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If you think you are sick, you are       no matter what anyone else says. On the other hand, if you believe in your       , and if he tells that you are going to feel better, you probably will. The effect of the mind upon the body       and sometimes can be powerful. It exists       one is aware of it or not.
Take the case of Mrs. Green, for example. She       get to sleep at night and was too tired during the day to do some       things that she used to enjoy doing. She had headaches more often which prevented her from reading or watching TV. The more she thought about conditions,       she felt. At last she went to see her doctor, whom she had known       . The doctor listened to her and gave her a very       . Then he said to her. “There is       wrong with you physically,       I accept the fact that you don’t feel well. I’m going to give you some       that should help. I want you to       one after dinner and one half an hour       going to bed tonight. Call me tomorrow and tell me       you feel.”
The next day Mrs. Green      , “Doctor, I had the first       night’s sleep in two months night.       is in this pills?” The doctor said, “It’s an old formula (配方) I have       for years. Just keep on taking them for a week.” Turning to the nurse, he said, “It’s       what a little baking soda (苏打) can do!”
A.healthy B.well C.sickD.pleasant
A.doctor B.physician C.nurse D.surgeon
A.exist B.doesn’t exist C.does existD.never exist
A.neitherB.whether C.either D.no matter
A.was uncapable B.was able to C.could D.was unable to
A.uneasy B.unsuccessful C.trouble D.simple
A.the more B.the worse C.the lessD.the better
A.for years B.since years C.years agoD.before long
A.thorough study B.careful examination C.clear check D.general examination
A.nothing seriousB.serious nothing C.seriously nothing D.nothing seriously
A.or B.instead C.andD.but
A.when B.since C.before D.after
A.what B.whether C.why D.how
A.wroteB.telephoned C.saidD.complained
A.bad B.terrible C.rightD.good
A.Whoever B.Whichever C.Whatever D.However
A.sold B.written C.used D.read
A.wonderfulB.terrible C.seriousD.curious


小题1:考查形容词辨析。A健康的;B健康的;C生病的,恶心的,厌烦的;D令人愉快的。If you think you are sick, you are      no matter what anyone else says.如果你认为你病了,无论别人说什么,你真的病了,故选C。
小题2:考查名词辨析。A医生;B内科医生;C护士;D外科医生。根据“if he tells that you are going to feel better, you probably will”可知,这是医生说的话,你要相信你的医生,故选A。
小题3:考查动词用法。A存在;B不存在;C确实存在;D从未存在。根据“and sometimes can be powerful”可知,心理作用确实存在,并且有时候很有作用,故选C。
小题4:考查否定词。A两者都不;B是否;C也;D无论。根据or not可知,应填whether,故选B。
小题5:考查情态动词。A不能(of);B能够;C可以;D不能。She      get to sleep at night and was too tired during the day她夜里不能入睡,而且白天太累,故选D。
小题6:考查形容词辨析。A焦虑的;B不成功的;C麻烦的;D简单的。too tired during the day to do some      things太累了以至于不能做一些简单的事情,故选D。
小题7:考查比较级。A更多;B更糟糕;C更少;D更好。The more she thought about conditions,      she felt.她思考得越多,情况就会变得越糟,故选B。
小题8:考查时间状语。A许多年;B不搭配;C多年以前;D不久之后。whom she had known      .她认识那个医生很多年了,for+一段时间,与现在完成时连用,故选A。
小题9:考查。A彻底研究;B仔细检查(身体);C明确的检查;D通用检测题。The doctor listened to her and gave her a very      .医生听了她的描述并做了详细检查,故选B。
小题11:考查并列连词。A或者,否则;B代替;C和;D但是。There is      wrong with you physically,      I accept the fact that you don’t feel well.你的身体没有大问题,但是我接受你不舒服这一事实。前后是转折关系,故选D。
小题12:考查名词辨析。A建议;B药片;C建议;D饮料。根据下一段“    is in this pills?”可知,医生给她开了一些药,故选B。
小题13:考查动词辨析。A服用(药);B吃(饭);C使用;D喝。I want you to      one after dinner我想让你饭后吃一粒,故选A。
小题14:考查从句连接词。A当,何时,既然;B自从;C在......之前;D在......之后。and one half an hour      going to bed tonight晚上睡前再吃一粒,故选C。
小题15:考查从句连接词。A什么;B是否;C为什么;D怎样。tell me      you feel告诉我你感觉怎样,故选D。
小题16:考查动词辨析。A写;B打电话;C说;D抱怨。根据上一段“Call me tomorrow”可知,她第二天打来了电话,故选B。
小题17:考查形容词辨析。A坏的;B糟糕的;C正确的;D好的。I had the first      night’s sleep in two months night.我两个月以来第一次睡了一个好觉,故选D。
小题18:考查引导词。A无论是谁;B无论哪一个;C无论什么;D无论怎样。     is in this pills?这药里放了什么?句子缺少主语,故选C。
小题19:考查动词辨析。A出售;B写;C使用;D阅读,显示。It’s an old formula (配方) I have      for years.这是我用了很多年的老方子,故选C。
小题20:考查形容词辨析。A精彩的;B糟糕的;C严重的;D好奇的。It’s      what a little baking soda (苏打) can do!没想到一点苏打粉会这么管用!故选A。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My mind went blank when I saw the gun pointing against the car window as we pulled out of the garage. This can't be happening to me. Then I felt the gun, cold, against my head, and I heard my friend Jeremy saying,“What do you want? Take my wallet,” but at the time I thought of nothing.
