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It was 20 years ago. I was driving home with my 4-year-old son. Traffic was light. I was singing quietly along   36  the song playing on the radio. I   37  at the intersection and looked both ways. The road was   38 . I slowly started to make a right turn when suddenly a car rounded the curve at high speed and came   39  at me. I stomped (猛踩) on the brakes of my car killing the engine in the process. The speeder zoomed (疾驰) past my dead car   40  me by inches without even slowing down.
  41  I knew it, a stream of rude words was flying from my lips,   42  after the car and its driver. I then saw my son who was staring up at me   43 . With a red face and a(an)   44  smile I started the car, pulled back onto the road, and headed home.
Later that evening I was reading a book when I heard certain   45  words coming from my son’s bedroom. He was replaying the   46   over and over in his mind. Too   47  I realized the   48  of those words that had flown from my lips in that moment of   49 . It took a lot of talks about good language and bad language with my son to undo (消除)the   50  of that incident.
That   51  , however, did teach me just how strong words   52  be. It helped me to decide to stop swearing (咒骂) in my own life and to start using words that uplift and inspire instead. I slowly realized that language is a   53  from God and should be used to make our world better but not worse. I learned    54  that a few loving words can help a hurting heart, strengthen a   55  spirit, and lighten a heavy load. I pray then that all of your words today are full of love, joy, happiness, and light.
A.pushed upB.pulled upC.put upD.forced up
A.orB.otherwiseC.too D.whereas


小题1:A介词辨析。A 随着,朝向;B 通过,凭借;C 通过;D在。。。上方。根据词的用法可知随着音乐唱歌或跳舞,应该使用介词to,故正确答案为A。
小题2:B动词辨析。A推动;B停车;C 张贴,搭建;D强迫。  从下文可知作者要转弯,根据常识可知作者应该是在十字路口停下车,去看道路交通状况,所以选B。句意:我在十字路口停下向道路两边看。
小题3:C形容词辨析。A干净的;B轻的;C无障碍的;D繁忙的。从上文的Traffic was light.判断此时马路上车辆稀少,应该是道路畅通无阻,所以作者才转弯,所以正确选项是C。
小题5:B动词辨析。A离开;B错过;C敲;D 接近。从下文可知状况虽然危险但是没有发生意外,所以是没碰到作者的车上,所以应该是错过。B选项正确。
小题6:C连词辨析。A当。。。时候;B 在。。。之后;C 在。。。之前;D通向。从情理推断作者当时险些被撞,所以应该是气急败坏,不由自主的咒骂起来,故C选项正确。
小题7:A动词辨析。A追逐;B追求;C看;D 寻找。从上文The speeder zoomed (疾驰) 。。。without even slowing down. 可知肇事汽车疾驰而过,作者的咒骂只能是在司机身后,所以A选项正确。
小题8:B副词辨析。A及其,很坏地;B 天真无邪地;清白无辜地;C 勇敢地;D典型地。孩子是单纯,天真无邪的,而且由下文作者的叙述可知孩子受到影响回家后也学会了咒骂,所以此处填B。
小题9:B形容词辨析。A高兴的;B 尴尬的;C 惊讶的;D 担心的。根据With a red face和下文mistake一词的出现可知作者意识到在孩子面前犯了一个错误,对孩子产生了不好的影响,所以此处应该是尴尬的表现,故B选项正确。
小题10:B形容词辨析。A 严重的;B不愉快的;C 强有力的;D 极好的。从下文可知儿子在学作者的咒骂,所以应该用令人不快的话语,所以B选项正确。
小题11:D名词辨析。A音乐;B 故事;C 语言;D事件,事变。从情理可知作者险些被撞应该是不好的事件而且下文出现的to undo (消除)the 。。。of that incident.也是此空的提示,所以答案选 D。
小题12:D副词辨析。A 抱歉;B差得;C很快;D 迟到,晚。从上下文可知此时已经对孩子造成了不好的影响,所以作者现在意识到已经太迟了,故正确选项应该是D。
小题13:A名词辨析。A力量;B重要性;C 大自然;D潜力。从故事的叙述中我们可以知道这篇文章讲述的就是语言对于人的影响,而且how strong words 。。。 be.也是明显的提示,所以A选项正确。
小题14:C名词辨析。A恐惧,害怕;B 担心;C 生气;D 后悔。从上文可知作者当时差点被撞,当时是愤怒地咒骂,所以此处C选项正确。
小题15:A名词辨析。A损坏;B课,教训;C 形象,影像;D步骤;进程。从故事可知在事件当中作者的语言给孩子的纯真友善带来了影响。所以选A
小题16:A名词辨析。A 错误;B闲暇;C 无意义;D 谜团。从上下文可知作者知道在孩子面前造成了不良影响,所以是意识到了自己犯的错误,故正确答案是B。
小题17:B情态动词辨析。A应该;B 能够;C需要;D 将。从语境可知此处是指语言的力量能够有多大,所以B选项正确。
小题18:C名词辨析。A 证据;B 捐赠;C 礼物;D 天赋。从上下文a few loving words can help a hurting heart,…lighten a heavy load.以及作者的写作意图可知,语言能对我们产生很大的影响,是上帝赐予我们的礼物,我们要好好利用,让我们的生活更加美好。
小题19:C副词辨析。A或者;B 否则;C 也;D 然而。从上句I slowly realized that language is 。。。作者意识到了。。。,此处又讲的是作者的感悟,所以C选项正确。
小题20:B形容词辨析。A有挑战性的;B 奋斗的,努力的;C 上升的;D 关心他人的。从语境可知美好的语言能激励一个人,抚慰一颗受伤的心灵,所以此处应该是与hurting,heavy等相似意义形容词,故B选项正确。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

