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Dear Daughter, 

As we drove off from Columbia,I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.

First,I want to tell you how proud we are. Getting into Columbia is a real testament of what a great wellrounded student you are. 1       College will be the most important years in your life. 2       " Education is what you have left after all that is taught is forgotten."What I mean by that is the materials taught isn't as important as you gaining the ability to learn a new subject,and the ability to analyze a new problem. The skills of learning will be something you cherish forever.

Follow your passion in college. Take courses you think you will enjoy. 3       Do your best in classes,but don't let pressure get to you. Most importantly,make friends and be happy. College friends are often the best in life,because during college you are closer to them physically than to your family. 4       Pick a few friends and become really close to them―pick the ones who are genuine and sincere to you.

5       May Columbia become the happiest four years in your life,and may you blossom into just what you dream to be.

Love,Dad (&Mom)

   A. Please treasure your college years.

   B. It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about.

   C. You should be as proud of yourself as we are.

   D. There is no single simple answer to any question.

   E. Grades are just silly letters that give the vain people something to brag,and the lazy people something to fear.

   F. Also,going through independence and adulthood is a natural bonding experience.

   G. Don't be trapped in what others think or say.

1.         2.         3.                  4.          5.       


1. C考查顺;f (关系。与前文"how proud we are" 对应,前文说父母为她感到骄傲,这里说她自己也应该为自己感到骄傲。

2. B考查因果关系。上文说大学的重要性,下文说教育的本质,所以大学是发现学习真正是什么的地方,故选B.

3. G考查转折关系。上文说到在大学里你要追随自己的激情和兴趣,选你感兴趣的课程,所以不要被他人的言语和想法困扰,选G。

4. F考查递进关系。这里李开复建议女儿在大学要多交朋友,因为"在一块儿成长,一起独立,很自然地你们就会紧紧地系在一起,成为密友"。

5. A考查总结与归纳关系。整篇文章都是作者给女儿提的建议,帮助她更好地适应、享受大学生活,所以此处用此句作为总结最合适。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) > 组合训练41


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As a resident of Hubei Province which is called "the province with thousands of lakes", my heart hurts for the polluting South Lake. We should of course do something of it right now.

First,the environmental protection department should make strict laws. Then the fish owners must deal the dead fish in time. Third,the citizens who live near the lake must forbidden to pour pollutants into the lake. What's more,the government should educate the citizens the important of protected environment and put forward various ways to dealing with the problems which may be causing by our ignorance and indifference.

If everyone is responsible for the South Lake and do which is right,there is no doubt whether it will turn back to a pretty diamond of Wuhan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Some herbs and spices may be gaining importance in modern medicine. They help to 1       (sharp) the taste of many foods because of their smell. Still others are used traditionally for health reasons.

Researchers from Purdue University reported about the effects of red pepper in the journal Physiology. They found that small changes in diet,like adding the pepper,may reduce the desire to eat.

The spice turmeric comes from a tropical plant common to India. Research 2       (involve) turmeric is not new. Scientists 3       ( study) its medical possibilities for many years. For example,researchers in Singapore completed one such study several years ago. The study 4       (base) on earlier evidence 5        turmeric has strong antioxidant and anti?inflammatory qualities. These qualities can help protect 6        damage to the body's tissues and other injuries.

The researchers said turmeric may reduce evidence of damage in the brains of patients 7        Alzheimer's disease. For this reason,the researchers designed a study that examined results from a mental performance test of older Asian adults. The study involved curry,8       contains turmeric.

The adults were sixty to ninetythree years old. None had severe memory losses. Those who sometimes ate curry did better on the tests 9        individuals who rarely or never ate curry. This was also true of those 10        ate it often or very often.

1.         2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.                8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Are the school holidays too long? We asked children,parents and teachers whether the summer break should be shorter. 1       Ruby Mullin,nine This idea is mean. There's no other word for it. Children need to calm down and have a good holiday at the end of a busy school year. The long holidays give you time to do things you wouldn't otherwise get to do,like in my family we go to Ireland and see relatives and friends there. It might seem long to some people. 2       Anthony Seldon,head teacher of Wellington College in Berkshire If it hadn't been for the long summer holiday,I wouldn't have come into teaching. 3       Whether it's painting,hiking or,as in my case,writing books,it adds such a lot to what teachers have to give. And as for all these worries about pupils forgetting all they've learned,children have up to nine weeks in summer,and their exam results don't suffer. We all know that some of the most valuable learning experiences take place away from the classroom.

Nachelle Crowther,mother of three kids 4      The sixweek break seems designed for another age,when mothers didn't work and your mum lived round the corner to give you a hand. If I was able to take a sixweek holiday,great,I'd love it―but in the real world,that isn't possible. Instead,I end up spending a fortune―around £600―on childcare for each week when I'm working.

