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A time capsule buried by Apple founder Steve Jobs 30 years ago has been discovered after its location was long forgotten.In 1983, the young tech innovator was attending a conference in Aspen when he and the group decided to bury as a stunt during a design convention.
The tube that was filled with an eclectic collection of goods- ranging from the then-new apple mouse to a six-pack of beer for the people who discovered the time capsule- was meant to be dug up 20 years later.
There was a problem with that plan, however, as everyone involved forgot where it was buried.
The final discovery happened at the hands of the crew from the National Geographic Channel`s reality show called Diggers.The discovery was well documented and is surely going to be featured on an upcoming episode, and even the experts had problems finding this particular treasure.
CNET reports that in spite of their preparations and clear idea of where the 13-foot-long tube was, it still took them two hours to dig it up using heavy machinery.
To anyone removed from the tech industry, the accomplishment in finding the tube appears to be the biggest accomplishment. To others, the most interesting object would likely be the `Lisa` mouse placed in the tube by the hands of a then-28-year-old Jobs.The Lisa Mouse, which Jobs named after his daughter, was one of the first commercial computer mice soled publicly, making it a rarity at the time.
The Aspen Historical Society is going to help the show creators catalogue the tube`s contents- but no word yet whether or not the Diggers cracked open one of the six bottles of Boddington`s Ale that was left inside for the people who found the tube.
小题1:Who found the time capsule buried by Steve Jobs?
A.Apple founder Steve Jobs himself.
B.the crew from the National Geographic Channel`s reality show called Diggers.
C.Steve Jobs' friends.
D.Steve Jobs’ daughter.
小题2:Which is the best title of the passage ?
A.A time capsule buried by Apple founder Steve Jobs.
B.Steve Jobs' plan.
C.Steve Jobs' time capsule is uncovered.
D.The tube by Steve Jobs.
小题3:How old is Steve Jobs now?
A.58 years old .
B.20 years old.
C.30 years old.
D.48 years old.

短文大意:本文叙述了苹果公司创始人史蒂夫·乔布斯在30年前埋下的时间胶囊,原计划是在20年后开启这个时间胶囊,但是因为当时所有参与者都忘记了掩埋的地点,最后发现时间胶囊的,还是美国国家地理频道真人秀节目《Diggers 》的栏目组成员。
小题1:细节理解题。根据The final discovery happened at the hands of the crew from the National Geographic Channel`s reality show called Diggers.可知最后发现时间胶囊的,还是美国国家地理频道真人秀节目《Diggers 》的栏目组成员。故选B。
小题3:计算题。根据A time capsule buried by Apple founder Steve Jobs 30 years ago has been discovered after its location was long forgotten.及To others, the most interesting object would likely be the `Lisa` mouse placed in the tube by the hands of a then-28-year-old Jobs.可知时间胶囊是乔布斯在28岁的时候放进去,在30年后才被发现的,故选A。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you ever gone hungry? I did after a day of hard work. When I woke next morning, I was dying of ___. I seemed to have a hole instead of a ___. I dressed quickly and hurried down to the dinning-room. It was a big room with six tall windows and the ugliest wallpaper I had ever seen! __, I had been told the hotel was not beautiful but that you were better ____ there than in any other hotel; and that was ___ I wanted just then.
The waiter came hurrying up. Before I came downstairs I had prepared     carefully for what I must   . I had looked three times in my dictionary to make sure ____the English for “breakfast”. I had tried to get the right      and I had stood in the front of a mirror and twisted my mouth until it ached.
The waiter asked me       I could not understand, but I spoke only my one prepared word “breakfast”. He looked at me in a      way. So I repeated it. Still he did not understand. It was     that English people didn’t understand their language. The waiter       his head and went away, but he came back in a minute and brought a tray with tea, bread and butter--- enough to feed a small army--- and went away. But I was hungry, and I left   . When the waiter came back I thought his face showed a little    , but you can never    what a waiter’s face really shows. In another minute he brought___ tray with some bacon and some eggs. He__ have misunderstood me, but I thought it was no use explaining to people who don’t understand their own language , so I just set to work on the bacon and eggs, wondering whether I could possibly clear that plate.
Well, I finished the bacon and eggs. I got up and made my way back slowly - at least five pounds    . I never believed until then that any meal could     me, but on that day I met my Waterloo(滑铁卢).
A.unbelievableB.trueC.thoughtD.a pity
A.muchB.a littleC.nothingD.empty


