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If you look for a book as a present for a child. You will be spoiled for choice even in a year when there is no new Harry Potter. J.K Rowling’s wizard is not alone: the past decade has been a harvest for good children’s books, which has set off a large quantity of films and in turn led to increased sales of classics such as The Lord of the Rings.
Yet despite that, reading is increasingly unpopular among children. According to statistics, in 1997 23% said they didn’t like reading at all. In 2003, 35% did. And around 6% of children leave primary school each year unable to read properly.
Maybe the decline is caused by the increasing availability of computes games. Maybe the books boom has affected only the top of the educational pile. Either way, Chancellor Gordon Brown plans to change things for the bottom of the class .In his pre-budget report, he announced the national project of Reading Recovery to help the children struggling most.
Reading Recovery is aimed at six-year-olds, who receive four months of individual daily half-hour classes with a specially trained teacher. An evaluation earlier this year reported that children on the scheme made 20 months’ progress in just one year, whereas similarly weak readers without special help made just five months’ progress, and so ended the year even further below the level expected for their age.
International research tends to find that when British children leave primary school they read well, but read less often for fun than those elsewhere. Reading for fun matters because children who are keen on reading can expect lifelong pleasure and loving books is an excellent indicator of future educational success. According to the OECD, being a regular and enthusiastic reader is of great advantage.
【小题1】Which of the following is true of Paragraph 1?

A.Many children’s books have been adapted from films.
B.Many high-quality children’s books have been published.
C.The sales of classics have led to the popularity of films.
D.The sales of presents for children have increased.
【小题2】Statistics suggested that              .
A.the number of top students increased with the use of computers
B.a decreasing number of children showed interest in reading
C.a minority of primary school children read properly
D.a large percentage of children read regularly
【小题3】What do we know about Reading Recovery?
A.An evaluation of it will be made sometime this year.
B.Weak readers on the project were the most hardworking.
C.It aims to train special teachers to help children with reading.
D.Children on the project showed noticeable progress in reading.
【小题4】Reading for fun is important because book-loving children _________.
A. take greater advantage of the project
B.show the potential to enjoy a long life
C.are likely to succeed in their education
D.would make excellent future researchers
【小题5】The aim of this text would probably be _________.
A.to overcome primary school pupils’ reading difficulty
B.to encourage the publication of more children’s books
C.to remind children of the importance of reading for fun
D.to introduce a way to improve early children reading


【小题1】推断题。根据第一段“...the past decade has been a harvest for good children’s books, which has set off a large quantity of films and in turn led to increased sales of classics such as The lord of the Rings.”可知这一年内还是有很多好的儿童
【小题2】推断题。根据第二段“Yet despite that,reading is increasingly unpopular among children.”可知虽然(有很多好书出版),但是阅读在孩子们中间越来越不流行,也就是对阅读感兴趣的孩子越来越少。
【小题3】推断题。根据第四段“An evaluation earlier this year reported that children on the scheme made 20 months’ progress in just one year,whereas similarly weak readers without special help made just five months’ progress”可知参加读书恢复计划的孩子一年内取得了20个月的进步,而没有得到帮助的孩子只取得了5个月的。可以推断出参加计划的孩子阅读水平有明显提高。
【小题4】推断题。根据最后一段“Reading for fun matters because children who are keen on reading can expect lifelong pleasure and loving books is an excellent indicator of future educational success.”可知以读书作为乐趣的孩子会对读书产生一生的爱好,爱好读书是教育成功的绝好指导者。可以推断出以读书为乐趣的孩子在教育上更容易成功。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

