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One day, I was teaching my daughter how to paint. I saw that a lot of her energy went into______her brush into the paint, and then into a bowl of water. But then most of the paint that was on the______would just disappear in the water. As an______ mother, I was thinking, “I am trying to teach you how to paint on paper and what are you doing? This is not what you are ______to do. You have to do this way.”

But she is three years old so she is probably not going to______doing it the right way. She had so much______dipping the brush in the paint and in the water bowl. Pretty much within an hour, most of the paint was all over the room and I just sat there with my hands______my head thinking, “Oh my god, this girl is hopeless.” Soon after, however, she shouted, “Mama, when I______pink and blue, it turns purple!”

I was surprised.______I was thinking that she was wasting perfectly good paint and paper, she______learned something. What would have been a very theoretical(理论的) experiment turned into a very______experiment.

I am a designer and work with software like Photoshop and Illustrator. When my daughter sees me work on the______, she is always very curious and she wants to work with me on the same thing that I do. She starts to______with buttons, and in that process, sometimes lands up______me things! There will be many times when she will find______new. I will ask her______, and she will tell me, “I pressed this, and I pressed this, and then this happened.”

One of the things I realized from this is that everyone has a(n)______way of learning things. When I was growing up, I______to literature very well, so everything that was turned into a story became my way of learning and______ different concepts. Some kids understand through art, some understand through math and games, and it’s the job of a parent or a teacher to watch and______how children learn and try their best to make these experiences educational.

1.A. dipping B. throwing C. breaking D. sweeping

2.A. plate B. brush C. paper D. bowl

3.A. optimistic B. impatient C. energetic D. independent

4.A. supposed B. allowed C. intended D. tricked

5.A. keep B. consider C. bother D. remember

6.A. regret B. fun C. disappointment D. trouble

7.A. beside B. over C. below D. on

8.A. add B. combine C. mix D. take

9.A. While B. Because C. If D. Before

10.A. accidentally B. immediately C. fortunately D. actually

11.A. interesting B. practical C. beneficial D. novel

12.A. phone B. desk C. computer D. calculator

13.A. mess B. cooperate C. go D. live

14.A. telling B. awarding C. teaching D. giving

15.A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything

16.A. when B. why C. where D. how

17.A. different B. effective C. quick D. strange

18.A. stuck B. referred C. related D. turned

19.A. accepting B. using C. appreciating D. understanding

20.A. disturb B. teach C. respect D. discover


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2017届高三高考押题(一)英语试卷 题型:完形填空

As a college student,I took a position as a salesman and weekend brand ambassador at a local men's clothing store in New Jersey.In addition to allowing me to become an expert T-shirt folder,the job____me for future success, teaching me what to prioritize (优先处理) and how to____my time effectively.I also learned the value of teamwork and a client-centric (以客户为中心的) ____to business.

My____as a brand ambassador included managing the sales,taking part in community events and sharing details on in-store promotions.I was____with organizing inventory(库存)and price marking our clothing for sales. While I enjoyed the opportunity to communicate with____on a daily basis,I was challenged to manage my schedule and was____to learn the importance of prioritization.

One year later,we were on a____schedule to open a new store and I was responsible for stocking the inventory and____new salesmen.Being 19,I____this as a massive task and felt a great deal of____.Luckily,using the time management skills I had____learned,I was able to complete what was____of me.I am now able to____on the success of opening a new store that____exists today.

Much of____I accomplished would not have been possible without the____of my direct manager,Mrs.Brown, who had a great____on me.She set expectations early on me and clear goals and processes for achieving success.Her approach helped me complete tasks____and on time,and has____the way I now manage my own team.

1.A. prepared B. provided C. exposed D. employed

2.A. divide B. occupy C. operate D. manage

3.A. entrance B. suggestion C. approach D. relation

4.A. abilities B. responsibilities C. ideas D. theories

5.A. tasked B. helped C. awarded D. connected

6.A. visitors B. guests C. designers D. customers

7.A. free B. quick C. helpful D. easy

8.A. light B. flexible C. tight D. loose

9.A. using B. training C. consulting D. controlling

10.A. described B. respected C. served D. viewed

11.A. pressure B. confusion C. relief D. caution

12.A. naturally B. gratefully C. previously D. carefully

13.A. robbed B. required C. convinced D. rid

14.A. comment B. reflect C. call D. go

15.A. also B. even C. already D. still

16.A. what B. when C. whether D. how

17.A. guidance B. persuasion C. kindness D. attraction

18.A. judgment B. mark C. sign D. effect

19.A. exactly B. immediately C. efficiently D. easily

20.A. imagined B. stopped C. inspired D. copied


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏银川市2017届高三考前适应性训练(二)英语试卷 题型:短文改错


