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One cool morning I was asked to go to several garage sales together with my mother. We finally ______ at a pleasant house in the woods. The elderly ______told me that he and his wife were retired teachers. As we were searching, I heard the gentleman’s wife say her ______ to someone, and I immediately ______ who she was. She looked at me and said, “You’re Susan Miller.” I looked at her ______ , for it had been nearly thirty years ______I had been in her class.

My mother immediately said sorry to her for any bad ______that I might have done. She apologized again after learning that I wasn’t the sweet little child. Mum thought that if this woman______ me after so many years, I must have done something ______. My teacher looked at my mother and ______ said, “Oh, no, she was very good.”

My teacher______ that during the last week of school, I brought her a plant from my mother’s garden. It was a lamb’s ear. She took us to her garden ______ she planted the lamb’s ear. Over the years, it spread. As I looked down her driveway with lamb’s ear ______ on both sides, she said, “Every day when I leave my house and drive up the driveway, I think of you. And when I come home, they______ me and I think of you.” Tears ______ my eyes. There at her home was a piece of my life that she had raised.

At that moment, she taught me far more about ______ than I could imagine. We give away pieces of ourselves every day______thought. We seldom imagine the effects that we have on others’ lives. That piece may grow and spread, becoming a ______ part of a life. In the end it is not the big things that matter, ______ the small things that make all the ______ in the world.

1.A. startedB. stoppedC. searchedD. left

2.A. workerB. buyerC. ownerD. player

3.A nameB. addressC. priceD. age

4.A. learnedB. forgotC. realizedD. guessed

5.A. surprisinglyB. worriedlyC. boringlyD. tiredly

6.A. whileB. beforeC. afterD. since

7.A. measuresB. deedsC. issuesD. events

8.A. rememberedB. sawC. consideredD. found

9.A. friendlyB. nobleC. terribleD. politely

10.A. loudlyB. silentlyC. angrilyD. softly

11.A. explainedB. reportedC. warnedD. ignored

12.A. whenB. whichC. thatD. where

13.A. is growingB. grewC. growingD. is grown

14.A. acceptB. sendC. helpD. greet

15.A. gave upB. came intoC. turned intoD. took away

16.A. plantsB. gardenC. lifeD. garage

17.A withoutB. byC. withD. through

18.A. usualB. necessaryC. largeD. whole

19.A. butB. despiteC. beyondD. yet

20.A. effortB. choiceC. decisionD. difference


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌三中度高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The restaurant has a(n) _______ for its delicious dishes and good service.

A. expectation B. reputation

C. contribution D. impression


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年河北大名县、永年、磁县、邯郸县高二下期中联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


The pine tree is a special kind of tree. 1. This is because many people put pine trees in their homes at Christmas time. They decorate the tree with colored lights, and put Christmas presents under the tree.

Pine trees are different from other trees because most other trees lose their leaves in winter. 2. So pine trees are also called evergreens.

3. They have hard, thin leaves called needles. Pine trees also have pine cones. Pine cones look like hard berries. If you walk in a forest, you will see many pine cones on the ground. 4. When the seeds fall to the ground, a new tree starts to grow.

5. The wood is used to make furniture and boats. Many kinds of birds build their nests in pine trees. The seeds of pine trees are food for small animals such as squirrels and mice and for bigger animals such as rabbits and black bears. The needles are good food for large animals such as deer and moose when they cannot find anything to eat in the winter.

If you walk in a forest of pine trees, the air has a wonderful smell. In winter, the white snow on the dark green trees looks very beautiful.

A. Pine trees stay green all year long, even in winter.

B. Pine trees do not have soft leaves like the maple tree.

C. Some people call the pine tree a Christmas tree.

D. Pine trees are very beautiful all year round.

E. Pine trees are valuable for many reasons.

F. Inside the pine cones are seeds.

G. The seeds inside the pine cones are the favorite food for some animals.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市毕业会考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The most unforgettable moment for me was _____ I graduated from high school.

A. when B. where C. how D. why


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市毕业会考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Tom is ______ fantastic musician. I’m absolutely certain that his next concert will be ______ success.

A. the , a B. the , 不填 C. a , a D. a , 不填


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年山西古县、高阳、离石三区八校高二下第一次联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-cream taster?

Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice cream. Just ask John Harrison, an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 21 years. Testing helps manufacturers to be sure of a product’s quality. During his career Harrison has been responsible for approving large quantities of the sweet ice cream—as well as for developing over 75 flavors(味道).

Some people think that it would be easy to do this job; after all, you just have to like ice cream, right? No—there’s more to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in chemistry. He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very useful to someone wanting a career in this “cool” field.

In a typical morning on the job, Harrison tastes and assesses 60 ice-cream samples. He lets the ice cream warm up to about 12°F. Harrison explains, “You get more flavor from warmer ice cream, which is why some kids like to stir(搅拌)it, creating ice-cream soup.”

While the ice cream warms up, Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one on its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself,“Does the product have the color expected from that flavor?” Next it’s time to taste!

Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors, and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy – working at one cool job.

1. What is John Harrison’s job?

A. An official. B. An ice-cream manufacturer.

C. A chemist. D. An ice-cream taster.

2.According to John Harrison, to be qualified in the “cool field”, it is helpful to ________.

A. think up new ideas every day

B. keep a diary of daily work

C. have a degree in related subjects

D. find out new flavors each day

3.What does Harrison do first when testing ice cream?

