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假定你是李华,你校将举办中华诗词大会(Chinese Poetry Conference)国际学生专场,请根据下列要点写一封电 子邮件,邀请在外校学习的美国朋友Peter参加。


2.大赛的目的; 、



Dear Peter,

I'm glad to tell you that our school is to hold a Chinese Poetry Conference for international students. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wishing you great success at the competition. ,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(牛津译林版必修二江苏卷) 单元综合测评2 题型:完形填空

I began training to swim the English Channel at 58 years old.The ______ I was asked over and over again was this: “Why?”

When a student reporter of Indiana University recently asked me this question, I said, “First let me ______ you a question.What are your ______ for this summer?” He ______ that he was going to bag groceries (食品杂货)in the supermarket.I didn't have to say more; he understood my ______.

A ______ and an element of adventure are welcome whether you are 20 or 58 ______ when you have a choice.But why did I ______ to swim the Channel at 58? It is the challenge that ______ about 100 swimmers every year who are willing to spend time, effort and money ______ it.

I don't think that I am a superman.I do think I have three things going for me:

First, I am training hard-presently ______ 7.5 miles a day.Before that time I also kept physically ______ by training moderately (适度地)hard.

Second, I am a very goal?oriented (目标导向的)person for whom this swim has long been a ______.I have a feeling I will be ______ ready and won't do as a Channel swimmer did a few years ago.

______, a young girl touched me, who was attempting to finish her swim when the ocean got ______ .She was having a ______ time with the turbulent (汹涌的)and cold water, when her trainer shouted to her from the boat that he thought she should ______ and get out of the water.She ______, “I'm doing the swimming and I will decide when to get out.” She ______ it.

1.A. opinion B. advice C. question D. reason

2.A. ask B. give C. tell D. bring

3.A. experiences B. courses C. plans D. suggestions

4.A. realized B. hoped C. agreed D. replied

5.A. situation B. poin C. problem D. success

6.A. challenge B. friend C. chance D. hobby

7.A. probably B. generally C. especially D. simply

8.A. fail B. hesitate C. stop D. decide

9.A. frightens B. attracts C. comforts D. puzzles

10.A. trying B. proving C. examining D. changing

11.A. hiking B. walking C. swimming D. running

12.A. attractive B. active C. desirable D. aggressive

13.A. target B. habit C. form D. practice

14.A. experimentally B. economically C. theoretically D. psychologically

15.A. For example B. Without doubt C. In addition D. As usual

16.A. rough B. calm C. beautiful D. vast

17.A. busy B. disappointing C. wonderful D. hard

18.A. go on B. look around C. call out D. give up

19.A. warned B. shouted C. begged D. repeated

20.A. took B. broke C. made D. caught


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省牛津译林版英语Module 5 Unit 3 test3 题型:单项填空

Soon after the war,one family who lived in Pennsylvania ______ me and brought me up.

A. had adopted B. adopted

C. would adopt D. has adopted


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省2016-2017学年高二(特长班)上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Jack Evans quarreled with his neighbour,Ellen Brown. Mrs. Brown had a dog. Jack did not like dogs. He wanted Mrs. Brown to give away or sell her dog,but she refused.

“I'll take you to court if you don't,” he said.

Mrs. Brown laughed at him. She was not worried.

Jack thought,“I must talk to a lawyer, but lawyers are expensive. I don't want to waste my money. I will waste it if I don't win my case against Mrs. Brown and her dog.”?

Then Jack had an idea. There was a young lawyer in the town. He did not have much work. Not many people knew about him. “I'll visit him,” Jack thought. “He needs work.” He visited the young lawyer in his office. “I need some advice,” he said.

“Certainly,” the young lawyer said. “What is your problem? I am here to help you.”

“Good. I want to take my neighbour to court. However, I will pay for your advice only if you think I will win the case in court.”?

The lawyer was not pleased by this suggestion. However, he had very little work. Here was a chance to get some.?

“All right,” he said. “I agree. I will listen to your problem. I will give you honest advice. You will pay me only if I think you can win in court.”?

Jack told him about the problem. The lawyer listened carefully. Sometimes he made notes. When Jack finished, the lawyer sat back in his chair and said, “You will win your case. I have no doubt about it. May I take your case to court?”

