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  Brazil has become one of the developing world's great successes in reducing population growth--but more by accident than design.

While countries such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rates, Brazil has had better result without really trying, says George Martine at Harvard.

  Brazil's population growth rate has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990, and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average. Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990, an achievement that makes it the envy of many other Third World Countries.

  Martine puts it down to, among other things, soap operas and installment(分期付款)plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important, although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate. Brazil is one of the world's biggest producers of soap operas. Globo, Brazil's most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night. Most soaps are based on wealthy characters living the hight life in big cities.

  “Although they have never really tried to work in a message towards the problems of reproduction(生育),they describe middle and upper class values--not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working,” says Martine.“They sent this message to all parts of Brazil and made people realize other patterns of family life and other values, which were put into a very attractive package.”

  Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers.“This led to change in consumption(消费)patterns and consumption did not get along well with unlimited reproduction,”says Martine.

(1) The phrase“puts it down to”(Line 1, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to ________.

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A.considers the cause of it to be
B.finds it a reason for
C.looks it on as
D.compares it to

(2) Soap operas have helped in lowering Brazil's birth rate because ________.

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A.they keep people sitting long hours watching TV

B.they have gradually changed people's way of life

C.people are drawn to their attractive package

D.they make birth control measures popular

(3) What is Martine's conclusion about Brazil's population growth?

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A.The increase in birth rate will increase consumption.

B.The desire for consumption helps to reduce birth rate.

C.Consumption patterns and reproduction patterns are contradictory(相矛盾).

D.A country's production is limited by its population growth.

(4) Which is the best title of this passage?

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A.Brazil: The Developing World's Success.

B.Soap Operas and Installment plans.

C.Brazil: Reducing Birth Rate by Accident.

D.Learn from Brazil, the Third World Country.


(1) A;推理题。put stk down to“归结”……的原因是……”。由二、三自然段的关系可以推出A

(2) B;全文倒数第二自然段推出。肥皂剧中的中上层阶级的家庭观念--少生孩子,妇女参加工作等,使巴西人慢慢地改变了自己的家庭观念和生活模式。

(3) B;深层理解题。最后一自然段可推出B。分期付款鼓励穷人成为消费者,改变了他们的消费观念,而高消费与无节制的生育相矛盾,故巴西人少生孩子,由此推出B

(4) C;主旨大题意。本标题中有概括全文的中心词reducing…by accident,即巴西很偶然地降低了人口增长。


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修三 英语 人教版 人教版 题型:051

  话题链接:You will remember that the Bank of England once issued two notes of a million pounds each, to be used for a special purpose connected with some public transaction with a foreign country.For some reason or other only one of these had been used and canceled; The other still lay in the vaults of the Bank.Well, the brothers, chatting along, happened to get to wondering what might be the fate of a perfectly honest and intelligent stranger who should be turned adrift in London without a friend, and with no money but that million-pound bank-note, and no way to account for his being in possession of it.Brother A said he would starve to death; Brother B said he wouldn't.Brother A said he couldn't offer it at a bank or anywhere else, because he would be arrested on the spot.So they went on disputing till Brother B said he would bet twenty thousand pounds that the man would live thirty days, anyway, on that million, and keep out of jail, too.Brother A took him up.Brother B went down to the Bank and bought that note.Just like an Englishman, you see; pluck to the backbone.Then he dictated a letter, which one of his clerks wrote out in a beautiful round hand, and then the two brothers sat at the window a whole day watching for the right man to give it to….


任务导入:Imagine what kind of life Henry will live with Portia and try to make up a short play between them.Then act it out before your classmates.

You can do it as the following steps:

1.Before write your play, read the novel of The Million Pound Bank-Note to get some background knowledge and refer to some play scripts to learn how to write a play; 2.Choose the right persons to be the roles of the play and learn some skills of performance from books or experts, etc.

3.Practice the play together and act it out before your classmates.

An example scene:

P=Portia H=Henry

P:Oh, Henry.It's nice to see you home so early!

H:Mm, ah.

P:(looking worried)What's happened?

H:I can't hide much from you, can I, dear?We have lost our money.The railway company in Brazil has collapsed and all our money has disappeared.But I have a plan to help us.We can go back to America and start again.I can become a gold miner and we can make our fortune that way.

P:Leave London?Leave my father?Oh no, Henry, please!

H:I think it might be better for us.We would stand on our own feet.

P:(crying)I shall have to go home.You can't love me if you want to do this dreadful thing.

H:(putting his arms round her)Of course I do.It is for our sake that I suggest this.It will be an adventure.We will be able to travel where we like and I will be able to show you so many lovely places.

P:As long as you love me I shall be happy.

H:And I shall always do that!


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 外语教学与研究出版社 题型:050


  From poor beginnings to most expensive player

  Zinedine Zidane, who dreams of leading France to its second World Cup title in a row next month, has always preferred to express himself with a football rather than with words.

  Last Wednesday Zidane scored the decisive goal when Real Madrid of Spain won the Champions League final against Germany’s Leverkusen 2-1.

  He became one of the world’s most expensive players when he joined Real Madrid from Italy’s Juventus for US $66 million.And he has been a national hero since he scored twice in the 3-0 defeat of Brazil in the 1998 World Cup Final.

  But despite his success, Zidane has always kept his feet on the ground.He leads a quite family life, there is hardly any gossip about him and he avoids putting his wife and two children in the spotlight.

  “Just because I’m a public figure it doesn’t mean I have to express myself on everything.I don’t like to discuss some personal matters publicly.”he said.

  Even as a child playing football in the slum area of Marseille, France, where he was raised by his Algerian parents, Zidane was shy.

  He loved football even as a little kid.“I realized football is a wonderful mixture of a sharp mind and hard training rather than just talking, ”he said.

  Even when the match awards were just chocolate and bread, Zidane found that football made his poor childhood rich.

  Before he was 10 years old, it was obvious that he could become a great footballer.He was offered his first professional contract(合同)when he was just 20.Now, at the age of 29, he has already picked up two World Player of the year awards.

  This quiet striker has not yet spoken of his hopes for the coming World Cup.But his fans across the world will be eagerly watching him to see what he’ll do this time.


What did Zidane learn from his childhood football experience?

He learned that ________.

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he could become a great footballer


he could become rich if he became a footballer


football is a mixture of a sharp mind and hard training but not just talking


football is a favorite sport in the future


According to the article, what are Zidane’s main characteristics?

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He is a shy but successful man.


H e loves his wife and children.


He doesn’t like to speak in public.


He is a quiet, down-to earth person of few words.


When the writer says “Zidane has always kept his feet on the ground”, he means ________.

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Zidane spends more time standing than sitting most days


Zidane is a down-to earth person


Zidane has spent most of his time training on the pitch


Zidane likes standing when he succeeds


The sentence “Zidane found that football made his poor childhood rich” means ________.

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football made Zidane’s poor family wealthy when he was a child


Zidane knew that football could bring him fame and wealth even when he was a child


football brought happiness to Zidane when he was a child in a poor family


Zidane knew that if he wanted to be rich he must play football from childhood

