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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B 、C 、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I have always lived in India, and was recently traveling from Mumbai to Jaipur for work. Arriving at the airport ___, I was asked to hang out in the waiting area ____, without much else to do, I decided to check out the gift shop. As I walked around the store, I saw two American ____ having a nap on a recliner(躺椅) outside. It looked as if they had been at the airport for hours, and I felt I had to do something to help ease their ____.

I looked around the store for a few moments, and ____purchasing a medium-sized stuffed by toy which looked like the cartoon character SpongeBob SquarePants (though it was orange instead of the normal yellow). I asked the owner of the shop for a ____ and a pen and wrote, “When you get up ____ this makes you smile, it would ____ the world to me. Have a good trip and an awesome experience. ”

I walked ____ towards the two women and placed the toy and the note next to them. Not wanting to shock on ____ them, I tried to be as slow as possible, but in my ____ to flee the scene, one of them woke up and ____me in the act. At first when she looked at me, I ____: maybe she thinks I’m a thief? ____when she looked at the soft toy and the note, she brightened up, as if this was the ____thing anyone had ever done for her. “Is this for me?” she asked. I gave her a huge ____ and nodded.

She was so excited! For a minute, it didn’t feel like we were ____ anymore. I shook hands with her, and her smile ____my day. I walked away with nothing but ____ for her, and came to feel that, even though we were from ____ places, she was just like me.

1.A. directly B. early C. hurriedly D. late

2.A. which B. what C. that D. where

3.A. men B. boys C. girls D. women

4.A. wait B. sadness C. time D. thought

5.A. came about B. ended up C. focused on D. stuck to

6.A. book B. paper C. note D. pencil

7.A. when B. if C. although D. as

8.A. give B. pass C. take D. mean

9.A. quietly B. anxiously C. happily D. unbelievably

10.A. wake B. trouble C. disturb D. encourage

11.A. dream B. try C. attempt D. track

12.A. saw B. reminded C. caught D. greeted

13.A. desired B. worried C. screamed D. feared

14.A. But B. So C. Because D. However

15.A. fittest B. last C. best D. first

16.A. handshake B. present C. laugh D. smile

17.A. strangers B. passengers C. passers-by D. tourists

18.A. cheered B. found C. made D. took

19.A. love B. appreciation C. kindness D. satisfaction

20.A. same B. faraway C. strange D. different


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南省娄底市名校高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


Monthly Talks at London Canal (运河)Museum

Our monthly talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August.Admission is at normal charges and you don't need to book.They end around 21:00.

November 7th

The Canal Pioneers, by Chris Lewis.James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers.He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building.Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.

December 5th

Ice for the Metropolis, by Malcolm Tucker.Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering, Malcolm will explain the history of importing natural ice and the technology of building ice wells, and how London’s ice trade grew.

February 6th

An Update on the Cotsword Canals, by Liz Payne.The Smoudwater Canal is moving towards reopening.The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer.We will have a report on the present state of play.

March 6th

Eyots and Aits- Thames Islands, by Miranda Vickers.The Thames had many islands.Miranda has undertaken(从事)a review of all of them.She will tell us about those of greatest interest.

Online bookings:www.canalmuseum.org.uk/book

More into: www.canalmuseum.org.uk/whatson

London Canal Museum

12-13 New Wharf Road, London NI 9RT

www.canalmuseum.org.uk www.canalmuseum.mobi

Tel:020 77130836

1.When is the talk on James Brindley?

A.February 6th

B.March 6th

C.November 7th

D.December 5th

2.What is the topic of the talk in February?

A.The Canal Pioneers

B.Ice for the Metropolis

C.Eyots and Aits- Thames Islands

D.An Update on the Cotsword Canals

3.Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames.