Sarah Radford,a primary school teacher at Botley school,Oxford

I've taught for more than 20 years,and summer is the only holiday when teachers can properly switch off from the intense work of planning and assessing (评估) .If it was shortened,the result would be an increase in teachers' stress levels and a harmful effect on our ability to teach. Children need that time for unstructured play,and to have time not being assessed,simply being themselves. 5      

   A. Should children have less time off school during the summer?

   B. However,time flies when you're having fun.

   C. It's important for teachers to do other things.

   D. A shorter summer holiday would be much better.

   F.   T have 9inreferenre for a lon^ cummer holiHav to have,fun

   F. A long summer holiday can also improve childrenparents relationship.

   G. And then school lessons will help their learning when they're back in school.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Humans love animals and they especially love animals with humanlike personalities. For this reason,many of the most popular films are either centered on animals 1        have animals as important characters. Even in a movie that has little or nothing to do with animals,a pet can add a certain 2       (emotion) quality to a film's plot. As 3       (expect) ,dogs and cats,the two most popular pets,make up the majority of animal characters in films. 4       many other less common pets have had 5 (star) roles also. Snakes,rats,pigs,rabbits,horses and many others have touched our lives through their extraordinary ability to personify humans in ways that humans just can't do.

Most movies that feature pets as central characters are family movies that give families a platform around 6        delicate subjects can 7       (discuss) . Often kids have an easier time understanding subjects like death and illness if they see it through the eyes of one of these personified animals.

These days,computer animation and graphics allow an 8       (entire) new generation of pet movies 9       (make) . Animals that before were never seen in a film but now appear on the big screen in life. Whether they are lions,elephants,polar bears or some other exotic animals,video stores now have hundreds of titles10       ( offer) humanlike performances from any type of animal imaginable.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Tom ,

I've finally made up my mind to go to America for farther study after graduation. I've been longed to go to America,mainly for two reasons. One is that I want to experience American culture,which is believed to have the most diverse in the world,and the another is that I hope to broaden my horizon in this developed country. But to telling you the truth,I have some worries about this. I don't have good command of English,especially spoken English,so Fm afraid Fll have difficulty fitting very soon. Besides,I may suffer from highly pressure from college courses,which I'm not sure I can handle with.

With so many things bother me,I hope you can offer me some practical advices. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours,Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It says every scientist cherishes a childhood dream indicating his or her future success. But for Yuan Longping,dubbed (外号;) as " father of hybrid rice”,the dream is that he cultivates rice as plump as peanuts,1       Yuan won a 5 million yuan State Supreme Science and Technology Award today,known as the Nobel Prize in China,for his outstanding achievements in breeding highyield hybrid rice,2       Yuan came up with the idea of hybridizing rice for the first time in the world in 1960s. Since then,50 percent of China's total rice cultivation fields have grown such rice,3       .

Wrinkles grown on his sunburnt face,a slim figure and coiledup (向上卷的) trousers legs would confuse foreign reporters who came to interview the most famous scientist in China,who would rather be called "a farmer".

The urbanite-turned-farmer graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in 1953 has his name related to the world's most advanced agricultural technology. Four minor planets,a listed seed company and a science college in China were named after him,4       .

By lending his name to the Longping Hightech,a seed company,Yuan obtained a 5 percent stake,or 2. 5 million shares worth 2 million yuan,in the firm.

However,Yuan said his research requires the lifestyle of a farmer,or rather a migrating farmer,as he has conducted extensive research related to the cultivation of new strains of hybrid rice " Super Hybrid Rice" in some 10  provinces.

The "Super Rice" yields are 30 percent higher than those of common rice. The record yield of 17,055 kilograms per hectare was registered in Yongsheng County in Yunnan in 1999.

5          He has a dream,more realistic than that of his young age,that popularizing new strains of grain with higher yields around the world,can eliminate starvation on earth.

   A. which is considered to be the best way to increase the world's grain output

   B. But even after that achievement Yuan won't take a break.

   C. This is his motivation to stimulate his research.

   D. and farmers can relax in the cool shadow of big rice plants

   E. wiiich were the first time that a Chinese scientist's name is valued for its intellectual assets

   F. which has substantially increased China's grain output

   G. which added some 300 billion kilograms to the country's grain output

1.                  2.                  3.         ____ 4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Last Sunday I saw the worse storm in years. It came down suddenly but went on for more than three hours. After the lunch,I went into my room have a rest. The air was hot and all were quiet. Then a strong wind started blowing into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew highly into the air and some flew out of the opened window. As I ran out to catch it,big drops of rain began to fall. Then I heard a loud crashing sound from the back of the home. I ran out of my room to find out that a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the backroom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It's October the 31st,and across Britain and the USA. thousands of children are dressed up 1        monsters,ghosts and witches and going to their neighbours' houses to ask 2        sweets or to play tricks on them 3        they refuse.

What is the reason for all of this? It's Halloween!To an outsider,this may seem a strange festival,but it is 4        important part of the culture in Britain and the USA. But 5 did it start?

The holiday once had a religious significance. November the 1st was All Saint's Day,and on October the 31st all the spirits 6         (believe) to come back to the world of the living. In modern times,this has changed to be a day 7        children have fun. Once they are dressed up,children go to their neighbours' houses. They knock on the door and shout "Trick or treat!"

8       tradition is to make lanterns from pumpkins. First,the inside of the pumpkin is removed. Then,a face is cut into the pumpkin,traditionally a smiling,devil face. 9      ,a candle is placed inside,and the lantern is put at the front of the house to keep evil spirits away.

There are many traditional games on Halloween,but the most common is " apple bobbing". Several apples are put floating in water. Children then have their hands 10       (tie) behind their backs. They then have to try to pick the apples out of the water using only their mouths.

1.         2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.         7.                8.                  9.          10.       

