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Karl Fleming joined the military because he needed a change in his life. He had a successful career with a shipping company but he wanted to do something more. He found that something in the U.S. army. Fleming began his service in 2009 and never looked back.

A few years later, Fleming volunteered to go to Afghanistan. There, he worked as a bodyguard for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He enjoyed it, except for the almost-nightly rocket attacks. Karl was never hit directly by a rocket, but he didn’t need to be to feel its effects. The rockets caused severe shaking, shaking so bad that Fleming was left with many injuries. He was also diagnosed with concussions(脑震荡) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD).

Fleming said he was down but not out. Once he returned from Afghanistan, Fleming underwent one test after another. At first, Fleming said he thought he could recover or be able to return to duty and realize his dream of becoming an officer. But then came the news he had never imagined: Fleming would never be an officer because he was too injured to continue.

Fleming said he was depressed after learning his military career was over. Add that to the memory loss, extreme anxiety and the many painful medical procedures he was already experiencing. He rarely ventured outside on the weekend. Instead, he preferred to sleep in. All that changed, however, with Fleming’s service dog, Kuchar.

Fleming said he had heard dogs could help people suffering from PTSD, so he started doing research. Karl eventually selected K9s for Warriors, which is where he met Kuchar, a yellow lab. Fleming and Kuchar trained together for weeks, before returning to Fort Benning. K9s for Warriors provided Fleming with Kuchar and the training for free.

Life with Kuchar has been life-changing. Fleming doesn’t sleep in any more because Kuchar won’t let him. Instead, they venture out into a world Karl was once afraid of — a world for Fleming that now seems impossible to imagine without Kuchar by his side.

1.Karl Fleming joined the army because ___________.

A. he had a successful career

B. he loved to be a soldier

C. he wanted to have a change

D. he expected to work in a shipping company

2.From Paragraph 2, we can learn Karl Fleming was __________.

A. forced to go to Afghanistan

B. struck directly by a rocket one day

C. satisfied with everything in the army

D. injured because of the shaking from the rockets

3.Fleming suffered from the following illnesses except ___________.

A. concussions B. PTSD

C. memory loss D. a heart attack

4.Karl Fleming recovered with the help of ___________.

A. an experienced bodyguard B. a well-trained dog

C. a laboratory engineer D. a military officer

5.The passage is mainly about Fleming’s__________.

A. change of life B. service in the military

C. medical procedures D. experiences in Afghanistan


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年陕西西安市高三下5月模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I was made ______ four hours before I was examined by a doctor, which was really annoying.

A. wait B. waiting

C. being waited D. to wait


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江西上饶市高三六校第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was 18 when Tim and I began to date. Shy and quiet, I’d met his parents once before but hadn’t ventured to say more than “ Hello”. This particular evening, however, we were taking them out to dinner for their anniversary and I wanted to make a good impression.

Tim and his parents arrived and I was out the door in a flash. My good impression began with “ punctual”. I sat in the backseat beside Tim nervously watching his father’s eyes glance into the rearview mirror to examine me.

Tim and his parents had already decided on their favorite Mexican restaurant and that was fine with me; the dim lighting would hide the rising flush of my cheeks, and if anyone noticed, I could blame it on the peppers. With proper table manners I managed to survive halfway through dinner without making any unforgivable mistakes. However, in the midst of conversation I reached for my iced tea, raised the glass to my lips and very quickly discovered I had picked up the wrong glass.

I quickly lowered the glass and set it back but it was too late; I had burnt my eyebrows, the hair in my nose, and curl over my forehead! I looked up slowly, praying no one had seen me, but all eyes at the table had seen and each face stared at me in shocked silence. Excusing myself, I ran to the restroom.

I would have hidden there forever but I’d barely gotten in the door when Tim’s mother arrived. “ Ah, honey,” she said, holding out her arms to me. “ Everything will be just fine.”

Tim and I eventually married. We had a small ceremony and a family reception afterwards held at the very restaurant where this incident occurred. This time, however, I didn’t drink any candles… only a Margarita(一种鸡尾酒名); they were served in different glasses.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that___________.

A. the author had never met her parents-in-law before dinning together

B. Tim and the author took the bus to get to the restaurant

C. Tim’s father was curious to know about the author

D. Tim’s mother was not satisfied with the author’s behavior

2.According to the passage, the author______________.

A. felt very sorry for being late meeting Tim’s parents

B. mistook wine for drinks and got drunk

C. had her eyebrows burnt because of her nervousness

D. left a bad impression on Tim’s parents

3.What would be the best title of the passage?

A. Please Don’t Drink the Candles

B. Please Don’t Light the Candles

C. Please Behave Yourself

D. You Can Never Make a First Impression for a Second Time


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏南京盐城两市联考高三上学期第一次模拟考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Believe it or not, your ship isn’t quite sunk, as there are some ways to ________ a new career even if it’s something you’ve never done before.

A. burst into B. get through

C. break into D. comb through


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南株洲市高三上学期教学质量统测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

每个人都行走在自己的路上, 有着不同的经历和收获。请你以“On my way to…”为题写一篇英语作文,向学校英语报投稿,要求包括以下内容:

1. 叙述在路上你的经历;

2. 谈谈你的收获和感想。


1. 词数不少于120个。

2. 文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南株洲市高三上学期教学质量统测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was the deep love and encouragement of my teammates_________ helped me gain the greatest strength and meet the challenges in life.

A. what B. which C.who D. that


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南株洲市高三上学期教学质量统测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The Romany prefer to move and stay in small groups________ they can protect and preserve their culture and freedom.

A. even though B. as if

C. as soon as D. so that


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年福建省福州市高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

If you are sick with the flu,you’11 have to stay home to prevent it______ to others.

A.spread B.to spread

C.Spreading D.to have spread


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川雅安中学高一上学期期末模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Today’s post is almost about signs in English, you will see signs on the road while driving or when walking down a street. Now let’s take a closer look at the signs in the picture below, so you can fully understand what they mean in case you come across one of them.

Starting with the top row, we have a:

yield sign — This sign indicates (标示) that you need to slow down, but you may not have to come to a full stop.

Crosswalk — This is a sign that indicates people have the right of way to cross the street, so cars have to stop when they see a person waiting next to one of these signs.

Second row:

do not enter — This sign indicates you are not allowed to enter a road at that point.

Buckle up! — There are often signs on roads in the United States reminding people that wearing seat belts (安全带) is mandatory (强制的) (seat belts laws differ depending on what state you are in, but all US states have seatbelt laws).

Third row:

be alert (警惕的) for bears — This is another sign that is used to indicate to drivers and pedestrians (行人) that they should be alert for wildlife in the area.

Playground — This is the sign used to alert drivers that there is a playground nearby, so it is a good idea to slow down and watch for children.

1.Where can you often see the signs?

A.In a factory

B.On a farm

C.On the road

D.In the class.

2.What would you do when you see yield sign?

A.Slow down.

B.Enter a road at that point.

C.Have to come to a full stop

D.Should be alert for wildlife in the area.

3.What can be learned from the passage?

A.US states have the same law about seat belts

B.All the people in a car should buckle up in US

C.Pedestrians should walk slowly at a crosswalk

D.Drivers should stop the car at the sign of playground

4.What does the underlined phrase “watch for” in the last line mean?


B.Look at.

C.Look for

D.Pay attention to

