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6.Nuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.
Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it,partly because it cannot be detected by human senses.It can't be seen or heard,or touched or tasted,even though it may be all around us.There are other things like that.For example,radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them,sense them,without a radio receiver.Similarly,we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector.But unlike common radio waves,nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.
At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being immediately by killing masses of cells in vital organs.But even the lowest levels can do serious damage.There is no level of radiation that is completely safe.If the radiation does not hit anything important,the damage may not be serious.This is the case when only a few cells are hit,and if they are killed immediately,your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones.But if the few cells are only damaged,and if they reproduce themselves,you may be in trouble.They can grow into cancer.Sometimes this does not show up for many years.
This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated(辐射 )and feel fine.then die for cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result.Or a child can be born weak as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.
Radiation can hurt us.We must know the truth.

51.What is the most dangerous factor of nuclear power?C
A.Amount       B.Quantity         C.Radiation         D.Place
52.Which of the following statements is TRUE?B
A.Nuclear radiation can do little harm to human beings.
B.Nuclear radiation can do harm to human beings.
C.Nuclear radiation can be detected by human senses.
D.Nuclear radiation is just like common radio waves.
53.How can nuclear radiation kill an animal?D
A.By damaging its heart.
B.By killing a few cells in its body.
C.By hitting any place in its body.
D.By killing many cells in important organs.
54.Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery becauseA.
A.it can do harm to a person while the victim doesn't know
B.human beings learn its harmfulness
C.nuclear radiation can kill a person very easily
D.human beings have no effective machine to detect nuclear radiation
55.If a human being is hit by nuclear radiation,he mayD.
A.die of cancer after many years
B.die immediately
C.have a child who may be born weak
D.all of the above.

分析 本文主要向我们介绍了核能对我们健康的危害.核能对人类的健康、安全乃至生命所造成的危害可用一个单词加以概括:辐射.核辐射无法被人类的感官所感知,它会伤害一个人而受害者不知道.如果一个人遭受了核辐射,他可能在若干年后死于癌症,又或者是生了一个天生弱的孩子,更严重的是可能会立即死亡.

解答 51.C 细节理解题.由第一段Nuclear power's danger to health,safety,and even life itself can be summed up in one word:radiation.可知核电最危险的因素是辐射.故选C.
52.B 细节理解题.由第二段可知核辐射不同于普通的无线电波,它无法被人类的感官所感知,它对人类和其他生物是有害的.故选B.
53.D 推理判断题.由第三段At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being immediately by killing masses of cells in vital organs.可知辐射通过杀灭重要器官的大量细胞来杀害动物或人类.故选D.
54.A 细节理解题.由第四段This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation.Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred.A person can be irradiated(辐射 )and feel fine.可知核辐射无法被人类的感官所感知,它会伤害一个人而受害者不知道.故选A.
55.D 细节理解题.由第四段then die for cancer five,ten,or twenty years later as a result.Or a child can be born weak as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents.可知如果一个人遭受了核辐射,他可能在若干年后死于癌症,又或者是生了一个天生弱的孩子;由第三段At very high levels,radiation can kill an animal or human being immediately by killing masses of cells in vital organs.可知一个人遭受了核辐射可能立即死亡.由此可知A、B、C项叙述都是对的.故选D.