Jack stood up and walked towards the door. “No, thank you,” he said. “I will not take it to court.”?

“What about my fee?” the lawyer asked. “You have to keep your promise.”

“I am keeping my promise,” Jack said. “I will not win in court. You see, I did not tell you my case. I told you Mrs. Brown's.”

1.Jack Evans argued with his neighbour because ________.

A. his neighbour was not friendly

B. he disliked her dog

C. Mrs Brown wanted to take him to court

D. he was laughed at

2.Whom did Jack see for advice?

A. A lawyer.

B. His neighbour.

C. His friend.

D. Mrs. Brown.

3.Jack agreed to pay the lawyer if ________.

A. the lawyer helped him in court

B. Mrs. Brown couldn't offer the money

C. the dog was sold

D. the lawyer said he would win his case


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古乌兰察布分校2016-2017学年高二下学期第二次调考英语试卷 题型:七选五

Things An Air Hostess Won't Tell You

To make things a bit easier for them and ensure a smooth flight, many Flight attendants have little tricks under their sleeves. Here are some of them which they won't tell you out of sheer politeness.


Contrary to what most people think, a flight attendant's primary job is to ensure your safety - the helping and serving part of their job are just add-ons. If they are assisting you with your luggage, it is to make sure it is stored properly and does not harm anyone. They are not required to lift your bags or help you take them elsewhere. All the other assistance, such as providing you with a drink, handing you hot towels, etc., are to make sure you stay calm and satisfied.


As unfair as it may seem, the time that a flight attendant spends in getting the plane ready, settling you down, etc., is not included in their salary. They do, however, receive some expense allowance(津贴) for the entire time they clock in - it is a pretty small income though


If a flight attendant feels a passenger is ordering too many drinks, and getting drunk, they might avoid serving him/her by avoiding eye contact. When that fails, they might just fill the glass half-way or give him/her a diluted (稀释的) drink


A number of training programs and workshops exist to train flight attendants in different aspects. As some people are using flights more and more to smuggle (走私), flight attendants are being regarded as the first line of defense against this heinous (邪恶的)crime. The benefits are already evident - a number of dangers are avoided, thanks to alert(警惕的) flight attendants on board.


This is a bit unfortunate for those sitting at the back of the plane, but nevertheless true. As the attendants start serving from the front of the plane to the back, the variety of drinks or meals might go down. This is because a plane has limited space, only a certain number of items can be stored, and by the time they get to the back of the plane, they run out of at least a few of the options.

A. Sitting at the back means fewer food options.

B. Flight attendants get paid only for flight hours.

C. Flight attendants' job is to keep passengers safe.

D. Flight attendants might water down your drinks.

E. Flight attendants are trained to identify criminals.

F. The seat-belt sign is “on” far longer than necessary.


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市招生全国统一考试4月调研测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The New economy has brought great business opportunities besides great challenges. Not since the Industrial Revolution has managing with change been so urgent a matter. Indeed, the Information Age has accelerated the pace of market and business changes to the point where some firms have set up "change departments" whose job is to constantly look for opportunities to change the firm and make it more productive.

Most firms have accepted the fact that they must make major changes. To remain competitive, companies recognize that they need to be in a constant process of changing themselves. This change is accompanied by the need to be willing to take risks in management style. Managers with such spirit have called themselves "change agents".

Despite some remarkable successes, however, introducing managing change has not been a simple matter. Firms have tried to introduce change to achieve its attendant efficiencies (节省幵支)through new technologies, restructuring, or outsourcing. Yet, this has cost a great deal of time and money, but often led to at best mixed results: approximately 75% of all change activities failed. 、

The reason for most of these failures is that change often lacks a central focus. Managers become confused by all different and sometimes conflicting advice they receive about change management. The result is a loss of central focus and disorganized policies. To improve their chances of success, it is extremely important that managers should understand the nature and process of the whole company's change and its challenges much better.

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. Developing strong marketing plans.

B. Bringing in top technologies.

C. Ways for companies to hire better managers.

D. Changes of companies' operations.

2.The words "change agents" in Paragraph 2 are closest in meaning to “_____ ”.

A. instructors B. customers

C. reformers D. performers

3.According to the article, why do companies frequently fail to change?

A. Managers are conservative. B. Not enough attention is paid.

C. Employees generally fight change. D. Policies are not well directed.

4.What does the article suggest managers do?

