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18.EXPERTS have put forward detailed plans for a tunnel to join Taiwan with the Chinese mainland.
The shortest proposed route would be 126 kilometers-more than twice the length of the English Channel Tunnel.And the longest proposed route would be 207 kilometers.
A recent conference in Xiamen,Fujian Province brought together more than 70 experts.The event was co-sponsored by universities from Taiwan and the Chinese mainland.
Fujian is the province where both proposed routes would begin.There is no direct passenger access between the mainland and Taiwan by road or sea at the moment.Experts say that it is better to start research sooner rather than later,despite the current lack of government funding.There are no technical problems to build a Taiwan tunnel.But it will require an improved political relationship across the Straits.
Tsinghua University Professor Wu said,"A special feature of huge projects is that the period of preparation is longer than the period of construction."For instance,Wu said,the English Channel Tunnel took 14 years of planning and had been discussed for two centuries.And preparations for the huge Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River began in the 1950s.
The Xiamen conference focused on the longest southern route,which would use the Taiwan-controlled islands of Jinmen and Penghu as stepping stones.
The first stage of the new project could be a bridge to cover the five kilometers between Xiamen and Jinmen.This would mean that travelling from Xiamen to Jinmen by car would only take five minutes.
The longest tunnel now being planned anywhere in the world is the 54-kilometre land tunnel to link Lyon in France with Turin in Italy.The tunnel will not be completed until 2015-2020.

56.What is mainly talked about?C
A.The longest tunnels of the globe.                 B.The English Channel Tunnel.
C.Bridge for Taiwan and mainland.                   D.Preparations of two centuries.
57.Why is it better to start research sooner rather than later?D
A.Currently,there is a lack of government supporting.
B.No direct passenger access between Taiwan and the mainland.
C.There are some technical problems to build a tunnel.
D.The period of preparation is longer than that of construction.
58.What can be learned from the passage?A
A.2020 will see the longest tunnel between France and Italy.
B.It took two centuries to prepare for the Three Gorges Dam.
C.A tunnel has been constructed between Xiamen and Jinmen.
D.Experts are sure about an improved political relationship across the Straits.
59.How long will it take to go from Xiamen to Taiwan by car when the tunnel is completed?D
A.5 minutes.      B.14 hours.
C.54 minutes.     D.The passage doesn't mention it.

分析 本文主要讨论的是两岸专家就台湾与大陆之间建设海底隧道的问题进行研讨,隧道的建设希望与困难并存.

56.C 根据全文可知,本文主要讨论的是两岸专家就台湾与大陆之间建设海底隧道的问题进行研讨,隧道的建设希望与困难并存.故答案为C
57.D 根据A special feature of huge projects is that the period of preparation is longer than the period of construction."可知,如此浩大的工程的准备期比建设期要长的多,故选D
58.A 根据文章最后一段The longest tunnel now being planned anywhere in the world is the 54-kilometre land tunnel to link Lyon in France with Turin in Italy.The tunnel will not be completed until 2015-2020.可知,最迟2020年将建成世界最长的海底隧道,故选A
59.D 根据The first stage of the new project could be a bridge to cover the five kilometers between Xiamen and Jinmen.This would mean that travelling from Xiamen to Jinmen by car would only take five minutes文章只提到从金门到厦门的时间是五分钟,并没有提到台湾到厦门的所用时间,故答案为D