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Henry Ford grew up on an un-electrified farm, and as a young man he followed Edison's career as the inventor became a national role model.Ford took a job at the Edison Illuminating Company working his way up to chief engineer.
In 1896 Ford was thirty-three and, though still working for Edison Co.,he had created his first experimental automobile the Ford Quadricycle2 during his off-time. At an Edison company party in New York, Ford had his first chance to meet his hero Edison and was able to explain his new automobile to the great inventor. Edison was impressed. Edison is said to have slammed his fist downand shouted ¨Young man, that's the thing! You have it! Your car is self-contained and carries its own power plant." Edison himself had been working on the idea, but had only been considering electricity as the power source, so the idea of a gas engine was a somewhat new one.
The words comforted Ford greatly, who immediately set out building a second car which was to become the Model-T.6.The two men became f'ast friends and would go on camping trips together.When Edison later became limited to a wheelchair, Ford brought an extra one to his house so they could race.At the 50th anniversary of the invention of light-bulb, Ford honored Edison.When Edison spoke, he ended his speech directed at Ford:“ As to Henry Ford, words fail to express my feelings.I can only say that he is my friend." Therefore it is no surprise that Ford wanted something to remember Edison by after he passed away in 1931.
Once, Ford asked Thomas Edison's son Charles to sit by the dying inventor's bedside and hold a test tube next to his father's mouth to catch his final breath. Ford was a man with many strange behaviors( as was Edison)including some interest in reanimation and spiritualism(夏活通灵术)and some say that he was attempting to catch Edison's soul as it escaped his body in hopes of later bringing the inventor back to life.
The test tube itself didn't turn up until 1950 when it was listed in the Ford possessions after Clara Ford's passing away, and then lost again until 1978 when it was discovered in an exhibit Entitled “Henry Ford-A Personal History"  in the Henry Ford Museum.It would then be discovered that the tube was labeled “Edison's Last Breath".
There is a further mystery of this “last breath"  test tube. It would seem as if Edison had quite a last breath indeed, as the Edison Estate holds a collection of 42 test tubes all supposedly containing Edison's last breath.
Regardless of the excitement over the last breath, the test tube is quite touching in its meaning.Although both men were known for all sorts of poor behavior towards .their loved ones and mistreatment of employees, between them at least, there was clearly a deep respect and admiration.
小题1:The passage can be sorted as a        
A.science research B.short storyC.news reportD.self-introduction
小题2:From the underlined sentence in Paragraph2 we can learn that       
A.Edison envied what Ford had achieved
B.Edison was annoyed that Ford did better him
C.Edison was angry because Ford stole his idea
D.Edison was extremely amazed at Ford's new idea
小题3:In Paragraph 3,the writer mentions Ford bought an extra wheelchair       
A.to remind Edison was Ford's role model
B.to suggest Ford was a man of strange behavior
C.to tell us the importance of a creative idea then
D.to show the close friendship between Henry Ford and Edison
小题4:¨The 61ast breath' test tube" can probably be regarded as       
A.a symbol of a friendship and memory
B.a witness to a scientific breakthrough
C.a failure to bring Edison back to life
D.a sign of the two inventors' poor behavior
小题5:It can be learned from the last paragraph that“      ” .
A.Great minds think alike
B.Nobody is perfect
C.Two heads are better than one
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

  My friend Michelle is blind, but you’d never know it. She makes such good use of her other      , including her“sixth sense”, that she rarely gives the impression that she's       anything.
  Michelle looks after her children pretty much like the rest of us,     that she doesn't push too hard on them,        really benefit a lot from her relaxed attitude. She knows when to clean the house, and she moves around so fast that        often don't realize she's blind.
  I    this the first time after my six-year-old daughter, Kayla, went to play there. When Kayla came home, she was very      about her day. She told me they had baked cookies, played games and done art projects. But she was      excited about her finger-painting project.
  “Mom, guess what?” said Kayla, all smiles. “I learned how to       colors today! Blue and red make purple, and yellow and blue make green! And Michelle      with us”. 
  To my great      , my child had learned about color from a blind friend! Then Kayla continued, “Michelle told me my      showed joy, pride and a sense of accomplishment. She really       what I was doing!” Kayla said she had never known how good finger paints felt       Michelle showed her how to paint without looking at her paper.
  I realized Kayla didn't know that Michelle was blind. It had just never       in conversation. When I told my daughter that Michelle was blind, she was       for a moment. At first, she didn't believe me. “But Mommy, Michelle knew exactly what was in my picture!” Kayla      . And I knew my child was      because Michelle had listened to Kayla describe her art work. Michelle had also heard Kayla's      in her work.
  We were silent for a minute. Then Kayla said slowly, “You know, Mommy, Michelle really did ‘see’ my picture. She just used my       .”
  Indeed, she uses a special type of “vision” that all mothers have.
A.enjoyedB.foundC.missed D.lost
A.realized B.heardC.recognizedD.witnessed
A.sad B.satisfiedC.excitedD.enjoyed
A.especially B.not soC.a littleD.not at all
A.stayedB.painted C.talkedD.played
A.attitudeB.colorC.picture D.paper
A.touchedB.distinguishedC.saw D.understood
A.afterB.beforeC.until D.when
A.turned out B.come upC.referred to D.talked about
A.curiousB.quiet C.puzzledD.worried
A.criedB.insisted C.complainedD.informed
A.right B.wrongC.worriedD.uncertain
A.shortcomingsB.difficultiesC.pride D.description


