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9.Healthy self-esteem is like a child's armor against the challenges of the world.Kids who know their strengths and weaknesses and feel good about themselves seem to have a(n)(51)Ctime handling conflicts and(52)Anegative pressures.They tend to smile more readily and enjoy life.These kids are realistic and generally optimistic.In contrast,kids with low self-esteem can find challenges to be sources of major anxiety and(53)B.Those who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems.If given to self-critical thoughts such as"I'm no good"or"I can't do anything right,"they may become passive,(54)C,or depressed.Faced with a new challenge,their immediate response might be"I can't."
Self-esteem is(55)Cto self-worth (how much a person values himself or herself).This can change from day to day or from year to year,but (56)Aself-esteem tends to develop from infancy and keep going until we are adults.
Self-esteem also can be(57)Das feeling capable while also feeling loved.A child who is happy with a(n)(58)Cbut does not feel loved may(59)Bexperience low self-esteem.Likewise,a child who feels loved but is hesitant about his or her own abilities can also develop low self-esteem.Healthy self-esteem comes when a good(60)Bis maintained.
Patterns of self-esteem start very early in life.The concept of success following effort and (61)Dstarts early.Once people reach adulthood,it's harder to make changes to how they see and define themselves.So,it's wise to think about developing and (62)Aself-esteem during childhood.As kids try,fail,try again,fail again,and then finally succeed,they develop ideas about their own capabilities.At the same time,they're creating a self-concept(63)Cinteractions with other people.This is why parental (64)Dis key to helping kids form accurate,healthy self-perceptions.
Parents and caregivers can promote healthy self-esteem by showing encouragement and enjoyment in many areas.(65)Bfocusing on one specific area,for example,success on a spelling test,which can lead to kids feeling that they're only as valuable as their test scores.

63.A.exposed toB.composed ofC.based onD.applied for

分析 本文为科教类说明文;文中分析孩子高自尊的好处以及低自尊的弊端;虽然自尊每一天或每一年都会不同,但是"整体的自尊"从幼儿时期就开始发展;作者把自尊定义为"感觉到有能力,并且感到被关爱",并且强调只有在这两个方面平衡发展的情况下才能提高自尊;高的自尊要从小培养,否则一旦成年很难改变;作者提倡父母的参与,因为孩子对自己的认识是以与他人互动为基础.父母或看护人要从多方面促进孩子的自尊,而不能只关注某一方面.

解答 51.答案是C.本题考查形容词辨析;题干中隐含了短语have a/an…time doing sth;其中have a hard time doing表示"做…很艰难";have a good/an enjoyable time doing 表示"做…很开心";have an easy time doing 表示"做…很轻松";根据常识判断,并与下文中"Those who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems(那些自我感觉不好的孩子很难找到问题的解决方法)"相对照,说明自我感觉好的孩子在处理问题上"很轻松",故选C.
52.答案是A.本题考查动词辨析;resisting抵制;appreciating欣赏,感谢;supporting支持;concealing隐瞒;空格后的宾语为negative pressures(消极的压力);故选择A,表示"抵制消极的压力";
53.答案是B.本题考查名词辨析;puzzle困惑;frustration挫败; 失意;impression印象;ignorance无知,不知道;根据"Those who think poorly of themselves have a hard time finding solutions to problems(那些自我感觉不好的孩子很难找到问题的解决方法)"可推断,低自尊的孩子很难找到解决问题的方法,所以遇到挑战会感到焦虑和"挫败",故选B.
54.答案是C.本题考查形容词辨析;proven经过验证或证实的;grown成年的,成熟的;withdrawn沉默寡言的,离群的;mistaken错误的;由"I can't do anything right,"推断这些孩子对自己没有信心,所以变得"沉默寡言",故选C.
55.答案是C.本题考查形容词辨析;contrary相反的;senior高级的,年长的;similar相似的;familiar熟悉的;Self-esteem 表示"自尊",与self-worth表示"how much a person values himself or herself"的含义"相似",故选C.

57.答案是D.本题考查动词辨析;treat对待;evaluate 对…评价;consider考虑;define下定义;be defined as定义为,这里作者给"self-esteem"下定义,故选D.