As I held my father’s hands one night, I couldn’t help but notice their calluses(老茧)and roughness. His hands tell the story of his life as a   31 , including all his struggles.    
One summer, I remember, a drought (旱灾)hit Ontario, turning it into a   32 desert. On one of those hot mornings I was picking sweet corn with my dad to fill the last   33  from the grocery store. Fifty dozen was all we needed, which   34  took twenty minutes. That morning, however, the process didn’t   35  quickly. After forty minutes of aimlessly walking in the field, we   36   needed twenty dozen. I was completely frustrated and   37 . Dropping the basket heavily, I declared, “If the store wants its last twenty dozen, they can pick it themselves.” Dad   38 , “Just think, my little girl, only ten dozen left for each of us and then we’re   39 .” Such is Dad—whatever problem he   40 , he never gives up.
  41 , the disastrous(灾难性的) effects of the drought were felt all over our county. It was a challenging time for everyone,   42  Dad remained optimistic. He   43 to be grateful for other things like good health and food on our plates. Only then did I truly begin to   44  Dad and his faith that guided us through the hard times.
Dad is also a living example of real   45 . From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to   46 our family. He always puts our happiness   47  his own, and never fails to cheer me on at my sports games   48  his exhaustion after long days. His loving and selfless nature has inspired me to become more sympathetic (同情心的) and   49  putting others first.
Dad, the life   50  I have learned from you will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.
A.teacher B.gardenerC.farmerD.grocer
A.orderB.form C.gapD.position
A.yet B.stillC.even D.nearly
A.lostB.done C.gone D.touched
A.meets withB.brings upC.works outD.thinks about
A.or B.forC.soD.but
A.in spite ofB.in terms ofC.in control ofD.in place of
A.historyB.mottoC.patterns D.lessons


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In 1859,during the Gold Rush,a twenty- year-old immigrant(移民)from Bavaria named Levi Strauss stepped off the boat in San Francisco. He had with him a special cloth called Serge de Nimes that was later called denim in America. Levi Strauss hoped to sell the denim as material to make tents and covers for wagons to the men who were going to the goldfields to look for gold.
“You should have brought trousers to sell. In the goldfields we need strong trousers that don‘t wear out,”one young miner advised Strauss. So Levi Strauss took some of his denim to the nearest tailor and had him make the miner a pair of trousers. The miner was so pleased that he told other miners about the wonderful newcomer,Levi,and soon Levi Strauss had to open a shop,producing enough trousers for the miners. The miners wanted trousers that were comfortable to ride in and were low cut so that they could bend over easily to pick up the gold from under their feet. Besides they wanted the trousers to have big useful pockets. One miner complained that the gold in his pockets kept tearing them. So Levi put metal corners in the pockets to make them stronger. Very soon,miners and cowboys from all over came to get fitted up with Levi‘s trousers. Today more than a hundred years later, Levi’s trousers walk the world a Levi‘s blue jeans(牛仔裤)。
小题1:The denim cloth was originally(起初)meant for____.
