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—I’m really hungry now.
That’s because you have left your lunch __________.

A.having untouchedB.to be untouched
C.untouchedD.being untouched


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Joanne was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30.and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a meeting of the tennis club.At last,the traffic was moving.She swung quickly racing to her house As she opened the door,she nearly tripped over Sheba.

    “Hey,Sheba,”she said,“I've got no time for you now,but I'll take you out as soon as I get back from tennis club.”Then she noticed Sheba seemed to be coughing or choking Obviously,she could hardly breathe.Immediately.Joanne realized she would have to take her to the vet.(兽医) When she got there,the vet was just about to close for the day. Seeing the state of Sheba,Dr.Sterne brought her quickly into his office.

    “Listen,doctor,I'm really in a rush to get to a meeting . Can I leave her with you,and go and get changed? I'll be back in ten minutes to pick her up,and then I'll take her on to the meeting with me. Is that OK?”

    “Sure.”said the doctor

    Joanne made the quick trip back to her house in a couple of minutes.As she was once more entering the hallway,the phone by the door began to ring.

    “This is Dr.Sterne,”said an anxious voice.“I want you to get out of that house immediately,”said the doctor's voice.“I'm coming round right away,and the police will be there any time now.Wait outside!”

    At that moment,a police car screeched to a stop outside the house.Two policemen got out and ran into the house.Joanne was by now completely confused and very frightened.Then the doctor arrived.

    “Where’s Sheba? Is she OK?”shouted Joanne.

    “She’s fine,Joanne.I took out the thing which was choking her,and she’s OK now.”

    Just then,the two policemen reappeared from the house,half-carrying a white—faced man,who could hardly walk.There was blood all over him.

    “My God,”said Joanne,“how did he get in there? And how did you know he was there?”

    “I think he must be a burglar.”said the doctor.“I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba’s throat:it turned out to be three human fingers”

What was Joanne supposed to do at 6:30?

    A.To walk her dog.

    B.To see her doctor.

    C.To attend a club meeting.

    D.To play tennis with her friends.

Joanne wanted to get back to her home again            .

   A.to dress up for the meeting

   B.to phone the police station

   C.to catch the badly hurt burglar

   D.to wait for her dog to be cured  

From the passage,we can infer that          .

   A.Sheba fought against the burglar

   B.the police themselves found the burglar had broken in

   C.Joanne had planned to take her dog to the meeting

   D.the doctor performed a difficult operation on the dog

In this passage,the writer intends to tell us that the dog is            .

   A.clever      B.friendly      C.frightening   D.devoted


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every night for a year, Neil Simons quietly went out of his house. He wanted to “talk” to an owl settling for the night at the end of his garden. He made owl cries like a real wild owl and was happy to hear the bird “hooting (大声叫嚣)” back to him.

Last year Fred Cornes moved in next door. He heard an owl hooting and answered back. For 12 months the neighbors got into the back gardens of their homes, thinking they were talking with nature. Mr. Simmons kept a diary of all his talks with his bird friend. They would both be out again tonight if it wasn’t for a chance talk between their wives.

Mr. Simmons said. “My wife Kim was telling Fred’s wife Wendy about my owl watching and described how I got the birds to boot back. She said, ‘That’s funny — that’s just what Fred has been doing.’ Then the penny dropped, I felt such a fool when I found out. The trouble is that owl calls aren’t exactly the same and it’s easy to make a mistake.”

Mr. Cornes said, “I’m really flattered (过奖). I didn’t know I sounded so real. I love nature and I couldn’t resist hooting at the owls. I was very excited when they hooted back. I’m sorry that I was fooling my neighbor who was fooling me.”

After the talk between the wives, the two men would probably _________ .

A. stop observing owls                      B. not stay up hooting again

C. not enter the back garden again          D. make no mistakes about wild owl cries

“Then the penny dropped.” most probably means “Then __________.”

A. I understood                        B. everybody knew about it

     C. I heard the noise                      D. no money was paid

Mr. Simmons felt upset about the whole thing because __________.

A. all his efforts seemed to be meaningless  

B. his wife let out his secret by chance

C. garden owls hooted so differently

D. Fred had been doing the same

The text suggests that __________.

A. Nail seldom heard natural owl calls

B. the owl never hooted back to Neil

C. Fred was always good at pleasing owls

D. owl watching is no longer interesting to Fred


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Dear Peter,

Thanks very much on inviting me to your birthday     86.  ________

party on Sunday. I'd like very much come but         87.  ________

I had an examination on Monday morning. It is        88.  ________

a very important exam but I can't afford to          89.  ________

fail it. I'll spend all the whole weekend reading     90.  ________

and prepare for it. So I'm really sorry that          91.  ________

I won't be able to come in this time. Hope you        92.  ________ 

can understand. I'll take this chance to wish         93.  ________

you wonderful time on your birthday. Happy            94.  ________

birthday, Peter, and many happy return of the day!    95.  ________


Li Ming


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东东莞第七高级中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


A.The person works in a hospital emergency room. His/her job is to assist doctors to rescue patients who are seriously ill.

B.The person likes sports activities the most. For him/her, having sports activities is very interesting.

C.The person works for himself/herself at home. He/She writes for others.

D.The person doesn’t like other things such as gardening. But he/she really likes music, especially classical music.

E.     The person likes collecting all kinds of things, such as baseball cards and stamps.

F.     Many people may like collecting things, such as collecting cards or stamps. But he/she likes reading very much.


1. Mary: I never used to like stamp collecting. I read almost everything I can: books, magazines, newspapers. I go to the public library about twice a week. If you’d like to send me something, maybe books are my favorite.

2. Tom: My wife says I should take up gardening. We have a big garden and she loves working in it. But the truth is, it bores me. My friends and my wife think I’m really boring, because I’m always listening to music. I go to concerts all the time. I love Mozart and all that classical staff.

3. Mike: I don’t really like video games and that sort of things. I prefer being outdoors, hiking or playing sports. I always go out with my family playing baseball and stuff all the time. I think most sports are pretty interesting.

4. Lisa: I’m a free writer, and a lot of people think my job is easier because I don’t have to go to the office every day. And I don’t have to deal with office politics. But, you know, my job is very hard. I have to be very organized and much disciplined. And pretty self-motivated. And when I have a problem, there is no one around to help me.

5. Victor: My life is very stressful. In my working place, everyone is in a hurry and under tremendous pressure. The doctors are demanding, and there is always too much to do to save a dying patient.



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年浙江省杭州市高三上学期期中考试英语题 题型:短文改错








Dear Sir/Madam,

I learned from the newspaper that your company needs a English secretary. I’m really interested in this position and hoped I can work for you.

I’m 18 years old and will be graduated from Xinxing Foreign Language School this July. I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, specially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. On my spare time, I read a lot of. Poems is my favorite. I enjoy music very much either. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. However, I’m easy to get along and I like to make friends.

I’m looking forward to your reply.

Li Hua


