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The other day I was offered two tickets to a special preview of the latest movie for free. I wasn't interested, _______I knew my two boys would be.

That evening, we were a bit _______ for time. So instead of having dinner at home, we had fast food near the movie theater Oscar. There went the _______ of eight movie tickets.

Then I met up with a friend and we sat around _______ for a while, and another movie ticket went into a cup of coffee. After that, we figured we might as well _________ around until the movie ended to pick up the boys. To help _______ the time, I bought snacks. However, the _______ went for an hour longer than expected. To watch the free movie, we always have to _______ an hour of ads.

Oh, did I _______ parking and fighting my way through the ________ to get to the right theater? I could have sent the __________to a movie theater in walking distance and had enough ________ left over to watch ten more movies!

Next time I'm offered something free, I’ll ________ refuse it.

I should have known better. ________ in 2004, I built my own business. One of my marketing strategies is that I often offer free gifts. I said “probably” because "free" is just the most irresistible __________ in your marketing language. And it always ________.

If you don’t believe me, next time when you do a promotion, ________ this test: one with and one without the free ________. You will be amazed by how many people will ________ hundreds of dollars to get something for _________

1.A. for B. or C. so D. but

2.A. grateful B. prepared C. rushed D. thankful

3.A. time B. price C. chance D. length

4.A. singing B. judging C. bargaining D. chatting

5.A. wander B. turn C. look D. gather

6.A. save B. waste C. record D. kill

7.A. meeting B. movie C. walk D. coffee

8.A. break down B. sit through C. cut down D. look through

9.A. forget B. continue C. mention D. stop

10.A. race B. park C. gate D. traffic

11.A. employees B. customers C. boys D. friends

12.A. food B. patience C. room D. money

13.A. probably B. angrily C. definitely D. repeatedly

14.A. Ending B. Writing C. Reporting D. Starting

15.A. word B. reason C. letter D. desire

16.A. fails B. cheats C. works D. loses

17.A. try B. study C. face D. attend

18.A. help B. gift C. advice D. market

19.A. gain B. bank C. receive D. pay

20.A. something B. everything C. nothing D. anything


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省滁州市九校2016-2017学年高一下学期期末联考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

That children are the hopes of our tomorrow is statement that is repeated time and again. And it is an axiom(格言); they are our pillars of the coming time. But then do we train them into becoming healthy human beings?

Healthy human beings here are not meant the physical well being, but the good human being, that is, one with virtues and values keeps them in the state of working towards the benefit of humanity.

How can children absorb within themselves the virtues and values? Well, this is the primary responsibility of parents and other immediate family members, followed by school authorities. The values and virtues of an individual is sown in their childhood and as they grow up.

Depending on the way we bring up our children, we decide our own future. It is vital that in the formative years we give them quality time and attention. We teach them to discriminate between the good, bad and the ugly. We have to teach them use positive emotive like love and compassion and teach them actions of kindness and generosity. At the same time we have to help them do away with the negatives of hatred, anger, jealousy, selfishness, etc.

Your child is like a plant. You sow the seeds and also reap the benefits of its growth and development. First and foremost you as a parent have to realize your responsibility in nurturing a child to grow into a good human being. And it is just not up to anyone of the parents, but both together to inculcate(谆谆教诲)the values and virtues into your child.

1.What should a good human being have?

A. A good physical state B. A good virtue or value

C. A good career in society D. A powerful relationship net

2.What sense is the most important for kids to learn?

A. Safety sense B. Lifestyle sense

C. Transportation sense D. Responsibility sense

3.Whom is the passage most probably written for?

A. Family parents B. Child experts

C. Health researchers D. Primary school teachers

4.What does the passage mainly want to tell us?

A. Children are parents’ hope

B. Educating children is a tough thing

C. Parents take responsibilities for educating children

D. Parents have trouble in educating children


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省嘉兴市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:书面表达

Nowadays,cars have become a very common vehicle in our life.As the most important transport,cars have improved our modern life in many ways.However,cars also bring about so many problems for people,which should be given more attention than any time before.