58.答案是C.本题考查名词辨析;passion热情;cooperation合作;achievement成就;endurance 耐力;忍耐力;作者把self-esteem定义为"feeling capable while also feeling loved(感觉到有能力,并且感到被关爱)";这里作者认为了self-esteem的两个方面必须同时具备;感觉到有能力就是"能够取得成绩";这里作者分析"有成绩"但是"没有感受到被关爱"的情况,故选C.
59.答案是B.本题考查副词辨析;generally一般地;eventually 最终;immediately立刻;incredibly 令人难以置信地;由上文分析可知,这里作者认为了self-esteem的两个方面必须同时具备;因此判断,如果只是感觉到有能力但是没有感受到被关爱"最终"不能提高自尊,故选B.
60.答案是B.本题考查名词辨析;record记录;balance平衡;attitude 态度;pace 步伐,速度;通过上文的分析,作者得出结论,self-esteem的两个方面应该"保持平衡",即"maintain balance",故选B.
61.答案是D.本题考查名词辨析;enthusiasm 热情;preparation 准备;diligence勤奋;persistence  毅力;持之以恒;根据常识和逻辑判断,成功随着努力和持之以恒而来,故选择D.
62.答案是A.本题考查动词辨析;promoting 促进;提升;displaying展示;polishing 改善;exploring  探究;根据最后一段中的"Parents and caregivers can promote healthy self-esteem (父母和看护人可以促进自尊)"推测答案选择A.
63.答案是C.本题考查动词短语辨析;be exposed to 被暴露;体验;be composed of由…组成;be based on 以…为基础;be applied for  应用于;由下一句中"This is why parental involvement is key to helping kids form accurate,healthy self-perceptions.(这就是为什么父母的参与是帮助孩子形成准确的健康的自我认识的关键)"推断孩子的自我认识以与他人(特别是父母)的互动为基础,故选择C.
64.答案是D.本题考查名词辨析;investment 投资;implement实施,使生效;punishment 惩罚;involvement 参与;牵连;由上文可知,作者认为孩子的自我认识是以互动为基础,所以父母要"参与"与孩子的互动,故选D.
65.答案是B.本题考查动词辨析;Escape 逃跑;Avoid 避免;Deny 否认;Excuse 原谅;由上文"showing encouragement and enjoyment in many areas在多个领域给予鼓励和表达开心"推断要"避免"指关注一个特定的领域,故选B.

点评 答题前一定要通读全文,了解大意;答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的逻辑关系,识别词义;对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一篇文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Reading ability is important in language study,but of at least _______ importance is speaking ability.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Doctors ______ the fat woman not to eat so much junk food,but she just couldn't give it up.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.A man and his friend were walking through the desert.During the trip they had a quarrel,and the man hit his friend in(76)the face.His friend was hurt,but(77)withoutsaying anything,he wrote in the sand,"Today my best friend hit me."
They kept on(78)walking(walk) until they found a lake,where they decided(79)to take(take) a bath.The man's friend fell into the lake and was in a (80)dangerous(danger) situation,but the man saved him(18)immediately(immediate).After he came back to life,he wrote on a(82)stone,"Today my best friend saved my life."
The man(83)whohad hit and saved his best friend asked,"When I hurt you,you wrote in the sand and now,you wrote on a stone.Why?"His friend(84)replied(reply),"When someone hurts us,we should write it down in sand,where wind can blow it away.However,when someone does something good for(85)us (we),we must write it down in stone,where it can last for ever."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.British society is considered to be divided into three main groups of classes-the Upper Class,the Middle Class,and the Lower or Working Class.This is known as the Class system and it is important to know something about it if you want to understand British people and society.Most British people grow up with a deep knowledge and understanding of the class system even if they are not very conscious(意识到)of it.Most people know which class they belong to by the way they speak,their clothes,their interests or even the type of food they eat.
Social class is not only about behavior and attitudes.For example,although many upper class people are rich and may own a lot of land,having a lot of money does not make a person upper class.It is also important to come from a particular kind of family,have friends who are considered suitable,have been to a certain type of private school and speak with the right kind of accent.There are people who are poor but who do not think of themselves as working class,because their family background,education,political opinions,etc.are different from those of most working-class people.Many people do not like the class system but it is impossible to pretend that these differences do not exist or that British people do not sometimes form opinions in this way.
63.According to the passage,you cannot judge an Englishman's social class byC.
A.the clothes he wears                
B.the way he speaks
C.where he was born                   
D.the interests he has
64.If an Englishman has much money,A.
