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Once upon a time there was an idiot named Hugh. The town's folk would often make fun of him, but a few felt sorry for him and gave him hand-me-down clothes, leftover food, and even a small old house to live 1.._____ at the edge of town. Hugh lived on the donations made by the few kind people.

One day, Hugh showed up at the village square 2.._____ (wear) a brand new suit. Everyone 3.._____ (amaze),for few people in the town could afford new clothing, let alone a nice suit. One of townsfolk asked Hugh where he got his new suit, thinking he must 4.._____ (steal) it." I bought it!" he told them. And he added that the fine new house being built on the mountainside 5.._____ everyone was wondering about was 6.._____. 7.._____ questioned where he got the money, he told them it was the money they gave him. 8.._____ people giving him food, clothing, and shelter, he 9.._____ (simple)saved and invested everything they gave him. "I may be your village idiot, but I'm no fool." Hugh smiled, and then handed out hundreds of dollar bills to 10.._____ who had been kind to him.




3.was amazed

4.have stolen









1.?live in的宾语为a small old house。


3.?当Hugh穿着一套新的品牌西装出现在村庄广场时?每个人都很惊讶。amazed指人感到惊讶?且文章的时态为过去时?故填was amazed。

4.?对过去发生事情的肯定的推测用must have done?故填have stolen。

5.?修饰先行词the fine new house?画线部分在从句中充当宾语?故填that或which。

6.?并且他补充说山坡上正在建造的那座每个人都想知道的很好的新房子就是他的。根据句意可知应填his?指代his house。







科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省灵宝市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Tom,did you break the vase I bought yesterday?

—It was not my    .The floor was so slippery that I fell down and knocked it off the table.

A.mistake B.duty

C.fault D.problem



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省新野三高高三8月第一次阶段性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假设你是李华,作为选派的交流学生在美国某中学学习了一年,寄住在Mr. Brown家里,刚回到国内。回国后你发现自己的一本英语词典遗忘在他家,因此给他写一封信,请他帮助寄回词典。信的主要内容如下:















科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省周口市英文学校高二下学期期考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I hear many parents saying that their teenage children are rebellion(反叛的). I wish it were so. At your age you ought to be growing away from your parents. You should be learning to stand on your own two feet. But take a good look at the present rebellion. It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they degree with their parents. Instead of striking out bravely on their own, most of them are trying to seize at one another’s hands for safety.

They say they want to dress as they please. But they all wear the same clothes. They set off in new directions in music. But somehow reason for thinking or acting in thus-and-such a way is that the crowd is doing it. They have come out of their cocoon(蚕茧) -----into a larger cocoon.

It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and to go his or her own way. Industry has firmly opened up a teenage market. These days every teenager can learn from newspapers and TV what a teenager should have and be. And many of today’s parents have come to award(奖励) high narks for the popularity of their children. All this adds up to great difficulty for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.

But the difficulty is worth getting over. The path is worth following. You may want to listen to classical music instead of going to a party. You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records. You may have some thoughts that you don’t care to share at once with your classmates. Well, go to it. Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come-----with the people who respect you for who you are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts.

1.The writer’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell_______.

A. readers how to be popular in the world

B. parents how to control and guide their children

C. teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves

D. people how to understand and respect each other

2.According to the writer, many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own, but, in fact, most of them______.

A. are not sure of themselves

B. have much difficulty in understanding each other

C. dare not do things

D. are very much afraid of getting lost

3.During the teenage years, one should learn to_____.

A. become different from others in as many ways as possible

B. find one’s real self

C. get into the right reason and become popular

D. rebel against parents



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省偃师市南院高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Travel Information

Place of interest

Water Cube

West Lake


Dragon Tower

Location (位置)



Hong Kong


Phone Number





Price of Ticket






Special bubbly (气泡状的) design

The  Broken Bridge

Cartoon characters


1.It is said that the love story about Xu Xian and the White Snake happened on _____.

A. Dragon TowerB. West Lake

C. Water CubeD. Disneyland

2.If a person in Hangzhou feels like visiting Water Cube, he should call _____to get information.