I remember being a little annoyed when the gunman pulled me from the car by the hair. I remember the walk to the house—Jeremy, me, the two men with two guns. I remember the fear and anger in the gunmen's voices because Jeremy was being slow, and I remember wondering why he was being slow. I did not realize that Jeremy had thrown the keys into the bush. But I remember that sound of the gun hitting Jeremy's head and the feeling as the man who had hold of my hair released me. And I remember the split second when I realized he was looking at Jeremy,and I remember wondering how far I could run before he pulled the trigger. But I was already running, and upon reaching the car across the street, I didn't crouch (蹲伏) behind it but screamed instead.
I remember thinking there was something ridiculous and illogical about screaming “Help, help!” at eight o'clock on a Tuesday evening in December and changing my plea(恳求) to the  more specific “Help, let me in, please let me in!” But the houses were cold, closed, unfriendly, and I ran on until I heard Jeremy's screams behind me announcing that our attackers had fled.
The neighbors who had not opened their doors to us came out with baseball bats and helped Jeremy find his glasses and keys. In a group they were very brave. We waited for the police to  come until someone said to someone else that the noodles were getting cold, and I said politely,“Please go and eat. We're OK.”
I was happy to see them go. They had been talking of stricter sentences for criminals, of  bringing back the death penalty(处罚) and how the President is going to clean up the country. I  was thinking, they could be saying all of this over my dead body, and I still feel that stiffer  sentences wouldn't change a thing. In a rush all the anger I should have felt for my attackers was  directed against these contented people standing in front of their warm, comfortable homes  talking about all the guns they were going to buy. What good would guns have been to Jeremy  and me?
People all over the neighborhood had called to report our screams, and the police turned out  in force twenty minutes later. They were ill­tempered about what was, to them, much trouble  about nothing.  After all, Jeremy was hardly hurt, and we were hopeless when it came to  describing the gunmen. “Typical,” said one policeman when we couldn't even agree on how tall  the men were.  Both of us were able to describe the guns in horrifying detail, but the two  policemen who stayed to make the report didn't think that would be much help.
The policemen were matter­of­fact about the whole thing. The thin one said,“That was a  stupid thing to do, throwing away the keys. When a man has a gun against your head you do  what you're told.” Jeremy looked properly embarrassed.
Then the fat policeman came up and the thin one went to look around the outside of the  house. “That was the best thing you could have done, throwing away the keys,” he said. “If you  had gone into the house with them...” His voice became weaker. “They would have hurt her” ——he twisted his head toward me——“and killed you both.” Jeremy looked happier. “Look,” said the fat policeman kindly, “ there's no right or wrong in the situation. There's just luck.”
All that sleepless night I replayed the moment those black gloves came up to the car  window. How long did the whole thing last? Three minutes, five, eight? No matter how many  hours of my life I may spend reliving it, I know there is no way to prepare for the next time—no  intelligent response to a gun. The fat cop was right. There's only luck. The next time I might end up dead.
And I’m sure there will be a next time.  It can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone.Security is an illusion(幻觉); there is no safety in locks or in guns. Guns make some people feel safe and some people feel strong, but they're fooling themselves.
小题1:When the writer saw the gun pointing against the car window,________.
A.she felt very annoyed
B.she lost consciousness
C.she felt very much nervous
D.she lost the power of thinking
小题2:What most possibly drove the two gunmen away?
A.Jeremy's fighting.
B.The author's screaming.
C.Their neighbour's brave action.
D.The police's arrival.
小题3:When the author called for help, the neighbors didn't come out immediately because________.
A.they were much too frightened
B.they were busy preparing dinners
C.they needed time to find baseball bats
D.they thought someone was playing a trick
小题4:What the author wants to tell us is that________.
