝炎)or HIV aren't allowed to donate blood, because they could pass their sickness on to another person through a blood transfusion. After the blood is collected, blood banks test it very carefully to make sure that the blood is free of diseases and germs. The blood bank won't use any blood that could make someone sick.

  Blood banks are also very careful not to get things like dirty. People who collect the blood are sure to use a new needle and fresh collection equipment for every donor. That way, even if someone's blood was infected, it can't be spread to other people or contaminate Other healthy blood at the blood bank. Blood is used just once. If there is any leftover it is thrown away.

(1)Which of the statements is NOT true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Delivering oxygen to the body's cells is one of the blood's most important jobs.

B.Donated blood is probably the most important source of blood for transfusions.

C.Donating blood is not harmful to a healthy person.

D.It's not good for a person under 17 to donate blood.

(2)People call the place that collects blood a blood bank to show that ______.

[  ]

A.a bank is a safe place

B.donated blood is as important as a bank

C.donated blood is very valuable

D.a bank is the safest place to keep blood

(3)Which of the following is the best title?

[  ]

A.Blood Transfusions Are Important

B.What Is a Blood Transfusion?

C.What Is a Blood Bank?

D.Donated Blood Is Valuable


(1)直接信息题。C项与第二段中,…but it's safe and it's no big deal for a healthy person to donate a small amount …内容不符,其他选项符合文中内容。

(2)推理判断题。根据第三段 Healthy donated blood is very valuable. 这一句可以推断,作者意思是说“捐献的血是非常宝贵的”。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


  Six-year-old Lena Fugatt liked to sit beside her grandfather while he drove his 3 000-pound tractor around the family farm. One afternoon Ray Fugatt, 58, took Lena with him when he went to 1 a pile of brush.

  He 2 gasoline on the pile and set fire to it. The brush 3 into flames that engulfed(吞没)him 4 Screaming, Fugatt fell to the ground and 5 to put out the fire. Pushing himself to his 6 , he struggled to where Lena was on the tractor, 30 feet away.“Go to get Lena,”he whispered, using Lena’s name 7 her grandmother. Then he fell down unconscious onto the flat ground.

  The 8 on Fugatt’s arms had come off, his chest was a 9 of deep red blisters(泡), and his face was badly burnt. But Lena didn’t 10 Afraid to leave her grandfather alone while she ran for 11 , she realized her only 12 was to drive the huge tractor to the house, a half mile away. Her grandfather had 13 her to drive it alone, but now the 3.5-foot-tall girl decided to do just that.

  She slid forward on the seat and used her toe to 14 the red started button. The machine moved ahead, and Lena struggled to drive it back to the 15 When the people of emergency(紧急)services arrived, there were huge 16 tracks in the field, showing the girl’s 17 around trees, bushes and ditches(阴沟).

  Ray Fugatt 18 second-and-third-degree burns over 40 percent of his body but made almost complete recovery. According to the doctor, he would not have been saved if Lena had not 19 so quickly.“Lena 20 her cool, knew what had to be done, and did it.”


























4A.up and down   


B.in time   


C.sooner or later   


D.at once   



































































































































科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


  Tom's father is doctor, and 1 Tom was a little boy his parents have wanted 2 a doctor too Tom, however, 3 be an artist All his life Tom has loved to draw and paint, and he has painted 4 fine pictures People say that he is a 5 artist

  Tom's parents say it would be 6 for Tom to become an artist His father tells him that doctors help people and artists 7 His mother tells him that artists can't even make 8 money to support themselves Tom has no choice but 9 his parents

  Tom is now in a medical school, 10 he is not very happy He doesn't 11 doing hard work, but he finds studying medicine 12 He doesn't like hospitals, and he gets sick every time he sees 13

  Tom is still thinking 14 becoming a professional(职业的) artist, but he isn't sure whether his dream 15 He doesn't know 16 he will support himself if his parents don't help him He wishes he 17 worry about money He wants to please himself and 18 his parents happy too But he has 19 idea how he can 20 Tom is sad all day

   1Aever since          Bduring          Cfrom          Dwhen      
   2ATom becoming

