精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
1. What are the two speakers going to do?
[     ]
A. Have lunch in the open air.
B. Have a meal in a restaurant.
C. Go to a park to have some fun.
2. Who spoke to Robert?
[     ]
A. His teacher.
B. His boss.
C. His partner.
3. What does the man mean?
[     ]
A. He knows what's wrong with the watch.
B. The woman needs to buy another new battery.
C. The clock shop can probably repair the woman's watch.
4. What's the woman going to do?
[     ]
A. She's going to buy some pants.
B. She's going to lose some weight.
C. She's going to put on some weight.
5. What do you think of the man?
[     ]
A. He's dishonest.
B. He's believable.
C. He's not very intelligent.

科目:高中英语 来源:高中英语听力题 题型:001




Example:How much is the shirt?

A. $19.15.   B. $9.15.   C. $9.18.

Answer [A]   [B]   [C]


M:Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W:Yes, it’s nine fifteen.

1. What time does the dialogue take place?

A. 4:45.   B. 5:00.   C. 5:15.

2. What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. Lily is going to China. B. Lily likes postcards.

C. Lily has traveled all over the world.

3. What does the man prefer to do?

A. He prefers staying at home because he doesn’t like to travel.

B. He prefers taking a plane because the bus is too slow.

C. He prefers taking a bus because the plane makes him nervous.

4. What are the man and the woman going to do?

A. They are going to get on a plane.

B. They are going to get their plane tickets.

C. They are going to make a call.

5. How much does one sweater cost?

A. 10 dollars. B. 15 dollars. C. 20 dollars.




6. What is one of the man’s symptoms?

A. Something is stuck in his ear. B. His ears are ringing.

C. He is in considerable pain.

7. Where is Dr. Baker now?

A. In his office. B. At home. C. At the hospital.

8. What advice does the woman give the man?

A. Call a doctor. B. Come in next day. C. Take some rest.


9. What is the main topic of the conversation?

A. How to select a good umbrella. B. How to sharpen the senses.

C. How to predict the weather.

10. What does the woman say how distant object looks to her before a storm?

A. They look darker. B. They look smaller. C. They look clearer.

11. What does the man say seem to happen to his sense of smell?

A. It stops working. B. It becomes stronger. C. It confuses smells.


12. What problems are the two speakers discussing?

A. Travel expenses.  B. A need for more printed music.

C. An unpleasant choir member.

13. What will Russ probably have to do?

A. Act as director. B. Leave for vacation. C. Raise money.

14. Why will Russ probably be calling the Choir members?

A. To ask for a loan. B. To ask for their help.

C. To tell them the concert schedule.


15. What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Customer and shop assistant. B. Friends. C. Teacher and student.

16. Which color does the man like best?

A. Black.   B. Brown.    C. Yellow.

17. How much did the man pay for the shoes?

A. $81.    B. $72.     C. $90.


18. During the fog, what happened to the buses?

A. They ran fast. B. They moved slowly. C. They moved rapidly.

19. What can we learn about the fog spreading into the buildings?

A. It disappeared at once. B. It was unable to be seen.

C. It stopped the singers from seeing the conductor.

20. Why does big fog often happen in London?

A. There is a lot of snow in the city. B. The city is famous for its fog.

C. The city is near the sea.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修四全优设计英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.How much will the woman pay if she buys two pounds of tomatoes?




2.How long does it take the woman to drive home when it isn’t rush hour?

A.Twenty minutes.

B.Twenty-five minutes.

C.Fifty minutes.

3.What does the man mean about Betty?

A.She doesn’t like going shopping.

B.She went shopping yesterday.

C.She prefers shopping to studying.

4.What do you know from the conversation?

A.The man had to work overtime.

B.Henry failed to meet the man.

C.The man had a traffic accident.

5.What does the woman mean?

A.She doesn’t believe the man.

B.They are not going to land.

C.She isn’t afraid.

听力原文:(Text 1)

W:I thought that your tomatoes are eighty cents a pound.

M:They used to, but the price has gone up thirty cents.