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() 并在其下面写出该加的词。





In order to encourage students to take outdoor exercise, our school organize a mountain climbing on May 1st. Hundreds of students took active part in it. At 8 a.m, we gathered at the foot of Su Yukou Mountain and set out for the top in high spirit. All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing happy. During the trip, we helped each other. While some fell behind, others would come offered help. About 2 hours later, we all reached the top. We jumped but cheered with joy. The activity benefited us a lot of. Not only did it get us close to nature and give us relax from heavy school work, but also it promoted the friendship among them


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省大庆市2016-2017学年高一下学期第三次月考(期中)英语试卷 题型:完形填空

One day,it was raining heavily and I didn’t have an umbrella,I had just___a bus and had to walk back to my house.I___walking in that direction,when I heard somebody shouting,“Sister,”“Sister.” I looked back and___the stationery(文具)shopkeeper.I went to him and asked what was the___.He said that since it was raining heavily,I could take a___in his shop,have a look at his new___and go home when the rain stopped.For a moment I hesitated(犹豫),but the___of getting to have a look at the pens made me nod.

To my surprise,I found that the___was larger than I thought.The stationery shopkeeper offered me a chair and took out the pens for me.I___a beautiful parker(派克)pen and had a try.It____so smoothly that I wanted to buy it with all my heart,____as expected,it was very expensive.The shopkeeper said,“I can give you the pen for ninety-five dollars____one hundred.”I looked up and thanked him for the____,but refused politely as it was____quite expensive for me.By that time,the rain had____,and after appreciating his____,I quickly walked back to my house.

After that day,the shop became my____place to hang out .The shopkeeper used to____me pens always at discount prices and very often also offered me tea.He had much information about all kinds of pens and other writing instruments.____both of us knew nothing about each other,we had a deep friendship based on our common ____.

1.A. run into B. got on C. run after D. got off

2.A. tried B. started C. considered D. avoided

3.A. observed B. answered C. saw D. remembered

4.A. matter B. trouble C. doubt D. reason

5.A. drink B. seat C. breath D. test

6.A. umbrella B. books C. tea D. pens

7.A. importance B. dream C. idea D. result

8.A. shop B. station C. factory D. bar

9.A. made use of B. ran out of C. caught sight of D. took care of

10.A. moved B. ran C. walked D. wrote

11.A. and B. but C. so D. or

12.A. instead of B. up to C. due to D. in addition to

13.A. convenience B. choice C. offer D. deal

14.A. even B. again C. ever D. still

15.A. come down B. stopped C. continued D. poured down

16.A. bravery B. politeness C. kindness D. carefulness

17.A. favourite B. personal C. only D. secret

18.A. share B. sell C. introduce D. send

19.A. Once B. Unless C. Since D. Although

20.A. interests B. lifestyles C. goals D. habits


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏银川市2017届高三考前适应性训练(一)英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

An online map showing in real-time how busy some of Beijing's best known sites are has been designed for tourists and residents so they can plan their visits. The map, developed by the Beijing Cyberspace Administration and the Beijing Commission of Tourism Development, monitors four popular scenic spots across the capital - the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace and Olympic Forest Park.

People who want to visit the sites can see which parking lots have spaces free, and how crowded the venues are.

The map, at present available only in Chinese, has been designed by Sogou Inc, the Chinese search engine owned by Sohu.com Inc, and will be expanded to cover more sites across China. There are also plans to turn it into an app for smartphones.

"If there are traffic jams around these tourism destinations, roads on the map will turn red, and if visitors want to drive to the places, the map will provide every parking area in and near the spots and show a real-time monitor of empty parking lots at the same time," said Kong Xianglai, the designer and producer of the map from Sogou.

To make the information as clear and simple as possible, some buildings and streets around the sites have been removed from the map if they are not necessary, Kong said.

"Users will also see peaks in visitor numbers and where crowds are at these destinations on the map, so it is helpful for them to plan and select a travel time," he said.

1.The online map is especially helpful for those who want to visit ______.

A. Qinghai Lake B. the Great Wall

C. the Yellow Grane Tower D. the Summer Palace

2.What can visitors learn from the online map?

A. How crowded the streets in Shanghai are .

B. Which parking lots in and near Olympic Forest Park are empty.

C. Whether there are traffic jams in 50 top tourist spots across the country.

D. The number of the visitors in all scenic spots across Beijing.

3.According to Kong Xianglai, the online map is ________.

A. Useful B. Unnecessary

C. Expensive D. Complex

4.The text is most likely to be taken from_______.