A.neighbors are not helpful in moments of difficulty
B.the police are not reliable when one is in trouble
C.security is impossible as long as people can have guns
D.preventing robbers entering your house is the best choice


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Helen Thomas, the pioneering White House reporter known for putting presidents on the hot seat, died at 92.
To those who regularly watch presidential press conferences, Helen Thomas is a familiar figure.Usually dressed in red and always seated in the front row, she is always the first or second reporter the president calls upon.It is an honor she has earned.Besides, it affords her the perfect opportunity to do what she does best - challenge the president and other public officials to tell the plain truth.She said, "We reporters' priority(首要事情) is the people's right to know - without fear or favor.We are the people's servants."
Helen Thomas was born in Kentucky in 1920.All the nine Thomas children were brought up to value education, and all were expected to make something of themselves through working hard.She made up her mind while still in high school to become a reporter after writing for the student newspaper.After receiving her bachelor's degree in 1942, Thomas headed straight for Washington, D.C.in search of a newspaper job.Before long, she landed one at Washington Daily News.Her duty included fetching coffee and doughnuts for the paper's reporters and editors.The eager young woman found the atmosphere exciting and was convinced she had made the right career choice.
Her big break came when she was sent to Florida to report on the vacation of President-elect John F.Kennedy and his family.Once President Kennedy took office, Thomas changed her focus from the president's family to his policies.She began attending the daily press briefings at the White House as well as presidential press conferences.Thomas has covered every president since Kennedy.Over the years, Thomas found her job "thrilling and inspiring," but never boring.And she took very seriously her duty to "keep an eye on the president" and keep American people informed.
小题1:What can we learn about Helen Thomas from the passage?
A.Her career took off after covering the Kennedys.
B.Her first job was to deliver doughnuts to a news agency.
C.She was born to a large family in Kentucky in 1942.
D.She decided to be a reporter while in college.
小题2:Paragraph 3 is written to show Helen Thomas
A.is a good decision maker for her career
B.appreciates education and hard work
C.wants to be famous by writing reports
D.has great support from her family
小题3:What does Helen Thomas think other work?
小题4:What can be the best title for the text?
A.A reporter sticking to the facts.
B.A reporter challenging President Kennedy.
C.A reporter from an ordinary family.
D.A reporter for Washington Daily News.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

It was the last day of July and the long hot summer was drawing to a close As for me.1 was out of spirits,and,if the truth must be told, out of money as well,During the past year I had not managed my finances as carefully as usual;and 1 was now limited to spending the autumn economically between my mother’s cottage at Hampstead and my own in town.
My father had been dead for some years,and my sister and 1 were the sole survivors of a family of five children. My father was a drawing-master before me He had been highly successful in his profession and my mother and sister were left economically independent after his death.
The view of London below me had sunk into the black shadow of the cloudy night, when I stood before the gate of my mother’s cottage I had hardly rung the bell.When the house door was opened violently.My worthy Italian friend,Professor Pesca,appeared in the servant’s place,and rushed out joyously to receive me.
I had first become acquainted(熟悉)with my Italian friend at certain great houses,where he taught Italian and I taught drawing What I then knew of the history of his life was that he had left Italy for political reasons and that he had been respectably established for many years in London as a teacher of languages It once happened that I saved him from certain death by drowning while we
were swimming in the sea at Brighton Afterwards he overwhelmed(淹没)me with the wildest expressions of affection and exclaimed passionately, that he would hold his life at my disposal from then on, and declared that he should never be happy again until he had had the opportunity of proving his gratitude.Little did I think that the occasion to serve me was soon to come.
Pesca dragged me in by both hands into the parlor, where my mother sat by the open window, laughing and fanning herself.Pesca was one of her especial favorites,and his wildest strange acts were always pardonable in her eyes.
“Now, my good dears.”began Pesca.“listen to me The time has come I recite my good news.I speak at last…'Hear, hear!”said my mother, humoring the joke“I go back into my life,and I address myself to the noblest of men,who found me dead at the bottom of the sea,and who pulled me up to the top. What did I say when l got into my own life and my own clothes again? I said that my life belonged to my dear friend,Walter, for the rest of my days Now,”cried the enthusiastic little mall at the top of his voice.“happiness bursts out of me at every pore of my skin.For I have found a job for you”
小题1:The first two paragraphs of the passage serve as an introduction to——
A.the financial situation the writer then faced
B.the season that the story was set in
C.the family members of the writer
D.the successful profession of the writer’s father
小题2:The underlined word‘‘sole’’in the second paragraph probably means‘‘         
A.mainB.onlyC.lucky D.possible
小题3:It can be learned from the passage that Pesca            
A.used to be a politician
B.was a successful drawing-master
C.was quite close to the mother
D.wanted to give the writer some money in return
小题4:According to the last paragraph,Pesca was more than happy because                  
A.he went back into his life
B.he met his dear friend again
C.his friend ever saved his life
D.he had done something good for his friend


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I have been applying, interviewing, etc since July with no prospects(前景). I have been told mostly that I am overqualified, or they need fulltime etc. I had been getting pretty down and discouraged. I was actually asking myself why can’t someone be kind enough to take me on as an       .
