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 Tasting ________,this kind of fried chicken sells ________.

  A.well; good      B.good; good 

  C.well; well       D.good; well

D 同学们要特别注意一些既可用作连系动词又可用作行为动词的词,当它们作连系动词时要用形容词作表语,这类动词常见的有:look(看起来),feel(摸起来),smell(闻起来),taste (尝起来), sound (听起来),get (变得)等。当它们作括号里的意思解时,是连系动词,要用形容词作表语,故此题答案为D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Taste is such a subjective matter that we don’t usually conduct preference tests for food. The most you can say about anyone’s preference is that it’s one person’s opinion. But because the two big cola companies-Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola-are marketed so aggressively, we’ve wondered how big a role taste preference actually plays in brand loyalty. We set up a taste test that challenged people who identified themselves as either Coca-cola or Pepsi fans: Find your brand in a blind tasting.

       We invited staff volunteers who had a strong liking for either Coca-Cola Classic or Pepsi, Diet Coke, or Diet Pepsi. These were people who thought they’d have no trouble telling their brand from the other brand.

       We eventually located 19 regular cola drinkers and 27 diet cola drinkers. Then we fed them with four unidentified samples of cola one at a time, regular colas for the one group, diet versions for the other. We asked them to tell us whether each sample was Coke or Pepsi; then we analyzed the records statistically to compare the participants’ choices with what mere guesswork could have accomplished.

       Getting all four samples right was a tough test, but not too tough, we thought, for people who believed they could recognize their brand. In the end, only 7 out of 19 regular cola drinkers correctly identified their brand of choice in all four trials. The diet-cola drinkers did a little worse-only 7 out of 27 identified all four samples correctly.

       Both groups did better than chance would predict, but nearly half the participants in each group made the wrong choice two or more times. Two people got all four samples wrong. Overall, half the participants did about as well on the last round of tasting as on the first, so tiredness, or taste burnout, was not a factor. Our preference test results suggest that only a few Pepsi participants and Coke fans may really be able to tell their favorite brand by taste and price.

According to the passage the preference test was conducted in order to ________.

A. show that a person’s opinion about taste is mere guesswork

B. compare the ability of the participants in choosing their drinks

C. find out the role taste preference plays in a person’s drinking

D. reveal which cola is more to the liking of the drinkers

The statistics recorded in the preference tests show that________.

A. there is not much difference in taste between Coca-Cola and Pepsi

B. few people had trouble telling Coca-Cola from Pepsi

C. people’s tastes differ from one another

D. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are people’s two most favorite drinks

The underlined word “burnout” here refers to the state of________.

A. being seriously burnt in the skin            

B. being badly damaged by fire   

C. being unable to burn for lack of fuel      

D. being unable to function because of too much use

The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to________.

A. emphasize that taste and price are closely related to each other

B. recommend that blind tasting be introduced in the quality control of colas

C. show that taste preference is highly subjective

D. argue that taste testing is an important marketing strategy


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


In the early 1800’s, a boy named John lived in an orphanage (孤儿院) with several other children.Every day was   36   working and Christmas was the one day of the year   37   the children did not work and received a gift — an orange.The children   38   it so much that they kept it for weeks, and even   39  — smelling it,   40   it and loving it.Usually they tried to preserve it for so   41  that it often went bad before they ate it.

This year John knew he would soon be   42   enough to leave.He would save the orange until his birthday in July.If he preserved it   43  , he might be able to eat it on his birthday.

Christmas day finally came.The children were so   44   as they entered the dining hall.In his excitement, John knocked over something, causing a big    45 .Immediately the master shouted, “John, leave the hall and there will be no orange for you.” John's heart   46  .He turned and ran back to the   47   room so that the children wouldn’t see his tears.

Then he heard the door open and the children entered.Little Elizabeth with a  48    on her face held out her small hands.“Here John,” she said, “this is for you.” As John   49   his head, he saw a big juicy   50   all peeled and quartered … Each child had sacrificed(舍弃) their own orange by   51   a quarter and had created a big, beautiful orange for him

John never forgot the sharing, love and personal   52   his friends had shown him that Christmas day.  53   that day, after he became rich, every year he   54  send oranges all over the world to children everywhere.His   55  was that no child would ever spend Christmas without a special Christmas fruit! 