点评 本文考察学生的理解推断能力以及细心程度,只要抓住文章的关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节,就能找到正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.The Ebola Virus
Currently,the world is facing an epidemic (流行病) due to what is considered to be among the most dangerous viruses that humanity has ever faced-the Ebola bleeding virus.Though there were announcements about experimental treatments that were reported to be successful in terms of treating the virus,people around the world continue to die from Ebola.
Ebola was first discovered in 1976in Africa,on the banks of the Ebola River,after which the virus has been named.Back then,there were two major outbreaks of the virus,and this is how people learned about it.There exist several strains of the Ebola virus,some of them are deadly to people,and some are not.
The main symptoms of Ebola can appear in a period between the second and the 21st days of infection,but usually it happens on the eighth through 10th day.Among the symptoms that appear in the first turn,one should mention fever and chills,strong headaches,pain in joints and muscles,and general weakness.These symptoms are not too different from those that people usually experience when catching a severe cold,or flu,so victims may even ignore these symptoms,or try to treat them as a common sickness.However,as the virus keeps progressing,a patient develops nausea(呕吐) with vomiting,diarrhea,chest and stomach pains,red eyes and rash over the body,severe weight loss,and bleeding from almost all bodily openings.
The virus is usually transmitted either through blood,or through waste.Infection through blood usually takes place if a person consumes infested meat,or even touches it (for example,butchering can also lead to infection).Also,there were cases when people got infected after stepping in waste of infected mammals,mostly bats.The other ways of getting infected is through skin by receiving bodily liquids via tiny openings.
Even though there is no specific cure for Ebola,doctors still try to treat it.In order to diagnose Ebola,doctors usually take tests on such diseases as cholera or malaria,because it is difficult to diagnose Ebola based only on symptoms.After the diagnosis has been made,doctors start treating the symptoms,which includes killing infected cells,electrolytes,blood pressure medication,blood transfusions,oxygen treatment,and so on.
Though Ebola is a highly dangerous disease,it is not likely that it will spread globally.It is most deadly in anti-sanitary(不卫生的) conditions,which many African countries have an extremely bad reputation for.As for first world countries,even though there is still no universal cure,they are at much lesser risk than African countries.Though the symptoms of Ebola are severe and getting infected is not difficult,with the correct handling of an outbreak,the virus should not be able to spread.

●Ebola,a dangerous virus,was named after the Ebola River,on whose banks it was first discovered.
●Despite the (72)announced/reported success in the virus treatment,people across the world continue to die from the virus.

●In the first turn,the symptoms are (73)similar to those that people experience when they are (74)suffering from a severe cold or flu.
●If not (75)taken seriously,the virus will keep progressing,and things will change for the worse.

Ways of getting infected
●People (76)consuming infested meat or touching it can get infected.
●People who step in waste of infected mammals,mostly bats,are (77)likely to get infected.
●People who receive bodily liquids via tiny openings can also get infected.

Treatment and  (78)prevention
●After making correct diagnosis,doctors start treating the symptoms in many ways,(79)including killing infected cells,blood pressure medication,oxygen therapy,and so on.
●Sanitary living conditions play a significant (80)part/role in preventing the outbreak of the Ebola virus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.The faster your heart       ,the more nervous you'll be.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.During the 2008financial crisis,the French president Nicolas Sarkozy agreed to provide  Millions of emergency fund aid to help     unemployment.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The hit movie Finding Nemo follows a clownfish from the Great Barrier Reef. In real life,clownfish are among the thousands of colorful sea creatures that call the Great Barrier Reef home.Stretching l,250 miles along Australia's northeastern. coast,the Great Barrier Reef is the longest coral reef in the world.
    A coral reef is a living underwater structure. But these days,the Great Barrier Reef has found itself in trouble.Overfishing,pollution,and high temperatures are harming its health. That's why the government in Australia is trying to help rescue the reef.
Underwater Garden
   While coral may look like a plant,it is actually made up of tiny sea animal.Those sea animals are called coral polyps. 
   As polyps die,they leave hard.shells behind. Other polyps grow on top of the shells.Over thousands of years,they form a coral reef in warm water that is not very deep.
   In many ways,the Great Barrier Reef resembles an underwater garden.  Coral can be hard or soft.It forms in different colors and in strange shapes.Some coral looks like hardened brains. Other coral looks like fans and lettuces.
  The reef bursts with schools of tropical fish,dashing among gaps in the coral.The reef supplies food. and. shelter to creatures living in and around the coral.  Turtles,sharks,sea horses,and crabs are among its many inhabitants.
Helping Humans
     While the reef is important to ocean life,it helps humans,too.  People rely on the reef for both food and jobs. It also provides medicine used to treat disease.  Each year,the Great Barrier Reef contributes about  $ 975 million to the economy through tourism and fishing.
Stressed Out   
    Is it surprising,then,that the Great Barrier Reef is under too much stress?Fishing nets and ships break off sections and damage the reef.  Air and water pollution are also doing harm. At the same time,warmer sea temperatures have caused coral bleaching(漂白) on half of the reef. The high temperatures cause the coral to turn white,often killing it.
Reef Rescue
    In an effort to help save the reef,the government has limited fishing to two thirds of it. That plan increases the number of"green zones."Those are areas that are off-limits to fishermen and boats. However,tourists and researchers can still visit them. Many fishermen are upset about the plan because they rely on the reef for jobs.
     The Australian government says that its plan will help keep the reef safe from some threats."It is very important that we give   B reef proper protection for the future,"said one government official.  The reef is Australia's greatest natural treasure.