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The first day our professor challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know. I looked around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady smiling at me.
She said, “Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. I’m 87. Can I give you a hug?” I laughed, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze. “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of children.” “No seriously,” I said. “I want to realize my dream!” she told me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and everyone liked to listen to this “time machine”.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and I’ll never forget what she taught us. “There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are 19 and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn 20. If I am 87 and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn 88. We have less time to live on. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.”
At the year’s end, Rose finished the college degree she had dreamed about all those years. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over 2,000 students attended her funeral honoring the wonderful woman who taught us such an important message.
小题1:Rose made herself known to the author in a _____ manner.
小题2:Rose was considered a “time machine” because she _____.
A.always followed a strict time schedule
B.was never late for any of her classes
C.had lived a long and rich life
D.always appeared in time whenever she was needed
小题3:According to Rose, growing up is different from growing older because _____.
A.growing up doesn’t need as much effort or talent as growing older
B.growing up means young people have enough time to waste
C.there is no need for one to worry about death
D.growing up means one has more chances or time to choose what one likes
小题4:Rose came to study in college at such an old age for the purpose of _____.
A.challenging her old age
B.realizing her long dream about college education
C.meeting someone rich and attractive
D.not having any regrets in her life


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Matt Haimovitz is 42 and a renowned cellist (大提琴手) in the world. He rushed into the classical music scene at the age of 12 after Itzhak Perlman, the famed violinist, heard him play.
But nothing in his family history explains where Haimovitz got his extraordinary talent. And that’s typical, Ellen Winner, a professor says.
“People are fascinated by these children because they don’t understand where their talent came from. You will see parents who say, ‘I wasn’t like this, and my husband wasn’t like this.’ It seems to sometimes just come out of the blue,” Winner says.
It’s not clear whether a prodigy’s (天才)brain is any different from the brains of other children, in part because there have been no study comparing the brains of prodigies to those of average people.
“But I believe that anything that shows up so early, without training, has got to be either a genetic or some other biological basis,” Winner says. “If a child suddenly at the age of 3 goes to the piano and picks out a tune and does it beautifully, that has to be because that child has a different brain.”
Children who are extremely gifted tend to be socially different, too, Winner says. “They feel like they can’t find other kids like themselves, so they feel strange, maybe even like a freak, and feel like they don’t have anybody to connect with. On the other hand, they also long to connect with other kids, and they can’t find other kids like themselves.”
As Haimovitz got older, he became frustrated. He wanted to play other kinds of music but felt constricted by the image and the expectations of the boy prodigy who played classical music and filled concert halls.
“When you start that early, you suddenly start to grow up in public, and I wanted to experiment,” Haimovitz says.
So he took his cello into punk rock clubs and coffee houses. He played Bach, Haydn and Hendrix. “My teacher was Leonard Rose, and we never played any 20th-century music. He didn’t like it. But once I was exposed to James Marshall “Jimi” Hendrix, Miles Dewey Davis El and others, I couldn’t really turn back. I wanted to know more,” he says.
小题1:According to some parents, prodigies’ extraordinary talent       .
A.comes unexpectedly B.is inherited from parents
C.results from hard workD.is trained in early times
小题2:Winner seems to agree to the fact that ____.
A.average people have their particular brains
B.biology is the base of a different brain
C.a prodigy’s brain is superior to those of others
D.genes play an important role in a prodigy
小题3:According to the text, gifted children are         .
A.lonelyB.easy-going C.innocentD.social
小题4:The last paragraph is mainly about how Haimovitz was trying to         .
A.build up his friendshipB.play different kinds of music
C.set up the image of a prodigyD.perform classical music creatively