A.making tent covers and wagons
B.making tents for wagons
C.making trousers for the miners
D.making wagon covers and tents
小题2:What kind of material do you think is denim?
A.A strong type of cloth that is not torn by strong wears.
B.A special type of cloth that cannot be washed away by rain.
C.A smooth type of cloth that is for underwear.
D.A wonderful type of cloth that is as good as metal.
小题3:A miner advised Strauss to sell trousers because ____.
A.the miners didn‘t have enough trousers
B.the miner‘s trousers had not been strong enough
C.the miner‘s trousers did not wear out easily
D.the tailor on the goldfield could not make trousers
小题4:Why did the miners need strong pockets in the trousers?
A.Their pockets kept tearing the gold.
B.Their pockets were not made of metal.
C.The gold they found was too sharp and heavy to tear their pockets.
D.The gold they collected easily tore their pockets.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The unwanted disturbing of a mobile phone ringing at a critical moment has led to some famously strong reactions
British actor Richard Grif-fiths,stopped a performance at the National Theatre and ordered The offending party to leave
Judge Robert Restaino went considerably further.He was hearing a session of domestic violence offenders in a court when proceedings were interrupted by rings of a phone.
“Everyone is going to jail unless I get that instrument now,” he shouted.
Over the next two hours,the judge entered a period of “incredible madness”.He began by ordering the doors of the court locked,and set the officers to searching for the phone.
When that failed to find the offending item he ordered each of the defendants(被告) present in the room up to his bench and in turn asked them if they  had no idea, he sent each in turn to jail(监狱).   
All 46 of them.
When a defendant protested the judge’s actions were not fair to those who didn’t possess the phone,Restaino replied:“I know it isn’t.
Judge’s actions caused chaos.Extra officers had to be drafted into the court to control the crowd.and booking officers at the city jail were at full stretch.“We were playing Twister in here”, one said at the time.
Fourteen of the defendants were shackled(束缚 )in irons and sent to the county jail.
The judge cooled off and later that afternoon released all 46.
The “two hours of viral lunacy(疯狂)”, has probably cost Restaino his job.The commission ruled that he should be removed from his $14,000 job.Restaino now has 30 days to appeal(上诉).
His lawyer pointed out that until that moment he had served 11 years as a judge without any disciplinary issues.“With the exception of two hours.his record is spotless.”
小题1:The underlined sentence in the passage means _____.
A.we are just playing games
B.we are struggling to control the crisis here
C.we can hardly survive the crisis
D.we’re searching casually
小题2:Why is British actor Richard mentioned?
A.To indicate the disadvantage of mobile phone.
B.To scold the misusage of mobile phone.
C.To provide an excuse for Richard’s offence.
D.To support the opinion above
小题3:Two hours of viral lunacy will_____
A.make Robert pay a large sum of money
B.make no difference to Robert
C.most likely make Robert lose his job
D.make him world famous
小题4:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Phone-rage(狂怒) judgeB.Judge,prisoner and mobile phone
C.The story in courtD.Mobile phone in court
小题5:From the passage we can find_____.
A.Robert is always challenging the disciplines
B.Robert is now in jail
C.judge is not a well-paid job
D.all the defendants didn’t follow Robert’s instructions willingly


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A long time ago, there was an emperor(皇帝). One day he told his horseman that if he could ride on his horse and  26  as much land area as he liked, he would give him the area of land he had covered.  27  enough, the horseman quickly jumped onto his horse and 28 as fast as possible to cover as much land area as he could. He  29  riding and riding, whipping the horse to go as fast as possible. Even when he was 30  or tired, he did not stop  31  he wanted to cover as much area as possible. When he at last covered a large amount of land, he was exhausted and was  32 . Then he asked himself, “Why did I33  myself so hard to cover so much land area? Now I am dying and I only  34  a very small area to  35  myself.”
The above story is  36  to the journey of our  37 . We push ourselves very hard every day to make more  38 , to gain power or recognition. We neglect(疏忽,忘记) our  39  , time with our family and to appreciate(欣赏) the surrounding 40  and the things we love to do. One day  41  we look back, we will 42  that we don’t really need that much,  43 then we cannot turn back time for what we have  44 .