A.forced        B.wasted          C.taken        D.spent

A.that               B.when         C.while         D.which

A.needed       B.wanted         C.valued          D.liked

A.months      B.days          C.years           D.seasons

A.tasting       B.watching       C.pressing         D.touching

A.much         B.soon          C.long          D.far

A.old           B.strong           C.tall            D.experienced

A.seriously    B.carefully       C.secretly         D.softly

A.nervous      B.excited         C.pleasant        D.eager

A.cry          B.disappointment C.surprise        D.noise

A.jumped     B.stopped         C.broke               D.settled

A.cold         B.small         C.old            D.lonely

A.look         B.tear           C.surprise        D.smile

A.shook       B.lifted         C.put            D.turned

A.gift          B.surprise        C.orange          D.wonder

A.sharing      B.breaking       C.eating           D.taking

A.feelings    B.affairs          C.relation         D.sacrifice

A.In return for       B.In case of      C.In memory of   D.In search of

A.must        B.would           C.might           D.should

A.desire       B.idea           C.care           D.thought


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届黑龙江省哈三中高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

How to Avoid Weight Gain Over Holidays
Do you love the holidays, but hate the pounds that follow? You are not alone. Holidays are times for feasting and celebrating. Many people are worried about their weight. ______1______ Whether you are celebrating at the office party or sitting down for the traditional family dinner, regard eating as a time for tasting a variety of foods. The idea is to enjoy the holidays but not to eat too much. You don’t have to turn away from the foods that you enjoy.
Here are some tips for preventing weight gain and maintaining physical fitness:
Don’t skip meals.
Before you leave home, have a small, low-fat meal or snack. ______2______
Control portions.
Use a small plate (about 10 inches) and put aside the large ones that may encourage you to “load up.” ______3______ Once you have your “tasting” serving, move away from the dining table. Doing so will make it less tempting (吸引人的) to be eating constantly as your appetite is inspired by the sight of food.
Begin with soup and fruit or vegetables.
Fill up beforehand with water-based soup and raw fruit or vegetables. Or drink a large glass of water before you eat to help you feel full.
Stick to physical activity.
______4______ A 20-minute walk after a meal can help burn off additional calories.
Dishes that look oily or creamy may have a large amount of fat. Choose lean meats. Fill your plate with salad and green vegetables. Use lemon juice instead of dressing or butter.

A.This may help to avoid getting too excited before delicious food.
B.You had better turn your attention away from delicious foods.
C.With proper planning, though, it is possible to keep normal weight during the holidays.
D.You should be most comfortable eating an amount of food about the size of your fist.
E. Avoid high-fat foods.
F. Don’t let exercise take a break during the holidays.
G. You’d better remember the Dos and Don’ts for keeping fit and slim.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏江都大桥中学高二下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

As a child, I was afraid of everything. At the age of 8, I even became  1   of getting Halloween candy.  2   , on October 31, my twin brother and I went out and   3   to every house in the neighborhood. Most of the houses only had a few steps to the door. It was easy. However, when we   4    one of the bigger houses with 10 tall steps   5   to the front door, which were known to have the best candy, my fear  6    me. My brother was already up the stairs, while I stood   7   at the bottom.

It was  8    that I’d be able to climb all that way, for I was afraid that I might fall over in the dark and   9   my bag of candy. I might   10   my clothes on something. I wanted the candy, but there was no   11    I would go up those stairs to get it. I failed. I lost more than just candy. I lost my   12   .

Fear of the unknown   13   me for a long time. After six years in nursing, I was  14    with the career I had chosen. I faced a  15   : step out into the unknown or   16    the rest of my life at the bottom of those steps, never   17   the best candy.

Finally, with only $100 in my savings account, I started my own business. Whenever I would lose a client (客户), the old fears   18   . However, I’d tasted the candy, and now I don’t   19   when I face difficulties. I believe that, though    20   things can happen when we step out, worse things happen when we don’t.