This past Tuesday evening it was       outside and going to be 9 pm as I was waiting at a bus stop. Just as the bus      a young woman approached me. She had a T-shirt, Capri pants, and slippers on. She also was wearing several hospital bracelets.
I       my purse and took out $5.00 so she could get something to eat. I then took off my jacket and       and gave them to her. I said, “These are a little big but they should keep       warm.” She looked at me and said “Aren’t you going to be cold?” I told her my being cold for 15 minutes      I got to my place was worth it if I knew she would be a little warmer. She sobbed and thanked me with a hug. I just told her to       .
Then after I got on the bus that’s       the miracle of spreading       happened. I stepped up to pay the       and the bus driver said, “Mam, I saw what you just did and your fare is       me, even though technically we aren’t supposed to let you get on the bus without shoes.” he said with a wink.
A lady who was dressed in a very      business suit called me over to her seat. She said, “I want to know the        of the person who just did the most       thing I have ever seen.” I told her my name and she said , “What can I do for you to       what I just witnessed?” I       said a paying job would be nice.
The next day she called me and said that she had a       administrative assistant position       in her company and wanted me to meet with the manager. It        that the lady was the head Human Resources person.
I start Monday morning at 9am! Thank you all for inspiring me to keep passing the kindness on! I never expected to get so much back in return!
A.burning hotB.pouringC.snowingD.freezing cold
A.pulled upB.picked upC.broke downD.dropped off
A.brought out B.cut inC.dug inD.reached
A.glovesB.sweaterC.blouseD.tennis shoes
A.her B.himC.youD.me
A.pass it onB.go aheadC.cheer upD.come on
A.job B.addressC.religionD.name
A.part-timeB.tough C.simpleD.novel
A.came aboutB.occurred to meC.turned outD.worked out


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There’s a guy like me in every state and federal prison in America,I guess—I’m the guy who can get these for you:cigarettes,a bag of cigar,if you want that,a bottle of wine to celebrate your son or daughter’s high school graduation,or almost anything else...within reason,that is.It wasn’t always that way.
I came to Shawshank when I was just twenty,and I am one of the few people in the prison who is willing to admit what he did.I committed murder.I put a large insurance policy on my wife,who was three years older than 1 was,and then I fixed the brakes of the car her father had given us as a wedding present.It worked out exactly as I had planned,except I hadn’t planned on her stopping to pick up the neighbour woman and the woman’s son on the way down Castle Hill and into town.The brakes let go and the car crashed through the bushes,gathering speed.Bystanders said it must have been doing fifty or better when it hit the base of the Civil War statue in the town arid burst into flames.
I also hadn’t planned on getting caught,but caught 1 was.I got a pass into this place.My state has no death penalty(死刑),but I was tried for all three deaths and given three life sentences,to run one after the other.That fixed up any chance of parole(假释)I might have,for a long,long time.The judge called what I had done‘an extremely evil crime’, and it was ,but it is also in the past now.
Have I transformed myself,you ask ?I don’t know what that word means,at least as far as prisons and corrections go.I think it’s a politician’s word.It may have some other meaning,and it may be that 1 will have a chance to find out,but that is the future...
I was young,good—looking,and from the poor side of town.I met a pretty,headstrong girl who lived in one of the fine old houses on Carbine Street.She got pregnant later.Her father was agreeable to the marriage if 1 would take a job in the company he owned and ‘work my way up’.I found out that what he really had in mind was keeping me in his house and under his thumb,like a disagreeable pet that has not quite been housebroken and which may bite.Enough hate eventually piled up to cause me to do what I did.
Given a second chance 1 would not do it again,but I'm not sure that means I am transformed.
小题1:What do we know about the man from the passage?
A.He is treated unfairly in the prison.
B.He is in charge of the federal prison.
C.He is quite an able person as a prisoner.
D.He is the most powerful man in the prison.
小题2:By saying that“I got a pass into this place”(in Para.3),the man means that________.