Life is not about making money. Life is definitely(肯定地) not about work! Work is only 45  to keep us living so as to enjoy the beauty and pleasures of life.
A.use B.coverC.workD.get
A.Good B.Strange C.SureD.Interesting
A.rodeB.ranC.expanded D.struggled
A.kept onB.asked forC.gave upD.succeeded in
A.sad B.excitedC.confused D.hungry
A.but B.soC.becauseD.if
A.needB.have C.findD.show
A.live B.bury C.supportD.sleep
A.useful B.certainC.similarD.special
A.future B.pastC.historyD.life
A.health B.career C.honorD.freedom
A.things B.conditionC.peopleD.beauty
A.before B.whenC.unlessD.since
A.or B.untilC.howeverD.but
A.savedB.missed C.reduced D.won
A.possibleB.probable C.necessaryD.suitable


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Isn’t it cool to surf (冲浪) in summer? You catch a wave and enjoy the ride. Surfing is not only our favorite sport, though. A group of penguins (企鹅) enjoy the sport as much as we do. And they show their excitement and skills in the new animated film —Surf`s Up, which came out on June 6, in the US.
Cody loves the sport. Cody’s idol (偶像) is Big Z, a great penguin surfing king. Cody doesn’t like his brother and his mother who are not supportive. He really wants to get away. Cody believes that winning a surfing competition will bring him admiration and respect. When Mikey Abromowitz, a talent scout (侦察员), comes to Antarctica to look for talented penguins for a surfing competition, Cody’s really excited, but during his show there are no waves and he doesn’t make it. But he knows he can’t give up. He runs after Mikey’s whale and begs until Mikey agrees to take him.
There Cody meets Lani, the island’s beautiful lifeguard, as well as his main rival (对手), the surfing champion Evans. The cocky Evans shows no respect for Big Z, which makes Cody angry. For this, he challenges Evans to a surfing match, only to suffer a terrible defeat.
Lani takes Cody to the island doctor. As they spend time together, Cody realizes that this doctor is really Big Z himself. When he learns this, Cody begs him to train him and make him a better surfer.
Cody begins to find his own way. Cody improves his skills with the help of Big Z and discovers that a true winner isn’t always the one who comes in first.
小题1:The passage mainly tells us ______.
A.that winning can bring you good luck and respect
B.how a penguin can be a good surfer
C.about a new animated film —Surf`s Up
D.about the life of a teenage penguin called Cody
小题2:Which of the following statements about Big Z is NOT true?
A.He is a great penguin surfing king.
B.He doesn’t help Cody with surfing although Cody begs him.
C.He works as a doctor after he leaves surfing.
D.He is loved by the teenage penguin Cody.
小题3:The underlined part “doesn’t make it” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_______”.
A.feels very sadB.can’t breathe freely
C.is not successfulD.can’t continue surfing
小题4:Which of the following statements about Cody is NOT true?
A.He likes surfing and lives in Antarctica.
B.He thinks winning will win him the respect of others at first.
C.He gets along well with his brother and his mother.
D.He is defeated by Evans in a surfing match.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

My grandfather Jack is 96 years old, and he has had an interesting life. He has traveled a lot in his life in the Far East. He visited the Taj Mahal(泰姬陵) in India and the Pyramids in Egypt. He hunted lions in Africa, and rode a camel in the Sahara Desert(撒哈拉沙漠). He says the most beautiful place he has traveled to is Kathmandu in Nepal(尼泊尔).
Jack has married twice. His first wife died when she was 32. He met his second wife Maria while he was cycling round France. They have been married for 50 years, and they have lived happily in a small village since they got married.
Jack says that he has never been ill in his life. The secret of good health, according to my grandfather, is exercise. He goes swimming every morning. He has done this since he was a boy. He also has a glass of wine every night! Perhaps that is his secret!
小题1:What kind of life has Jack lived?
A.A short life.B.An interesting life
C.A lonely life.D.A poor life.
小题2:Which of the following does Jack think is the most beautiful place?
A.Kathmandu.B.The Pyramids
C.The Sahara Desert.D.Taj Mahal.
小题3:How many times has Jack married?
A.Once.B.Twice.C.Three times.D.Four times.