More than 30 million kids buy school lunch each day. This year, many schools raised lunch prices to fight raising costs. Students pay about $2 a meal now. That is 27 cents more than last year. But they still get a good deal. The average cost for schools to produce one meal has gone up 30 cents, and is now $3. 
So, how do schools neither make money nor lose money? To start, the government pays for a small part of the difference. Schools have to make up the rest. Peggy Eller, a leader of school nutrition (营养) service in Hudson, Wisconsin, said her district is cutting costs by using fewer paper products and serving smaller portion(份额). Well, portion control is one key to healthful eating! 
The push for more healthful food has grown in recent years. One in five kids aged 6 to 19 is overweight. Being overweight can cause health problems. Many states passed laws that require schools to serve nutritious meals. 
Since 2004, more than 90% of all U.S. Schools have removed the fat from lunches. Foods high in fat, salt and sugar have been replaced by low-fat milk, fresh fruits and vegetables. These new items on lunch menus have encouraged kids to change their eating habits. “It makes easier to try new things at home, “said Savanna Mackey, a Florida fifth-grader.  
Students need healthful meals to grow strong and do well in school. “Rising prices won’t stand in the way,”says school nutritionist Jane Thornton. “We’ll just be more clever in how we do things.”
【小题1】In the first paragraph, the author aims to tell us        .

A.the large number of kids buying school lunch
B.the average price of school lunch
C.the school's ways to deal with school lunch
D.the fact of school lunch's getting more expensive
【小题2】Many school districts raised lunch prices because        .
A.there is less healthful food on the menus
B.the cost of food has gone up
C.kids often forget to bring lunch money
D.some school dining-halls are serving smaller portions
【小题3】According to Paragraph 4, Savanna Mackey      .
A.doesn't like the new items on the lunch menus
B.always enjoys foods like fresh and vegetables
C.becomes interested in eating healthy food at home
D.prefers eating at school to eating at home
【小题4】What can be inferred from the passage?
A.American schools solve the problem of high food prices by themselves.
B.American schools are very concerned about their students’ health.
C.Almost all schools are forced by the government to serve healthy foods.
D.American childhood overweight is mainly caused by the present lunch foods.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How many times do you have to fail at something in order to succeed? Did you know that Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times while trying to invent the light bulb? He certainly had a “learn and do” attitude! He was able to turn each failed experiment into a successful way to invent the light bulb. So what can we learn from this? You can adopt the “fail forward” strategy too.
In reality, none of us are failures. It’s true that we will experience times of defeat, problems, and disasters, but remember, each one of us is meant to succeed in life. However, we must choose our fate. Henry David Thoreau said, “Men are born to succeed, not to fail.”
We can never be forced into having a happy and successful life. Whether or not you experience success or failure is completely controlled by what you think and do. You are the only one who can choose the thoughts that will keep you from achieving the abundant life and joy that you are meant to have. No matter how difficult things may seem, say to yourself, “I choose to be a happy and successful person.”
Why do some people get what they want and others fail? I believe that getting what you desire in life takes planning, and it doesn’t just happen by luck. So how do we plan for success?
It has been proven that successful people do things more differently than unsuccessful people. They recognize the patterns of success and follow them; one of those patterns is planning. They plan what they think and do, which sets them apart. They know exactly what they desire, have an intelligent plan for getting it, and then work their plan. They know what success will cost them in terms of time, energy, and results, and they devote the right resources toward making their plans happen.
【小题1】The writer refers to Thomas Edison to ________.

A.introduce his invention 
B.put forward the topic of the text 
C.praise the inventor 
D.show the way to success 
【小题2】What Henry David Thoreau said implies that ________.
A.everyone is able to be a success 
B.most people lack the confidence to succeed 
C.everyone can do nothing but succeed in his life 
D.no one can succeed without difficulty and suffering 
【小题3】The main idea of the last two paragraphs is that ________.
A.planning plays an important role in success 
B.successful people differ from unsuccessful ones 
C.successful people have many patterns of success 
D.devoting the right resources can help reach one’s goal 
【小题4】Which of the following would match the text?
A.All roads lead to Rome. B.Think twice before you act. 
C.No pains, no gains. D.Failure is the mother of success. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Having friends may well keep you healthier and help you deal with stress better. Some studies show that people with close friends have a greater ability to fight disease than people who are alone.
Place friendship in the first place. Find the time to be with friends even if it means letting the lawn go unmowed or the dishes unwashed for a while. When you can’t get together, use the phone to keep in touch.
Open up to close friends. Keeping a deep friendship requires a level of “heartfelt” intimacy (亲密).Don’t be afraid to express your inner fears and disappointments. Listen to your friends when they have problems,but offer advice only when it’s wanted. Help raise friends’ self­esteem when they are sad about a job loss, or other such events.
Have different friends for different activities, such as going to the movies,singing in a choir,and joining in a bowling league.
Don’t wait for a friend to ask for helps. When a friend has the flu,offer to go to the store or drive his or her children to their after­school activities.
Never take a friendship for granted. Like a good marriage,friendship needs care and patience. Become a joiner. Find a group that matches your interests.
Talk to strangers. Conversations started in museums, laundry rooms,or bookstores can lead to firm friendship.
Enroll in an adult­education course. A classroom is an ideal place to meet others with similar interests.
【小题1】People with close friends have a        ability to fight disease than people who are alone.