35.Which of the following is not a creature that lives in the Great Barrier Reef?D
A.  Coral polyps. 
B. Turtles.       
C.  Sea horses.  
D. Whales.
36. Which section describes the problem in this passage?C
A."Underwater Garden"
B."Helping Humans
C."Stressed Out"
D."Reef Rescue"
37.What picture can the reader get from the underlined sentence"The reef bursts with schools of tropical fish,dashing among gaps in the coral."in Paragraph 6?C
A. Many fish quickly moving through the coral.
B.  Fish moving toward the center,or target,of the coral.
C.  Structured,orderly groups of young fish without a clear path. 
D. Fish exploding when they come into contact with gaps in the coral.
38.What is this passage mostly about?A
A. The causes of reef problems an  possible solutions.
B. Coral bleaching,which causes the reef to turn white.
C. The history of tourism to the Great Barrier Reef.
D. Overfishing and higher temperatures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Going on holiday not only makes you feel good while you're there,you also gain the health benefits for months,new research shows.
Jetting off to destinations such as the Maldives cuts your blood pressure,helps you sleep better and bounce back from stress,it found.The benefits last at least a fortnight longer than the vacation and can be felt for months in some cases where it is claimed.Experts say workers should always take their full holiday entitlement(权利)each year,but as many as one in three don't.
The study compared key health markers in holidaymakers visiting Thailand,Peru or the Maldives,with people who stayed at home and continued working.The average blood pressure of those on holiday dropped by six percent while the workers saw their blood pressure rise by two percent over the same period.The sleep quality of holidaymakers improved by 17 percent while that of the non-holidaymakers deteriorated by 14 percent.
The study also found the ability of vacationers to recover from stress,known as the stress-resilience test improved by 29 percent.There was a 71 percent fall in stress resilience scores among workers.Tests showed a fall in blood glucose levels,reducing the risk of diabetes (糖尿病),trimmer waistlines and improved mood and energy levels,with the effects sustained for at least two weeks after returning home.
The Holiday Health Experiment was conducted by tour operator Kuoni and Nuffield Health,the UK's largest healthcare charity.
21.According to the passage,how many people go on holiday?A
A.Two thirds. B.One third.
C.17 percent. D.A quarter.
22.Which of the following can we infer from the passage?D
A.The further you go,the better you get the benefits.
B.Most people like to stay at home during the holiday.
C.The result of the study is mostly based on the description from the people involved.
D.Holiday makers are more adaptable than non-holidaymakers.
23.The author intends to tell us thatC
A.we have to go on holiday as much as possible
B.you'll certainly get depressed if you don't go on holiday
C.we had better go on holiday for the benefits of health
D.it is best to go to foreign countries like Maldives
24.The best title of the passage isB.
A.A Holiday Health Experiment
B.Health Benefits from Holiday
C.Health Problems of Having Holiday
D.Key Health Markers in Holidaymakers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Losing weight comes with a lot of health benefits-including making your brain sharper.
Yes,it turns out that overweight may damage cognitive functions such as memory and attention.There have been few studies of overweight and cognitive functioning,possibly because it is generally believed that it is not a primary risk cause for poor cognitive performance.Losing weight,therefore,may help improve these mental functions,according to a new research led by John Gunstad,assistant professor of psychology at Kent State University.
Growing evidence suggests that being fat is linked to cognitive deficits(缺陷).So Gunstad and his team guessed that losing weight might improve mental function.For their study,they measured memory and attention in a group of l 50overweight participants,some of whom had some kind of operation for weight loss and some did not.All of the volunteers completed mental skills tests to assess their abilities of memory and attention at the beginning of the study,and again 12weeks later.To begin with.about 24%of the patients showed damaged learning and 23%showed signs of poor memory when tested.At the end of the study,those who had lost weight after operation improved their scores into the average or above average range for cognitive functions.Scores for the volunteers who didn't lose weight dropped even further.
The study helped Gunstad to find out whether losing weight had any effect on mental function.Now that he's seen the positive effect that weight loss can have on memory and attention,he says he will next study those who choose to lose weight by the traditional way-eating healthier and getting more active.He expects that losing weight in this way will have a similarly positive effect on the brain."If we can improve the condition with operations,then we can probably produce the same change with behavioral weight loss as well,''he says.