A. 010-28315589B. 0451-82187899

C. 0571-68345576D. 0l0-28135589

3. Disneyland, which attracts a lot of tourists from home and abroad every year, is in  _____ according to the travel information.

A. Beijing B. Harbin

C. Hong KongD. Hangzhou

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the travel information?

A. Water Cube is special in design.

B. The price of a ticket for West Lake is the highest.

C. In Disneyland.you can’t see any cartoon characters.

D.The price of a ticket for Dragon Tower is the lowest.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省高二下学期转段考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Do you find getting up in the morning so difficult that it's painful ? This might be called laziness, but Dr. Kleitman has a new explanation. He has proved that everyone has a daily energy cycle.

During the hours when you labour through your work you may say that you're "hot". That's true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak . For some people the peak comes during the forenoon. For others it comes in the afternoon or evening No one has discovered why this is so , but it leads to such familiar monologues(自言自语) as : "Get up, John! You'll be late for work again !" The possible explanation to the trouble is that John is at his temperature-and -energy peak in the evening. Much family quarrelling ends when husbands and wives realize what these energy cycles mean, and which cycle each member of the family has.

You can't change your energy cycle, but you can learn to make your life fit it better. Habit can help, Dr. Kleitman believes . Maybe you're sleepy in the evening but feel you must stay up late anyway . Counteract(对抗/抵消)your cycle to some extent by habitually staying up later than you want to .If your energy is low in the morning but you have an important job to do early in the day, rise before your usual hour. This won't change your cycle, but you'll get up steam and work better at your low point.

Get off to a slow start which saves your energy. Get up with a leisurely yawn and stretch . Sit on the edge of the bed a minute before putting your feet on the floor . Avoid the troublesome search for clean clothes by laying them out the night before. Whenever possible, do routine work in the afternoon and save tasks requiring more energy or concentration for your sharper hours.

1.If you wants to work more efficiently at your how point in the morning, you should _____.

A. change his energy cycle B. overcome his laziness

C. get up earlier than usual D. go to bed earlier

2.You are advised to rise with a yawn and stretch because it will _____.

A. help to keep your energy for the day's work

B. help you to control your temper early in the day

C. enable you to concentrate on your routine work

D. keep your energy cycle under control all day

3.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Change Your Habits B. Save Your Energy

C. Daily Energy Cycle D. Temperature- and-Energy Peak

4.The text is probably taken from a _________.

A. news report B. research paper C. medical textbook D. fashion journal



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南洛阳第一高级中学高二下学期第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The park bench was deserted as I sat down to read beneath an old willow tree.Not ______with life, I was down.A young boy out of breath _____me, all tired from play.He stood right before me with his head tilted(倾斜的)down, and____with great excitement, “Look what I found!”

In his hand was a flower, and what a ____ sight, its petals(花瓣)were  all worn-not enough rain, or too little light.____ him to take his dead flower and go off to play, I ____ a small smile and then shifted away.But instead of ___ he sat next to my side and placed the flower to his nose and declared with ___, “It sure smells pretty and it’s beautiful, too.That’s why I ___ it; here, it’s for you.”

The flower before me was dying or dead.But I knew I ____ take it, or he might never leave.So I reached for the flower, and____, “Just what I need.” But instead of placing the flower in my hand, he____it mid-air without reason.It was then that I ____ for the very first time the boy was ___.

I heard my voice shake, tears shone like the sun ____ I thanked him for picking the very best one.He smiled, and then ran off to play,__ __ of the effect he’d had on my day.

I sat there and __ how he managed to see a self-pitying woman beneath an old willow tree.How did he know of my self-indulged(放纵的)__? Perhaps from his heart, he'd been blessed with true___.

___ the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see, the problem was not with the world; the problem was me.And for all of those times I myself had been blind, I vowed to see beauty, and appreciate every second that's mine.

