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Successful people make a plan to deal with each new problem rather than denying or ______ that it exists.

A. realizing B. praying C. judging D. ignoring


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年江苏泰州姜堰高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We attend lectures in the school meeting room at weekend _______ seats more than 800 students.

A. which B. whose C. where D. it


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京通州区潞河中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He spared no efforts to make himself _______ but failed.

A. understand B. understanding C. understood D. to understand


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届重庆巴蜀中学高三上学期第三次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


I believe that families are not only blood relatives, but sometimes people who show up and love you when no one else will.

In May 1977, I was living in a Howard Johnson’s motel off Interstate 10 in Houston. My dad and I a room with two double beds and a bathroom was too for a 15-year-old girl and her father. Dad’s second marriage was and my stepmother had us both out of the house the previous week. Dad had no what to do with me. And that’s when my other family .

Barbara and Roland Beach took me into their home their only daughter, Su, my best friend, asked them to. I with them for the next seven years.

Barb washed my skirts the same as Su’s. She I had lunch money, doctors’ appointments, help with homework and nightly hugs. Barbara and Roland attended every football game where Su and I were being cheerleaders. I could tell, for the Beaches there was no between Su and me; I was their daughter, too.

When Su and I college they kept my room the same for the entire four years I attended school. Recently, Barb presented me with an insurance policy they bought when I first moved in with them and had continued to pay on for 23 years.

The Beaches knew about me when they took me in – they had heard the whole story from Su. When I was seven, my mother died and from then on my father relied on other people to his kids. Before I went to live with the Beaches I had believed that life was entirely and that love was shaky and untrustworthy. I had believed that the only person who would take care of me was me.

the Beaches, I would have become a bitter, cynical (愤世嫉俗的) woman. They gave me a(n) ________ that allowed me to grow and change. They kept me from being paralyzed by my , and they gave me the confidence to open my heart.

I family. For me, it wasn’t the family that was there on the day I was , but the one that was there for me when I was living in a Howard Johnson’s on Interstate 10.

1.A.lived B.shared C.possessed D.bought

2.A.cheap B.noisy C.small D.limited

3.A.in trouble B.in sight C.in place D.in parts

4.A.struck B.remove C.kicked D.knocked

5.A.plan B.choice C.chance D.idea

6.A.looked after B.showed up C.turned over D.came across

7.A.so B.because C.until D.while

8.A.worked B.traveled C.lived D.learned

9.A.worked out B.called up C.watched out D.made sure

10.A.As long as B.As far as C.As soon as D.As many as

11.A.change B.problem C.conflict D.difference

12.A.set off B.left for C.entered into D.admitted into

13.A.all B.little C.something D.nothing

14.A.supply B.teach C.encourage D.raise

15.A.different B.unfair C.easy D.hopeful

16.A.Thanks to B.In spite of C.Except for D.But for

17.A.home B.house C.ability D.lesson

18.A.choice B.failure C.past D.present

19.A.doubt about B.call on C.center on D.believe in

20.A.born B.accepted C.educated D.deserted


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江宁波效实中学高三上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The Beatles, the supreme rock and roll band of the 1960s, were in many ways pioneers for ______ was to come, like holding concerts in sports stadiums.

A. which B. what C. whoever D. that


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届浙江嘉兴第一中学高三上学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always strict. What’s more, he is quite different from others in ideas and : beating or bringing to account his son in the presence of neighbors as he strongly believes in such a : a dutiful son is the of the rod, which is deeply impressed in his mind from his father. So I was emotionally upset and in spite of just a 10-year-old kid, who thought, “I was randomly beaten, so I would bring blows on other smaller kids”. And Dad would deal me a heavier the next time.

It that I completely lost control of this blow and found it impossible for me to on my lessons as I came to blows with other kids all day long. Everything went from bad to worse for me so much I couldn’t write out the English alphabet, could I do arithmetic (算术). , I was sent into a reformatory school(劳教所) where I stayed guilty for two and a half years. This time Dad shed bitter tears, saying, “Son, it is not that I don’t love you but that I should not have been so angry at your failure to my expectations!”

Retiring from the army, he gave me 10,000 US dollars for a trip around the world. getting back from this trip, he said to me, “Book knowledge is valuable but he who travels far and wide should know better at the time of your life. I guess you are now fully prepared to get started for work.” At 26, I started up Runhua Machinery Co., Ltd., which was later poorly and went bankrupt(破产); it was not long I started to engage in a dye-stuff plant which happened to be blown up. At all these, my father only gave me such words, “I will congratulate you on your god-given setbacks and failures, which will help you make mistakes in life.”

The Ph.D. graduation ceremony was grandly started and my parents were invited to . Dad didn’t say a single word me but cried bitterly again this time, and at this very moment, my mind was in a state of emotions and I stood on the stage with warm tears in my eyes.