Cars give people the ability to travel to any place they like.Many people begin to travel frequently.This helps people connect with each other better than before.A more obvious influence from cars is the large number of jobs that they create.Jobs in several fields open up thanks to cars,such as jobs in car factories,gas stations and highways. This is a huge positive influence on society because they greatly reduce the unemployment rate.

At the same time,the problems that cars cause seem to be more and more serious.A mass use of cars is bound to have some negative consequences.The widespread use of cars has led to serious traffic jams in cities.They have resulted in a reduction in the use of public transportation in many cities.The need to use and develop public transportation has been much discussed and confirmed.And also,car accidents create a number of injuries and deaths. There are hundreds of thousands of them worldwide every year.Gas let out from the engines of cars pollutes the air in cities around the world.Air pollution creates serious health problems and causes many people to die from it.It has become one of the most serious problems today.Efforts to develop pollution-free engines may be the final solution to this problem.

In conclusion,people should not only enjoy the benefits of cars,but also aim to deal with the problems cars have created.At the same time,the government should improve city traffic systems,encourage people to use public transportation,make efforts to improve road safety and encourage the usage of fuels that are low in pollutants.Only in these ways can the benefits of cars outweigh their harmfulness.










科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错

I took our foreign teacher Mr. Brown, he came to China for the first time, to the Great Wall in last weekend. Having told about the history of the Great Wall, he was amazing at this world wonder. He was struck by the beautiful of the Great Wall. So I took photo of him, which would be a good memory for him. At the top, Mr. Brown was very interested in the activity of protecting the environment that he was eager to join in and then sign his name. Both the Great Wall or the Chinese people deep impressed him. He decided to visit more places of interest when free.


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Do you often lose things? Don’t worry. Now a new tool that can be connected to any object you might lose may be the way to solve your problem. The Tile, a small square linked up to your iphone or ipad by means of Bluetooth, lets you see how close you are to your missing item, within a 50-to-150-foot range. If the item goes out of your phone’s 150-foot range, it can still be found on other smart phones with the same app.

When you drive the app on your phone, it shows you, with green bars that increase or decrease, how close or far away you are from the Tile. You can also program it to make a sound when you get close to the Tile. And you can link up your phone with up to ten Tiles. And if your lost object—a dog, for example, or a stolen bike-go out of your own phone’s 150-foot Bluetooth range, you can set it as a “lost item”. If any of the phones with the Tile app comes within range of your lost item, a message will be sent to your phone, telling you its position. The Tile app also has the function to remember where it last saw your Tile, so that you can easily find where you left it.

Since the Tiles use Bluetooth rather than GPS, they are never out of battery or needn’t to be charged, and they work for one year before needing to be replaced. And the app works with all generations of iPhones and iPads.

For further information,please visit www. tile666.com.

1.What can the Tile app help you?

A. To use your phone more wisely B. To find your missing items

C. To save your phone’s power D. To find other phone users

2.Which, of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Tile needs to be charged after a year of use.

B. One smart phone can only be linked up with one Tile.

C. A missing item can’t be found if it goes out of your phone’s Bluetooth range.

D. The Tile cannot be linked up with a phone without Bluetooth.

3.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. What the Tile app is. B. The advantages of the Tile app.

C. How the Tile app works. D. Why the Tile app was created.

4.Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A health report. B. An advertisement.

C. A personal diary D. Science fiction.


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2017届高三高考考前模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Bill Gates recently has predicted that online learning will make place-based colleges less significant, and five years from now, students will be able to find the best lectures in the world online. I applaud Mr. Gates. But what’s taking us so long?