(Text 2)

M:How long does it take you to drive home when there is not much traffic?

W:Only twenty-five minutes.But if I can’t leave my office before 5∶30 p,m., it sometimes takes me fifty minutes.

(Text 3)

W:Didn’t Betty go shopping with you yesterday?

M:Even if she hadn’t had a lot of studying, she would have preferred staying at home to going shopping.

(Text 4)

W:If the traffic wasn’t so bad, I should have been home at six o’clock.

M:What a pity!Henry was here to see you.

(Text 5)

W:What was that noise?

M:It was the pilot putting the wheels down.We must be coming to land.Are you frightened?

W:You must be joking.




6.What can the woman be?

A.She is a waitress at a hotel.

B.She is the secretary of Mr Li.

C.She works at the Blackwood Hotel.

7.How could the man get in touch with Mr Green?

A.Dial 411 to find a proper phone number.

B.Dial 707.

C.Find the hotel.

8.Why did the man ask the woman to change the dollar?

A.To pay for the information.

B.To get on the bus.

C.To make the phone call.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Oh, excuse me, Mr.Li.I almost forget there is a phone message here for you.A Dr Green called and asked you to call him back.

M:Where is he now, do you know?

W:He’s staying at the Blackwood Hotel, Room 707.

M:Thank you very much.Do you happen to have the number of the Blackwood?

W:I’m sorry, I don’t.But you can get it from information.Just dial 411.

M:Oh, and could I trouble you for changing a dollar?

W:All right.Here is your change.By the way, the public phones are over there on your right.

M:I see.Thank you.


9.What does the man want to learn?

A.Computer science.

B.Skills, such as driving.


10.How long does the course last?

A.About 20 days.

B.About 35 days.

C.About 2 months and 5 days.

11.When can he take the final exams?

A.From September 15 to 17.

B.From August 16 to 18.

C.From July 12 to 16.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:Excuse me, Miss.

W:Yes, young man.May I help you?

M:Yes, I’d like to get some information about the summer course at the English Training Center.

W:Sure.What can I tell you?

M:Can you tell me the starting and finishing time of course, please?

W:Yes.The course begins on July 15 and runs until August 20.

M:Right, and what course will we learn?

W:Well, you have varieties of courses.You have listening and speaking courses, reading and writing.There are also classes in audio-visual training and chances to use the language laboratory as well.

M:Right, and what time will the classes be held?

W:Well, most of them are in the morning.There are only a few classes in the afternoon.

M:Right.Do you have a timetable?

W:I’m sorry.My workmate isn’t here at the moment, so I can’t get a timetable for you yet.

M:That’s OK.And when will the final exams be held?

W:At the end of the term.They begin on August 16 and run until August 18.

M:OK.Well, thank you, Miss.

听第8段材料, 回答第12~14题。

12.Who answers the telephone?


B.Susan’s husband.


13.When are they going to New Zealand?

A.In two weeks.

B.In a couple of months.

C.In half a year.

14.Where are they going to meet?

A.At Susan’s.

B.At Tom’s.

C.In New Zealand.

听力原文:(Text 8)

M:Hello!Can I speak to Susan, please?

W:Speaking.Is that you, Tom?

M:Yes, it is.I am going to New Zealand in two weeks, and my wife is going with me.

W:Oh, how lucky you are!How long are you going for?

M:For a couple of months, maybe half a year.My boss wants me to help set up a branch company there.Well, Susan, you have been to New Zealand several times.Can you give us some suggestions or just tell us about that country?

W:I’d love to.We can have a talk sometime.

M:Why not come over to dinner in my house this weekend.My wife wants to meet you as well.

W:All right.What about Saturday?

M:OK.See you at 6∶00 p.m., this coming Saturday, Goodbye!


15.When does this conversation take place?

A.Just before the term begins.

B.After the first week of classes.

C.In the middle of the term.

16.Why has the woman come to see Dr.Taylor?

A.She had promised that she would.

B.She has been sick.

C.She needs his approval(赞成)for her courses.

