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This is a part from US President Barack Obama’s speech on May 14 at Bamard College in New York.
… My last piece of advice – this is simple, but perhaps most important: 36. Nothing worthwhile is easy. No one of achievement has avoided failure – sometimes catastrophic failures. But they keep at it. They learn from mistakes. They don’t 37.
When I first arrived on this 38, I was with little money, fewer options. But it was here that I tried to find my place in this world. I knew I wanted to make a difference, but it was 39 how in fact I’d go about it. But I wanted to do my part to 40 a better world.
So even as I worked after graduation in a few 41 jobs here in New York, even as I went from motley (鱼龙混杂的)apartment to motley apartment, I 42.
… And I wish I could say that this perseverance came from some innate (天生的)toughness in me. But the truth is, it was 43. I got it from 44 the people who raised me. I grew up as the son of a single mom who struggled to put herself through 45 and make ends meet. She had a marriage that fell apart; 46 went on food stamps at one point to help us 47. But she didn’t quit. And she earned her degree, and made sure that 48 scholarships and hard work, my sister and I earned 49.
And 50, I met a woman who was assigned to advise me on my first summer job at a law firm. And she gave me such good advice that I married her. And Michelle and I gave everything we had to balance our careers and a 51 family. We made that marriage work.
… So 52 it’s starting a business, or running for office, or 53 an amazing family, remember that making your 54  on the world is hard. It takes patience. It takes commitment. It comes with plenty of 55 and it comes with plenty of failures.
A.reached outB.put outC.gave outD.made out
A.get byB.come byC.get alongD.come along
A.for the time beingB.long beforeC.up to nowD.later on
A.as ifB.ifC.whetherD.unless


试题分析:本文是奥巴马在母校Bamard College发言稿,主要告诉我们在人生中无论遇见什么困难,都要学会坚持。
小题1:B 上下文串联。根据42空下一行this perseveranc说明本文谈论的是毅力和坚持。
小题2:C 动词辨析。A休息B下降C放弃D遗憾;很多人都会遇见困难和失败,但他们没有放弃。
小题3:A上下文串联。根据文章开头at Bamard College是奥巴马在母校的演讲。
小题4:B 形容词辨析。A自信B不确定C有野心D自豪;如何实现自己的梦想还不确定。
小题5:A 动词辨析。A形成B指导C组织D领导;但是我想为形成一个更好的世界做出我的努力。
小题6:D 词义辨析。A惊讶B困扰C有意义D不满意;毕业以后我做了我自己感觉不满意工作。
小题7:A 词义辨析。A伸出B出版C分发D辨认;我伸手向别人求助。
小题8:C 动词辨析。A呈现B构成C学习D创造;坚持是可以通过后天学习得到的。
小题9:D 动词辨析。A复制B查明C说服D观察;我是通过观察身边的人学习到毅力和坚持的。
小题10:C 名词辨析。A生活B工作C学校D生意;妈妈努力让她自己完成了学业。
小题11:B 副词辨析。A然而B甚至C仍然D也;妈妈的处境很不好甚至要到食品救助站去了。
小题12:A 短语辨析。A继续存在B经过C相处D来;妈妈让我们继续生存下去。
小题13:B 介词辨析。通过学习和努力工作,我们实现了我们自己的学位。
小题14:C 上下文串联。Ours指我们自己的degree。
小题15:D 短语辨析。A暂时B很久以后C直到现在D后来;后来,我遇见了一个给我很大帮助的女人。
小题16:A 形容词辨析。A年轻的B贫穷的C虚弱的D坚强的;我们组建了年轻的家庭。
小题17:C 固定结构。Whether…or…无论…还是…
小题18:B 动词辨析。A上升B抚养C引起D出现;指抚养一个家庭。
小题19:D 名词辨析。A观点B逗留C品论D痕迹;如果你想在世界上留下你的痕迹和印迹。
小题20:D 名词辨析。A目标B优势C缺点D挫折;你会遇见很多的挫折和失败,都要坚持。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In a land far away, once upon a time there was great poverty (贫困),and only the rich could manage without great _26_. Three of those rich men and their servants were_27_together on a road when they came to a very_28_village.