As early as 1997, MIT(麻省理工) decided to post videos of all university lectures online, for free, for all people. But today, how many students have you met who mastered advanced mathematics or nuclear physics from an MIT online video? Unfortunately, the answer is not many. The problem is the poor quality of online education websites and the experience they provide to students. Those who go to the MIT website and watch courses online are surely very smart people, but it’s not like playing a video game such as World of Warcraft. Only the most ardent students, those who are highly motivated, will devote themselves to studying these boring online videos.

The real question is why we aren’t spending more to develop better online education platforms. Where is the Avatar of education? Think about this. The market for Hollywood films per year is worth around 30 billion USD. Education in the world is a trillion-dollar-a-year market, hundreds of times bigger than Hollywood movies. Yet the most expensive digital learning system ever built cost well under 100 million dollars.

Bill Gates’ prediction is going to happen. There is no doubt about it. But it will only happen when we create high level educational content and experiences that engage and excite more than has ever been possible in the real world.

1.What has Bill Gates forecast about online learning?

A. It will concentrate on physics lectures

B. It will completely replace real universities

C. It will help to make universities more successful

D. It will play an increasingly important role in education

2.What does the underlined word “ardent” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Creative B. Enthusiastic

C. Well-behaved D. Experienced

3.According to the author, what is holding back the popularity of online learning?

A. The lack of lectures available online

B. The high cost of access to the websites

C. The low standard of educational websites

D. The competition with online computer games

4.Why does the author mention Hollywood?

A. To show that Hollywood produces many successful movies

B. To prove that education is more profitable than entertainment

C. To argue that movie directors should produce educational content

D. To urge that more money be spent developing educational websites


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

If you’ve ridden any New York subway, chances are good that you’ve watched your cellphone clock tick while seated on an unmoving, delayed train. You wouldn’t wish to have such a ________ feeling of being stuck on public transportation anymore. No one knows the feeling as ________ as Jerich Marco Alcantara does particularly when he had ________ in his life to celebrate. He ________ his graduation ceremony at Hunter College’s Brookdale campus due to a delay.

There were two ________ ceremonies that day, but Alcantara specifically wanted to ________ the early ceremony, because students were only ________ two tickets for friends and family at the latter event. He wanted all of his family and friends in attendance.

Stuck on the train in full baccalaureate gown (学士服), Alcantara still got to experience a formal ________, sort of. Some friends and strangers improvised (即兴创作) a ceremony on the subway. ________ a cellphone, a friend presented Alcantara with a “diploma”; ________ somebody else on the train played Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) by Green Day. Another passenger ________ the ceremony and posted the video to Facebook.

_____ he wasn’t able to attend the full ceremony, in a way this will end up being a more memorable ________ for Alcantara down the road. He will be able to point to his ________ and not just think of the hard work it took to earn it, but the ________ missing his real graduation ceremony created.

Moments like these help us get a little more ________ of our fellow man during a ________time. Although these aren’t all strangers, it’s still wonderful to see people ________ to make sure someone feels the proper ________, or at least their big achievement should be ________. Though Alcantara missed his official graduation ceremony, he said his subway experience meant a lot.

1.A. rising B. sinking C. spinning D. floating

2.A. vividly B. casually C. plainly D. fiercely

3.A. milestones B. promotions C. festivals D. parties

4.A. spoiled B. quitted C. overlooked D. missed

5.A. separate B. continuous C. relevant D. contradictory

6.A. join B. make C. abandon D. ignore

7.A. appointed B. allocated C. approved D. accumulated

8.A. assembly B. situation C. occasion D. meeting

9.A. Via B. On C. In D. From

10.A. instead B. afterwards C. therefore D. meanwhile

11.A. filmed B. took C. interviewed D. reported

12.A. Since B. As C. Although D. When

13.A. exploration B. moment C. impression D. stage

14.A. video B. ticket C. diploma D. cellphone

15.A. pain B. inconvenience C. excitement D. memory

16.A. convinced B. tired C. reliant D. faithful

17.A. messy B. extreme C. acute D. disorganized

18.A. get together B. gather together C. put together D. band together

19.A. acquisition B. cooperation C. recognition D. evaluation

20.A. welcomed B. applauded C. calculated D. encouraged


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省盐城市2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:任务型阅读

Nowhere is the place you never want to go. It’s not on any departure board, and though some people like to travel so far off the motherland that it looks like Nowhere, most wanderers ultimately long to get somewhere. Yet every now and then—if there’s nowhere else you can be and all other options have gone—going nowhere can prove the best adventure around.