A.he is not likely to be from the upper class
B.he must be a member of the upper class
C.he belongs to the middle class
D.he may buy an upper class title with the money
65.What does the second paragraph mainly discuss?B.
A.Many rich people do not belong to the upper class
B.An Englishman's social class is determined by many factors(因素)
C.Many poor people do not consider themselves as lower class
D.Today many British people do not like the class system
66.According to the passage,the idea of the class system in BritainD.
A.exists only in the mind of foreigners      
B.is regarded as a long system
C.is now under severe attack               
D.is deeply rooted in the British people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Boys'schools are the perfect place to teach young men to express their emotions and involve them in activities such as art,dance and music.
Far from the traditional image of a culture of aggressive masculinity(男子气概),the absence of girls gives boys the chance to develop without pressure to be consistent to a stereotype(传统观念),a US study says.
Boys at single-sex schools were said to be more likely to get involved in cultural and artistic activities that helped develop their abilities to express their emotions,rather than feeling they had to obey the"boy code"of hiding their emotions to be a"real man".
The findings of the study are against the received wisdom that boys do better when taught alongside girls.
Tony Little,headmaster of Eton,warned that boys were being ignored by the British education system because it had become too focused on girls.He criticized teachers for failing to recognize that boys are actually more emotional than girls.
The research argued that boys often perform badly in mixed schools because they become discouraged when their female peers do better earlier in speaking and reading skills.
But in single-sex schools teachers can adjust lessons to boys'learning style,letting them move around the classroom and getting them to compete in teams to prevent boredom,wrote the study's author,Abigail James of the University of Virginia.
Teachers could encourage boys to enjoy reading and writing with"boy-focused"approaches such as themes and characters that appeal to them.Because boys generally have sharper vision,learn best through touch,and are physically more active,they need to be given"hands-on"lessons where they are allowed to walk around."Boys in mixed schools view classical music as feminine(女性的)and prefer the modem type in which violence and sexism are major themes."James wrote.
Single-sex education also made it less likely that boys would feel they had to give in to a stereotype that men should be"masterful and in charge"in relationships."In mixed schools boys feel pressed to act like men before they understand themselves well enough to know what that means."the study reported.
32.The author believes that a single-sex school wouldC.
A.force boys to hide their emotions to be"real men"
B.help to form masculine aggressiveness in boys
C.encourage boys to express their emotions more freely
D.naturally place emphasis on the traditional image of a man to boys
33.It is commonly believed that in a mixed school boysA.
A.perform ly better                  
B.grow up more healthily
C.behave more responsibly            
D.receive a better education
34.What does Tony Little say about the British education system?C
A.It fails more boys than girls academically.
B.It focuses more on mixed school education.
C.It fails to give boys the attention they need.
D.It places more pressure on boys than on girls.
35.According to Abigail James,one of the advantages of single-sex schools isD.
A.teaching can be designed to promote boys'team spirit
B.boys can focus on their lessons without being absent-minded
C.boys can choose to learn whatever they are interested in
D.teaching can be adapted to suit the characteristics of boys.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.We now think of chocolate as sweet,but once it was bitter.We think of it as a candy,but once it was a medicine.Today,chocolate can be a hot drink,a frozen dessert,or just a snack.Sometimes it's an ingredient(配料) in the main course of a meal.Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called"mole"and pour it over chicken.The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices like chili peppers.
Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree.The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys say"Ugh!"and run away.Workers must first dry and then roast the beans.This removes the bitter taste.
The word"chocolate"comes from a Mayan word.The Maya was an ancient people who once lived in Mexico.They valued the cacao tree.Some used the beans for money,while others crushed them to make a drink.
When the Spaniards came to Mexico in the sixteenth century,they started drinking cacao too.Because the drink was strong and bitter,they thought it was a medicine.No one had the idea of adding sugar.The Spaniards took some beans back to Europe and opened cafes.Wealthy people drank cacao and said it was good for the digestion(消化).
In the 1800s,the owner of a chocolate factory in England discovered that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao.It quickly became a cheap and popular drink.Soon afterwards,a factory made the first solid block of sweetened chocolate.Later on,another factory mixed milk and chocolate together.People liked the taste of milk chocolate even better.
Besides the chocolate candy bar,one of the most popular American snacks is the chocolate chip cookie.Favorite desserts are chocolate cream pie and,of course,an ice cream sundae with hot fudge sauce.
21.It wasDthat discovered sugar could remove the bitter taste of cacao.