1.A. afraid          B. happy                   C. fond                D. tired

2.A. Hardly            B. Normally              C. Certainly            D. Approximately

3.A. pointed                 B. rushed                    C. moved             D. traveled

4.A. knocked          B. escaped                      C. reached           D. entered

5.A. pointing        B. belonging        C. opening           D. leading

6.A. encouraged             B. spread             C. prevented           D. attracted

7.A. slightly        B. frozen          C. calmly               D. happily

8.A. unlikely                 B. unlucky           C. possible    D. pitiful

9.A. fall                     B. drop                      C. forget               D. lose

10.A. bury                  B. break             C. tear                 D. catch

11.A. way                      B. need             C. doubt               D. wonder

12.A. bag                        B. life             C. way        D. confidence

13.A. amused      B. controlled                 C. helped              D. ruined

14.A. excited                B. concerned      C. impressive          D. unsatisfied

15.A. difficulty               B. cause             C. fear                 D. choice

16.A. save         B. spend            C. change                   D. escape

17.A. presenting            B. buying                        C. making                  D. tasting

18.A. disappeared          B. warned                        C. returned               D. reminded

19.A. fear                  B. cry               C. fail                       D. complain

20.A. big            B. fortunate                 C. bad                    D. small



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省宁波市高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配


_____1.Peter: Reducing plastic and other wastes through DIY

_____2.Helen: Making use of the heavy traffic to produce electricity

_____3.Catherine: Building a community without private cars

_____4.Elizabeth: Building houses with recycled materials and energy-efficiency systems

_____5.Levin: Developing a new type of urban car which burns less gas

     A                                          B


We know cars are terrible polluters, but would you give yours up? Vauban, a community in southwestern Germany, did just that, and its 5,000 citizens are doing fine. Most streets are free of vehicles, and there are generous green spaces and good public-transport links, including fast buses and bicycle paths.  When people must drive, they can turn to car-sharing clubs.  “All the citizens had the chance to plan their own city,” says Andreas Delleke, an energy expert, “and it's just how we wanted it to be.”    Denmark

During the period of gas shortage in the early 70s, Denmark decided to become self-sufficient ( 自足). So they began a few projects making smart investments along the way.

On the island of Samsoe, local families, fishermen and farmers bought wind turbines (涡轮机) to produce their own energy. Within seven years these turbines were completely paid for. And can you believe just one of wind turbines produces enough electricity for 600 households?

     C                                           D

Trey Parker and Matt Stone

Trey Parker and Matt Stone, creators of South Park, have built a sustainable castle with outer siding and inner flooring of recycled wood, recycled carpeting, high-efficiency boiler systems.

“I think more and more today, people are willing to make a statement about the Earth and how they want to protect it,” Michael Rath, home designer and builder says. "For high-end homes in this valley, this is entirely consistent with what they cost." P-NUT

Who doesn't love the name P-NUT—short for Personal-Neo Urban Transport? It's Honda's latest attempt to create a tiny footprint for a new urban vehicle.

This little P-NUT is unique. With a central driving position, the car is designed to move in tight settings. The  11-foot micro car will seat three with two rear-seat passengers behind the driver.

“The P-NUT concept explores the packaging and design potential for a vehicle designed for the city lifestyle,” said  Dave Marek, a Honda design Spokesman.

E                                        F

Israel Company

Is it possible that annoying rush hour traffic could become a source of renewable energy?

Israel's Technion Institute of Technology claims that if we placed special generators ( 发电机 ) under roads, railways, and runways—we could harvest enough energy to mass-produce electricity. A trial process has been used on a smaller scale, in dance clubs for instance, where the pounding feet of dancers light up the floor.

"We can produce electricity anywhere there is a busy road using energy that normally goes to waste," said Uri Amit, chairman of Israel's Technion Institute  of Technology.               Coffee

Coffee. Some of us can't start our day without it, and we don't mind waiting 10 minutes in line for it.

Here is the most effective tip to make you a superstar in environment protection.

Get a coffee machine for your home or office, or persuade your company into buying one.  (Tell them it will improve productivity. ) Skip the coffee line on the way to work and make something that is better-tasting and much better for your wallet.

Plus, you won't need those plastic cups or carrying cases that just get thrown away. Better yet, use your favorite travel mug.