The first could not stand seeing the poverty, _29  he took all the gold and jewels from his wagons (四轮载重马车) and shared _30 out among the villagers. He wished them all the best of luck, and he left.
The second rich man ,seeing the _31  situation, stopped for a short time and gave _32  all his food and drink, since he _33  see that money would be of little _34  to them. He made sure that they each _35  their fair share and would have enough food to _36  for some time . Then, he left.
The third rich man, on seeing such poverty, _37  and went straight through the _38  without stopping. The two other rich men saw this from a distance and commented with each other_39  the third rich man lacked sympathy. It was _40  that they themselves had been there to offer help.
However, three days later, they  41 the  third rich man ,who was coming in the opposite direction . He was  42  travelling quickly, but his wagons,  43  the gold and valuables they had been  44  ,were now full of farming tools and bags of  45  .He was rushing back to help them out of poverty.
A.the villagersB.his servantsC.the othersD.the rest
A.turned backB.set outC.showed offD.speeded
A.exceptB.instead ofC.apart fromD.along with


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Birthdays often involve surprises. But this year's surprise on the birthday of the great British playwright William Shakespeare is surely one of the most dramatic.
On April 22, one day before his 441st birthday anniversary, experts discovered that one of the most recognizable portraits of William Shakespeare is a fake. This means that we no longer have a good idea of what Shakespeare looked like. "It's very possible that many pictures of Shakespeare might be unreliable because many of them are copies of this one," said an expert from Britain's National Portrait Gallery.
  The discovery comes after four months of testing using X-rays, ultraviolet light, microphotography and paint samples. The experts from the gallery say the image —commonly known as the "Flower portrait"— was actually painted in the 1800s, about two centuries after Shakespeare's death. The art experts who work at the gallery say they also used modern chemistry technology to check the paint on the picture. These checks found traces of paint dating from about 1814. Shakespeare died in 1616, and the date that appears on the portrait is 1609.
 "We now think the portrait dates back to around 1818 to 1840. This was when there was a renewed interest in Shakespeare's plays," Tarnya Cooper, the gallery's curator (馆长), told the Associated President.
  The fake picture has often been used as a cover for collections of his plays. It is called the Flower portrait because one of its owners, Desmond Flower, gave it to the Royal Shakespeare Company.
  "There have always been questions about the painting," said David Howells, curator for the Royal Shakespeare Company. "Now we know the truth, we can put the image in its proper place in the history of Shakespearean portraiture."
Two other images of Shakespeare, are also being studied as part of the investigation (调查) and the results will come out later this month._________________
小题1:What makes the birthday of Shakespeare dramatic this year?
A.It was found that he painted a portrait in 1814 instead of in 1609.
B.The Flower portrait has been found to be a fake.
C.Three portraits of Shakespeare are being tested to identify a real one.
D.It was found that there was a renewed interest in Shakespeare's plays around 1818 to 1840.
小题2:Which statement is True according to the passage?
A.Portraits of Shakespeare are all unreliable.
B."Flower portrait " was a portrait of Shakespeare given to Desmond Flower.
C.1814 might be when the portrait was drawn.
D.The Flower portrait is not often used as a cover for Shakespeare's play.
小题3:How many methods were used to test the portrait?
A.Not mentioned.B.TwoC.ThreeD.At least four.
小题4:The best title for this passage is _________.
A.Birthdays often involve surprises 
B.The surprise on the 441st birthday of Shakespeare
C.One portrait of Shakespeare is a fake
D.How can we know Shakespeare's appearance?
小题5:Which is the best sentence to fill in the blank in the last paragraph?
A.Soon we'll know which portrait is reliable.
B.Maybe we cannot find a real portrait of Shakespeare.