A. He stirs the ice cream.

B. He lets the ice cream warm up.

C. He tastes the flavor of the ice cream.

D. He examines the color of the ice cream.

4.Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?

A. One Cool Job B. Flavors of Ice Cream

C. Tasting with Eyes D. John Harrison’s Life


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北襄阳四校高一下期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Captain James Cook was a great explorer. Before he started exploring, maps of the Pacific Ocean were almost empty. He visited hundreds of islands across the Pacific Ocean and put them in the correct places on the map. He made maps of the coastlines of Australia and New Zealand. James Cook was born in England in 1728. His parents were poor farm workers. When James was 18, he found a job on a coastal ship. He worked on the ship until he was 27 years old, and then he joined the navy. He fought in Canada in a war against France, and he mapped some of the eastern coasts of Canada. In 1768 King George made him Captain of a ship and sent him to the Pacific. He was gone for nearly three years. When he returned, he was regarded as a national hero.

He started his third voyage in 1776. On this trip he visited Hawaii. He was the first European to set foot on this beautiful island. Then he mapped the western coast of North America. After that he returned to Hawaii. Unfortunately there was some trouble between the Hawaiians and the white men and they started fighting. In the end Captain was killed in a clash with the local.

1.He started exploring when _______.

A. he worked on a coastal ship

B. he was 18 years old

C. he was sent to the Pacific

D. he served in the navy

2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. He made the first maps of the Pacific Ocean.

B. He went on three long important voyages in his life.

C. He was the first English man to reach Hawaii.

D. He was respected by his people.

3.He was considered a national hero because of _______.

A. his experience in Canada

B. his being the first European to visit Hawaii

C. his heroic death

D. his devotion to exploring on the Pacific Ocean

4. Captain Cook was killed in _______.

A. his return to England

B. a starting trip to Hawaii

C. exploring Canada

D. a fight with the local people


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中高二下开学考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called “Brownie”. My brothers and I all loved Brownie and did different things with her. One of us would walk her, another would feed her, then there were baths, playing catch and many other games. Brownie, in return, loved each and every one of us. One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them. We always felt better when she was around.

One day, as I was getting her food, she chewed up(咬破)one of Dad’s shoes, which had to be thrown away in the end. I knew Dad would be mad and I had to let her know what she did was wrong. When I looked at her and said, “Bad girl,” she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.

Brownie turned out to be more than just our family pet. She went everywhere with us. People would stop and ask if they could pat her. Of course she’d let anyone pat her. She was just the most lovable dog. There were many times when we’d be out walking and a small child would come over and pull on her hair. she never barked(吠) or tried to get away. Funny thing is that she would smile. This frightened people because they thought she was showing her teeth. Far from the truth, she loved everyone.

Now many years have passed since Brownie died of old age. I still miss days when she was with us.

1.What would Brownie do when someone was ill in the family?

A. Look at them sadly. B. Keep them company.

C. Play games with them. D. Touch them gently.

2.We can infer from Paragraph 2 that Brownie______.

A. would eat anything when hungry

B. felt sorry for her mistake

C. loved playing hide-and-seek

D. disliked the author’s dad

3.Why does the author say that Brownie was more than just a family pet?

A. She was treated as a member of the family.

B. She played games with anyone she liked.

C. She was loved by everybody she met.

D. She went everywhere with the family.

4.Some people got frightened by Brownie when she______.

A. smiled B. barked.

C. rushed to them D. tried to be funny

5.Which of the following best describes Brownie?

A. Shy. B. Polite. C. Brave. D. Caring.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年辽宁沈阳市高一4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

No.6 Devon Road, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong a technology day camp for students 12-17

About Tech-Camp

Tech-Camp is a day camp with a focus on computers and electronics technology. We offer 2-week summer programmes for students of 12 to 17 years of age. We have a computer lab with the latest and fastest equipment, an electronics lab, and a video production studio. Our staff are special, too. They are experts in computers and electronics, of course, but they are also people who care about children and enjoy working with them.

The benefits of Tech-Camp

In all of our programmes, we show students how to work in teams and how to solve problems by themselves. We encourage them to think creatively.

What students will do at Tech-Camp

Each day Tech-camp is filled with useful, interesting and challenging activities. For example, in the Computer Programme, students learn the basic computer programming, and how to use the Internet. In the Tech-Camp Programme, they make radio-controlled model cars and produce their own short videos.


Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Computer Programme

15 June-26 June

15 June-26 June

15 June-26 June

High-tech Programme

29 June-10 July

27 July-7 August

15 June-26 June

Fee: HK $2,000 per student

(10% discount available for groups of 10 or more students.)

For more information about Tech-Camp, please contact Director of Summer Programmes, Ms Julia Brown, by phone, fax or e-mail.

Telephone: 26548898

Fax: 26948850

E-mail: juliab@techcamp.com.hk

1.What would you probably like to ask about if you phone Ms Julia Brown after reading the brochure?

A. The activities the students will have.

B. The fee each attendant should pay.

C. The e-mail address of Tech-Camp.

D. The deadline for application.

2.From the brochure we can infer that _______.

A. the Camp offers students accommodation during their two-week stay at the Camp

B. high school teachers are in charge of the Tech-Camp all the time

C. students can learn about the hi-tech through lectures given by the experts

D. students can learn how to think and solve problems creatively and learn teamwork

3.According to the passage, how much will they pay if a group of 20 students enter for Tech-Camp?

A. HK $36,000. B. HK $35,000.

C. HK $3,600. D. HK $40,000.