17.What does Dr.Taylor seem most worried about?

A.She already knew the material.

B.She entered the hospital.

C.Her course load was too heavy.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Excuse me, Dr.Taylor.Your secretary said that I should come right in.

M:Please do, Jennie.How can I help you?

W:Would you please sign your name on my schedule card.Here, on the line above “Adviser’s Agreement.”

M:Sure.But let’s look it over together first.How many courses do you have here?


M:Six? That’s quite a heavy load.Any particular reason?

W:I had to drop my chemistry course last term when I went into the hospital.So, I need to take it again.

M:So, you’ve already learned a lot of the material.

W:Right.And calculus is the part of second-year requirement.

M:Let’s see, chemistry, calculus.Oh, I see, you will be in my seminar on modern American novel.

W:Yes, I’m looking forward to it, and Romantic poetry seminar.too.

M:Two seminars? That’s rather a lot.Can you manage the work?

W:I think so.The introductory economics is fairly easy, and so is the music course.

M:Well, then I’ll be happy to sign the card.However, I insist you come to see me after the first week of classes, so we can make sure this isn’t too much for you.

W:That’s a promise.


18.What’s the weather like today?




19.What special view will the tourists get in this park?

A.Houses of all shapes and styles.

B.Birds of all colors.

C.School and teachers and the pupils.

20.What do people do here in autumn and winter?

A.Take photos.

B.Watch birds.

C.Enjoy the beauty.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please.Our bus will arrive at Lake Park in a few minutes.You can feel the comfortable cool air coming from the lake.This is the favorite place for tourists in the summer, especially on a hot summer afternoon like today.This lake is one of the great wonders of nature.No one knows when and how it was formed.But people began to build houses around the lake a hundred years ago, so in this park you can have a special view of houses of all shapes and styles and colors.It is like an architecture show.In late autumn and winter, this park is the best place for bird watching.School teachers like to bring children here and they just love it.Now our bus is driving around the lake.You can sit back and enjoy the beauty of everything here.The bus will take us to a good spot, where you can take the most wonderful photos you have ever taken.Here we are.Please get off and watch your step.Return to the bus in twenty minutes.Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源:必修四全优设计英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.Where is his mother now?

A.At home.

B.In the hospital.

C.At work.

2.How does the man feel about his job?

A.He enjoys it.

B.He doesn’t like it at all.

C.He wants to find a new job.

3.What does the man mean?

A.It will take him a long time to help the woman.

B.He can help her for a while.

C.It won’t take a long time for him to help her.

4.Where did the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a plane.

B.In a coffee shop.

C.In a restaurant.

5.Why couldn’t the man get through?

A.The woman’s telephone was out of order.

B.The woman’s receiver wasn’t put in the right place.

C.The receiver of the telephone was broken.

听力原文:(Text 1)

W:How is your mother feeling these days?

M:Much better,thanks.She should be coming home in a few days.The operation was a success and the doctor says she’ll recover in no time.

(Text 2)

W:You seem to have a lot of work at your office.You’re always staying late and working overtime.

M:That’s true,but I think the work is interesting and fun.I don’t mind the extra hours at all.

(Text 3)

W:Jack,can you help me with this work?

M:Sure,if it won’t take too much time.

(Text 4)

M:Miss,is there still time for a cup of coffee on this fight?

W:Yes,but you have to drink it fast,because we’ll be landing in 10 minutes.

(Text 5)

M:Is your phone out of order?


M:I tried calling you but couldn’t get through.

W:I’m sorry.Perhaps the receiver was off the hook.




6.Why does the woman want to buy something for her husband?

A.It’s a birthday present.

B.It’s a Christmas present.

C.His husband isn’t satisfied with the tie.

7.What did the clerk recommend(推荐)the second time?

A.A tie.

B.An electric shaver.

C.Some cosmetics(化妆品).

8.Why did the woman ask the clerk to put a card into the present?

A.To tell her husband how much she paid for the gift.

B.To congratulate him in written words.

