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(2014·山西省六所重点中学模拟)—Believe it or not,my sister and I are twins.

—Oh,you must have had the case________you were taken for your sister.

A.which B.whose

C.where D.whom



【解析】考查定语从句。语意表示你肯定有过你被误认为是你姐姐的情况。where you were taken for your sister是定语从句,修饰先行词the case,表示的是抽象地点,where可用in which替换。

答案: C



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省石家庄市高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







I happen to meet some American tourists at the gate of the Summer Palace last week. I greeted them with English and then we began to chat. I got to know that they were college student traveling in China. Most of us were fond of Chinese medicine. They were busy taking pictures and were surprising at the changes had taken place in the past few years. After that, we went boat and had a good time. We were exchanged our e-mail addresses so that we could write to each other in the future. They thanked me again and again. I was gladly to have a chance to practice my oral English. What wonderful experience !



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省保定市高二5月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

First Lady Michelle Obama is a big fan of volunteering. Volunteering means working for free to help someone else. Mrs. Obama says volunteering is very important. “It should be part of everyone’s life,” she says.

Many teens agree. They say that helping others feels great and makes a difference. These days, more teens volunteer than work for pay. Teens clean up parks, walk dogs at animal shelters, visit the elderly and more.

Some cities ---- including Seattle, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. ----require high school students to volunteer. Students must volunteer in order to graduate. The student volunteers learn new skills and help their communities.

Many parents are in favor of the idea ---- they say volunteering helps teens build job skills. But most teens don’t want to be forced to volunteer. They say they are busy. And they say volunteering is only fun if it’s a choice.

Read both sides of the debate and decide.


Volunteering can help teens get into college or get a job.

Many cities and towns need help. Volunteers can help keep important programs going.

Not all teens will volunteer if it isn’t required. Schools should require students to do all they can to get ready for adult life.


Most teens are already very busy with classes, homework, jobs and sports. Forcing them to do more isn’t fair.

It should be up to each person. Helping out doesn’t feel as good if you have to do it.

Finding a volunteer job isn’t always easy. Students shouldn’t be kept from graduating because of something they can’t control.

1.The writer mentions Michelle Obama in order to___________.

A. show she enjoys volunteering B. explain what volunteering is

C. tell what she does for the US D. introduce the topic of the text

2.According to the text, in Chicago, .

A. finding a volunteer job is quite easy

B. volunteering is a must for high school students

C. more people would rather work for pay

D. college students have to volunteer before graduation

3. Which question does the text mainly discuss?

A. Should students be required to volunteer?

B. Is volunteering good for students?

C. What is the best time to volunteer?

D. Which volunteer jobs should students do?



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考英语人教版一轮课时作业必修3Unit1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·石家庄质检)—Don’t bother to buy me an air ticket.I’ve got one.

—________Why didn’t you tell me earlier?I’ve got one,too.

A.Good luck!     B.You have?

C.It’s no surprise. D.Don’t mention it.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考英语人教版一轮课时作业必修1Unit5英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·陕西咸阳模拟考试二)The official________I thought would be seriously punished received a raise instead.

A.whomever B.whoever

C.who D.whom



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修4Unit5英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“Oh,you must have been a spoiled (宠坏的) kid.You must be really bossy.I wonder what you’re going to be like to deal with?” That’s often the response Angela Hult gets when people find out she’s an only child,she told ABC News.Despite such negative (消极的) remarks,Hult has decided to have only one child herself.And she’s not alone.

According to the US’ Office for National Statistics,women approaching the end of their childbearing years had an average of 1.9 children in 2004,compared with 3.1 for their counterparts in 1976.The percentage of one?child families in Britain had risen from 18 percent in 1972 to 26 percent in 2007.

But even though only children are becoming increasingly common,the traditional view that they’re selfish,spoiled and lack social skills holds strong.Even parents of only children,like Hult,are made to feel guilty about having only one child.Worried that they’re being selfish and endangering their child’s future,they flock to online discussion forums seeking advice.Soon,however,they ask themselves:is this social prejudice really reasonable?

“There have been hundreds and hundreds of research studies that show that only children are no different from their peers (同龄人),” Susan Newman,a social psychologist at Rutgers University in the US,told ABC News.

This raises another question:why are only children still viewed with such suspicion?

“There is a belief that’s been around probably since humans first existed that to have just one child is somehow dangerous,both for you and for the continuation of your race,” Toni Falbo,a professor of educational psychology,told the Guardian.“In the past a lot of children died.You’d have had to be crazy to only have one.”

Times,of course,have changed and infant mortality (婴儿死亡率) has largely reduced.So what do only children themselves say?

Kayley Kravitz,a blogger for The Huffington Post,grew up as an only child and highly recommends the experience.“Being an only child taught me the most valuable skill of all:the ability to be alone,” she said.

1.Which of the following could be the best title for the text?

A.Are only children lonely?

B.Are only children common?

C.Are only children dangerous?

D.Are only children different?

2.What does Susan Newman mean?

A. Only children are as good as their peers.

B.Only children are more selfish and spoiled.

C.Parents feel guilty about having only one child.

D.Parents will endanger their only child’s future.

3.What is the common belief since human existed?

A.The infant death rate always stays high.

B.People are crazy to have only one child.

C.It’s easy for only children to earn their living.

D.It’s hard to continue the family line with only one child.

4.An only child like Kayley________.

A.must be difficult to persuade

B.can possibly learn to be alone

C.should value special skills

D.need ignore bad experience

5.What’s the author’s attitude towards having only one child?

A.Neutral. B.Negative.

C.Positive. D.Doubtful.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修4Unit5英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·湖南郴州五校第二次联考)It was during the Ming Dynasty________the Great Wall was repaired and extended to take on the appearance it has today.

A.when    B.which

C.what D.that



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修4Unit4英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2014·山东省实验中学二模)He is no fool at all,________,he is the smartest boy I have ever seen.

A.in addition B.in fact

C.in particular D.in general



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高考人教版一轮课时作业必修4Unit2英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

(2013·皖南八校三次联考)Launched in March 2010,ChinaFace has been a daily news feature________on a Chinese individual.

A.being focused B.focusing

C.to be focused D.to focus


