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It is essential to our children’s development that they are provided with life skills. It is of great importance that our children should be taught basic life skill lessons in order to live the life they dream of as they enter adulthood.
How we teach youth life skills is the focus of this article. We will explore and share life skill lessons with you so that the time you spend with each child is more productive and moves them to take positive action.
What should be included in a youth life skills program?
1)Financial literacy(理财素养). Financial literacy training can improve every aspect of a child’s life. Studies show that people that have developed financial literacy skills are healthier, have better relationships, and have more confidence. Financial literacy training is the foundation which all the other youth life skills can build on and support.
2)Relationships. Children need to understand the importance of encouraging relationships and develop the skills to maintain positive relationships. One key part of developing positive relationships is the ability to communicate effectively. This is a life skill that will not only benefit (使受益)their friendships but will help them in their careers as well.
3)Strengths development. It is important for adults to focus on the strengths of their children and help them to take their strengths to the next level. For most, what we are good at is also what we enjoy doing. Make your youth life skill program one that helps them follow their passions and build upon the strengths they have developed while growing up.
The focus of youth skills programs is recognizing students’ potential and providing them with the proper tools to enable them to develop their skill sets. You are helping to open up windows of opportunity for them and encouraging them throughout the process by making them feel worthy.
The goal of youth life skill programs is to help our children grow into responsible adults. Children cannot grow into the wonderful human beings they are meant to be when they are shut down, turned away and ignored. They need the proper guidance that will enable them to feel proud of their achievements. They also need the opportunity to express themselves in an environment that is willing to listen to them and to help them as well. There is only so much they can stand on their own; the rest is up to the adults that play important roles in their lives.
小题1:What is important for children to learn according to the article?
小题2:Who do you think the article is written to, students or teachers?
小题3:What can children benefit from financial literacy skills?
小题4:How can we encourage children to keep learning the life skill course?
小题5:What do children need so that they can learn to stand on their own?

小题1:Life skill lessons.
小题3: Good health, better relationships and more confidence.
小题4:By making them feel worthy.
小题5:Proper guidance, and the opportunity to express themselves.

小题1:Life skill lessons.
细节题。根据文章第一句It is essential to our children’s development that they are provided with life skills.
推理题。根据文章倒数第二段You are helping to open up windows of opportunity for them and encouraging them throughout the process by making them feel worthy.说明本文最可能写给的就是老师。
小题3:Good health, better relationships and more confidence.
根据文章第四段Studies show that people that have developed financial literacy skills are healthier, have better relationships, and have more confidence
小题4:By making them feel worthy.
细节题。根据文章倒数第二段最后2行You are helping to open up windows of opportunity for them and encouraging them throughout the process by making them feel worthy.。
小题5: Proper guidance, and the opportunity to express themselves.
细节题。根据文章最后一段3,4,5行They need the proper guidance that will enable them to feel proud of their achievements. They also need the opportunity to express themselves in an environment that is willing to listen to them and to help them as well。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Rome had the Forum, London has Speaker’s Corner. Now always-on-the-go New Yorkers have Liz and Bill.
Liz and Bill, two college graduates in their early 20s, have spent a whole year trying to have thousands of people talk to them in subway stations and on busy street corners. Just talk.
Using a 2-foot-tall sign that says,“Talk to Me,” they attract conversationalists, who one evening included a mental patient, and men in business suits.
They don’t collect money. They don’t push religion(宗教). So what’s the point?
“To see what happens,” said Liz. “ We simply enjoy life with open communication.”
Shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks, they decided to walk from New York City to Washington, a 270-mile trip. They found they loved talking to people along the way and wanted to continue talking with strangers after their return.
“It started as a crazy idea,” Liz said.“ We were so curious about all the strangers walking by with their life stories. People will talk to us about anything:their jobs, their clothes, their childhood experiences, anything.”
Denise wanted to talk about an exam she was about to take. She had stopped by for the second time in two days, to let the two listeners know how it went.
Marcia had lost her husband to a serious disease. “That was very heavy on my mind,” Marcia said, “To be able to talk about it to total strangers was very good,” she explained.
To celebrate a year of talking, the two held a get-together in a city park for all the people they had met over the past year. A few hundred people showed up, as well as some television cameramen and reporters.
They may plan more parties or try to attract more people to join their informal talks. Some publishers have expressed interest in a book, something they say they’ll consider.
小题1:What did Liz and Bill start doing after they graduated from college?
__________________________________________(within three words)
小题2:What they have been doing can be described as
              (within one word)
小题3:Why are Denise and Marcia mentioned in the text? (within twelve words)
小题4:According to the text, what will Liz and Bill do in the future? (within seven words)
小题5:According to the text, do they like the idea of writing a book? (within five words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

【1】If you are worried about things and are under a lot of stress at work or school, then you are probably not sleeping well. Worry can keep you awake, tossing and turning in bed until the early hours of the morning when you eventually fail asleep. When you wake up, you don't feel refreshed, but tired and worn out and unable to face a new day.
