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May the first is an important date in the college admission process in the United States.This is the last day for high school seniors to accept or reject offers of admission in the fall.But according to a recent report, there is a great change.Acceptance rates at the top colleges this year were lower than ever.1.

These days, college applicants are applying to more colleges because online and common applications make the process easier.2. On the other hand, deciding students for top colleges to accept can be difficult because it takes much time.Students may not like being put on waiting lists.Also, common colleges work more to get the students they accept to accept them.Some colleges hold visiting days that offer a chance to attend classes and stay overnight.Some universities send gifts. 3.

For many families, the most important thing colleges can do is show them the money, especially this year; the weak economy makes parents nervous. 4. The recent problems that spread from the housing market to credit markets have even affected student’s loans.So lately, top schools have to spare lots of money to increase their financial aid for students.

5. The Education Department expects the number of high school graduates to start to go down.This will happen as the last of the children of the baby boom generation finish high school.The number is not expected to start rising again until 2016.

A.Besides, top colleges are facing changes in the population.

B.What contributes to it?

C.But a mistake can be costly if it happens.

D.But top colleges ignore them.

E.They have international students who know English.

F.It can mean several acceptances to choose from.

G.They cannot afford college as planned.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省高三下学期周练英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You must notice_________ the emergency exit is when entering the building.

A. where B. what C. which D. in which


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西怀仁一中高一下学期一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



Rose: Dave, I’m going to pick up food and drink for Saturday’s picnic. Any 1. (suggest)?

Dave: Well, everyone has been talking about 2. (have) a barbecue(烧烤), so3. not pick up some hamburger meat and hot dogs?

Rose: Okay, but do you know how 4. hamburger meat we are going to need? And hot dogs too?

Dave: Uh, how about three pounds of hamburger and a couple of packages of hot dogs?

Rose: Oh, that's not going to be enough. Do you remember the last picnic we went on? Jim, your roommate, ate about ten hamburgers by 5. (him)!

Dave: Yeah, I remember that. Then seven packages of hot dogs should b enough. And you can pick up some chicken for those who don’t like hamburgers 6. hot dogs.

Rose: Okay. How about five or six bags of potato chips?

Dave: Hmm. It might be 7. (well) to make that eight.

Rose: Okay. Uh, we will need some soft drinks. How about ten of those 2-liter bottles?

Dave: 8. (sound) fine, but be sure to buy a variety of drinks.

Rose: Okay. And what about dessert(甜点)?

Dave: Well, maybe we could ask Kathy 9. (make) a few cherry pies like she did last time.

Rose: Great! I’ll give her 10. call right now.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏银川一中高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( ),并在其下面写出该加的词。





As is often the case, when people are attending to meetings, having meals or waiting for buses, you can always find them addicting to their phones, completely ignoring others.

This is really a common phenomena in our life.The reason is why smart phones nowadays can be used for people to play mobile games and kept in touch with friends through QQ and WeChat.Therefore, too much exposure to phones are bad for people in terms of health.Moreover, people involved in phones fail to communicate well with these around them.

As far as I am concerned, people should wisely make use of their phones to help their work and study.Meanwhile, care much about their family and friends rather than mobile phones.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏银川一中高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Guided Walking Week April 2016

Dates: April 30th-May 7th 2016

Location: Abdet, Costa Blanca

A week of guided walking in the mountains around Abdet.Highlights include the climbing of Valencia’s highest summit (Sierra de Aitana), traveling completely around the impressive Puig Campana, and several explorations in the Sierra de Aitana.Ancient trails lead through spectacular canyons(峡谷) to abandoned settlements situated high in the mountains.You will discover the snow trader routes which lead from the incredible snow holes high in the mountains down to the villages and towns on the coast.These years, golden eagles have made a return to this area, and you may also see other animals—wild goats, foxes, wild pigs and red squirrels.

As part of the week you are invited to help clear some local walking paths.This involves clearing collapsed walls and rocks, cutting back fallen trees.This is of course optional and is just for half a day, it’s actually great fun!



Accommodation in the beautiful mountain village of Abdet

All food-good home cooking

Beer, wine, soft drinks

Snacks and post walk treats

Packed lunches & drinks(except café/bar visits)

Expert guiding

Photos/Videos of your days in the mountains

Airport pick-up/return $25 each way(fly to Alicante)

Single room supplement $75

To book or get further information, please contact info@abdet.com.

1.What will you find during the guided walking?

A.Climbing Sierra de Aitana is the most exciting

B.Ancient trails have changed into highways.

C.The environment in Abdet is getting better.

D.Traders live in incredible snow holes.

2.What may you enjoy if you pay $499?