A.Miranda Vickers

B.Malcolm Tucker

C.Chris Lewis

D.Liz Payne


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东广州四校联考高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空



Everyone in business has been told that success is all about attracting and retaining (留住) customers. It sounds simple and achievable. But, , words of wisdom are soon forgotten. Once companies have attracted customers they often the second half of the story. In the of beating off the competition, negotiating prices, securing orders, and delivering the product, managers tend to become carried away. They forget what they regard as the boring side of business—________ that the customer remains a customer.

to concentrate on retaining as well as attracting customers costs business huge amounts of money annually. It has been estimated that the average company loses between 10 and 30 percent of its every years. In constantly changing , this is not surprising. What is surprising is the fact that few companies have any idea how many customers they have lost.

Only now are organizations beginning to ________ those lost opportunities and calculate the ________ implications. Cutting down the number of customers a company loses can make a big ________ in its performance. Research in the US found that a five percent decrease in the number of defecting (流失的) customers led to ________ increases of between 25 and 85 percent.

In the US, Domino’s Pizza estimates that a regular customer is worth more than $5,000 over ten years. A customer who receives a poor quality product or service on their first visit and ________ never returns, is losing the company thousands of dollars in ________ profits (more if you consider how many people they are likely to tell about their bad experience).

The logic behind cultivating customer________ is impossible to deny. “In practice most companies’ marketing effort is focused on getting customers, with little attention paid to ________ them”, says Adrian Payne of Cornfield University’ School of Management. “Research suggests that there is a close relationship between ________ customers and making profits. ________ customers tend to buy more, are predictable and usually cost less to service than new customers. Furthermore, they tend to be less price ________, and may provide free word-of-mouth advertising. Retaining customers also makes it ________ for competitors to enter a market or increase their________ of a market.

1.A. in particular B. in reality C. at least D. first of all

2.A. emphasize B. doubt C. overlook D. believe

3.A. excitement B. sorrow C. decision D. performance

4.A. denying B. ensuring C. arguing D. proving

5.A. Moving B. Hoping C. Starting D. Failing

6.A. shops B. guests C. opportunities D. customers

7.A. markets B. tastes C. prices D. expenses

8.A. look forward to B. gave in to C. devote to D. wake up to

9.A. Cultural B. social C. financial D. economical

10.A. promise B. plan C. mistake D. difference

11.A. cost B. opportunity C. profit D. budget

12.A. as a result B. on the whole C. in conclusion D. on the contrary

13.A. huge B. potential C. extra D. reasonable

14.A. beliefs B. loyalty C. habits D. interest

15.A. affecting B. understanding C. keeping D. attracting

16.A. introducing B. analyzing C. searching D. retaining

17.A. Assumed B. Respected C. Established D. Unexpected

18.A. agreeable B. flexible C. friendly D. sensitive

19.A. unfair B. difficult C. essential D. convenient

20.A. share B. goods C. stresses D. progress


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东广州四校联考高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Though _________ about his strange clothes, she still pays no attention to it.

A. teased B. teasing C. is teased D. having teased


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东广州四校联考高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A recent survey found that the French are the second-most insecure people in Europe after Italy about their proficiency in English. Only 13 percent of the French respondents believed they are proficient in the language, according to the European data agency Eurostat.

The situation is no better in business circles, where three-quarters of French executives feel unprepared to hold an interview in English and only 16 percent say they feel comfortable with the language, a separate survey showed.

The survey results aren't surprising. The French seem to have always had this cold and gloomy(沮丧的)attitude toward the English language. But what struck me is that, despite the French pessimism, living in Paris without being able to speak the language of Moliere is easier these days than in the past.

New immigrants are part of the reason. I can have an easy chat with the owner of the laundry in my neighborhood. Buying the medicine I need at the local pharmacy is effortless. Ordering a meal in English at the restaurant two blocks away from my apartment does not make me feel awkward. It is all because the people who run these businesses are immigrants.

Greater tolerance and acceptance of non-French speakers is a reflection of the fact that France, willingly or not, has begun to embrace(拥抱) globalization more comfortably. For instance, you will never get the same look you would have had 15 years ago if you ask for directions in English on the streets of Paris.

I have also met many native French who are happy to communicate in English. They are usually the kind of people who are open-minded and are sensitive to the changes beyond their own territories. They are very interested in gaining insight into what is happening on the other side of the globe.