【2】Dr Henry Winkle wrote an article in a recent newspaper, which indicates that          . Dr Winkle says, “The more we worry, the less we sleep, the more we are unable to deal with stress. If we can find a way to get a good night's sleep,” he adds, “we can often find the energy to deal with what's worrying us.”
【3】So, what is a good night's sleep? Research shows that the amount of sleep which people need in order to keep healthy varies a lot. Seven hours in about the average amount, though strangely enough, sleeping longer often gives you a headache instead of making you feel more refreshed.
【4】Dr Winkle believes that preparing for sleeping is important. People who work late should try to give themselves a short break and do something restful before going to bed. This could be watching TV or listening to music. Doing some exercise earlier in the day should help you to feel physically as well as mentally tired. A bedtime drink can also help, but coffee or tea should be avoided as they contain caffeine and will keep you awake. “When you put the light out,” Dr Winkle says, “ concentrate on relaxing your muscles, working slowly up from your feet, and you'll be asleep before you know it.”
小题1:What is the best title of the text? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?
People shouldn't go to sleep immediately but should take a break after working late in the night.
小题3:Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words or phrase to complete the sentence. (no more than 10 words)
小题4:Someone says that the longer you sleep, the better you feel. Try to find some arguments from the text against the idea. (no more than 30 words)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Effective(有效的)listening is important for improving communication between people. The sad part is that we want others to listen to us, but we ourselves are bad listeners, therefore creating barriers(障碍) to effective listening. Here are some common barriers to effective listening and some ways of overcoming them.
Before the speaker finishes speaking, you think you know the answer already and interrupt him or her. This is one of the most common barriers to effective listening. Respect is important for good listening. If you think you know the answer, you still should listen carefully to what’s being said, and then make ready a few questions and answers, wait for several seconds and then start speaking.
Whenever a speaker speaks, many a time listeners try to help the speaker. Though it may seem as if you’re trying to help, actually it isn’t so. In fact you should set up a separate(单独的) meeting for advising the speaker. If you feel you have anything to say, which the speaker may not know, you should politely ask if you may suggest anything.
In a heated discussion, the speakers sometimes don’t agree to each other’s opinions and treat it as a competition, and then it becomes a barrier to good listening. To overcome this, you should express your opinions after the speaker has finished speaking. Speak out wherever you disagree, but also if you agree on anything, you should point it out.
小题1:Why is effective listening important? (No more than 8 words.)2分
小题2:According to Paragraph 2, what prevents effective listening? (No more than 8              words.)2分
小题3:What will you do if you really want to say anything the speakers may not know? (No more than 10 words.)3分
小题4:How can you avoid treating a heated discussion as a competition? (No more than 10 words.)3分


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[l] We expect companies selling products to make them as available as possible. But now some of them are bringing back rationing(定量供应). As you might expect, it's all part of a plan to make us spend more, not less.
[2]Butter, bacon, sugar, tea and meat were rationed in Britain during World War II, because goods at that time were scarce, and hard to get for all. But nowadays industrial mass production           . Factories all over the world are pumping out bright and beautiful objects.
[3]When everyone has to wait and save up for new things, owning them feels exciting and special. But when lovely things are available every day, they stop being a treat. The other characteristic of consumer society is that we aim for social distinction through what we own. But if everyone has lots of things, how can we impress anyone with our purchases? All of this takes the fun out of shopping and means there's a limit to how much consumerism can grow.
[4] This is deeply worrying to companies, and some of them have started to fight it, by creating artificial scarcity(短缺). For example, Swedish rapper Adam Tensta has limited access to his latest track. Only one person at a time can access it, and fans must take their place in a digital queue.
[5] This hend means we can again own something rare. But the risk for these companies is that in a world of so many things, if they make their products too hard to get, we'll just buy from someone else instead.
小题1:What is the text mainly about? (no more than 3 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
小题3:In which paragraph can the following sentences be put as an example?
In Singapore, a small cafe called Liberty Coffee only opens on random days. It sometimes stays closed for over a week at a time.
小题4:What are the two characteristics of consumer society? (no more than 15 words)
小题5:What is the risk for the companies creating artificial scarcity ? (no more than l0 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Last year I worked in Nepalfor three months. When I had a few days off, I decided to go into the jungle(丛林). I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me.
We started our trip at six in the morning with two elephants carrying our things. It was hot, but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find tigers. We climbed onto the elephants’ backs to see better. However, it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the daytime.
Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We moved nearer and found a dead deer. This was the tiger’s lunch! Suddenly, I started to feel very frightened.