C.To post it.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Could you help me,please?I’m looking for something for my husband’s birthday next week and I just can’t seem to think of anything to buy.

M:Certainly,madam.You don’t have anything special in mind?

W:Right.I just don’t know.

M:How about a nice silk tie?We have some handsome ties that just arrived from Italy.

W:Not a tie.I gave him one for Christmas and he’s never worn it.He hates ties.

M:What about this?He can use it after he shaves himself.

W:I don’t know.My husband has never used that kind of thing every often.He might not care for that either.Can you think of any other thing?

M:I believe I have just the thing.This wallet is something any man would be proud to own.It has a very deep money pocket.

W:That does sound nice.Please wrap it.Would you put this card in with it?

M:Certainly,madam.It will take just a few minutes.

W:All right.I’ll wait.


9.Where are the two speakers?

A.On a bus.

B.In the shopping district.

C.At a street corner.

10.What’s the largest building to the left?

A.The bank.

B.The department store.

C.City Hall.

11.What does the man need?




听力原文:(Text 7)

M:There’s a lot of traffic on the street.Is this the shopping district?

W:Yes,it is.There are a lot of stores,office buildings,and theatres near here.

M:What is the largest building on the left?

W:That’s department store.It sells clothing,furniture,food-almost everything.

M:Do you buy everything in the same store?That’s very handy,isn’t it?It saves a lot of time.I need some clothes.

W:There’s a men’s clothing store next to the bank building on the right.There are also some good stores on Lincoln Street.

M:That’s a beautiful theatre on the corner.What do all the signs in front of it mean?

W:There’s a new play there tonight.The building next to the theatre is a hotel.

M:Is that the post office across the street?

W:No,that’s the City Hall.The post office is between the bus station and the Richmond Hotel.

M:Is that far from here?

W:No,it’s just three blocks straight ahead.


12.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a library.

B.In the woman’s office.

C.In a bookstore.

13.What is the woman trying to do?

A.To buy a book.

B.To borrow a book.

C.To get the writer’s name of a book.

14.What is the man going to do when the book comes in?

A.To send it to the woman’s house.

B.To write to the woman.

C.To call the woman.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:I’ve been trying to get hold of the book for some time.

M:Well,I’m sorry we haven’t got it...but we can order it for you.

W:How long should it take to get it?

M:Only a few days.

W:All right.

M:Now,what was the title?

W:Never Say Never.

M:Do you happen to know the name of the author?

W:Yes,it’s Claudia Jameson.

M:Jameson.OK,now could I have your name please?

W:Yes.Anne…that’s with an “e” at the end…Parker.

M:Anne Parker.Can I have your telephone number,as well?


M:Thank you very much.As soon as it comes in,I’ll ring you.

W:Thank you very much.


15.What kind of man is described by the man speaker?

A.A teenager.

B.A young adult.

C.A middle-aged man.

16.What color are the man’s eyes?




听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Can you describe him?Is he tall or short?

M:Tall.Not very tall,but fairly tall.


M:Well,he’s certainly not fat.He’s very fit and strong.

But he’s not thin either.

W:Can you say he’s well-built?

M:Yes,exactly.He’s well-built.About twenty-one or twenty-two years old.

W:Fair or dark hair?


W:Is his hair long or short?

M:About shoulder-length.

W:What color are his eyes?

M:He has blue eyes.

W:I see.Can you tell us anything else?What’s he wearing,for example?

M:Yes,I can,actually.He’s wearing a big white sweater,white shorts and an open-necked shirt.

W:Thank you for calling.We’ll try to find him.


17.How many librarians are in charge of the library?

A.Only one.

B.A single man.

C.We both.

18.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.The duties of the librarian.

B.The rules of the library.

C.The length of the students’ borrowing books.

19.How many books can students borrow at a time?

A.Two books.

B.Three books.

C.Four books.

20.Which of the following is NOT true of the rules for good behaviour in the library?

A.The students should keep the books in good condition when they return them.

B.The students should not keep books longer than two weeks if they don’t finish them.