1.A. practices B. approaches C. attempts D. promises

2.A. emotion B. regulation C. principle D. patience

3.A. relief B. product C. reminder D. process

4.A. disturbed B. ashamed C. delighted D. confused

5.A. blame B. argument C. strike D. blow

6.A. made out B. turned out C. carried out D. came out

7.A. contribute B. appeal C. concentrate D. approve

8.A. now that B. as if C. only if D. so that

9.A. nor B. so C. either D. seldom

10.A. To tell the truth B. Generally speaking C. To make matters worse D.What’s more

11.A. live up to B. come up with C. get down to D. look back on

12.A. At B. Upon C. By D. Through

13.A. undoubtedly B. abundantly C. eventually D.unconsciously

14.A. represented B. supported C. guaranteed D. performed

15.A. after B. since C. before D. until

16.A. more B. fewer C. many D. few

17.A. apparently B. appropriately C. relevantly D. honorably

18.A. show up B. hold up C. take up D. call up

19.A. in honor of B. in favor of C. in praise of D.in remember of

20.A. organized B. mixed C. matched D. evaluated


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届云南师大附中高考适应性月考卷三英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At least once each winter I manage to get a good flight in the middle of a snowstorm. Last Sunday was that flight. My gliding(滑翔的) partners had looked at the weather reports of showers and decided to stay at home. People say that you shouldn’t fly by yourself, but on that day I felt the urge to go flying and so headed for my favorite gliding site.

I had the mountain ridge to myself. After a smooth lift-off, I floated stably in the breeze, feeling at peace with myself and the world. I looked across the valley to Bedford and a moment later saw the town disappear in a band of snow that was moving towards me.

The breeze remained strong enough for flying and I knew that as long as the visibility was good, it was OK for me to stay in the air. The snow moved in and swirled around me. It was a light dry snow. The day was already very quiet but, somehow, the light snow made it even more silent. I felt like a snowflake.

Two bald eagles joined me. They didn’t pay me any attention and spent a few minutes flying around the ridge before disappearing. I flew through another band of snow. I had been flying for about 45 minutes when I next looked across the valley. I could see there were more bands of snow to come and the breeze was dying too.

It was time to go home, get in a hot bath and warm up. I couldn’t wait to tell my gliding partners that they had missed out on a perfect flight.

1.Why did the author’s gliding partners refuse to fly on that day?

A. They preferred to fly alone

B. The weather did not permit

C. They did not like winter flights

D. The equipment was not adequate

2.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “” in Paragraph 3?

A. Weather

B. Skill

C. Possibility

D. View

3.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The bald eagle can cause damage to the author’s flight

B. The author will land and go home after the snow stops

C. Brand of snow will be a great threat to the author’s flight

D. The author will hesitate to share his experience with his partners

4.What could be the best title for the article?

A. The First Flight Alone

B. A Narrow-Escape Flight

C. One Never-Again Flight

D. An Impressive Winter Flight


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年云南蒙自第一中学高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea—until you have to pack. The rule is: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.

Organize Yourself

Make a list. Think of what you need from your head to your toes. When you’ve done this once, it’ll be easier next time.

Start Small

Consider buying small-size samples of shampoo, toothpaste, and other items at your local store. Make sure they are all sealed tightly.

In an emergency, you can purchase them at your destination. But remember that the time you spend buying things at your destination will reduce your visiting time.

The Clothing Dilemma

Choosing which clothes to bring is probably the hardest packing decision to make. Think once again from head to toe — hat, shirts, jeans, sneakers, etc. Once you’ve picked out what you want to bring, think carefully. Do you really need that extra pair of jeans? If so, fine. Don’t try to fool yourself. You are the one who will be left holding the bag.

Weather is an important factor in your packing. If it’s cold, you could wear a jacket, a sweater, a regular shirt, and a T-shirt. Layering up will keep you warm and it will leave more room in your bag. Roll up your casual clothes instead of folding and laying them flat. This leaves more room to pack other things, and keeps your clothes fairly wrinkle-free.

Remember how much easier it will be to carry your bag!

1.This text would be most helpful to a reader who is _______ .

A. going on a vacation B. shopping for luggage

C. moving to a new home D. hosting relatives for a visit

2.If you buy things at your local store ahead of time, you can _______ .

A. lighten your load

B. save a lot of money

C. have more visiting time

D. have more room in your bag

3.What should one plan to do if going somewhere in the winter?

A. Pack an extra sweater for the trip.

B. Put on several layers of clothing.

C. Mix and match clothing outfits.

D. Roll jackets so they fit in the bag.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北省八校高三下学期第二次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

As well as teaching soccer's basic skills and rules, the introduced textbooks will ______ team spirit and sense of responsibility.

A. multiply B. distinguish

C. preserve D. develop

