精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
The sun was just coming up when I headed out to work last May at 6 a.m. Not quite dark but dark enough to need my headlights. I turned onto one of the lonely rural country roads.
Maybe it was because I was listening to the radio, maybe it was because I was already thinking about some projects at work, that I didn’t spot the dark object on the road until I was too late. I ran over it and felt the back left tire pull, and then sink. I stopped and got out of the car.
No mystery here---- my back left tyre was cut like a loaf of bread. Back 50 yards was a piece of sharp iron I had run over. I had never changed a tyre. I looked up the road. Not a car in either direction. The nearest service station was miles away. I threw up my hands. Then I remembered---- my cell phone! I powered it up before realizing, I didn’t know who to call.
Wouldn’t you know it, I spotted a car coming from the opposite direction. The driver slowed as he approached. I guessed he could see I was in trouble. He stopped his car, got out and immediately saw the trouble. “Madam, would you like me to change that tyre for you?” he asked. The man couldn’t have been more friendly. I was frightened out there and he put me completely at ease. “There,” he said, after putting on the spare, “you are all set to go.”
“Good thing for me that you were driving this way,” I told him, as I climbed back into my car.
“Funny you should say that,” he said. “Just like you, I was heading to work, but my job is in the opposite direction. I made a wrong turn at some point. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
小题1:The writer didn’t notice the object on the road because ______.
A.it was rather dark thenB.she didn’t use her headlights
C.there was much trafficD.she was careless when driving
小题2:From Paragraph 4 we learn that______.
A.the writer felt quite anxious
B.no one would like to help the writer
C.the writer was a new driver
D.the cell phone should be powered up
小题3:What did the man do when he saw the writer?
A.He stopped and laughed at her.
B.He walked over to frighten her.
C.He helped her without hesitation.
D.He drove away in the opposite direction.
小题4:The end of the story tells us that the man ______.
A.went a wrong wayB.felt the writer funny
C.didn’t know what he was doing D.come specially to help the writer


小题1:D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段maybe it was because I was already thinking about some projects at work, but I didn't spot the dark object on the road until it was too late可知作者开车时自己粗心。故D正确。
小题2:A细节理解题。根据文中The man couldn’t have been more friendly. I was frightened out there and he put me completely at ease.可知作者当时很焦虑。故A正确。
小题3:C细节理解题。根据文章第四段He stopped his car, got out and immediately saw the trouble.可以知道该男子帮助她是毫不犹豫。 故C正确。
小题4:A 推理题。根据文章最后一段男子的话Just like you, I was heading to work, but my job is in the opposite direction. I made a wrong turn at some point.可以推断出该男子走错了路。故A正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Ever so long ago ,two young men , Edmund and Oswald, appeared in court. 
Edmund said to the       : “I gave Oswald , who I       was my best friend, a costly gold ring and I asked him to       it till I returned home. Now he says that he knows      about it .”
      his hand on his heart , Oswald said : “I swear I know nothing about the      . I am afraid that Edmund has been       in his mental powers since he      .”
The judge said : “ Edmund, were there any witnesses who could     that you gave the ring to Oswald ?”
Edmund replied : “45 in the field where we were at the time there was nobody. We were talking beneath an old oak tree and there we were       .”
Oswald said : “ I know as little of the oak tree as I do of the ring .”
The judge said : “ Edmund , go to that     again and bring back a branch of that oak tree. Oswald ,you wait here in the meantime,      Edmund comes back .”
So Edmund left. After some time the judge said  to Oswald: “How is it that Edmund is taking so long to      ? Go to the window and see if you can see him returning      the road.”
Oswald said : “Oh , my Lord , he wouldn’t have even       the tree yet ----the tree is over an hour’s walk from here.”
When the judge heard this ,he was very      .
“You were telling a       !You know as much about the tree as you do about the ring. For the       year while you are in prison you will have time to think about the      of always telling the truth .”
A.went onB.went alongC.went byD.went away
小题12:A. court         B. field         C. prison          D. farm