A.Packed lunches including bar visits.

B.Good home cooking breakfast only.

C.Bus stop pick-up/return each way.

D.Pictures and professional guiding

3.What do the details presented in the ad suggest?

A.Clearing walking paths is a must

B.People can book the walking online.

C.Accommodation conditions are tough.

D.The walking ends on April 30th 2016


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省黄冈市高考英语阅读理解专项精练(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


With his unique black mane (鬃毛)and impressive stature(身材), 13-year-old Cecil was a popular tourist attraction at the 3.6 million-square-acre Hwange National Park(万基国家公园) in Zimbabwe (津巴布韦).

Cecil was head of a pride of lions that includes 12 cubs(幼崽), but the well-known lion was shot and killed in early July by American dentist Walter J. Palmer.

Cecil’s death has already sparked an international outcry (强烈抗议) with many calling for an end to hunting endangered animals and for Palmer to be extradited(引渡) to Zimbabwe to stand trial.

Professor David Macdonald, the head of the Oxford University research program that monitored the daily movements of Cecil and dozens of other lions, is deeply saddened by Cecil’s death. Macdonald hopes the death can inspire the public to take an interest in lion conservation.

Macdonald says many of the lions tracked by the program have been shot and killed. “The background to this story is that there is a crisis for lions throughout much of Africa.” He says.

African lion populations have fallen almost 60 percent over the past thirty decades, and as few as 32,000 of them remain in the wild, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare(国际爱护动物基金会).

“And as troubling as it is, the rarer these hunted animals become, the more hunter s are willing to pay to kill them,” said Jeff Flockedn, the fund’s North American regional director.

In addition to excessive hunting, lions throughout Africa also continue to face threats that include conflicts with local farmers, loss of habitat and risk of traffic and railway collisions(碰撞).

1. Internationally, people’s attitude towards Walter J. Palmer’s behavior is ________.

A. Understandable B. Unpardonable

C. Unpredictable D. Uncontrollable

2.According to the text, how many African lions lived in the wild thirty years ago?

A. 80,000 B. 48,000 C. 53,000 D. 60,000

3.African lions are facing the following threats except ________.

A. their conflicts with local farmers.

B. the loss of their habitats

C. people’s excessive hunting

D. the increase in the number of their natural enemies

4.The best title of the text might be ________.

A. The Death of Cecil-an African Lion

B. The Current state of All African Lions

C. The Threats Facing African Lions

D. The Appeal for an End to Hunting Endangered Animals


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省黄冈市高考英语阅读理解专项精练(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

阅读理解。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项。

A little brown mouse lived in a small house in the country.His cottage was very warm and comfortable,with lots of flowers in front of it and a few apple trees behind.In his living room the brown country mouse ate good fresh food.

One day his cousin from town came to visit him. “It is so nice to see you,” the country mouse said. “Come in.Sit down.Let’s have supper.” Soon he brought in some bread,bacon and corn for supper and they drank fresh clean water.After supper they sat and talked.

The town mouse said,“ How can you live here?The country is so quiet.I don’t like the food either.Come and stay with me!”

So the next morning the mice went to town.The town mouse’s house was beautiful.But they got into the house by going under the back door.They were very hungry,so the town mouse took his cousin to the dining room.There was a lot of food on the table. “Look at that!” said the town mouse.The mice jumped onto the table.They began to eat some fine French cheese,some very tasty cakes and biscuits.They drank lemonade and milk.

Suddenly the door opened and a man walked in.He came to the table to get some fruit. “Be quiet!” whispered the town mouse.

The man took an apple and went out of the room.The town mouse began to eat again,but the country mouse could not eat a thing,because he felt so afraid.Suddenly he saw a big cat near the sofa in the corner of the room.The cat was sleeping,but then it heard something.It opened its eyes and saw the mice.The country mouse began to cry:“Help!” The cat tried to catch the mice.The mice ran into a hole in the floor.The cat couldn’t get in.

“Oh,dear,” said the country mouse. “Your food is good,but your life is not.I feel afraid everywhere.Goodbye.I’m going back to the country.”

1.The town mouse considered the life of the country mouse to be________.

A.interesting B.boring

C.exciting D. terrifying

2.The underlined word “that” in Paragraph 4 refers to________.

A.the town mouse’s home B.the back door

C.a lot of food on the table D.the dining room

3.The cat didn’t catch the mice because________.

A.one cat couldn’t fight with two mice

B.the cat was still sleepy at that time

C.the mice were powerful after eating the magic cakes

D.the cat couldn’t get into the hole in the floor

4.The country mouse went back to the country because________.

