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It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle.
As Christmas drew nearer, her dream for a bicycle seemed to fade(逐渐消失), for she didn’t mention it again. We bought some beautiful story books for her and thought she would be happy to see them. However, on December 24, she said that she wanted a bike more than anything else.
It was just too late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and parking presents till midnight. So there was no time to buy a bicycle for our little girl. Thinking she would feel unhappy with the gift we gave her, we felt sad. We didn’t know what to do.
Suddenly my husband had a good idea. “ What if I make a little bicycle out of clay(泥) and write a note to tell her that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike?” My husband asked. I agreed. So he spent the next four hours patiently working with clay to make a tiny bike.
On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud.
Then she asked, “Does this mean that I can trade in this bike that Daddy made me for a real one?” Smiling, I said, “Yes.”
Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I will never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made for me. I’d rather keep this than get a real bike.” Hearing this, I gave her a big hug.(拥抱).
小题1:What did Rose hope to get on Christmas Day?
小题2:Why didn’t Rose’s parents buy a bicycle for her?
小题3:What did Rose’s father decide to do then?
小题4:When did Rose open the box and read the note in a loud voice?
小题5:What do we know from Rose’s words in the last paragraph?

小题1:She hopes to get a new bicycle.
小题2:Because they thought Almie might have lost interest in getting a bicycle.
小题3:He decided to make a little bicycle out of clay and ask her to trade in it with him for a real one.
小题4:On Christmas morning,
小题5:Rose was greatly moved by what her father had done for her.

小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:It was at least two months before Christmas when nine-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bicycle.可知Rose希望圣诞节收到一辆自行车。She hopes to get a new bicycle.
小题2:细节题:从第二段的句子:As Christmas drew nearer, her dream for a bicycle seemed to fade(逐渐消失), for she didn’t mention it again.可知父母没有给她买自行车,因为他们认为Rose可能对自行车失去了兴趣:Because they thought Almie might have lost interest in getting a bicycle.
小题3:细节题:从第四段的句子:Suddenly my husband had a good idea. “ What if I make a little bicycle out of clay(泥) and write a note to tell her that she could trade the clay model in for a real bike?”可知Rose的爸爸决定给她做个粘土的自行车让她去换个新的:He decided to make a little bicycle out of clay and ask her to trade in it with him for a real one.
小题4:细节题:从第三段的句子:On Christmas morning, we were excited for Almie to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. Finally, she opened it and read the note aloud.可知Rose是在圣诞节的早上打开盒子大声朗读便条的。填On Christmas morning,
小题5:推理题:从最后一段的句子:Almie had tears in her eyes when she replied, “I will never trade in this beautiful bicycle that Daddy made for me.可知Rose看到爸爸的礼物很感动:Rose was greatly moved by what her father had done for her.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When we're learning a foreign language, making sense of what we hear is the first step toward fluency. It sounds obvious, but until recently, we didn't know much about how listening works. New research shows that effective listening involves more than simply hearing the words that float past our ears. Rather, it's an active process of analysing information and making meaning.
Studies of skilled language learners have identified specific listening strategies that lead to excellent comprehension. In addition to that benefit, research has shown that learners who adopt these strategies become better listeners.
So what are listening strategies? Skilled learners go into a listening activity with a sense of what they want to get out of it. They set a goal for their listening, and they make predictions about what the speaker will say. Before the talking begins, they review what they already know about the subject, and form an intention to “listen out for”what's important. Once they begin listening, these learners maintain their focus; if their attention wanders, they bring it back to the words being spoken. They don't allow themselves to be thrown off by confusing or unfamiliar details. Instead, they take note of what they don't understand and later make inferences(推测)about what those things might mean, based on other clues available to them: their previous knowledge of the subject, the identity of the speaker, and so on. All the while, skilled learners are evaluating what they're hearing and their own understanding of it. They're checking their inferences to see if they're correct.