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

You have to log on to your school's online system to check your grades, but you find the system is kind of inconvenient.What do you do?
When Daniel Brooks was a senior at Pioneer High School in the US, he came up with a Silicon Valley-style solution; he developed an iPhone app(application, 应用程序)I C Connector.
When he tried out his school's new Web-based student information system earlier this year, he immediately noticed some shortcomings.He could no longer view his current grades for all his classes at once.Checking several classes required several clicks-which for a teenager is so much work.To save himself all this trouble, Brooks developed the app and sold it on the Apple app store.Now it has 2,300 users who have downloaded it across the US.
"It ended up on every iPhone and iPad and portable device that any student and teacher had on campus," said Scott Peterson, the campus tech support worker at Pioneer High.
Brooks said he didn't create the app to get rich - it is free."A student is not going to want to pay 99 cents," Brooks said."They just want to see their grades more easily."
However, in the months that followed, Brooks experienced highs and lows.His app is now so successful that users want more, in particular, his teachers have started pushing him to develop a version for them.However, the company Infinite Campus, which developed the information system, has been less positive.
The company said in an e-mail that he was confusing users and violating the company's copyright by using Infinite Campus' name and logo in the app’s name.Brooks' father, Michael Brooks, has offered to change the name, but says he needs time to get Apple's approval.Daniel also e-mailed and called Infinite Campus.They got no response.
Daniel Brooks starts at a California university this autumn.Despite Infinite Campus' attitude, he continues to try to improve the app and hopes to put out an Android version soon.
小题1:Why did Daniel Brooks develop an iPhone app IC Connector? (No more than 8 words)
小题2:What is Brooks' teachers' attitude towards the app he developed? (No more than 14 words)
小题3:What does Paragraph 7 talk about between Infinite Campus and Brooks? (No more than 7 words)
小题4:What does Brooks’ aim to do now? (No more than 10 words)
小题5:Use one word to describe Brooks.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

An Invisible Smile
Mr. Dawson was an old grouch, and everyone in town knew it. Kids knew not to go into his yard to pick a delicious apple. Old Dawson, they said, would come after you with his gun.
One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was going to stay all night with her friend Amy. They had to walk by Dawson's house on the way to Amy's house, but as they got close, Janet saw him sitting on his front porch and suggested they cross over to the other side of the street. Like most of the children, Janet was scared of the old man.
Amy said not to worry. Mr. Dawson wouldn't hurt anyone. Still, Janet was growing more nervous with each step closer to the old man's house. When they got close enough, Dawson looked up with his usual frown (皱眉), but when he saw it was Amy, a broad smile changed his entire face as he said, "Hello Miss Amy. I see you've got a little friend with you today."
Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and they were going to listen to music and play games. Mr. Dawson said that sounded fun, and offered them each a fresh picked apple off his tree. They gladly accepted. Mr. Dawson had the best apples in the whole town.
When they left, Janet asked Amy, "Everyone says he's the meanest man in town. How come he was so nice to us?"
Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house he wasn't very friendly and she was afraid of him, but she pretended he was wearing an invisible smile and so she always smiled back at him. It took a while, but one day he half-smiled back at her.
After some more time, he started smiling real smiles and then started talking to her. Just a "hello" at first, then more. She said he always offers her an apple now, and is always very kind.
"An invisible smile?" questioned Janet.
"Yes," answered Amy, "my grandma told me that if I pretended I wasn't afraid and pretended he was smiling an invisible smile at me and I smiled back at him, sooner or later he would really smile. Grandma says smiles are contagious."
If we remember what Amy's grandma said, that everyone wears an invisible smile, we too will find that We're always on the go trying to accomplish so much, aren't we? It's so easy to get caught up in everyday life that we forget how simple it can be to bring cheer to ourselves and others. Giving a smile away takes so little effort and time, let's make sure that we're not the one that others have to pretend to be wearing an invisible smile.
小题1:Kids were scared of Mr. Dawson because _____.
A.he was wearing an invisible smile
B.he would fire them with a gun
C.he was mean with his apples
D.he was always very cold
小题2:We can infer from the passage that_____.
A.Janet was so lovely a girl that Mr. Dawson couldn't resist her smiles
B.Janet and Amy were going to invite Mr. Dawson to listen to music and play games
C.Mr. Dawson was friendly to Amy because she always wore an invisible smile
D.it was Grandma's advice that helped bring Amy and Mr. Dawson closer
小题3:The underlined word "contagious" in Paragraph 9 means _____.
小题4:What is the main message that the writer intends to send us readers?
A.Always wear an invisible smile.
B.Smile whenever we can.
C.Try our best to transform others.
D.Pretend that we are happy even if we are not.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Jasmine Harman,a famous TV presenter, was sunny and active. Nothing seemed to       her down. But nearly a decade on, Jasmine spent the first years of her TV life      a secret about her background—one she couldn’t      to be made public.
“When I started out in TV, I lived in fear of someone discovering about my      ,” she admitted. Because her mother had a       illness called hoarding Disorder(囤积症). “Mum would keep     batteries, old speakers, broken dolls and baskets she       in the street. Nothing would be thrown away. And she’d be       if you ever tried to clear them up,” Jasmine recalled. Eventually, the entire family couldn’t have a       life.
Two years ago, Jasmine did something      . She made a documentary called My Hoarder Mum and Me about her family’s battle to fight against her mum’s disease. “I do      our program will shine more light on the issue,” said Jasmine. Then a second program, Britain’s Biggest Hoarders      
Luckily, there are diagnostic criteria(诊断标准)now and experts that can help. Jasmine has become a(an)       herself in a way. She runs a website to help sufferers and their      . “It’s incredible. I spent most of my childhood being ashamed, but now I’d like to make it      . People like my mum need help, but not to be made to feel      .”
“We hadn’t been able to have Christmas dinner at Mum’s for      , because you couldn’t get people into the house      . But we had one last year, and it was amazing,” Jasmine said. “The       still isn’t perfect, and Mum isn’t perfect either. She’s still       with it. But I’m so proud that she’s come this far, and I want to tell other people it’s possible.”
A.put awayB.made outC.picked upD.dug out
A.ended upB.broke downC.kept awayD.came out