In my hometown, English is also being hotly debated since Beijing education authorities decided to reduce the importance of English proficiency in college entrance exams and increase that of the Chinese language and literature. The Chinese and the French share similarities in attitudes toward foreign languages. We are both so proud of our own languages and cultures that we can feel uncomfortable when we are forced to communicate in another language.

But like it or not, English is still the most widely used language in the world, at least for the foreseeable(可预知的) future. After all, it is not about abandoning one's own language but about being able to fit more easily into this globalized world.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. French people have great difficulty speaking English.

B. English is becoming increasingly acceptable in France.

C. Great changes take place in France because of the immigrants.

D. English helps France to embrace globalization.

2.The expression “to speak the language of Moliere” can be understood as________________.

A. to speak Italian

B. to speak English

C. to speak French

D. to speak the language of an immigrant named Moliere

3.What is the purpose of mentioning Chinese in the 7th paragraph?

A. To prove Chinese and French share a lot similarities in culture.

B. To show how wise it is to reduce the importance of English in exams.

C. To explain why French people are unwilling to speak English.

D. To show how proud they are to own their own languages.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. The immigrants in France speak English as their native language.

B. In France people refuse to communicate with each other in English.

C. Italians feel the most unconfident in speaking English in Europe.

D. French people are happy to face the changes in their country.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届黑龙省高三下学期开学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

On August 16, 1977, Elvis Presley saved me.

The previous afternoon, I played with my six-year-old peers in Heather Peters’ backyard. I was enjoying my cake, when Heather asked me where my sleeping bag was. Only then did I know this party was a sleepover. The word “sleep-over” to a six-year-old bed-wetter is like what “cancer” means to an adult. But what if I told them I was a bed-wetter? At least with cancer, people gather at your bedside instead of running from it.

I thought of a way to escape. I would explain that I needed my mother's permission to spend the nights. But as I called my Mom, Heather stood beside me to listen. She granted permission! Then I would be sleeping in the same living room as the other girls. I didn't bring my own pajamas (睡衣),so Mrs. Peters offered me Heather's pajamas.

As the other girls drifted into their sweet dreams, I tried to stay awake. “Do I need to go again? I'll stay up to go one more time.. .”.Of course , I finally fell asleep.

The next morning , I was the first to wake up. I was warm! I lay in panic for what seemed like hours before the other girls started to wake up. I did the only thing I could do — I pretended that the bed-wetting didn't happen. I got up, took off Heather's pajamas and changed into my clothes like the other girls.

Mrs. Peters walked into the room, and before she could say anything, she stepped right onto the pile of my wet pajamas. My heart stopped as I watched her face burn red. “WHO DID THIS?” She screamed, with a look so frightening. Should I answer? And that was when it happened — Mr. Peters came in and grabbed his wife , ‘‘Elvis Presley died!”

The news of the King's death overtook Mrs. Peters, and I ,was spared. I got home without the other girls knowing what had happened.

1.The author had to spend the night at Peters' because ________.

A. she enjoyed her cake there

B. the famous singer Elvis Presley died that night

C. her mother allowed her to do so

D. It was a routine of the party

2. Mrs. Peters got angry because ________.

A. she found the wet pajamas

B. Elvis Presley passed away

C. her husband was rude to her

D. all the girls slept at her house

3. From the story, we know Mrs. Peters was ________.

A. a bad-tempered woman

B. a fan of Elvis Presley

C. a woman for perfection

D. a woman who hated to wash pajamas

4.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. an embarrassing childhood incident

B. a fan-purchasing experience

C. the shocking death of a famous singer

D. an unfriendly hostess


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西师范大学附属中学高三上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Dyslexia is a problem that restricts the ability to recognize words and connect sounds with letters when people read. People with this learning disorder may also have problems when they write. Dyslexia is not related to eyesight or intelligence. The problem involves areas of the brain that process language. Brain scientists are studying whether they can predict which young children may struggle with reading to provide them with early help. John Gabrieli at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is leading the study of five-year-olds in about twenty schools in the Boston area.