A. Spend more time and money. B. Improve their knowledge.

C. Buy more advanced technologies. D. Face their challenge directly.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省牛津译林版英语Module 5 Unit 2 test2 题型:完形填空

My husband and I got married in 1965 and for the first ten years of our marriage I was very happy to ______ home and raise our three children.Then four years ago,our youngest ______ went to school and I thought I might go back to ______.

My husband was very ______and helped me to make my decision.He pointed out all of the things I can do around the ______,and said he thought I could be a great ______ in business.After several weeks of job?hunting,I found my ______job,which is working for a small public relations firm.At first,my husband was very ______ of me and would tell his friends,“My clever little wife can ______ that company she’s working for.”

But as his joking words were close to ______,my husband stopped talking to me about my job.I have received several promotions and pay increases,and I am now ______ more money than he is.I can buy my ______ clothes and a new car.Because of our joint incomes,my husband and I can do many things that we had always ______ of doing,but we don’t do these things because he is very ______.

We ______ about little things and my husband is very critical of me in front of our friends.For the first time in our marriage,I think there is a possibility that our marriage may come to a(n) ______.

I love my husband very much,and I don’t want him to ______ lower,but I also love my job.I think I can be a good wife and a working woman,but I don’t know ______.Can you give me some ______?Will I have to choose one or the other or can I keep both my ______ and my new career?

1.A. look B. stay C. see D. study

2.A. person B. man C. child D. lady

3.A. school B. factory C. study D. work

4.A. restricted B. opposite C. disappointed D. supportive

5.A. group B. house C. firm D. husband

6.A. success B. failure C. mother D. helper

7.A. awkward B. convenient C. useful D. present

8.A. warm B. fond C. proud D. comfortable

9.A. run B. walk C. hire D. sell

10.A. awareness B. beliefs C. reality D. ambition

11.A. making B. building C. producing D. growing

12.A. cheap B. own C. important D. incredible

13.A. agreed B. believed C. dreamed D. supposed

14.A. unhappy B. confident C. discouraging D. certain

15.A. communicate B. strike C. fight D. change

16.A. absence B. end C. exam D. question

17.A. gain B. add C. feel D. suffer

18.A. what B. where C. why D. how

19.A. duties B. advice C. fun D. enjoyment

20.A. husband B. child C. friendship D. boss


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省宁德市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中联合考试英语试卷 题型:单句改错





1.I suggested that we went out to eat and enjoy ourselves.

2.If you want to swim in the river, ask permission first.

3.We’re obviously going to need her help and she is quite clearly.

4.To solve the problem, we should first to go out to plant trees.

5.His child is lost, for that he is to blame.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2016-2017学年高二下学期第一次考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

How strong are you?

That is a hard question to answer, whether you are a man or a woman. But, really , I want to ask how do you define(给...下定义)your strength? How do you know your limits?1. When push comes, we often discover that we are much stronger than we think.

What is Strength?

Strength is not always about pure physical strength.2. It is about the ability to get things done. I know some people who are intellectually strong, but they get very little done in their jobs. And I know others who find work challenging, but they make it by strong drive and hard work. They possess inner strength.

Self-Imposed Limits

What I have observed is that most people set their own limits. They limit their output based on self-framed limits (自我设定的限制) of their abilities and strengths. Sometimes these boundaries are based on past experiences. Sometimes they are based on self-imagined abilities. 3.So, how do we

break through these limits? How do we get stronger?


If you want to be stronger, you have to push your boundaries. Pushing it is what it takes to increase your limits. In the gym, bodybuilders discovered this long ago. The same principle is true when it comes to inner strength.

Want to test your limits? Push yourself. Test your self-framed limits to see how accurate they are. Make sure your goals are slightly beyond what you think can be achieved.

You Are Stronger Than You Think

Most people underestimate(低估) their strength.5.Test your limits. Push yourself to find your true boundaries and define your strength.

When you discover how much you’ve really got, you may surprise even yourself.

A. Certainly, it is about willpower.

B. Sometimes these limits are based on nothing.

C. How do you know just how much you’ve got?

D. Pushing It

E. As you go through your day, challenge your ability.

F. How can we train our mind and make it stronger?

G. Strength is a combination of physical and mental ability.