C.The students want to take away some books with the permission given by the librarian.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  We have a big well-equipped library in our school.There is a librarian in charge of it.Students of the school may borrow books from the library but they may not lend them to others without the permission of the librarian.Students may borrow three books at a time.They may keep the books for 2 weeks.If they do not return them by the end of this period,they may be refused permission to borrow any more.?

  There are a number of rules for good behaviour in the library.Students ought to put back the books in their correct places on the shelves.They ought to leave the books carefully and keep them in good condition.Students may not talk or disturb others in the library.They ought to keep quiet when they are passing along outside the library.


科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.What’s the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are host and guest.

B.They are waiter and customer.

C.They are husband and wife.

2.Where did this conversation take place?

A.At the hospital.

B.At the airport.

C.At the post office.

3.Why will the woman go to London?

A.To have a look at London.

B.To go with her friend.

C.To spend the weekend.

4.What’s the woman’s job?

A.She is a saleswoman.

B.She is a waitress.

C.She is a hotel clerk.

5.How is the weather now?

A.It’s snowing.

B.It’s raining.

C.It’s clear.

听力原文:(Text 1)

W:I think I’ll have the duck, please.

M:I’m very sorry, Madam.I’m afraid there isn’t any left.

(Text 2)

W:Excuse me, visiting hours are over.It’s time for you to leave.

M:I’m sorry, I didn’t know the time or I would have left earlier.

(Text 3)

M:Are you going to London next weekend?

W:Yes, I will visit a friend of mine while I am there.

(Text 4)

M:I want a single room with a bath, what’s the rate?

W:It’s $25 a day.Your room number is 213.It is on the second floor.Here is your key.

(Text 5)

M:You’d better take your coat with you.It looks like it’s going to snow.

W:You may be right.Thank you for mentioning this.




6.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a night club.

C.In a super -market.

7.What kind of snack does the woman have?




8.How much does the woman pay for the things she asked?

A.75 pence.

B.1.30 pounds.

C.2.05 pounds.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:Good morning, sir.What would you like?

M:I’d like a red wine, please.

W:Anything else?

M:What snacks have you got?

W:The menu is on the board over there.There’s pancake, Greek salad, steak and chips…

M:I’ll try the Greek salad, please.Do I pay now?

W:Oh, yes, if you would.That’s 75 cents for the wine and $1.30 for the salad.


9.Which age group do the two speakers most likely belong to?




10.Which part of the body is probably OK with the woman?

A.Her leg.

B.Her back.

C.Her eyes.

11.Why can’t the man do gardening a lot?

A.Because of his back trouble.

B.Because of his leg trouble.

C.Because of his arm trouble.

听力原文:(Text 7)

M:Hello.How are you today?

W:Not so good.My leg’s playing me up, awful pains in my leg and my toothache!

M:Oh, dear! I’ve got toothache too and the dentist says he simply can’t see me before next week.But what gets me is my headache.

W:I know what you mean, but at least you can do the garden.I can’t even do that with my back-the doctor says I mustn’t lift or bend.

M:You poor thing.There’s nothing worse than back trouble.But I don’t do much in the garden now because I’ve hurt my arm.It’s really painful.

W:Like my ankle.It’s all swollen up.


12.How does the man feel?




13.What’s wrong with the man?

A.He was knocked down by a car.

B.He had an accident when he was walking along the street.

C.He had an accident in the car.

14.Why did it happen?

A.Because there’s something wrong with the driving mirror.

B.Because there’s something wrong with the roadside mirror.

C.Because the other driver drove too fast.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:Hi, David, you look awful.What’s the trouble?

M:Well, believe it or not, I had an accident in the car this morning.Someone drove into the back of my car.

W:No!How did it happen?

M:I was just turning into my drive when another car came round the corner and drove into the back of mine.

W:Didn’t you see him?

M:No, I didn’t.I looked in my driving mirror and there was no one coming.Not only that, I also looked in the big mirror on the other side of the road.

W:So he must have been coming very fast if you didn’t see him.