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

[1]Although known as an extraordinarily successful businessman, Warren Buffet comes off as a pretty ordinary person.
[2]Looking back on his childhood, one can see how serious he was about making money. Buffet used to go door-to-door and sell soda pop. Later, he also worked at his grandfather’s grocery store. At the ripe age of 11, Buffet bought his first stock(股票). When his family moved to Washington D.C., Buffet became a paperboy for The Washington Post. While still in school, he was making $175 a month, a full-time wage for many young men.
[3]From the beginning, Buffet made his fortune from investing. He started with all the money that he had made from selling pop, delivering papers and so on. Between 1950 and l956, he grew his $9, 800 to $14, 000.From there, he organized investment partnerships with his family and friends, and then gradually drew in more people through very attractive terms.
[4]Buffet applied to Harvard Business School but         , making it to be one of the worst admission decisions in Harvard history. The outcome ended up affecting Buffet’s life deeply, for he ended up attending Columbia Business School, where he studied under Benjamin Graham, the father of securities analysis who provided the foundation for Buffet’s grand success.
[5]Buffet is a person of habit—same house, same office, same city. He doesn’t collect houses or cars or works of art, and he hates companies that waste money on such goods. Instead, he has established the Buffet Foundation, with a detailed plan on how to invest his money more wisely to society.
小题1:What kind of person is Buffet according to Paragraph 1? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:What does the writer intend to tell us in Paragraph 2? (no more than 10 words)
小题3:According to Paragraph 3, how did Buffet start his investment? (no more than 10 words)
小题4:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 3 words)
小题5:Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5.(no more than 10 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There was a Greek shopkeeper in a small corner shop in London. She taught me about the    of an act of kindness, which has motivated me to give.
On the day I went to that shop, I was     with a very high fever. I had been off work for days and I had       out of food. Because I had been working so hard since I had       to town, I also had no friends who could help.
So I went out to get some food.      , I would have gone to the supermarket, but on this      , I went into the Greek shop because it was closer. I      a few things, which revealed the    that I lived alone. Then I      them to the shopkeeper, who told me, “You are unwell.” I      rather shyly. She pointed at the things I was buying and     “I can make you a sandwich, so you don’t have to do it yourself.”
So, she made the sandwich and asked me to      a moment. She went in the back room and reappeared with a container of hot soup.” It will      you up,” she said with a smile.
What really warmed me up,       , was not the soup. It was her     that told me she cared. Her kindness made me feel cared for when I was particularly      .
And it      me. It made me want to be as      as the shopkeeper. I had been quite shy, but, from that day on, I did not let shyness prevent me from       random acts of kindness.
I was determined to       the joy… and I haven’t felt lonely since!
A.picked upB.took inC.gave offD.made out