C.If the two portraits are found to be false, they will test more.
D.For now what Shakespeare really looked like will remain a mystery.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new mother. The bundle (a collection of things wrapped or boxed together) was placed in her arms and when she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped -- the baby had been born without ears. Time, however, proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect except his appearance.
One day when he rushed home from school and threw himself into his mother’s arms, he cried out bitterly, “A boy, a big boy… called me -- a f... freak.” She sighed, knowing that his life was to be endless of heartbreaks.
He grew up, handsome for his misfortune. A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that. He developed a gift for literature and music.
The boy’s father had a talk with the family doctor. Could nothing be done? “I believe we could graft (移植) on a pair of outer ears, if they could be donated (捐献) ,” the doctor decided. So the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice for a young man. Two years went by. Then, “You’re going to the hospital, son. Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need. But it’s a secret.” said the father.
The operation was a brilliant success. His talents blossomed into genius. School and college became a series of successes. Later he married and entered the diplomatic (外交) service. “But I must know!” he urged his father. “Who gave so much for me? I could never do enough for him.”
“I do not believe you could,” said the father,“but the agreement was that you are not to know…not yet.” The years kept the secret, but the day did come... one of the darkest days that ever passed through a son. He stood with his father over his mother’s casket (棺材). Slowly and tenderly, the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick, reddish-brown hair to let out the secret.
小题1:The story is mainly about _______.
A.how a boy had new ears through an operation
B.what a devoted parent privately did for the child
C.how a disabled boy turned into a useful person
D.why a donator made a sacrifice to a bright boy
小题2:From the first paragraph we know that the mother _______.
A.was determined to donate her ears to perfect her son
B.kept her husband unknown about the baby’s situation
C.felt shocked and disappointed to see her new baby
D.complained of her bad luck to have a disabled child
小题3:The underlined word “freak” in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to “_______”.
A.slow-acting personB.funny-looking child
C.badly-behaved studentD.strangely-shaped creature
小题4:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The agreement was between the donator and the family.
B.The boy was so popular that he was made class president.
C.Finally the boy came to know who the donator was.
D.The mother donated her ears to her son after she died.
小题5:What moral lesson can we draw from this reading?
A.Real love lies in what is done unknown rather than what is done known.
B.It is parents’ responsibility to help their children heart and soul.
C.True beauty lies only in the heart not in appearance.
D.Young generations should learn to be grateful.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I became lame(瘸的)in both legs in my childhood. I can’t stand   36  the support of two sticks. Only in my wheelchair can I “   37  ”.
I still remember the first day at   38 . When I appeared at the door, 39   in the classroom stared(凝视)at me in   40 . My face turned   41 . I couldn’t help  42 back. It was the    43  and sympathy(同情)in their eyes that   44  me doing so. I went shyly towards an unoccupied (空的) seat.
Being lame, I didn’t dare (敢) to   45  in front of my classmates. I was afraid that I might be   46  at. In those days I was very sad to see others walking   47 .
One day, a few students came up to me and asked me to go outside. I was really   48 . They encouraged me with a(n)   49  smile and   50  me in my wheelchair from place to place. I was   51  to them for giving me a chance to see the   52  of our lovely school with my own eyes.
After that we often read, played and talked together. My friends are always   53   to help me. It made me   54  I am handicapped (残疾的).
Once they asked me, “What is the most beautiful thing in our school?” Without hesitation (犹豫) I said, “It is the   55 . ”
A.withB.without C.under D.on
A.he B.sheC.everyone D.nobody
A.thought B.interest C.angerD.surprise
A.red B.brown C.whiteD.black
A.enteringB.hidingC.coming D.turning
A.feelingB.kindness C.sorrowD.pain
A.sadly B.slowlyC.happilyD.shyly
A.honestB.friendly C.luckilyD.handsome
A.satisfiedB.sorryC.loyal D.thankful
A.signsB.sights C.labsD.students
A.forget B.remember C.imagineD.think
A.teachersB.schoolyard C.classmatesD.friendship


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If I raised the question, “What would be the last thing you would expect to happen while watching your son’s flag football game?” you probably still couldn’t come up with what happened to me and my family.