M:That’s right.And he went straight into me.


15.Where is Miss Smith?

A.She is at home.

B.She is taking a break.

C.She is attending a meeting.

16.When should Miss Smith call today whether she will attend the meeting or not?

A.On Thursday.


C.The day after tomorrow.

17.What number should Miss Smith call?

A.802 8714-246.

B.802 9714-246.

C.902 8741-426.

听力原文:(Text 9)

W:Good morning, Miss Smith’s secretary.

M:Good morning, may I speak to Miss Smith, please?

W:I’m sorry.She’s in conference at the moment.Do you want to leave a message?

M:Yes, all right.Could you tell her that Mr.Johnson called? And tell her that the meeting about the Trade Fair is on Thursday 12th at 2 p.m.

W:Fine, is there anything else?

M:Yes.Could she phone to confirm that she can come before tomorrow?

W:Yes, and what number is it?

M:802 9714 Extension 246.

W:Fine, I’ve got that.I’ll get the message to her as soon as possible.

M:Thank you very much.Goodbye.



18.Why couldn’t the speaker meet with Mr.Smith as soon as he arrived?

A.He missed the appointment.

B.He arrived late.

C.He was sick.

19.Why did he give up making a new appointment with Mr.Smith?

A.He couldn’t reach Mr.Smith’s office.

B.He didn’t want to see Mr.Smith any more.

C.He didn’t want to take the trouble making it.

20.Whom did he meet on the street one day?

A.A stranger.


C.Mr.Smith’s secretary.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  I flew to New York to take care of some business with Mr.Smith.But as soon as I arrived, I got sick, and could not meet with him.I had to call our appointment off.Then when I felt better I thought about visiting him at his home, but he lived too far away.I tried to telephone him during office hours, but he was busy.His secretary said that Mr.Smith would call me back, but he didn’t.I gave up trying to make a new appointment because it would take more time and efforts than I wanted to spend.

  A few days later, I saw a man on the street who looked like Mr.Smith, and I called out to him.It was someone else.When I returned to my hotel that day, I found a message which said that Mr.Smith had gone out of town on some sudden unexpected business.I was sorry that I had missed seeing him, but I was really enjoying my sightseeing in New York.


科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:001




1.What’s the man’s opinion about the woman’s dress?

A.He thinks it pretty.

B.He thinks it awful.

C.He thinks it kidding.

2.What’s the man’s job?

A.A traveler.

B.A teacher.

C.A news reporter.

3.What’s Lisa wearing?

A.A blue dress.

B.A red dress.

C.A yellow dress.

4.What will the man do?

A.He will take woman to a lovely garden.

B.He will go to see a film with the woman.

C.He will pick up the woman at 6:30.

5.Why is the woman’s father going go retire?

A.He is old.

B.He is in good health.

C.He is in poor health.

听力原文:(Text 1)

W:Do you like my new dress?

M:It looks awful.Just kidding.You look really pretty in it.

(Text 2)

W:What do you do for a living?

M:I am a journalist.

W:Really?Do you like it?

M:Yes, I do.It’s very interesting.

(Text 3)

M:Who is that girl over there?

W:Which one?

M:The tall one in a yellow dress.

W:That’s Lisa.

(Text 4)

M:Would you like to come to the cinema this evening?

W:That would be lovely.

M:I shall pick you up at six.

(Text 5)

W:My father is going to retire soon.

M:Is he?Why?

W:He is not in good health now.

M:I am sorry to hear that.




6.Where are the two speakers?

A.On a ship.

B.On a plane.

C.On a train.

7.Why isn’t the man going straight to London?

A.To visit other places.

B.To save money.

C.To meet some Romanian friends.

听力原文:(Text 6)

M:The plane is leaving in three minutes.

W:Yes, it is.

M:Excuse me, may I know your nationality?

W:I’m from the States.You’re Chinese, I guess.

M:Yes, you are right.

W:Are you going to Romania?I mean what’s your destination?

M:I’m on my way to London.Where are you going?