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.If you're a male and you're reading this,congratulations!You're a survivor.According to statistics,you're more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS.Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term,about 78 years for men in Australia,you'll die on average five years before a woman.
There're many reasons for this--typically,men take more risks than women and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly,men don't go to the doctor.
"Men aren't seeing doctors as often as they should,"says Dr.Gullotta."This is particularly so
for the over-40s,when diseases tend to strike.According to a recent survey,95%of women aged between 15 and early 49s see a doctor once a year,compared to 70%of men in the same age group.
"A lot of men think they're unbeatable,"Gullotta says."They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think,Geez,if it could happen to him …"
Then there's the ostrich(鸵鸟)approach."Some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,"says Dr.Ross Cartmill.
"Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,"Cartmill says.He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be addressed by preventive check-ups.
"Prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases.Besides,the final cost is far greater,it's called premature death."
64.Why does the author congratulate male readers at the beginning of the passage?C
A.They can live longer than they expected.
B.They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier life.
C.They have lived long enough to read this article.
D.They are more likely to survive serious diseases now.
65.Which of the author's statements is the most important reason that men die five years earlier on average than women according to the passage?B
A.Men drink and smoke much more than women.
B.Men don't seek medical care as often as women.
C.Men are more likely to suffer from deadly diseases.
D.Men aren't as cautious as women in face of danger.
66.Which of the following best completes the underlined sentence"Geez,if it could happen to him…"(in Para 4)?A
A.it could happen to me,too.
B.it would be a big misfortune.
C.I should avoid playing golf.
D.I should consider myself lucky.
67.What does Dr.Ross Cartmill mean by"the ostrich approach"(in Para 5)?D
A.A casual attitude towards one's health conditions.
B.A new treatment for certain psychological problems.
C.Refusal to get medical treatment for fear of the pain involved.
D.Unwillingness to find out about one's disease because of fear.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Can you change thespelling (spell) of the word into the correct one?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.The school cannottolerate(容忍) cheating exam.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Next week,as millions of families gather for their Thanksgiving feasts,many other Americans will go without.According to the United States Department of Agriculture,more than 12million households lack enough food for everyone in their family at some time during the year---including holidays.
Hunger is surprisingly widespread in our country---one of the world's wealthiest---yet the government estimates that we waste almost 100billion pounds of food each year,more than one-quarter of our total supply.
Reducing this improper distribution of resources is a goal of America's Second Harvest,the nation's largest domestic hunger-relief organization.Last year,it distributed nearly 2billion pounds of food to more than 23million people in need.
America's Second Harvest is a network of 214inter-connected food banks and other organizations that gather food from growers,processors,grocery stores and restaurants.In turn,the network distributes food to some 50,000soup kitchens,homeless shelters and old people's centers in every county of every state.
A great deal of work is involved in distributing tons of food from thousands of donors to thousands of small,nonprofit organizations.Until a few years ago,America's Second Harvest lacked any effective way to manage their inventory ( 存货 ).Without accurate and timely information,soup kitchens were sometimes empty while food was left to spoil in loading places.
In 2000,America's Second Harvest began to use a new inventory and financial-management system---Ceres.It is software designed specifically for hunger-relief operations.It is used by more than 100America's Second Harvest organizations to track food from donation to distribution.
Ceres has helped reduce the spoiling of food and improve distribution.An evaluation found that the software streamlined( 提高效率 ) food banks'operations by 23percent in the first year alone.
With more accurate and timely reports,Ceres saves time,frees staff members to focus on finding new donors,and promises more efficient use of donations.
Hunger in America remains a troubling social problem.Technology alone cannot solve it.But in the hands of organizations such as America's Second Harvest,it is a powerful tool that is helping to make a difference---and helping more Americans to join in the feast.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)

78.What is the total supply of food in America every year according to the passage?About 400 billion pounds.
79.By"this improper distribution of resources"in Paragraph 3,the writer means that many Americanslack enoughfood while otherswaste too much food.
80.What problem was America's Second Harvest faced with in distributing food before Ceres was created?It lacked any efficient way to manage inventory.
81.Thanks tomore accurate and timely reports provided by Ceres,more staff are freed to be committed to finding new donors and America's Second Harvest is able to give out food more efficiently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.In the more and more competitive service industry,it is no longer enough to promise customer satisfaction.Today,customer"delight"is what companies are trying to achieve in order to keep and increase market share.
It is accepted in the marketing industry,and confirmed by a number of researchers,that customers receiving good service will promote business by telling up to 12 other people; those treated badly tell tales of worse to up to 20 people.Interestingly,80 percent of people who feel their complaints are handled fairly will stay loyal.
New challenges for customer care have come when people can obtain goods and services through telephone call centers and the Internet.For example,many companies now have to invest a lot of money in information technology and staff training in order to cope with the"phone rage"-caused by delays in answering calls,being cut off in mid-conversation or left waiting for long periods.
"Many people do not like talking to machines,"says Dr,Storey,Senior Lecturer in Marketing at City University Business School."Banks,for example,encourage staff at call centers to use customer data to establish instant and good relationship with them.The aim is to make the customer feel they know you and that you can trust them-the sort of comfortable feelings people have during face-to-face chats with their local branch manager."
Recommended ways of creating customer delight include:under-promising and over-delivering (saying that a repair will be carried out within five hours,but getting it done within two); replacing a faulty product immediately; throwing in a gift coupon as an unexpected"thank you"to regular customers; and always returning calls,even when they are complaints.
Airlines face some of the toughest challenges over customer care.Fierce competition has convinced them that delighting passengers is an important marketing tool,while there is great potential for customer anger over delays caused by weather,unclaimed luggage and technical problems.
For British Airways staff,a winning telephone style is considered vital in handling the large volume of calls about bookings and flight times.The Airways also says its customer care policies are applied within the company and staff are taught to regard each other as customers requiring the highest standards of service.
Customer care is obviously here to stay and it would be a foolish company that used slogans such as"we do as we please".On the other hand,the more customers are promised,the greater the risk of disappointment.