A.life is quiet but safe in the country

B.the city cat was not friendly at all

C.nowhere is better than one’s own home

D.the city life was too busy for it to enioy

5.This passage is a________.

A.piece of news B.science novel

C.fairy tale D.drama


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东省潍坊市高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



“Mum,you’re always on the computer!”Laure complained.

“No,I'm not.”I

“Every day I come home from school you’re working on the computer.”

“Well,at least I'm here you!”

My daughter was right.Day after day,in my home office,I would stare into space as my typed out the thoughts of a speaker or research completed for an article.It seemed that my work as a writer and speaker my fingers to the keyboard and my mind to valuable ideas.What Laure did not was that during her day away,I'd also be doing a lot of housework.It was only around three in the afternoon that I'd seat myself at my desk for a few moments of deep thought.Then she’d come in from schoo1.

I was of myself on being available to my children.After all,I am a speaker on child behavior and parenting.But Laure’s observation my heart.In her eyes,I must have been a mom who was but unapproachable.I wouldn’t make such an image(形象)before her.My relationship with my children is more than any other work.

“Laure,”I called.“come here a minute.”

She wandered to my doorway.I had decided to have her me when I was too devoted to work.I wanted her to have the to let me know when she thought I was cold.

After I explained my and the fact that I chose home office to be accessible to her and her sister,I offered Laure the following

“Whenever you feel I'm ignoring you or you need my ,I want you to me,I said,“just come up and give me a little hug,that’11 be our signal that you me.”

Years later we still have that sign.I've become much more sensitive to my daughters’comings and goings. she always gives me a little hug to remind me of the real reason I work at home.

1.A.thought B.refused C.defended D.agreed

2.A.for B.over C.against D.after

3.A.feet B.hands C.eyes D.ears

4.A.connected B.turned C.gave D.added

5.A.admit B.realize C.believe D.recognize

6.A.1uckily B.gradually C.instantly D.finally

7.A.anxious B.precious C.busy D.rare

8.A.proud B.ashamed C.afraid D.scared

9.A.filled B.broke C.touched D.mended

10.A.suitable B.available C.acceptable D.reasonable

11.A.important B.funny C.obvious D.wonderful

12.A.warn B.persuade C.encourage D.remind

13.A.patience B.time C.power D.honor

14.A.pattern B.dream C.schedule D.choice

15.A.promise B.chance C.answer D.truth

16.A.help B.attention C.decision D.advice

17.A.hug B.shake C.kiss D.kick

18.A.miss B.hate C.need D.scold

19.A.unknown B.unexpected C.unfinished D.unspoken

20.A.And B.But C. Or D. Yet


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京高三上学期第三次模拟考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Until Descartes came along in the seventeenth century, everyone assumed that we exited. Obviously. The fact seemed so mind-blowing obvious that it wasn’t really discussed. We could see ourselves in the mirror, we could feel pain and pleasure, we could think thoughts for ourselves and, more importantly, perhaps, all the world’s main religions assumed that we do exist. So we exist.

No you don’t it!

You don’t exist. That’s because it’s impossible to show once and for all that you do. There’s no proof. You might think you exist-that you are sitting at a table reading this book, for instance-but how could you show with 100 percent certainty that this is true? There’s no experiment that could prove it. Although Descartes said just you could prove your own existence by the fact that you are able to think, this isn’t actually, according to the British philosopher A. J. Ayer. Just because we know that we are thinking, this doesn’t mean that there is a “you” doing the thinking. It just shows that the thoughts are happening, not that anyone is having them. Thoughts exists, “You” don’t.


What a waste of time this question is. Although you can argue until the end of time whether you exist or not, it doesn’t get you anywhere. Unless you forget about this unanswerable question, you’ll be stuck thinking about it forever, and that isn’t of any use to anyone. Move on. Think about something more important! This very roughly, is the view of almost all philosophers, who prefer to answer other, apparently more useful, questions.

Yes, but…

You exist, but not in the way you might think. According to the great French philosopher Ren Descartes, you can’t show that anything exists—apart from your own self. The existence of the entire world can be doubted in one way or another, but the facts you’re having thoughts shows that there might be something (that’s you) having them. This let Descartes to write the famous philosophical phrase, “ I think before I am”.

1.Which of the following can be the missing heading?

A. Forget about it B. What a ridiculous point

C. Think about it D. What a pointless question

2.This passage is anything but a(n)___________.

A. comment B. discussion

C. argument D. debate

3.The famous answer to the question “Do I exist?” is ___________.

A. No, you don’t exist.

B. I think, therefore, I am.

C. Yes, you do exist.

D. It won’t get you anywhere