A.he has got to stay in prison
B.he was allowed to go home
C.he was caught by the police without a pass
D.he has stayed in the federal prison before
小题3:The man committed such an evil crime because__________.
A.he had made a secret deal with an insurance company
B.he had been angry for a long time with his father—in—law
C.his wife’s family members had disapproved of their marriage
D.his wife had looked on him as a pet and he didn’t feel respected
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE about the man?
A.He regrets having committed the crime.
B.He will be out of prison in the near future.
C.He thinks the trial a mistake and is unfair.
D.He has found out the


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One day newly wedded Nancy lost her ring while helping to plant potatoes. Friends were called and the field was searched long but in vain. Later, when the potatoes were harvested, Everyone looked out for the ring but it remained lost. Another year came round and all the farmers working in the field kept their eyes open. The following year was the same. And year after year, whoever had business in the field always had Nancy’s ring in his mind.
Then the farm changed hands but it went no farther than to cousins. So the memory of the lost ring remained alive until thirty-eight years had passed. Then came a spring day when a man was ploughing the field behind a pair of horses. Even after thirty-eight years he still looked out for the ring, and knew just which part of the field Nancy had lost it in. At this time, when he came there, he found it .He picked it up, put it carefully into his pocket, left his horse, and ran all the way down to the village and placed it into Nancy’s hand.
小题1:The underlined word “in vain”  in the 1st   paragraph  most probably means “_______”.
A.suggested .B.returned no resultC.insistedD.decided
小题2:How did Nancy come to lose her ring?
A.She lost it while helping to harvest tomatoes in the field
B.She lost it while watering the plants in the field.
C.She lost it while working in the field.
D.She lost it while helping to plant potatoes in the field.
小题3:What did the ploughman do after finding the ring?
A.He picked it up and put it in his pocket.
B.He ran back to tell everybody in the village.
C.He placed it in a secret spot.
D.He returned it to the owner.
小题4:What can you infer from the story?
A.The ring was invaluable.
B.People on the farm were honest and helpful.
C.The ring’s mysterious disappearance was the work of supernatural power.
D.Nancy no longer expected that her ring would be found again.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

To celebrate the end of our exams, my friends and I went to a fast food restaurant. We ____ hamburgers and Coca Cola at the counter. When our ____ came, I started walking towards an empty table. By bad luck, my purse strap(带子) got ____ on a chair and the tray(托盘) that I was holding slipped ____ my hands and went flying in the air. The tray, and its contents, ____ on a man who was just about to ____ a bite of his sandwich. I stared, greatly ____, as the drinks soaked(浸湿) his white shirt.
Then I ____ my eyes and prepared myself for his burst of ____. Instead, he said “It's OK” to ____ me before he disappeared into the washroom.
Still shaky and unsure ____ to do next, my friends and I went to a table and sat there, trying our best to look ____. A moment later, the man came out of the washroom and ____ our table. My heart almost stopped ____. I thought he was going to ask for my father's ____ and call him.
To my surprise, he merely smiled at us, handed us some cash and said, “____ yourself new hamburgers.” He then walked ____ without even finishing his food.
He could have made what was already an uncomfortable situation worse, ____ he chose a different way and gave us a reason to believe that there is still ____ in this world. I'll never ____ his actions.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

The power of encouragement is great. You may draw some inspiration from the following story.
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, a famous 19th-century poet and artist, was once ______ by an elderly man. The old man had some sketches (素描) and drawings that he ______ Rossetti to look at and tell him if they were any good, or if they at least showed_____ talent.
Rossetti looked them____carefully. After the first few, he knew that they were worthless, showing not the least ____of artistic talent. But Rossetti was a_____ man, and he told the elderly man as gently as possible that the pictures were of little ______ and showed little talent. He was sorry, but he could not ____ to the man.
The visitor was ____, but seemed to expect Rossetti’s ____. He then apologized for ______ Rossetti’s time, but would he just ____a few more drawings—these done by a(n) ____ art student? Rossetti looked over the____ batch (一批) of sketches and immediately became enthusiastic over the talent they_____. “These,” he said, “oh, these are good. This young student has great talent. He should be given every____and encouragement in his career as an artist. He has a____future if he will work and stick to it.” 
Rossetti could see that the old man was ______ moved. “Who is this fine young artist?” he asked. “Your son?” “No.” said the old man sadly. “It was I who painted the pictures 40 years ago. ____ I had heard your praise then! For you see, I got discouraged and___ drawing—too soon.”
A.taking upB.turning upC.making upD.looking up
A.aim atB.glare atC.look atD.stare at
A.If onlyB.Only ifC.Now thatD.As long as
A.insisted onB.gave upC.headed toD.led to