A.The workers in a chocolate factory   
B.The Spaniards
D.The owner of a chocolate factory
22.According to the passage which of the following statements is true?D
A.Nobody had the idea of adding sugar until the sixteenth century.
B.The word"chocolate"comes from a Mexican word.
C.The beans taste so bitter that even the monkeys like them.
D.Workers must dry and roast the beans to remove the bitter taste.
23.The Spaniards think that cacao was a medicine becauseA
A.it was strong and bitter.
B.it was good for digestion.
C.it cured man's diseases.
D.it was a kind of drink for good health.
24.Which is the right time order of the events about chocolate?C
a.Chocolate became a cheap and popular drink in England.
b.A factory made the first solid block of sweetened chocolate.
c.The Spaniards started drinking cacao.
d.It was found that sugar removed the bitter taste of cacao.
e.A factory mixed milk and chocolate together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Modern computer technology has made online friendship possible.Online friends are people who have known each other through the Internet.Are online friendships as beneficial as face-to-face friendships?Can people form strong relationships online?
When you use social networking websites and chat rooms,you can easily find people with interests and hobbies similar to yours.Making friends on the Internet is especially good for shy people who feel uncomfortable in social situations.It's often easier to share thoughts and feelings online.What's more,online friends can make people feel less lonely and help them solve problems.
Although the Internet can encourage friendship,it has a major disadvantage.It's much easier for some people to deceive others because they are not face to face.Online friends only tell you what they want you to know.They sometimes exaggerate(夸大) their good qualities and hide the less positive ones,so you can't be sure of what they really like.
There are different answers to the second question.Researchers surveyed 2,000families in the US.The results showed that over 40% of participants(参与者) feel as strongly about their online friends as they do about their offline friends.Researchers also found that it's not unusual for online friends to become face-to-face friends.However,there are many people who believe that it's not possible for people to have deep relationships with online friends.
People continue to express different opinions about online friendship.However,most of them would agree that face-to-face friendship cannot be replaced by online friendship.As one life coach says,"A social networking site should only be the‘add on'in any relationship."
55.What is the second paragraph mainly about?D
A.Functions of friendship.
B.Signs of good online friends.
C.Ways to make online friends.
D.Advantages of online friendship.
56.The underlined word"deceive"in Para.3probably meansC.
57.In most people's opinion,online friendshipA.
A.won't take the place of face-to-face friendship
B.are as important as face-to-face friendships
C.are better than face-to-face friendships.
D.will become face-to-face friendships
58.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Dear Degree-doing International Students,
According to the University's regulations governing the Curriculums (课程) of General Education,the curriculum-choosing procedures (程序) are as follows:
All degree-doing international students are required to choose the curriculums related to Chinese Language and Culture.Refer to Item 3for different arrangements for undergraduate students (本科生),master and doctor students.
2.What curriculum to choose
You are required to choose two curriculums related to Chinese Language and Culture that suit your own level and program.The curriculum consists of Elementary Chinese,Intermediate (中级的)Chinese,and Chinese Culture (Taught in Chinese and English ).Please refer to Attachment 1for details.
3.How many credits
You are required to complete 6credits for each curriculum within a term.
4.When and How
A.Undergraduate students:you are required to complete the curriculum selection process (The system will be reopened next week) by 5:00p.m.on June 22,2013.About how to choose the courses,you can refer to Attachment 2 (It is in Chinese; turn to your Chinese friends or teachers for help if you cannot follow the procedures of the attachment) for the instructions.
B.Master and Doctor Students:you won't have to complete the curriculum selection until early September; please wait for further notice on the arrangement.
Your cooperation will be highly appreciated.
Attachment 1:Chinese Language & Culture for International Students
Attachment 2:Handbook for Curriculum Selection
School of International Education
Chongqing University
June 13,2013
55.This notice is mainly aboutA.
A.course selection               
B.how to study elective courses
C.regulations of learning Chinese   
D.Learning arrangements for elective courses
56.The courses which can be chosen don't includeB.
A.Chinese Culture          B.Advanced Chinese
C.Elementary Chinese       D.Intermediate Chinese
57.According to the arrangement,who must finish choosing curriculums in June?C
A.Doctor students            
B.Master students
C.Undergraduate students      
D.International students
58.You can learn the instructions in the course selection fromD.
A.your friends   B.your teachers    C.Attachment One      D.Attachment Two.