Such strategies are all about thinking, and they produce a variety of benefits. Research indicates that such learners are better at analysing and storing new information, better at finding the best ways to practice what they have learned. Last year, for example, University of Ottawa researcher Larry Vandergrift published his study of 106 undergraduates who were learning French as a second language. Half of the students were taught in a traditional fashion, listening to and practicing texts spoken aloud. The other half, dealing with the same skill level and taught by the same teacher, were given clear instruction on how to listen. In the journal Language Learning, Vandergrift reported the results: The second group “significantly outperformed(胜过)” the first one on a test of comprehension. In a 2006 study by researchers from Singapore, Chinese speakers who were learning English as a second language reported increased motivation and confidence after they were taught metacognitive strategies.
Though listening is often treated as a way to make others feel appreciated, it's also one of the most powerful tools we have to gain information and insight(洞察力).
General idea of paragraphs
Detailed information
__小题1:__of effective listening
It includes our hearing the words and _小题2:_of the information to get the meaning.
The _小题3:__of specific listening strategies
★It will lead to excellent comprehension.
★Learners _小题4:_them can become better listeners.
 Listening strategies
★Review the _小题5:__fact about the subject.
★Set a goal for listening.
★__小题6:__the speaker's information.
★Maintain the _小题7:__on the words being spoken.
★Take note of the confusing details for later inferences.
★Evaluate the information being heard, the understanding of it and its __小题8:__.
The results of the experiment
Learners are more __小题9:__and confident.
Listening can make others feel appreciated and help the listeners gain information and insight.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In the spring of 2013, Carly Zalenski's eyes were filled with tears as the dusty bus ran down a dirt road in southern Vietnam. The 14-year-old girl and her family had traveled by plane from Canton, Ohio, to Ho Chi Minh City and then by bus deep into the Mekong Delta. Now, as they approached the village, hundreds of cheering schoolchildren lined the entrance to the Hoa Lac School, a two-story concrete building that Carly had raised money for.
Carly started helping others when she was eight, handing out Thanksgiving baskets at church to families in need. It was a snowy day, and she saw that one girl was wearing a pair of broken shoes and others didn't have warm coats. The next November, she went door-to-door asking for used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves, and then handed them out with the baskets.
But Carly wanted to do more - she wanted to "change lives," she says. She remembered that her grandmother's Rotary club had, years earlier, raised money to build a school in Vietnam. That was it, she decided. She'd build a school, too.
She put together a PowerPoint presentation on the people and culture of Vietnam. At 12, hardly able to see over the platform, she gave her first fund-raising speech. She spoke with enthusiasm" The kids in rural Vietnam don't have good schools, " she told a room of 200 Rotarians. "That's not fair. I want to raise money and improve the school condition to make their lives better. "
In two years, Carly set off with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week. "We traveled like crazy people to all these meetings," recalled her mother, Kris.
Finally, Carly raised $ 50,000, which was matched by the Vietnam Children's Fund. At the donation ceremony in Hoa Lac, the school principal was impressed with the ninth grader. "How wonderful," he said through a translator, "that a girl wanted to do something for kids of her age so far away. "
小题1:In which year was Carly born? (Within 2 words)
小题2:Why did Carly once collect used clothes from door to door? (Within 12 words)
小题3:What made Carly determine to build a school in Vietnam? (Within 10 words)
小题4:How did Carly help the kids in rural Vietnam when she was 12? (Within 5 words)
小题5:What does the school principal in Hoa Lac think of Carly? (Within 6 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Born in 1949, Diana Nyad took an early interest in swimming as a sport and was a Florida State High School swimming champion. Like many young athletes, she had Olympic dreams, but a serious illness kept her from competing in the Games. The disappointment didn’t stop her from going forward. Instead, she became interested in marathon swimming. A brilliant athlete, she was well-conditioned for spending long periods of time in the water. As a long-distance swimmer, she would compete against herself and the obstacles presented by distance, danger, cold, and exhaustion.
For ten years Nyad devoted herself to becoming one of the world’s best long-distance swimmers. In 1970, she swam a ten-mile marathon in Lake Ontario, setting the women’s record for the course. In 1972 she set another record by swimming 102.5 miles from an island in the Bahamas to the coast of Florida. Then she broke a third record when swimming around Manhattan Island in 1975.