They studied in the schools with kindergartens. And for all the children joining in the study, they give them a brief set of paper-and-pencil tests to look at which children appear to be at some risk for struggling to read. So far, fifty of them have been examined in a scanner, a special machine, to show brain activity. Written tests are not always able to identify dyslexia or other problems, while brain scans may offer a more scientific way to identify problems. And with reading problems, early identification is important. When it comes to helping children overcome reading difficulties, the younger the child, the more effective they are.

Reading problems are not usually identified until a child is in the third or fourth grade. The later children are recognized as poor readers, the less treatment can help. And, as Professor Gabrieli points out, poor reading can make education a struggle. Reading is everything. Even math and science have textbooks.

While the children are given tasks related to reading, the brain scans measure the extent to which certain parts of the brain become active while the children do the work. The scientists say they are pleased with early results from the study, but have a long way to go.

1.Dyslexia affects the part of brain concerning ________.

A. eyesight B. intelligence C. language D. emotion

2.Dyslexia problems are more likely to be identified through ________.

A. speech contests B. reading efficiency

C. listening comprehension D. brain scans

3.According to the passage, which of the followings has the best time to overcome reading difficulties?

A. Tom, a boy in the kindergarten.

B. Kate, a high school leaver.

C. Jane, a primary school student.

D. Steve, a man in his thirties.

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. An effective way to identity Dyslexia at an early stage.

B. A learning disorder involving one’s intelligence.

C. Dyslexia — a problem affecting one’s reading and writing.

D. A possible solution to the problems related to Dyslexia.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南师范大学附中高三适应性月考六英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Africa is no longer the continent of apparently endless conflict, hunger, disease and dictatorship(专制) that have filled people’s brain for decades. Despite the obvious challenges---the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, the threat from terrorists in Nigeria----Africa’s major new tendency is of a continent on the rise.

According to the World Bank, sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP growth rate of 5% over the past 15 years---almost double the global average—is expected to continue well into the next decade. Consulting film A. T. Kearney predicts that by 2040 sub-Saharan Africa would be “ the biggest, fastest, strongest and the most attractive region for retain in the world.”

But the fruits of Africa’s success, if not managed well, could damage this great economic and political awakening. Greater prosperity has meant Africans are living longer and healthier. At the same time, the birthrate remains high, at an average of 5.2 births per woman in Africa, compared with 1.6 in Europe and 2.1 in Asia. The young ages 15-24 make up about 37% of Africa’s labor force but occupy 60% of the continent’s total jobless, and a quarter of all young people haven’t received any education, according to a 2011 report from the African Development Bank.

The young could be the engine that drives Africa for good or it could be its downfall if they deny education and opportunities. The World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab reminded Africa that 18 million jobs will have to be created every year just to accommodate Africa’s current job seekers.

What is also required is great investment in both education and employment, so that the young can start building businesses and developing the technologies to provide opportunities for the coming boom generation. They deserve the chance to live without the chaos and conflict that once haunt the continent for years.

1.What is the main idea of the first two paragraphs?

A. A new Africa is appearing and developing

B. Sub-Saharan Africa’s economy is on the rise

C. The outbreak of Ebola threats Africa seriously

D. The threat of terrorists in Africa is increasing quickly

2. When it comes to population, Africa isn’t suffering from the fact that __________.

A. the birthrate remains high

B. the aging process speeds up

C. unemployment threats the youth

D. poor education characterizes the young

3. The underlined word “accommodate” in Paragraph 4 probably means “__________”.

A. train and organize

B. satisfy and arrange

C. attract and make use of

D. provide food and clothes

4. What can be inferred from the text?

A. Africa’s economy boom will continue

B. Controlling the birthrate is people’s top concern

C. The African young will live without chaos and conflict

D. Africa should attach importance to protecting and supporting the young


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高二下学期开学测英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

After arriving in the United Sates, this 20-year-old Chinese student found it rather difficult to ____ living on his own.

A. rely on B. adjust to C. depend on D. stick to