1.A.excited B.inspired C.content D.disappointed

2.A.approached B.overlooked C.understood D.recognized

3.A.telling B.saying C.informing D.talking

4.A.unique B.rough C.bothering D.pitiful

5.A.Wanting B.Demanding C.Persuading D.Inviting

6.A.presented B.adjusted C.forced D.delivered

7.A.declining B.accepting C.panicking D.quitting

8.A.certainty B.embarrassment C.sympathy D.sorrow

9.A.took B.pulled C.attained D.picked

10.A.should B.can C.may D.must

11.A.announced B.replied C.declared D.whispered

12.A.grasped B.held C.caught D.seized

13.A.observed B.confirmed C.noticed D.concluded

14.A.strange  B.blind C.deaf D.unimaginable

15.A.once B.after C.as D.since

16.A.unaware B.unbelievable C.regretful D.regardless

17.A.doubted B.felt C.found D.wondered

18.A.embarrassment B.depression C.hopelessness D.effort

19.A.sense B.hearing C.sight D.ability

20.A.In B.From C.Before D.Through



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北石家庄正定中学高二下学期第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写



1.Li Na is ___________(承认,认为) as one of the best tennis players in the world.

2.In a way, tea is a proper ___________(代替品) for wine.

3.Mr. Watson’s __________(每年的) income is $20,000, which supports the whole family expense.

4.John doesn’t ________ (适应) easily to new environments, so he hates going abroad to work.

5.He made an _________(apologize) to me for breaking the vase.

6.She has set up a __________(volunteer) organization providing help for the elderly.

7.I didn’t know when and why they got ___________(divorce).

8.They drafted ( )a report on the spot after careful discussion.

9.The road and the railway are parallel( ) to each other.

10.I was once a prisoner, so I have a lot of sympathy ( )for other people in prison.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

For several years, we lived at the end of a long Texas country road. Every evening when I was away from home on business, my little boy would ask permission of his mother to take his black and his daddy’s walking stick, to make the half-mile from the house to the fence which the beginning of the dirty driveway.

One day, I was busy with my business and was for about an hour, completely forgetting about the little boy down the road who might be for his daddy.

On my way home, the rain was so thick that I could not ten feet in front of me. All I could was finishing my journey and getting out of the rain. , the downpour began to abate(减弱). It was only a drizzle(细雨) by the time my car turned the last and approached the final street between me and a warm home and nice meal.

, I caught sight of my little boy, who was an umbrella in one hand, a walking stick in the other, and was wearing the biggest and most beautiful smile ever to lighten the of a little boy.

As I stopped the car and the door, he ran into my arms and held me long and hard. He was wet and with cold, but he never the rain, nor the hour-long wait. He simply said, “Daddy, I missed you. I am so glad you are home.”

Last year, we to a wonderful new home provided for a special season in our lives. We no longer have a long country road. , I have never forgotten the rainy day and the little boy and his black dog. Often, perhaps a thousand times, that has occurred in my mind. all events in our lives, it happens once, and must be treasured.

1.A. bagB. dogC. umbrellaD. toy

2.A. journeyB. flightC. effortD. ride

3.A. discoveredB. explainedC. markedD. described

4.A. controlledB. trainedC. delayedD. bothered

5.A. hopefulB. gratefulC. carefulD. faithful

6.A. waitingB. sendingC. searchingD. calling

7.A. driveB. seeC. feelD. hear

8.A. stick toB. think ofC. pick upD. hold on

9.A. In factB. In surpriseC. At once D. At last

10.A. momentB. cornerC. streetD. way

11.A. All of a suddenB. Believe it or notC. To my pleasureD. For seconds

12.A. holdingB. takingC. foldingD. carrying

13.A. bodyB. headC. faceD. hand

14.A. closedB. lockedC. knockedD. opened

15.A. worryingB. nervousC. tremblingD. anxious

16.A. noticedB. doubtedC. judgedD. mentioned

17.A. movedB. turnedC. returnedD. traveled

18.A. ThereforeB. BesidesC. OtherwiseD. However

19.A. timeB. sceneC. actD. sight

20.A. WithB. ForC. LikeD. Among