As we were sitting on the sidelines enjoying the game, a low-flying bird came swooping in attempting to land on my daughter’s head! It honestly came out of nowhere. We were seated by ourselves on the tree lined side of the field. I was able to calm my daughter’s shock and fear once I showed her that the bird was not some wild animal, it was in fact, somebody’s pet!
Now, we’re sitting at the outdoor fields of the Pontiac Silverdome, far from any populated area, wondering where this very social cockatiel, an Australian parrot (澳洲鹦鹉) could have come from. I walked up to the bird and put out my hand. Immediately, it hopped on and chirped in a friendly way. We looked around us and knew that we could not just leave and suppose that the bird would return to where it came from. This was a very domesticated bird that needed help or it would not survive.
The flag football game had ended so we walked the bird over to other groups of adults and asked if they knew of anyone who had lost a bird. All the kids were excited about the bird and fed it with some post game snacks. The bird’s nails were getting long and he was looking pretty dirty, so we knew it had been out here for a long time and was hungry. Since its wings were clipped, it could fly a little but probably not more than 100 yards or so at a try. We all just scratched our heads as a group wondering what to do with the lost bird.
We explained to the kids that this bird needed our help since it was someone’s pet and would not know how to get its own food, and it could not fly well since its wings were clipped. The kids understood, and all of them wanted to take the bird home! The parents however, knew this was not a good choice as one had a large dog, another two cats, etc. We explained to the kids that one of us could take the bird home for the night and then bring it to the Humane Society in the morning in hopes to connect it to its owners. We couldn’t keep the bird. It wasn’t ours. This was tough for the kids to understand at first. We couldn’t just leave the bird either. There was no way it could attend itself. The group of us sat around the Silverdome practice fields for quite a while trying to determine the best course of choice for the lost bird. It was getting dark out but no one was willing to leave that parking lot until we had a game plan for how to help the bird.
The owner of the football league, Chris Novak, offered to take the bird. It was extremely nice of him and he really stepped in to help while all the rest of us who had kids tugging on our shirts and begging to take it home. We took a box and put a bunch of holes in it and he brought it home for the night. Another mom went online and found a family that had lost a bird that looked just like the one we’d found. She emailed the info to Chris who got in touch with the family and the next day, reunited the bird with the family that lost it almost 3 weeks earlier! When Chris emailed us to let us know, we could not believe that this bird had traveled from The Rochester Tienken area all the way to the Silverdome!
We were so happy to be able to save this bird and get it back to its family. I showed my kids the email about how the other family got their pet back. The family has 3 kids who were so happy to see their bird. My kids realized what a nice ending this story had. Not only had we been able to save this bird’s life, but we were able to bring it back to the family that loves and misses him.
The life lesson in the missing bird story seemed to miss its mark with my kids at first. They were a little bummed out that they couldn’t keep the lost bird. I explained to them that when an animal or someone needs help, you just can’t turn a blind eye and hope everything works out OK. The “lost bird incident” was also a reminder to them that teamwork and the kindness of strangers can make a world of difference and that a group of well-meaning strangers can work together to help someone. It wasn’t a heroic act, but one that I knew had sunk in with my kids when they realized that trying to help was the best and only real course of action.  
小题1:What happened when the author watched his son’s football games?
A.A parrot tried to eat their food.
B.His daughter was hurt by a parrot.
C.A parrot flew towards his daughter.
D.A parrot landed on his daughter’s head.
小题2:The underlined word “domesticated” in the second paragraph probably means_______.
A.having been abandonedB.having been used to home life
C.having been used to life in the wildD.having been week and hungry
小题3:Who was the first one to find the bird’s owner?
A.The authorB.Chris Novak
C.The Humane SocietyD.A participant’s mother
小题4:What can be learned from the “lost bird incident”?