41.We can learn from Paragraph 2 thatD.
  A.complaining customers are hard to satisfy
  B.unsatisfied customers receive better service
  C.satisfied customers catch more attention
  D.well-treated customers promote business
42.The writer mentions"phone rage"(Paragraph 3)to show thatC.
  A.customers often use phones to express their anger
  B.people still prefer to buy goods online
  C.customer care becomes more demanding
  D.customers rely on their phones to obtain services
43.What does the writer recommend to create customer delight?

  A.Calling customers regularly.   B.Giving a"thank you"note.
  C.Delivering a quicker service.  D.Promising more gifts.
44.Customer delight is important for airlines becauseB.
  A.their telephone style remains unchanged
  B.they are more likely to meet with complaints
  C.the services cost them a lot of money
  D.the policies can be applied to their staff
45.Which of the following is conveyed in this article?C
  A.Face-to-face service creates comfortable feelings among customers.
  B.Companies that promise more will naturally attract more customers.
  C.A company should promise less but do more in a competitive market.
  D.Customer delight is more important for air lines than for banks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10.In 1945,the re was a young boy of 14in a concentration camp (集中营).He was skinny (36)B  had a bright smile.Every day,a young girl came by on the other side of the fence.She(37)B the boy and asked him if he spoke Polish,and he said yes.She said he looked (38B,and he said he was.She then (39)A  in her pocket and gave him her apple.He(40)D her and she went on her way.The next day,she came by again,(41)Banother apple.Each day,she walked by the outside of the fence,(42)C to see him,and when she did,she happily  (43)B him an apple in exchange for conversation.
One day,he told her not to come by anymore.He told her he would be shipped to another concentration camp.As he walked away with(44)Cstreaming down his face,he wondered if he could ever see her again.She was the only(45)Bperson he had  seen across the fence.
He made it out of the concentration camp,and went to America.In 1957,his friends fixed him up on a blind date (男女初次约会).He had no(46)D   who the woman was.He picked her up,and during dinner(47)Atalking of Poland and the concentration camp.She said she was in Poland at that time.She said she(48)C   to talk to a boy and gave him apples daily.He asked if this bo y was tall,(49)A and if he had told her that she shouldn't come back because he was (50)B.she said yes.
It was her,the young girl who came by every day to give him(51)D.After 12years,after the war and in another country they (52)D again.He proposed (求婚) to her on that very night and told her he would (53)C again let her go.They are still happily (54)A today.
My friends,that is a true love story.(55)Cdo happen,and there is a greater force at work in our lives.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Third-generation mobile phones,known as 3G,are the next big step for the electron industry.Data speed in 3G networks are much quicker than present technology.This means users can have high-speed Internet access and enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones.
"Mobile data is not a dream; it's not an option but a requirement,"said Len Lauer,head of a US communications company,Sprint PCS,at a 3G conference in Bangkok earlier this month.
With 3G,you can forget about text messages telling you yesterday's news; a 3G phone can receive video news programs,updated four times a day.Internet access will also be much quicker,making it easier to surf the Web on your phone than on your computer at home.
Face-to-face video calls
And don't worry about getting lost.3G phones offer map services so you can find a new restaurant just by pressing a few keys on your handset.
However,the most impressive part of 3G technology is video calling.With live two-way video communication,you can have face-to-face talks with friends and family on your mobile phone.
Many European countries have already launched the service.In May 2000the US Government issued five license to run 3G wireless services,while the first 3G phones arrived in Italy in March this year.
International telecom companies can't wait to sell 3G in China,the world's largest mobile telecommunications market.But they will have to be patient.At the moment,China is busy testing its 3G-based technologies,networks and services.This will be followed by a trial period before the phones can finally hit the shops.
"We need to create a pool of 3G customers before the large-scale commercial launch of the service,"said Fan Yunjun,marketing manager for Beijing Mobile."We expect that the 3G licenses will be issued late next year."
64.With 3G,you can do the following EXCEPTC.
A.find your way easily
B.learn what's going on in th world
C.make your computer run faster
D.make face-to-face video telephone calls
65.According to the text,which function of the following makes 3G technology most extraordinary?B
A.It can provide video news programs,updated four times a day.
B.Users can have face-to-talks with friends and family on their mobile phones.
C.Users can enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones.
D.It'll be easier for users to surf the Web on their phone than on their computers at home.
66.Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
A.3G mobile phones were first used in America.
B.Foreign telecom companies won't enter China.
C.3G technology is now at the commercial stage in China.
D.Users in China won't probably use 3G mobile phones until late next year.
67.What does Len Lauer want to inform the readers?A
A.Realizing the dream of mobile data based on the application of 3G is a must.
B.There is no need to send messages since 3G,can receive video news programs.
C.3G is supposed to own all the functions that a computer has.
D.It is a choice to carry mobile data with 3G phones.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Alex has been in China for quite a few years.____________,he speaks fluent Chinese.(  )