   CTom to become

   BTom's becoming

   Dfor Tom to become

   3Ahas better

   Cwould like

   Bhad better

   Dfor Tom to become

   4Aa great many

   Ca lot

   Ba great deal

   Da large quantity

   5Aborn          Bfamous          Cbig          Dwell-know      
   6Agood          Bright          Cclever          Dfoolish      
   7Acan't          Bdon't          Cwon't          Dmustn't      
   8Aany          Bsome          Cenough          Dplenty of      
   9Aobey          Bto obey          Cobeying          Dobeys      
   10Abut          Band          Cunless          Dotherwise      
   11Acare          Bworry          Cmind          Dlike      
   12Aexcited          Bexciting          Ctired          Dtiring      
   13Ablood          Bfood          Cmedicine          Dliquid      
   14A/          Bof          Cto          Dthat      
   15Acomes true

   Cwill come true

   Bshould come true

   Dwould have come true

   16Athat          Bhow          Cwhy          D      
   17Adidn't have to

   Cdoesn't have to

   Bneedn't to

   Ddidn't need

   18Amake          Boblige          Clet          Dhave      
   19Aa few          Ba little          Cnot          Dno      
   20AThat's          BSo          CSince then          DHowever      


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

It was just getting dark; there was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road. But I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I    1   to Salisbury.

I was going along   2   at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a woman’s scream—“  3  !”I looked round, but the only   4  of life was a large, black, rather suspicious-looking car just   5  a bend in the road about a hundred yards   6  .That was   7  the cry had come from. I   8   speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing,  9   he did the same and began to draw away from me. As I drew near, the girl’s voice came again, a lovely voice but   10   with fear.

“Let me go,  11   fool; you’re hurting me. Oh! Oh!”

I felt my blood   12  . The fog was coming down thicker now; the countryside was lonelier. The man in the car had no   13   noticed this. Again came a cry.

“Drop the knife, fool. Oh!”Then a cry and a groan.

If I was to save her, it was now or   14  . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn’t save the girl, I would   15   try to bring the murderer to the police station. The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its   16  , and its brakes screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and crashed into the ditch on the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out, mad with anger.

“Fool!”he shouted   17   he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was quicker than he. I put all I knew into   18   that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It caught him right on the ground without a   19  .I rushed to the car,  20   open the door and peered inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.

“You have been listening to a radio play. Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately.”

1. A. reached                   B. arrived

C. got                         D. led

2. A. strangely               B. quietly

C. fearfully                      D. quickly

3. A. Save                        B. Come

C. Aid                         D. Help

4. A. person                     B. sign

C. figure                        D. form

5. A. turning                    B. coming

C. hurrying                      D. dropping

6. A. off                        B. apart

C. away                        D. far

7. A. how                      B. when

C. what                       D. where

8. A. put aside               B. put up

C. put down                    D. put on

9. A. and                       B. for

C. when                        D. as

10. A. filling                     B. nodding

C. trembling                     D. covering

11. A. you                      B. your

C. yours                        D. you’re

12. A. boil                      B. run

C. come                        D. freeze

13. A. sign                     B. effort

C. doubt                        D. troubles

14. A. late                      B. then

C. ever                        D. never

15. A. at most                    B. at least

C. at last                        D. at first

16. A. path                     B. direction

C. behind                    D. trail

17. A. before                    B. after

C. as                         D. while

18. A. an anger                   B. a beat

C. a fist                       D. a blow

19. A. word                     B. voice

C. noise                       D. sound

20. A. pulled                    B. pushed

C. hit                          D. broke



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054

It was just getting dark; there was a touch of fog and I was on a lonely stretch of road. But I was going along cheerfully, thinking about the dinner I would eat when I    1   to Salisbury.

I was going along   2   at about thirty-five miles an hour when suddenly I heard a scream, a woman’s scream—“  3  !”I looked round, but the only   4  of life was a large, black, rather suspicious-looking car just   5  a bend in the road about a hundred yards   6  .That was   7  the cry had come from. I   8   speed and went after it. I think the driver saw what I was doing,  9   he did the same and began to draw away from me. As I drew near, the girl’s voice came again, a lovely voice but   10   with fear.

“Let me go,  11   fool; you’re hurting me. Oh! Oh!”

I felt my blood   12  . The fog was coming down thicker now; the countryside was lonelier. The man in the car had no   13   noticed this. Again came a cry.

“Drop the knife, fool. Oh!”Then a cry and a groan.

If I was to save her, it was now or   14  . Perhaps even now I was too late. But if I couldn’t save the girl, I would   15   try to bring the murderer to the police station. The car was only a couple of yards away now. I drove the bike right across its   16  , and its brakes screamed as the driver tried to pull it over and crashed into the ditch on the side of the road. The door of the car was pushed open angrily and a dark, evil-looking fellow stepped out, mad with anger.