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A wealthy man and his son loved to collect rare works of art. They had a large      , from Picasso to Van Gogh. They would often sit together and       the paintings of great artists. When the Vietnam conflict      , the son went to war.       he died in battle while rescuing another soldier. The father was in deep      .
A month later, a young man came with a large       in his hands. He said, “Sir, I am the soldier for whom your son       his life. He often talked about your love for      . So please accept it as a gift.” The father opened the package and saw a       of his son. The father was so drawn to the picture that his eyes welled up with tears.
A few months later, the wealthy man died. There was to be a great auction (拍卖) of his
    . Many people gathered,       over having an opportunity to       one painting. The auctioneer said, “We will start the bidding (竞拍) with this picture of the son. Who will bid for it?” There was      . Then a voice shouted, “We want to see the famous paintings. Just
     it.” “The son! Who’ll take the son?” the auctioneer continued.
Finally, a       came from the very back. It was the gardener of the old man. “I’m poor and can only       $10 for that.” The auctioneer asked the crowd to bid more.      , they still kept silent. So he pounded the gavel (小锤). “SOLD for $10!” A man shouted, “Go on with the collection!” The auctioneer said, “I’m sorry, the auction is      . According to       will, only the picture of the son would be auctioned. Whoever bought that picture would be     with all of the possessions, including the paintings.”
A.broke awayB.broke upC.broke outD.broke off
A.disappointedB.excitedC.puzzled D.stressed
A.ignoreB.defeatC.divide D.tolerate
A.the gardener’sB.the son’sC.the young man’sD.the old man’s


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I just finished the household chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed, when I heard a noise in the front of the house. I opened the door to the front room and to my surprise, Santa himself stepped out from behind the Christmas tree.
He placed his finger over his mouth so I would not cry out. “What are you doing?” I started to ask. The words choked up in my throat, and I saw he had tears in his eyes. His usual jolly manner was gone. Gone was the eager, boisterous soul we all know.
He then answered me with a simple statement“TEACH THE CHILDREN!”
I was puzzled; what did he mean?
Santa then reached in his bag and pulled out a FIR(杉木) TREE .“Teach the children that the pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year round,describing the everlasting hope of mankind,all the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts turning toward heaven.”
He again reached into his bag and pulled out a brilliant STAR. “Teach the children that the star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a savior(救世主) for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of his promise.”
He then reached into his bag and pulled out a CANDLE. “Teach the children that the candle symbolizes that Christ is the light of the world, and when we see this great light we are reminded of he who displaces(取代) the darkness.”
Suddenly I heard a soft twinkling sound, and from his bag he pulled out a BELL. “Teach the children that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should ring mankind to the fold. The bell symbolizes guidance and return.”
Santa looked back and was pleased. I saw that the twinkle was back in his eyes. He said, “Remember, teach the children the true meaning of Christmas and do not put me in the center, for I am but an humble servant of the one that is, and I bow down to worship HIM, our LORD, our GOD.”
小题1:Author opened the door when he was going to sleep because________.
A.he heard something unusual
B.he was not sleeping at the moment
C.he saw the Santa at the moment
D.he wanted to step out of the room
小题2:According to Santa, the star was ________.
A.a symbol of man's thoughts turning towards heaven
B.the sigh of fulfillment of the Santa's promise
C.the symbol of the light of the world
D.the sound of the bell which ring mankind to the fold
小题3:What does the underlined word “twinkle” refer to?