63.There is less research on overweight and cognitive functions because researchersC
A.believe overweight only affects our body
B.have focused on ways to sharpen people's mind
C.do not consider overweight a main cause for low cognitive ability
D.are clear about the relation between weight and mental functions
64.The result of Gunstad's study shows thatB
A.losing weight has little effect on people's memory
B.losing weight can improve people's mental functions
C.overweight people are likely to have psychology problems
D.overweight people's abilities of concentration differ greatly
65.What is Gunstad planning to prove next in his research?D
A.Slim people are smarter than overweight people.
B.Healthy diet is better than exercise in losing weight.
C.Traditional ways of losing weight are better than operation
D.Overweight people will get smarter by taking more exercise.
66.Which of the following is the best title for the text?D
A.Body Weight and Health              B.Losing Weight by Operation
C.Ways to Improve Mental Functions    D.Losing Weight to Sharpen Your Mind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Sometimes the targets we set(61)ourselves (us) are just too high.We think that we will be better people in the future.Just as we are (62)easily (easy) taken over by the planning fallacy(谬见),believing that we can complete a large project for work in an afternoon,we think in the future we will be better-organised and more self-disciplined.
One of the most (63)famous (fame) examples of the planning fallacy is(64)thatof the Oxford English Dictionary.In 1860plans were in place to complete it within three years.In 1879there was a new deal to publish in within a decade,but after five years they had only got so far(65)asthe word"ant".It Was finally completed in 1928.by(66)whichtime it was considered out of date and revisions began at once.
The same thing happens when it comes to (67)trying ( try) to change our lifestyles.We read about a new idea and that optimism fires up all over again.At the University of Toronto Janet Polivy has been studying what she calls."false hope syndrome".
She found that People set themselves unrealistic targets which they undoubtedly failed to reach,leaving them feeling even (68)worse (bad) about themselves.Some of the students she studied had tried and failed for 10years to make the same (69)changes(change) in their lives,but each year they (70)were convinced (convince) that this time it would work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Since the beginning of the year,smog has covered parts of North China.In January,Beijing saw only five days without smog.The rising PM 2.5readings terrified many people,and some health experts said that whenever the smog gets serious,hospitals receive more patients suffering acute respiratory(呼吸系统)and heart diseases.
Later,news of polluted underground water in some provinces scared people who wondered whether the water they drink is safe.
So the need to emphasize environmental protection while developing the economy is heard everywhere.
Smog especially is a common concern.Like a popular online post said,air may be the only thing that is equal for everyone,despite your income or vocation.People with higher incomes are able to drink only bottled spring water and eat only organic food by paying higher prices,but they breathe the same air as everyone else.
At a meeting on Monday,many Representatives have expressed their concerns about the air quality,too.One talked about his experience in Beijing."After taking a taxi from the capital airport to my hotel,which took about an hour,I washed my nose and found the inside of my nose was black.We should ask ourselves this question:Why do we want to develop?It's for living a better life.Dirty air is definitely not a better life,"he said.
China needs to develop its economy and invest(投资) in high-tech.Every Chinese wants a strong country.But without blue sky,clean water and safe food,the achievements in the economy will become meaningless.Space technologies are not to be developed for building a base on Mars so that one day all human beings can migrate to the red planet because they have destroyed Earth.
What the public wants is a strong and beautiful China.President Hu Jintao spoke at the 18th Party Congress last November saying that great efforts must be made to promote ecological progress and build a beautiful China.The words have shown the central government's resolution to address the environment issue.

41.The effect of smog doesn't includeC.
A.the rising of PM 2.5readings
B.more people suffering diseases
C.the increase of people's income
D.patients increased in hospital
42.Why smog has become a common concern?B
A.Because people have to pay higher prices.
B.Because nobody can avoid it.
C.Because we have to develop industry.
D.Because a popular online-post discussed it.
43.To make China stronger we have to develop economy,butB.
A.we have to sacrifice air as the price 
B.the dirty air is not what we want
C.ecological progress can be ignored
D.the smog is the only byproduct
44.The underlined word"they"in paragraph 6refers toA.
A.human beings
B.other plants
C.space technologies
D.industrial development
45.From the last two paragraphs we can infer thatD.
A.high-tech can completely solve the problem of pollution
B.space technologies should be developed in a large scale
C.we can move to the Mars after the earth has been destroyed
D.we must protect the environment while developing economy.