Nyad attempted to swim the distance between Florida and Cuba in 1978. Though the span of water is less than 100 miles wide, it is rough and dangerous. After battling the water for two days, she had to give up for the sake of her own health and safety. Even so, she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed. For Nyad her strength of purpose was just as important as reaching Cuba. That is how she defined success. It did not matter that her swim came up short; she believed she had touched the other shore.
When Nyad ended her career as a swimmer, she continued to try new things---travelling the world as a reporter, writing books and giving public speeches about her life. Diana Nyad works to inspire others, just as she did when she swam the waters of the world.
小题1: What prevented Nyad from taking part in the Olympic Games? (No more than 5 words)
小题2:What does the underlined word “obstacles” mean? (1 word)
小题3:What achievement did Nyad make in 1970? (No more than 10 words.)
小题4:Why did Nyad believe that she had touched the other shore? (No more than 10 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It’s no secret that many students love music. Whether on your way to class, heading to the gym or hanging out with your friends, music just makes you feel good. Depending on the style you choose, it can give you energy or calm you down. Here are some other important reasons for listening to music.
Childhood memories. No matter how old you are, you will always remember a song from your past. Many people keep in mind a piece of music, or a number of pieces, from their childhood. Often when you hear that song, you begin to think of particular childhood memories, such as the song Old Houses in My Hometown. Music can bring back memories you may have forgotten.
Concentration development. Listening to music helps you develop your powers of concentration, especially when you are learning to play a musical instrument. This focus will also be useful in everyday life. You will concentrate deeper in school lessons, or even just in a simple conversation.
Motivation. Often , a song playing on the radio or from a CD will remind you of a situation you are experiencing. Sometimes just listening to that song can give you motivation to get through the situation at hand. Music can often touch us more deeply than words and makes us ready for a challenge.
Encouraging creativity. Music is a creative work of art. Though not everyone who listens to music becomes an artist, people listening to music are likely to feel more creative in the task they are doing, such as writing, painting or even cleaning the house.
小题1:What’s the text mainly about?(within 10 words)
小题2:What will the old songs offer to the listeners according to paragraph2?(within 5 words)
小题3:What can you do to develop your concentration after reading paragraph3(within 12 words)
小题4:How does music offer motivation?(within 15 words)
小题5:What kind of music do you like best? Why?(within 20 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1]Some people's ears producewax like busy little bees. This can be a problem even though earwax appears to serve an important purpose. Experts say it protects and cleans the ear. It traps dirt and other matter and keeps insects out. Doctors think it might also help protect against infections. And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry.
[2]So earwax is good. It even has a medical name: cerumen. And there are two kinds. Most people of European or African ancestry have the "wet" kind: thick and sticky. East Asians commonly have ___________.But you can have too much of a good thing.
[3]The glands(腺体) in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people. Earwax normally falls out of the ear or gets washed away. But extra wax can harden and form a blockage that interferes with sound waves and reduces hearing. People can also cause a blockage when they try to clean out their ears,but only push the wax deeper inside. Earwax removal is sometimes necessary. But you have to use a safe method or you could do a lot of damage.
[4]Experts at N.I.H., the National Institutes of Health, suggest some ways to treat excessive earwax yourself. One way to removewax is known as irrigation. With the head upright, take hold of the outer part of the ear. Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal. Use an injector device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal. Then turn the head to the side to let the water out.
[5]The experts at N.I.H. say you may have to repeat this process a few times. Use water that is body temperature. If the water is cooler or warmer, it could make you feel dizzy. Never try irrigation if the eardrum is broken. It could lead to infection and other problems.
[6]After the earwax is gone, gently dry the ear. But if irrigation fails, the best thing to do is to go to a
health care provider for professionalassistance.
小题1:What’s the purpose of the passage? (No more than 10 words)
小题2:What’s the bad effect of too much earwax on our hearing? (No more than 15 words)
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (No more than 3 words)
小题4:What does the underlined word “this process” (Line 1, Paragraph 5) probably refer to?
(No more than 2 words)
小题5:Will you use freezing water when trying to remove earwax? Why or why not?