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One Friday, a businessman decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. Before going to       , he told his wife about it. All day long he felt        and uneasy. Finally, in the late afternoon, he gathered the courage to approach his employer. To his       , the boss agreed to give him a raise.
   That evening, the        husband arrived home and was surprised to see a beautiful table set with their best china and      candles. Smelling the aroma (香味) of the wonderful meal, he        that someone from the office had called his wife and tipped her off (透露消息).
  Finding her in the kitchen, he eagerly        the details of his good news. When they sat down to the meal, next to his plate he found a note that read: ''Congratulations, darling. I knew you'd get the       . This dinner is to show you how much I love you. ''
  After dinner, on his way to the        to help his wife serve dessert, he noticed a second card had slipped out of his wife's pocket. Picking it up, he read: ''Don't worry about not getting the raise. You         it anyway. This dinner is to show how much I love you." 


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Barefoot and dirty,the girl just sat and watched the people go by.She never tried to speak.Many people passed,but never did one person stop.
The next day I decided to go back to the park,curious to see if the little girl would still be there.Right in the very spot as she was yesterday,she sat with the saddest look in her eyes.
Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl.As we all know,a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone.
As I began walking towards her,I could see the back of the little girl’s dress indicated a deformity(畸形).I smiled to let her know it was okay,I was there to help,to talk.I sat down beside her and opened with a simple “Hello”.I smiled and she shyly smiled back.We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty.I asked the girl why she was so sad.The little girl looked at me and with a sad face said,“Because I’m different.”
I immediately said “That you are!” and smiled.The little girl acted even sadder.She said,“I know.” She looked at me and smiled.Slowly she stood to her feet,and said,“Really?”
“Yes,dear,you’re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by.” She nodded her head “yes” and smiled,and with that she spread her wings and said with a twinkle in her eye,“I am.I’m your guardian angel.”
I was speechless,sure I was seeing things.She said,“For once you thought of someone other than yourself,my job here is done.”
Immediately I stood to my feet and said,“Wait,so why did no one stop to help an angel!?” She looked at me and smiled,“You’re the only one who could see me,and you believe it in your heart.”…and she was gone.
And with that my life changed dramatically.So,when you think you’re all you have,remember,your angel is always watching over you.Mine is!
小题1:People just passed by the girl because _______.
A.they pretended not to see her
B.she pretended to be poor
C.they never thought of helping her
D.they knew the author would help her
小题2:Which word can’t be used to describe the author?
小题3:Why was the author speechless?
A.He was shocked.B.He didn’t manage to help the girl.
C.He thought he was cheated.D.He was in despair.
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The author smiled because he saw the girl was shy.
B.The author had known that the girl was a real angel.
C.The author believed that an angel was always watching him.
D.The author decided to go back to the park because he was sure that the little girl would be there.
小题5:What does “You’re all you have” mean?
A.You are ugly.B.You are alone.
C.You are strong.D.You are rich.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One morning more than thirty years ago, I entered the Track Kitchen, a restaurant where everyone from the humblest(卑微的) to the most powerful came for breakfast. I notice an empty chair next to an elderly, unshaven man, who looked somewhat disheveled. He was wearing a worn-out hat and was alone. I asked if I might join him. He agreed quietly and I sat down to have my breakfast.
We cautiously began a conversation and spoke about a wide range of things. We never introduced ourselves. I was concerned that he might have no money and not be able to afford something to eat. So as I rose to go back to the counter and buy a second cup of coffee, I asked.
“May I get you something?”   “A coffee would be nice.”
Then I bought him a cup of coffee. We talked more, and he accepted another cup of coffee. Finally, I rose to leave, wished him well, and headed for the exit. At the door I met one of my friends. He asked, “How did you get to know Mr. Galbreath?”
“Who?”“The man you were sitting with. He is chairman of the Board of Churchchill Downs. ”
I could hardly believe it. I was buying, offering a free breakfast, and feeling pity for one of the world’s richest and most powerful men!
My few minutes with Mr. Galbreath changed my life. Now I try to treat everyone with respect, no matter who I think they are, and to meet another human being with kindness and sincerity.
小题1:What does the underlined word “disheveled” mean?
小题2:The author bought coffee for the old man because ______.
A.he thought the old man was poor
B.he wanted to start a conversation
C.he intended to show his politeness
D.he would like to thank the old man.
小题3:How did the author probably feel after he talked with his friend?
小题4:What is the passage mainly expressed in the story?
A.We should learn to be generous.
B.It is honorable to help those in need.
C.People in high positions are not like what we expect.
D.We should avoid judging people by their appearances.