W:Same here.But why don’t you fly straight to London?

M:It’s cheaper this way for both Chinese and Romanian passengers.

W:Is that so? That’s fine.


8.Where does the man live?

A.In a beautiful garden.

B.In a camp.

C.In the mountains.

9.Why does he live there?

A.Because there is no pollution.

B.Because there is a beautiful lake.

C.Because there is a cabin.

听力原文:(Text 7)

W:Welcome to the mountains!

M:We’re delighted to be here.It’s really beautiful.

W:Yes, it is.

M:No pollution!Not many care and in fact, not much traffic of any kind!How long have you been in this place?

W:Oh…about five years.

M:Did you build the cabin yourself?

W:Friends, family, everybody joined in.It took us one whole summer.We camped outside and used the lake water for drinking and washing.

M:Interesting, wasn’t it?

W:It was.


10.What’s wrong with the two speakers?

A.They don’t have an engine.

B.Their tank is half full.

C.The run out of gas.

11.Where are they going?

A.To the sea port.

B.To the railway station.

C.To the airport.

12.What should they do now?

A.Do nothing but wait.

B.Find a policeman.

C.Telephone the nearest gas station.

听力原文:(Text 8)

W:What’s the matter?

M:I don’t know.All of a sudden, the engine died.

W:Well, can you start it?

M:No…No, it won’t start now.

W:Could we be out of gas?

M:No, I’m sure we are not out of gas.

W:Let’s check the gas gauge.Oh, see, it’s on “empty”.

M:I was sure the tank was half full!

W:Obviously, it wasn’t.Well…, too bad.

M:What time is it now?

W:It’s five to eight.I am afraid we can’t get the airport on time.He’s probably looking for us right now.

M:Let’s stand by the side of the road for a few minutes.Maybe somebody will stop and pick us up.


13.What is the man asking about?

A.The woman’s last job.

B.Ideal Systems.

C.The woman’s work experience.

14.How many companies has the woman worked for?




15.Why did the woman leave Format?

A.She had a quarrel with her boss.

B.She needed a change.

C.The company closed down.

16.How many years did the woman work for Ideal Systems?




听力原文:(Text 9)

M:Miss Helen, can you tell us a little bit about where you have worked before?

W:Well, my last job was with Format.

M:And when did you start with them?

W:Two years ago.

M:I see.So why did you decide to leave?

W:Well, perhaps you’ve heard that the company closed down earlier this year.

M:Yes, we’ve heard about it.And where did you work before Format?

W:Ideal Systems.

M:How long did you work for them?

W:For ten years, as a secretary.

M:And why did you leave that job as a secretary?

W:Well, I felt I needed a change.I think I learnt all I could there.

M:OK, that’s enough on your work experience.Thank you.


17.What destroyed Tokyo the second time this century?




18.What happened during the earthquake?

A.People lost their homes.

B.People pulled down their houses.

C.People lost their jobs.

19.What caused Tokyo to develop fast during the 1960’s?

A.The Olympic Games.

B.The rapid growing population.

C.The world wars.

20.What challenges is the government facing now?

A.Waste disposal and job problems.

B.Housing problems and pollution.

C.Pollution and crimes.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities of the world.It is also one of the world’s most modern cities.Twice this century, the city was destroyed and rebuilt.In 1923, a major earthquake struck the city.Thousands of people were killed and millions were left homeless as buildings collapsed and fires broke out throughout Tokyo.It took seven years to rebuild the city.During World War Ⅱ, Tokyo was destroyed once again.As a result of these disasters there is nothing old Tokyo remaining in the downtown area.

  After the war, the people of Tokyo began to rebuild their city.Buildings went up at a fantastic rate, and between 1945 and 1960, the city’s population is more than doubled.Because of the Olympic games held in Tokyo in 1964, many new stadiums, parks, and hotels were built to accommodate visitors from all over the world.As a result of this rapid development, however, many problems have arisen.Housing shortage, pollution, and waste disposal have presented serious challenges to the city, but the government has begun programs to answer them.