A. A science textbook B. A museum guide

C. A study report D. A news report


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古包头市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

For a year and half, kids sent hurtful messages like “You are ugly.” or “Why are you still alive?” to Rebecca Sedwick. In 2013, Rebecca, then 12, couldn’t stand it anymore. She took her own life near her home in Florida. Soon afterward, Trisha Prabhu read about the story. “I was surprised and heart-broken,” said Trisha, now 15, who is from Naperville, Illinois, “I know that I had to do something to stop this from ever happening again.”

Trisha did some research. Studies show that one fourth to half of all teens in the US have been cyberbullied (网络欺凌). Experts say that if you are ever bullied online, you should tell a trusted adult. Tell the cyberbully to stop, and prevent him or her from contacting you again. Print and save messages to share with the police. This is good advice, agrees Trisha. But these methods all take place after the bullying has already happened. Trisha had a different idea. Why not teach cyberbullies to stop before they post these messages?

Trisha’s research won awards, including a prize in the Google Science Fair. Then, Tresah built the ReThink app (应用软件). It is programmed to recognize words or phrases that could be hurtful. When that happens, different warning messages come out. “Don’t say things that you may regret later!” says one message. Others ask, “Are you sure you want to say this?” and “Are these words really yours?”

Now Trisha is working on a version(版本) of ReThink for computers. “I am a big dreamer,” she says. “I want to stop cyberbullying before the hurt is done.”

1.What do we know about Rebecca Sedwick?

A. She was one of Trisha's best friends.

B. She sent hurtful messages to others.

C. She ended her life at the age of 12.

D. She went to Florida to study further.

2.What is Trisha’s suggestion for stopping cyberbullying?

A. Stop talking with the cyberbully.

B. Stop the messages before they are sent.

C. Turn to your parents or close friends

D. Show the messages to the police at once.

3.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A. People's attitudes to the ReThink app.

B. Trisha's research on cyberbullying.

C. How the ReThink app works.

D. The Google Science Fair.

4.Which of the following can best describe Trisha?

A. Honest and careful. B. Helpful and clever.

C. Proud and impolite. D. Strange and impatient.


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省鞍山市2017届高三下学期最后一次模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Vitamin B could help reduce the effects of the dangerous type of air pollution, according to a new study published on Monday. In the first study of its kind, a team of international researchers looked into the damage caused by one of the pollutants that have the severest impact on health—PM2.5.

They found that Vitamin B supplement could effectively reduce the impact of the tiny particles (颗粒)on the human body, although they stressed that the research was in its early stages. According to the WHO, 92% of the world's people are living in places where the PM2.5 level goes beyond the recommended level. So it’s urgent to find a solution to the problem.

According to this study, published in the PNAS, 10 volunteers were initially exposed to clean air and given a placebo (安慰剂)to check their baseline responses. The group then kept on taking placebos tor tour weeks before being exposed to heavily polluted air from downtown Toronto, where an estimated 1,000 cars passed every hour. The bad air was delivered to the volunteers through an "oxygen type" face mask. The experiment was then repeated, with each volunteer taking a Vitamin B supplement daily, made up of 2.5mg of folic acid, 50mg of Vitamin B6, and l mg of Vitamin B12.

Vitamin B6 can be found in liver, chicken, nuts and other things, and Vitamin B12 in fish, meat, eggs, milk and some cereals. The researchers found that four weeks of Vitamin B supplements — the damage of PM2.5 effects by 28-76%. The results emphasized how prevention at an individual level could be used to fight against the damage of PM2.5, the researchers said.

1.What's the newly discovered effect of Vitamin B in Paragraph 1?

A. It can be used to replace other vitamins in our daily life.

B. It can help lower the air pollution level in the open air.

C. It can reduce the impact of PM2.5 on human bodies.

D. It can get rid of the pollutants remaining in our body.

2.What can be learned from the second paragraph?

A. Further study about the effect of Vitamin B needs to be done.

B. Vitamin B is the most important to human's health.

C. The tiny particles in the air are made up of PM2.5.

D. 92% of the world's people are affected by PM2.5.

3.How did researchers draw the new conclusion about Vitamin B?

A. By referring to a journal. B. By performing experiments.

C. By interviewing scientists. D. By comparing vitamins.

4.You may read the passage on a website about .

A. environment B. medicine

C. education D. health


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省广雅中学、江西省南昌市第二中学2017届高三下学期联合测试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

In the dull twilight of the winter afternoon,Scarlett came to the end of the long road which had begun the night Atlanta fell.She had set her feet upon that road as a spoiled,selfish and untried girl,full of youth,warm of emotion, easily confused by life.Now,at the end of the road,there was nothing left of that girl.Hunger and hard labor,fear and constant pressure,the terrors of war and the terrors of Reconstruction had taken away all warmth and youth and softness.Around the core of her being,a shell of hardness had formed and,little by little,layer by layer,the shell had thickened during the endless months.