(No more than 10 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

(1)Confidence is one's belief in their own abilities. Confident people rationally believe they are capable of doing things well and therefore aren't afraid to do those things or even try new things. Teens who are confident grow up to have a good sense of self and become happy adults. Parents can help teen build their confidence
(2)throughout their adolescence by following these tips:
Be trustworthy. Be there when your teen needs you. Provide a safe home environment and firm but fair discipline,which is a foundation that your teen's confidence can stand on.
(3)Give your teen choices. One of the things that confidence helps teens do is making a decision, You can_____by offering them choices as often as possible. Learn more about decision-making and teens. Besides, model a positive attitude by handling everyday decisions with confidence.
(4)Become your teen's biggest fan, whether it is in sports, your teen's other interests or in school, Do not use criticism when talking to your teen --- even if it is just sarcasm. it hurts more than helps and can place wedge between you and your teen, depleting their confidence.
(5)Allow your teen to fail, do not fix their problems for them. If they need you to help talk the problem through, ask open ended questions so that they come to their own conclusions. Meanwhile, praise your tens when praise is due We know that too much praise is not good either, but due praise is necessary for your teen's self-confidence.
(6)Spend time with your teen enjoying something they like to do, This is always a good time  to sit back and marvel at what a wonderful person they are becoming.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage?
小题2:Fill in the missing word in the third paragraph. (No more than 8 words)
小题3: List three things that parents can do to make up their teens confidence
小题4:Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.
小题5:Is confidence important to teens?Why


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Xinjiang Yumin Mountain Flower Festival opened yesterday. It opens once a year. This is the fourth Flower Festival. It shows the great beauty of this area. The festival will last for 100 days. Visitors can visit the beautiful mountainous county(县) during the Flower Festival. They will enjoy a beautiful flower world.
Yumin is in the western part of Xinjiang. There are 24 rivers going through the area. The special geographical position(地理位置) and proper weather have made the county one of China's most interesting places. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful flowers, green grass, blue sky and so on.
The county is home to more than 1,000 kinds of plants. Different kinds of flowers come out in May every year. It's so beautiful. There are also more than 90 kinds of animals. In the past, it was known only by a small number of outdoor travel fans. But now it's very famous. So if you want to go on a trip to Yumin, you can start your trips in early May, when most of the county's wild flowers come out.
小题1:Does Xinjiang Yumin Mountain Flower Festival open once a year? (no more than 3 words)
小题2:How long will the fourth Flower Festival last? (no more than 8 words)
小题3:Why has Yumin become one of China's most interesting places?(no more than 14 words)
小题4:When is the best time to visit Yumin? (no more than 5 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Today, due to numerous medical and scientific advances, people are living longer than ever before. But you have to be good to your body, mind, and soul. The following tips are a good start for getting you on your way to living a long and healthy life.
Eat a balanced diet -- one that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fiber and low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol. A well-balanced diet can provide your body with the essential nutrients needed to achieve and maintain optimum (最佳的) health.
Be physically active -- try to incorporate 30 minutes of activity into your day, every day. The options are endless; start walking on the beach in the mornings, try jogging with a friend, or go for a bike ride in the afternoons. Make sure you choose activities that you enjoy, so that you'll be more likely to make them a habit.
Get regular preventive check-ups --see your doctor regularly; remember your doctor is your partner in health care. By having regular check-ups, you may be able to catch small problems before they become big ones.
Be safe - use common sense and be streetsmart (适应都市生活的). Don't put yourself in situations that are questionable. Always wear your seatbelt and bike helmet. Don't go for a run,   walk, or jog at night by yourself. Keep your home well lit and free of things that could make you fall.
Stay in touch with family and friends -- get to know your neighbors. Take the time to be involved with your community. By creating a strong social network, you will not only have friends to celebrate with when good things happen, but also a support system in difficult times.
Keep a positive attitude -- studies have shown that people who have a positive attitude tend to live longer, and lead healthier and happier lives. Try to find the humor in life. And remember to laugh.
小题1:What would be the best title for the passage?  (No more than 10 words.)
小题2:Please explain the underlined word “tips” in English (No more than 5 words) 
小题3:Why do we need to get regular check-ups? ( No more than 10 words.)
小题4:What should you pay attention to when doing activities? ( No more than 15 words.)
小题5:What should you do to keep a positive attitude? ( No more than 10 words.)

