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 His grandfather was among the first to settle in ______ is now a famous holiday center.

A. where                      B. which               C. what                        D. that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

作为中学生,请以How to Get on with Our Parents为题,从以下几个方面写一篇短文。








How to Get on with Our Parents

As middle school students,


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Did Peter fix the computer himself?

--He          , because he doesn’t know much about computers.

A. has it fixed           B. had fixed it        C. had it fixed        D. fixed it


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Last night was the last game for my eight-year-old son’s soccer team. It was the final quarter. The score was two to one, my son's team in the lead. Parents surrounded the playground, offering encouragement.

       With less than ten seconds remaining, the ball suddenly rolled in front of my son's teammate, Mickey O’Donnel. With shouts of “Kick it!” echoing (回响) across the playground, Mickey turned around and gave it everything he had. All around me the crowd erupted (沸腾). O’Donnel had scored!

       Then there was silence. Mickey had scored all right, but in the wrong goal, ending the game in a tie. For a moment there was a total hush. You see, Mickey has Down Syndrome (综合症) and for him there is no such thing as a wrong goal. All goals were celebrated by a joyous hug from Mickey. He had even been known to hug the opposing players when they scored.

       The silence was finally broken when Mickey, his face filled with joy, hugged my son tightly and shouted, “I scored! I scored. Everybody won! Everybody won!” For a moment I held my breath, not sure how my son would react. I need not have worried. I watched, through tears, as my son threw up his hand in the classic high-five salute and started chanting, “Way to go Mickey! Way to go Mickey!” Within moments both teams surrounded Mickey, joining in the chant and congratulating him on his goal.

    Later that night, when my daughter asked who had won, I smiled as I replied, “It was a tie. Everybody won.”


56.What was the score of the soccer match?

       A.Two to two, equal to both the teams.

       B.Three to one in Mickey’s team’s favor.

       C.Two to one in the opposite team’s favor.

       D.One to one, everybody won because of Mickey’s goal.

57.The underlined word “hush” in paragraph 3 means ________.

       A.cheer                  B.cry                     C.laughter               D.silence

58.What did the author worry about when Mickey scored and hugged his son?

       A.The result of the match would disappoint his son.

       B.His son would shout at Mickey for his goal.

       C.Mickey would again hug the opposing players.

       D.His son would understand Mickey’s wrong goal.

59.The purpose of the author in writing the passage is ________.

       A.to tell a joke to make readers laugh

       B.to suggest we should not mind losing

       C.to show enjoying a game is more than winning a game

       D.to present his son’s fine qualities of understanding others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

His ability has never been in doubt --- the question is______ he is prepared to work hard.

       A. that                        B. what                   C. since                      D. whether


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Do you think this novel is good ______ for your money?

A. worth                      B. cost                  C. value                        D. price


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sometimes you need to make phone calls to get a job. Calling is the first step where you can show your ability to an employer. Here are some tried and true tips:

Get the person responsible

You need to talk directly to the person who would supervise you. In a small business, you might ask to speak to the “person in charge”. In a larger one, you would ask for the name of the person in charge of the particular department you’re interested in.

Get the name of the person

If you don’t have the name of the person you need to speak to, ask for it. Usually, you will be given the supervisor’s name and your call will be transferred to him or her.

Get past the receptionist

In some cases, receptionists and secretaries will try to screen out your call. If they find out that you’re looking for a job, they may transfer you to the Personnel Department or ask you to send an application or resume. Here are some ways to keep from getting screened out:

* Call back

Call back a day later and say you are getting ready to send some correspondence (信件) to the person who manages such and such. You want to use the correct name and title and request that they give you this information. And this approach usually gets you what you need. Say “thank you” and call back in a day or so. Then ask for the supervisor or manager by name.

* Call when the secretary is out

You are likely to get right through if you call when the receptionist is out to lunch. Other good times are just before and after normal work hours. Less experienced staff members are likely to answer the phone and put you right through.

Ask three times for an interview

Sometimes, the supervisor you contact just simply rejects you. Then, you can try asking three times for an interview! Although this approach does not always work, asking the third time works more often than most people would believe.

Arrange a time

If the person agrees to an interview, arrange a specific date and time.


65.  In the writer’s opinion, who should you talk to if you want to get a job by making phone calls?

A.      Receptionists or secretaries of the right department.

B.      The person in charge of the Personnel Department.

C.      The person who may be your future supervisor.

D.     A less experienced staff member.

66.  To get past the receptionist, you had better ______.

A. ask him or her to put you through to the Personnel Department

B. send some correspondence first to the manager

C.make the phone call to a less experienced staff member

D.always ask three times for an interview before arranging a time

67. The purpose of the passage is to ______.

A. show you how to find a better job

B. show you a special way to find a job

C. teach you the skills of making telephone calls

D. tell you it’s not easy to find a good job


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A few people were killed in the fire, but ________ were saved.

A. the most         B. most of them     C. most of whom        D. most


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    Let us begin by saying what does not cause our dreams.Our dreams do not come from“another world”.They are not messages from outside source.They are not a look into the future,either.

    All our dreams have something to do with our feelings,fears,longings,wishes,needs and memories.If a person is hungry,or tired or cold his dreams may include a feeling of this kind.If the covers on your body,such as a quilt or a blanket have slipped off your bed,you may dream that you are sleeping on the ice and snow.The material for the dream you will have tonight is likely to come from the experience you have today.

    So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has effect on you while you are sleeping(feeling of cold,a noise,a discomfort,etc)and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and the interests you have now.This is why children are likely to dream of fairies,older children of school examinations,hungry people of food,home-sick soldiers of their families and prisoners of freedom.

    To show you how this is happening while you are asleep and how your needs and wishes can all be joined together in a dream,here is the story of the experiment.A man was asleep and the back of his hand was rubbed with a piece of absorbed cotton.He would dream he was in hospital and his charming girlfriend was visiting him,sitting on the bed and feeling gendy his hands!

    There are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream,what we dream and what those dreams mean.Their explanations of dreams,though a bit reasonable,is not accepted by everyone but it offers an interesting approach to the problem.They believe that dreams are mosdy expressions of wishes that do not come true.In other words,dreams are a way of having your wishes carried out.


45.From the passage we know that our dreams          

       A.are imagination of our daily life    

       B.are man’s curious look into the future

       C.have nothing to do with our feelings

       D.are to some degree connected with our feelings

46.Older children often dream of examinations probably because         

       A.they are interested in exams                  

       B.they are often worried about their studies

       C.they hope for better life

       D.they show much interest in their studies

47.According to the writer,the explanation of dreams that some scientists made         

      A.is considered interesting.but meaningless

      B.gives a good answer to the question why we dream

      C.has some value,though not fully convincing

      D.has been proved by the findings of their studies

48.What is the best tire for this passage?

      A.Why People Dream                                    B.New Findings about Dreams

      C.Dream Makes Hopes                                  D.What Dreams Mean