【小题2】According to the passage,you’d better offer advice to your friends       .
A.at any moment
B.only when they are happy
C.only when they want it
D.only when you are glad
【小题3】What we should do to have friends according to the author?
A.Make friendship a priority.
B.Open up to close friends.
C.Never take a friendship for granted.
D.All the above.
【小题4】Which of the statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.You should have different friends for the same activities.
B.You should wait for a friend to ask a favor.
C.You should avoid talking with strangers in museums, laundry rooms, or bookstores.
D.You should never take a friendship for granted.
【小题5】The underlined word “enroll” in the last paragraph means         .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Knowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student. By using your time properly, you can do your homework more quickly. Learning to study is not difficult.
The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesn’t mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be wil1ing to do whatever is necessary to learn. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later to do and learn other things. Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life. Knowing how to spell makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes the subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly. Learning things can be fun if you are willing to work with them.
Here’s some advice for you: have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions(中断); have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books; be sure you understand what you should learn before you start; read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things; when memorizing, first find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing; check your homework after you finish it; never forget the importance of review and preview.
Don’t try to spend a lot of time researching learning methods. There are many students who know many good learning methods but don’t study well. They forget that no one can study well unless he studies hard.
【小题1】The main goal of the article is                .

A.to prove that learning is not difficult
B.to make the readers be interested in study
C.to tell the importance of self teaching
D.to tell the students how to study well
【小题2】The first thing to remember in studying is that                .
A.you must like the subject
B.you must follow the teacher
C.you must enjoy learning
D.you must spend much time researching learning methods
【小题3】We learn things because                .
A.we may use these things in the future
B.we like the subjects
C.our parents want us to learn them
D.every student learns them at school
【小题4】The following advice is given in the article EXCEPT               .
A.To put a pen, paper and books beside you before study.
B.To study at any possible time and place.
C.To review and preview
D.To pay attention to the most important things before you start to study
【小题5】Among the following statements, which of the following is true?
A.The more learning methods we have, the better we will study.
B.Finding the best learning method is the most important in learning.
C.If you don’t work hard, though you have a good learning method, you can’t be good at study.
D.Once we have mastered a good learning method, we can improve our study greatly.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Criticism(批评) never changes a thing. Accept yourself exactly as you are. Everybody changes. When you criticize yourself, your changes are negative. When you approve of yourself, your changes are positive.
Don’t scare yourself
Stop scaring yourself with your thought that it’s terrible to live this way. Find a mental image that gives you pleasure, and immediately change your scary thought to a pleasant one. Imagine a positive future ahead of you.
Be gentle, kind and patient
Be patient with yourself as you learn new ways of thinking. If you make a mistake you will develop self-hatred, but don’t hate yourself for thinking. Gently change your thoughts. Praise and support yourself.
Criticism breaks your spirit, while praise builds it up. Praise yourself as much as you can. Tell yourself how well you are doing with everything. Find ways to support yourself. Reach out to friends and allow them to help you. It is best to ask for help when you need it.
Take care of your body
Learn about nutrition. What kind of fuel does your body need in order to have enough energy and vitality(活力)? Learn about exercise. What kinds of exercise do you enjoy? Insist on doing exercise every day.
Mirror work
Look into your eyes in the mirror often and express the growing sense of love you have for yourself. At least once a day you should say to yourself: "I love you." If you have confidence in yourself, you’ll never give in to difficulty.
Love yourself. Do it now, begin now, and do the best you can.
【小题1】According to the author, you should _____.