小题4:Where did Jack meet Maria?
A.In India.B.In Nepal.C.In France.D.In Egypt.
小题5:What does Jack do every night?
A.He has a glass of wine.B.He goes swimming
C.He hunts lions.D.He rides a camel


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Stephanie McRae was used to driving in bad weather. Although  16 still beat the windshield of her SUV(运动越野车), the worst of the day's storm seemed to have passed as she  17 her 11-year-old daughter, Maddie, home at 8:30 pm.
Maddie  18  in front, while two young kids sat strapped into their SUV  19 in back. Driving along the mad by a river, McRae, 39,  20 a terrifying sight: The road just ahead had been craved in and  21 . She stepped heavily on the brake. The SUV  22 into a flooded hole some 6 metres below, and was washed into the   23 , which the storm had turned into a   24 river 30 metres wide. Rocks and fallen tree  25 knocked into her SUV, making it upside down. The pressure blew out the window.
No one was hurt,   26 there was no way to escape either, The SUV was being  27 towards the middle of the river, about 400 metres away. McRae  28 helplessly and prayed aloud with Maddie: “Please, God, please, help us!” The SUV, submerged and   29  with water, came to a stop when it parked at an angle in a logjam(浮木阻塞). 
It was Maddie who took control. Pushing her way out of the   30 back window, the slight but athletic Maddie  31 onto the top of the SUV, which had righted itself, and yelled to her mother to hoist up the younger children. Soon the  32 were crowded on the top of the SUV’s roof.   33 to hold on as the water swept over them. McRae caught hold of the two-year-old kid to her chest while holding the three-year-old on her leg. Both children were so   34 that MeRac wondered if they were all right. With her mother’s permission, the 11-year-old girl-Meddie got over lots of problems to ask for help in a   35 village and fortunately they were saved.
A.washed awayB.taken awayC.gone awayD.moved away


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Bertie knew there was something in the wind.His mother had been sad in recent days, not sick, just strangely sad. The lion had just lain down beside him, his head warm on Bertie’s feet when Father cleared his throat and began, “You’ll soon be eight, Bertie. A boy needs a proper education. We’ve found the right place for you, a school near Salisbury in England.”
His heart filled with a terrible fear, all Bertie could think of was his white lion. “But the lion,” he cried, “What about the lion?”
“I’m afraid there’s something else I have to tell you,” his father said. Looking across at Bertie’s mother, he took a deep breath. Then he told Bertie he had met a circus owner from France, who was over in Africa looking for lions to buy. He would come to their farm in a few days.
“No! You can’t send him to a circus!” said Bertie. “People will come to see him. He’ll be shut up behind bars. I promised him he never would be. And they will laugh at him. He’d rather die. Any animal would!” But as he looked across the table at them, he knew their minds were quite made up.
Bertie felt completely betrayed. He waited until he heard his father’s deep breathing next door. With his white lion at his heels, he slipped downstairs, took down his father’s hunting rifle from the rack and stepped out into the night. He ran and ran till his legs could run no more. As the sun came up over the grassland, he climbed to the top of a hill and sat down, his arms round the lion’s neck. The time had come.
“Be wild now,” he whispered. “You’ve got to be wild. Don’t ever come home. All my life I’ll think of you. I promise I will.” He buried his head in the lion’s neck. Then, Bertie clambered down the hill and walked away.
When he looked back, the lion was still sitting there watching him; but then he stood up, yawned, stretched, and sprang down after him. Bertie shouted at him, but he kept coming. He threw sticks. He threw stones. Nothing worked.
There was only one thing left to do. With tears filling his eyes and his mouth, he lifted the rifle to his shoulder and fired over the lion’s head.
小题1:Bertie’s mother was sad probably because she ______.
A.had been seriously ill recently
B.had decided to send Bertie to school
C.knew selling the lion would upset Bertie
D.knew Bertie would hate to go to England
小题2:In the last paragraph, the boy lifted the rifle to ______.
A.kill the lion out of angerB.show his anger towards his father
C.protect himself from the lionD.threaten the lion back to the wild
小题3:The passage intends to show that ______.
A.animal-hunting is popular in Africa
B.parents are sometimes cruel to their children
C.people and animals can be faithful to each other
D.animals usually lead a miserable life in circuses