“Fool!”he shouted   17   he came towards me with his fist raised to hit me. But I was quicker than he. I put all I knew into   18   that would have knocked out Joe Louis. It caught him right on the ground without a   19  .I rushed to the car,  20   open the door and peered inside. There was no girl there. Suddenly from the back of the car came a voice.

“You have been listening to a radio play. Murder in Hollywood, with Mae Garbo and Clark Taylor. The news will follow immediately.”

1. A. reached                   B. arrived

C. got                         D. led

2. A. strangely               B. quietly

C. fearfully                      D. quickly

3. A. Save                        B. Come

C. Aid                         D. Help

4. A. person                     B. sign

C. figure                        D. form

5. A. turning                    B. coming

C. hurrying                      D. dropping

6. A. off                        B. apart

C. away                        D. far

7. A. how                      B. when

C. what                       D. where

8. A. put aside               B. put up

C. put down                    D. put on

9. A. and                       B. for

C. when                        D. as

10. A. filling                     B. nodding

C. trembling                     D. covering

11. A. you                      B. your

C. yours                        D. you’re

12. A. boil                      B. run

C. come                        D. freeze

13. A. sign                     B. effort

C. doubt                        D. troubles

14. A. late                      B. then

C. ever                        D. never

15. A. at most                    B. at least

C. at last                        D. at first

16. A. path                     B. direction

C. behind                    D. trail

17. A. before                    B. after

C. as                         D. while

18. A. an anger                   B. a beat

C. a fist                       D. a blow

19. A. word                     B. voice

C. noise                       D. sound

20. A. pulled                    B. pushed

C. hit                          D. broke



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

We have so many first days in our lives. First days are milestones(里程碑) in our lives. They 36 the beginning of a new experience or journey and they are also filled with  37  feelings. They can be a little frightening as we step into the unknown, but they can also inspire us as they give us fresh  38 for the future.

I want to share a 39 that perfectly shows this point. Trisha was told that 40 is the key to knowledge. She watched her older brother 41 he read his schoolbooks and could hardly 42 the day when she would learn to read.

But after Trisha 43 started school, she found that she was not able to understand words like the other boys and girls. However hard she 44 , she saw only confusion. Trisha 45 , the teacher and the other children laughing at her, and she began to believe that she was not  46 .

By the time Trisha entered the fifth grade, she had lost the 47 in herself. That was the year when she met Mr. Falker. He was 48 . He praised Trisha’s talents, and he wouldn’t tolerate the other children laughing at her. After some time, Mr. Falker 49 that Trisha didn’t know how to read, but he knew she could 50 some help.

He found an expert, and together they 51 with Trisha after school. They 52 her to understand words  53 one day Mr. Falker handed her a book and she could read it all by herself. She didn’t even notice the tears in his eyes.

This is a true story. The little girl is Patricia Polacco, a famous 54 , and Thank you Mr. Falker is the twenty-sixth book that she has written. Mr. Falker gave her a fresh new 55 and made a difference in her life.

【小题1】A. cause             B. mark            C. describe         D. show

【小题2】A. absurd            B. strange          C. mixed           D. strong

【小题3】A. blood             B. evidence         C. hope            D. air

【小题4】A. belief              B. story            C. view            D. concern

【小题5】A. reading            B. speaking         C. listening         D. thinking

【小题6】A. before             B. since            C. as              D. though

【小题7】A. look for            B. wait for          C. ask for              D. wish for

【小题8】A. gradually             B. mostly              C. finally           D. firmly

【小题9】A. breathed             B. tried            C. managed        D. pressed

【小题10】A. took off               B. stayed up        C. kept on          D. fell behind

【小题11】A. smart            B. hard-working     C. healthy          D. easy-going

【小题12】A. memory              B. balance         C. chance             D. confidence

【小题13】A. shy                B. proud           C. different         D. strict

【小题14】A. doubted              B. witnessed        C. represented         D. realized

【小题15】A. with              B. besides          C. including         D. within

【小题16】A. sang             B. worked          C. danced             D. chatted

【小题17】A. helped           B. forced              C. begged          D. allowed

【小题18】A. when             B. once            C. until            D. whether

【小题19】A. teacher              B. writer           C. expert              D. guide

【小题20】A. school            B. start            C. home           D. attention