A.Strangers can also work well together.
B.Humane Society helps children in teamwork.
C.Children can keep lost injured pet birds home.
D.Helping others is always regarded as a heroic act.
小题5:What did the author want to tell in the text?
A.How to help a lost parrot to find home.
B.The experience of watching a football games.
C.The importance of teamwork and helping others.
D.How a parrot can fly a long distance from home.
小题6:The best title of the text should be________. 
A.What Animals Can Teach Us
B.Complete Care for a Lost Bird
C.Life Lessons When You Least Expect It
D.Love First, Teamwork and Kindness Second


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My sisters and I have dreamt of a home in the city, but when the Alcott family found itself in a small house at the South End without a tree in sight, only a back yard to play in, and no money to buy any of the beautiful things before us, we children all opposed it and longed for the country again.
Anna soon found little pupils, and walked away each morning to her daily task, pausing at the corner to wave her hand to me in answer to my greet with the duster(抹布). My father went to his office downtown, mother to her helping the poor, the little girls to school, and I, Lousia, was left to keep house, feeling like an aged sea-gull as I washed dishes and cooked in the basement kitchen where the only thing I could hope for was someone talking with me.
Good drill, but very hard, and my only comfort was the evening reunion where all met with such various reports of the day’s adventures, we could not fail to find both amusement and instruction.
Father brought interesting and attractive news from the upper world; mother, usually in low spirits because she would give away her clothes with sad tales of suffering from the darker side of life; gentle Anna gave a modest account of her success as a teacher, for even at seventeen her sweet nature won all who knew her, and her patience gained her the support of the most naughty pupil.
My reports were usually a mixture of sadness and happiness, and the children poured their small joys and troubles into the family where comfort and mercy were always to be found.
小题1:We know from this passage that the Alcott family was __________.
A.a happy and united family
B.an extremely poor family
C.a family with lots of serious problems
D.a family that remained in the country
小题2:Anna was a successful teacher because_________.
A.she had a strong sense of dutyB.she was obviously intelligent
C.she knew her subjects wellD.she had wonderful character
小题3:Lousia’s daily responsibility was_____.
A.to help the poorB.to run the house
C.to go downtownD.to feed the seagulls
小题4:According to the passage, what Lousia enjoyed most is _________.
A.the evening reunionB.moving to the city
C.joining Anna at her schoolD.telling others her stories


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On June 21, 1982, Prince (王子) William, the future King of England, was born. Since then, he has won all the hearts of the public.
When he was very small, he got a number of nicknames (绰号):King Tot, Willys, Billy, and William the Terrible!He was often found climbing into wastebaskets, trying to flush (冲刷) Dad’s shoes down the toilet (厕所) and pressing buttons, which often made alarm ring!
Prince William has a lot of rules to follow:no drinking in public, no smoking or taking drugs, no kissing girls in public. William was especially close to Diana. However, he has been brave beyond his years since his mother’s sudden death because of the car accident.
Prince William’s fans are growing in number every day. He got more than 12, 000 fan letters a week. When he made a trip to Canada, thousands of girls went frenetic and screamed, “William, will you marry me?” His favorite drink is coke and his favorite foods are burgers, fries, pizza, and chocolate. William also loves to search the World Wide Web. So next time when you’re online, you might be chatting with the future King of England.
Want to write to him? Here it is:
HRH Prince William             
Kensington Palace  Kensington, London W8 4PN  Great Britain
小题1:William’s mother died when he was_____.     .
A. 13                   B. 20                C. 19                  D. 15
小题2:What does the underlined word “frenetic” mean?  
A. Angry.               B.Excited.           C. Stupid.                D. Comfortable.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Prince William loves his mother very much.   
B. Prince William likes western food.
C. Prince William has two brothers.    
D. Prince William loves to use the computer.
小题4:Where can you probably see the article?
A. In a magazine       B. In a textbook      C. In a sports report   D. On TV