A.praise yourself now and then
B.change yourself
C.criticize someone else
D.criticize yourself
【小题2】 The underlined phrase in paragraph 1 probably means ______.
A.to defendB.to challenge
C.to appreciateD.to suspect
【小题3】You should face the mirror and say that you love yourself so that you can _____.
A.imagine a positive future ahead of you
B.grow more confident of yourself
C.find out the expressions on your face
D.learn more about yourself


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

What time is it?Most people are pretty accurate in their answer. And if you don’t know for sure, it’s very likely that you can find out. There may be a watch on your wrist; there may be a clock on the wall, desk, or computer screen; or maybe you’re riding in a car that has a clock in the dashboard .
Even if you don’t have a timepiece of some sort nearby, your body keeps its own beat. Humans have an internal clock that regulates (调节) the beating of our heart, the peace of our breathing, the discharge (排出) of chemicals within our bloodstream, and many other bodily functions.
Time is something from which we can’t escape. Even if we ignore it, it’s still going by, ticking away, second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. So the main issue in using your time well is, “who’s in charge?” We can allow time to slip by and let it be our enemy. Or we can take control of it and make it our ally.
By taking control of how you spend your time, you'll increase your chances of becoming a more 
successful student. Perhaps more importantly, the better you are at managing the time you devote to your 
studies, the more time you'll have to spend on your outside interests. 
The aim of time management is not to schedule every moment so we become slaves of a timetable that 
governs every waking moment of the day. Instead, the aim is to make informed choices as to how we use 
our time. Rather than letting the day go by, largely without our awareness, what we are going to discuss 
next can make us better able to control time for our own purposes.
【小题1】The underlined word “ally” in Para.3 most likely means somebody or something that is ________.

A.your slave and serves you
B.your supporter an helps you
C.under your control and obeys you
D.under your influence and follows you
【小题2】The author intends to tell us that time ________.
A.could be regulated by a timepiece such as a clock or a watch
B.could be managed by the internal clock by human bodies
C.should be well managed for our own interest
D.should be saved for outside interests
【小题3】In the next part, the author would most probably discuss with you ________.
A.how to keep up with the times B.how to make up for lost time
C.how to have a good time D.how to make good use of time


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

How cool can libraries be in an era(时代)of iPods and Kindles? More than you think.Only if you know where to go.
Central Library: Seattle, Washington, United States
The Central Library in Seattle is modern and fashionable and has tourists from around the world paying visits and taking tours.It was designed by Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas and American designer Joshua Ramus.Tours began in 2006, two years after its opening.The library holds various art exhibitions, book signings and other events, while visitors can stop by the Chocolate cart for a coffee and scan through the gift shop anytime
Trinity College Library: Dublin, Ireland
The Trinity College Library in Dublin is the oldest library in Ireland, founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I.It is the largest single library in the world, also known as the Long Room, which contains more than 200,000 0fthe library's oldest books.The Long Room houses one of the oldest harps(竖琴) in Ireland.Dating to the 15th century, the old harp is the model for the symbol foreland.
Geisel Library, University of California: San Diego, United States
At first glance, it looks like a spaceship.Architect William Pereira, who helped design actual space launch facilities at Cape Canaveral in Houston, Texas, designed the library in 1970.It has been featured in sci-fi films, short stories and novels.The library hosts "Dinner in the Library," which invites readers for cocktails, and also a special speech from distinguished authors.
TU Delft Library: The Netherlands
The library at the Delft University of Technology was constructed in 1997 and has more than 862,000 books, 16,000 magazine subscriptions and its own museum.The building itself exists beneath the ground, so you can't really see the actual Library.What makes it interesting is the roof, which is a grassy hill.The roof covers 5,500 square meters.And it has become one of the most striking and greenest structures in the area.
【小题1】Which of the four libraries has the longest history?

A.Central Library.
B.Geisel Library.
C.Trinity College Library.
D.TU Delft Library.
【小题2】What makes Geisel Library different from the others is that
A.famous writers often deliver speeches there
B.it has a reoffer grassy hill
C.Queen Elizabeth I founded the library
D.it is the largest single library in the world
【小题3】In Central Library, you can
A.buy souvenirs B.enjoy sci-fi films
C.drink cocktails D.see the old harp