But until this very day,two hopes had been left to support her.She had hoped that the war being over,life would gradually return to its old face.She had hoped that Ashley's return would bring back some meaning into life.Now both hopes were gone.She realized that for her,for the whale South,the war would never end.The bitterest fighting, the most violent and cruel revenges,were just beginning.And Ashley was imprisoned forever by words which were stronger than any jail.

Peace had failed her and Ashley had failed her,both in the same day,and it was as if the last crevice(裂口)in the shell had been closed,the final layer hardened.She had become what Grandma Fontaine had counseled against,a woman who had seen the worst and so had nothing else to fear.Not life nor Mother nor loss of love nor public opinion.Only hunger and her nightmare dream of hunger could make her afraid.

A curious sense of lightness,of freedom,went through her now that she had finally hardened her heart against everything that tied her to the old days and the old Scarlett.She had made her decision and,thank God,she wasn't afraid.She had nothing to lose and her mind was made up.

1.Which of the following adjectives best describe the mood in the first paragraph?

A. Gloomy and depressed. B. Cheerful and relaxed.

C. Peaceful and calm. D. Nervous and anxious.

2.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Scarlett believed that the war would end soon.

B. Scarlett felt hopeless about the future when the war broke out.

C. Ashley may have been an important person to Scarlett.

D. Grandma Fontaine had advised Scarlett to be fearless.

3.What does the underlined sentence "...and it was as if the last crevice in the shell had been closed,the final layer hardened" suggest?

A. Scarlett would shut herself off from others.

B. Scarlett would refuse to face the reality.

C. Scarlett.would be trapped in a state of desperation.

D. Scarlett would grow mentally tougher and more determined.

4.Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

A. It mainly describes the hopes and fear of Scarlett after Atlanta fell.

B. It mainly describes the destructive impact of the war on Scarlett's life.

C. It mainly describes the gradual change of Scarlett's feelings and attitude.

D. It mainly describes the sufferings of people in the South during the w:u:


科目:高中英语 来源:东北师大附中、哈尔滨师大附中、辽宁省2017届高三下学期第四次联合模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Twenty years ago, the following news item probably wouldn’t have made much sense to most Americans.

Muslims in Iran went to the streets today to support an ayatollah①’s call for a revolution. Meanwhile, in Israel, Palestinian leaders urged support for the intifada②, ①leader ②struggle

These words come from Arabic, a language with which few Americans are familiar. Yet by 1990 these words were routinely used in both broadcast and print news. How did these words find their way into English?

Like all existing languages, English is continually changing. The adoption of foreign words into English vocabulary, called borrowing, is anything but a new phenomenon. In fact, it’s been going on from the time the language first began to take shape around A. D. 450. English has been borrowing words from the conquered(被征服者), trading partners, immigrants, and a variety of other sources.

So when the events in the Middle East commanded the world’s attention during the latter part of the twentieth century. English simply borrowed the words it needed to describe what was happening in that area. The more often such words were used, the less “foreign” they sounded. Eventually, these borrowed words came to be used routinely in speech and writing.

Borrowed vocabulary from foreign language is not the only source of new words in English. As fresh ideas evolve and innovative technology are developed, new English words are created to describe them. These words may be words borrowed(WB) from other languages, existing words taking on new meanings(EWNM), acronyms, blends, compounds, or newly coined words, as the following examples and the chart show.


borrowed from Swahili: seven-day African-American cultural festival


old word, meaning to knock quickly, taking on a new meaning; a form of music


acronym for acquired immune deficiency syndrome


blend of existing words: exercise + bicycle


compound of existing words


new word for fatty deposits on the hips and legs, coined in 1971

In the next four lessons, you’ll be introduced to some of the history and mechanisms(体系)that have shaped and continued to influence the language we use. Whether the words we speak are borrowed or created, they show a vital feature of English---adaptability. English is alive.

1.What does the word “commanded” in the fourth paragraph probably mean?

A. Ordered B. Instructed

C. Controlled D. Drew

2.The word “mouse” may belong to an example of __________.


C. Acronyms D. Blends

3.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A cultural section of a newspaper

B. A language book review

C. A language course advertisement

D. A language lesson book

4.Which of the following can best cover the main idea of the passage?

A. The language in the media is changing

B. English has been borrowing words

C. English is a living language

D. A new phenomenon appears in English