Then the tiger jumped out suddenly, about five hundred kilos and four meters long. It caught Kamal’s leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away. One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly ran away to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it was impossible to sleep!
小题1:Where did the writer want to go during the days off?
小题2:When did they start their trip?
小题3:Why did they climb onto the elephants’ backs?
小题4:What did they find when they moved nearer?
小题5:Who drove the tiger away?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Plants and animals usually do not live apart, as in many ways they are important to each other. Most green plants can make their own food. The food of other living things, even the food of meat-eating animals, comes directly or indirectly from green plants. For example, some people eat mutton (羊肉); mutton comes from a goat; the goats eat grass. These steps, or links, make up what is called a food chain. Without green plants, all other living things would in time die of starvation.
Plants help animals in other ways too. They furnish homes and shelter for many animals. Many birds, as you know, build their nests in trees. Deer and many other animals use bushes for shel­ter. And even man depends much upon plants for his shelter. Animals repay some of this debt by helping plants. You may be aware that many insects and some birds do important work for plants by pollinating (授粉) them. You must have also learned how animals often help plants by spreading seeds.
What is waste material for one of these kinds of life is often valuable substance for the other. For example, animals give off carbon dioxide gas when they breathe. When plants make food, they absorb this gas from the air, using the carbon and releasing some of the oxygen back into the air. The oxygen that is released, then, is again supplied to animals. Thus the cycle continues, ani­mals helping plants, and plants helping animals.
All plants and animals have their enemies. Insects eat plants; birds eat insects; other animals kill birds. But here too, animals such as birds and bats help the plants by destroying harmful in­sects. Many plants and animals are helpful to some living things but are harmful to others. Then there are other rules in nature that act as checks and balances. For example, if there are more animals in a certain area than there is food to support them, some of the animals must mi­grate or starve. In either case, the number of animals will be reduced until the balance between animals and the available food supply is restored.
These helps and hindrances (障碍) are constantly going on in the plant and animal world to achieve a balance. As long as one living thing is dependent on another, whenever the scales are tipped (使倾斜), nature takes steps to balance the scales again.
 (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
小题1:What does the author mean by saying “Plants and animals usually do not live apart”?
小题2:Besides providing food and shelter for animals, plants can also ______ to help animals to live.
小题3:“Checks and balances” refers to ______ in the world of animals and plants.
小题4:What will be the final result if some animals migrate or starve for lack of food?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1]Some expressions describe people who are important,or who at least think they are.One such expression is bigwig.
[2]In the seventeenth century,important men in Europe began to wear false hair,called wigs.As years passed,wigs began to get bigger.The size of a man’s wig depended on how important he was. The more important he was—or thought he was一                 .Today,the expression bigwig is used to make fun of a person who feels important.People never tell someone he is a bigwig.They only use the expression behind his back.
[3]Big wheel is another way to describe an important person.A big wheel may be the head of a company,a political leader,a famous movie star.They are big wheels because they are powerful.What they do affects many people.Big wheels give the orders.Other people carry them out.As in many machines,a big wheel makes the little wheels turn.Big wheel became a popular expression after World WarⅡ.It probably comes from an expression used for many years by people who fix parts of cars and trucks.They said a person roiled a big wheel if he was important and had influence.
[4]The top of something is the highest part.So it is not surprising that top is part of another expression that describes an important person.The expression is top banana.A top banana is the leading person in a comedy show.The funniest comedian is called the top banana.The next is second banana.And so on.Why a banana?A comedy act in earlier days often included a part where one of the comedians would hit the others over the head with a soft object. The object was shaped like the yellow fruit:the banana.Top banana still is used mainly in show business.Yet the expression can also be used to describe the top person in any area.
小题1:What’s the best title of the text ?(no more than 7 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
小题3:How and when is “bigwig” used in a proper way nowadays?(no more than 20 words)
小题4:Complete the following sentence with proper words from Paragraph 3 . (no more than 3 words)
As a big wheel makes the little wheels turn in many machines, powerful people give orders for others to            .
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The Local Ness Monster is said to be a creature or a group of creatures living in the Loch Ness , a lake near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland.
The first modern sighting occurred on May 2,1993. The newspaper Inverness Courier reported a story of Mr. and Mrs John Mackay, who saw a very large animal rolling and plunging (跳入) into the water. The report attracted thousands of readers, of whom some were brave enough to see and even try to capture the animal.
A photograph taken by surgeon R.K Wilson on April 19,1934 seemed to show a large creature with a long neck gliding through the water. However ,decades later the photo was said to have been faked by Marmaduke Wetherell after he was hired by the Daily Mail.
In 1962, the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau was formed to act as a research organization .Whatever the result of their research is, the Loch Ness has become a real place which attracts millions of tourists every year.
小题1:Where is the lake Loch Ness?
小题2:When was the first modern sighting?
小题3:The underlined word “capture” can be replaced by________?