Nowhere is entirely uncharted; you’ve never read a guidebook entry on it or followed others’ suggestions on a train ride through its suburbs. Few YouTube videos exist of it. Moreover, it’s free from the most dangerous kind of luggage, expectation. Knowing nothing of a place in advance opens us up to a high energy we seldom encounter while walking around Paris or Kyoto with a list of the 10 things we want—or, in embarrassing truth, feel we need—to see.

I’ll never forget a bright January morning when I landed in San Francisco from Santa Barbara, just in time to see my connecting flight to Osaka take off. I hurried to the nearest airline counter to ask for help, and was told that I would have to wait 24 hours, at my own expense, for the next day’s flight. An unanticipated delay is exactly what nobody wants on his schedule. The airline didn’t answer for fog-related delays, a gate agent declared, and no alternative flights were available.

Millbrae, California, the drive-through town that encircles San Francisco’s airport, was a mystery to me. With one of the world’s most beautiful cities only 40 minutes to the north, and the unofficial center of the world, Silicon Valley, 27 miles to the south, Millbrae is known mostly as a place to fly away from, at high speed.

It was a cloudless, warm afternoon as a shuttle bus deposited me in Millbrae. Locals were taking their dogs for walks along the bay while couples wandered hand in hand beside an expanse of blue that, in San Francisco, would have been crowded with people and official “attractions.” I checked in to my hotel and registered.

Suddenly I was enjoying a luxury I never allow myself, even on vacation: a whole day free. And as I made my way back to my hotel, lights began to come on in the hills of Millbrae, and I realized I had never seen a sight half so lovely in glamorous, industrial Osaka. Its neighbor Kyoto is attractive, but it attracts 50 million visitors a year.

Who knows if I’ll ever visit Millbrae again? But I’m confident that Nowhere will slip into my schedule many times more. No place, after all, is uninteresting to the interested eye. Nowhere is so far off the map that its smallest beauties are a discovery.

The Unexpected Joys of a Trip to Nowhere

Passage outline

Supporting details

Introduction to Nowhere

●Although many choose to travel beyond the 1., they actually hope to get somewhere.

●Getting nowhere can be the best adventure when we are2. out of options.

3. of Nowhere

●You don’t have to be 4. on a guidebook entry or others’ advice.

●With limited information of a place and little expectation, we will encounter a 5. high energy that doesn’t exist when visiting Paris or Kyoto.

The author’s experience of getting nowhere

●The airline wasn’t 6. for unexpected delays and there were no alternative flights available.

●He decided to visit the mysterious Millbrae,7. between San Francisco and Silicon Valley.

●He 8. to enjoy such a luxurious and free time in big cities before.


●Though 9. about whether to visit Millbrae again, Nowhere will be included in his schedule.

●Nowhere is entirely uncharted with its beauties to be 10..


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省蚌埠市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:短文改错







Last week our class voted on how to do for you class outing: visit the Singapore Zoo and go to the Night Safari(夜间动物园). We girls wanted to go to the zoo, but since we are in minority, we lost to the boys, that all wanted the safari. We got the admission rate for the students, which was great since I still had not enough money to buy a brochure about the park as well as something at the souvenir shops. The safari was scary(吓人的)but real fun. As we took the ride across the park’s dark jungle, we could see the eyes of many creatures look at us. Most of the animal there sleep when there sunlight and wake up at night.

