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   Budget cuts and an increased focus on testing have made field trips,once a popular way to get students out of the classroom,increasingly rare.

   “Local school districts don't have the funds (money kept for particular purposes) anymore”’ says Stephanie Norby,director ofthe Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies in Washington,   D. C. The Smithsonian museums are some of the most popular field trip destinations in the country. Although there is little hard data to definitively prove that schools are taking fewer field trips,Norby says it seems as though fewer schools have visited the Smithsonian in recent years.

   Money once spent on field trips is being spent to help students prepare for standardized tests that might make or break a teacher's evaluation,according to Randi Weingarten,president of the American Federation of Teachers,a union that represents more than 1 million educators nationwide.

   “In school these days,if people have a dollar to spare,they spend it on test prep because they get regulated there,”she says.

   Field trips provide students with a window to the real world that they don't get in the classroom,and they can help students . understand real-world applications of seemingly abstract topics in math and science,says Weingarten.

   Susan Singer,CEO of Field Trip Factory,an organization that has spent the last 18 years designing free field trip outlines for schools nationwide,says she thinks schools are merely scheduling around testing.

   “During testing periods,we don't see a lot of field trips,” she says. “Either right before or right after a standardized test,we get a shut door.” 

   Spending time outside the classroom doesn't mean students aren't learning knowledge that could show up on standardized tests. Several studies have shown that students acquire more information and skills through the type of experience-based learning that field trips provide when compared to in-class learning.

   A field trip should be relevant to topics students are studying in school. That way,the Smithsonian's Norby says,it will have a lasting effect.

32. Why is it difficult for schools to take field trips according to Norby?

   A. Students dislike the trips.

   B. They are short of finances.

   C. They have fewer destinations.

   D. Field trips are harder to organize.

33. What do we learn from Weingarten?

   A. Standardized tests can measure student learning.

   B. Money for field trips is used for test preparation.

   C. Schools’ education budgets are properly regulated.

   D. Schools encourage students to know the real world.

34. In the author's opinion,field trips .

   A. may lead to lower test scores

   B. sometimes waste a lot of time

   C. help students gain more knowledge

   D. are less important than in-class learning 

35. The text is mainly about .

   A. the advantages of in-class learning

   B. the effect of standardized tests

   C. the problem of budget cuts

   D. the decline of field trips

32. B 33. B 34. C 35. D



32. B.细节理解题。由第二段中的Local school districts don't have the funds (money kept for particular purposes) anymore 可知,学校没有专 款用于田野调查,因此开展田野调査变得困难 了。

33. B.细节理解题。由第三段中的Money once spent on field trips is being spent to help students prepare for standardized tests 可知,Weingarten 说 用于田野调查的资金被用在备考上了。

34. C.推理判断题。由倒数第二段可知,作者认为 田野调査能够帮助学生获得更多的知识。

35. D.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要关注 的是田野调査减少的问题。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第54期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


   Hi,Carolyn. I am Amanda. My problem is with Stacy,my roommate of three years (we,re all 24) . When my other roommate,Joanna,and I have an issue (such as emptying the dishwasher) , we talk through it calmly and non-defensively,we apologize,and it's all good. Stacy becomes extremely defensive,gets worked up,and lashes(严厉斥责) back at us. What's more,she’ 11 never .bring up anything that bothers her. She keeps it all bottled up,and then occasionally will explode.

   She's also super-competitive with us about everything,extremely judgmental and negative. She gets angry that I keep in contact with certain people she doesn't like. I don't let her control me. I do my own thing and generally feel sorry for her,but I'm finding it harder and harder to ignore her controlling nature.

   We've been friends for six years now,and I've gotten to the point where I know this is terrible and I need to move out when my lease(租约) is up next year. I just need to figure out how to live with her in the meantime!I'm constantly living in fear of the next explosion.



   It's not only an exhausting way to live,but also completely counterproductive. There isn't much you can do about her; it's neither possible nor your place to re-raise her into someone comfortable with weaknesses in herself and others.

   However,there is a lot you can do about yourself,just by opening up and backing off,which might also serve Stacy well if any kindness toward her is sincere. When she gets defensive,say: aHey,you're my friend and I love you. This really is just about dishes." When she turns things back on you,weigh whether she has a point and freely acknowledge when she does instead of getting defensive right away.

   Try to be calm and warm. Give her defensiveness no fuel. If this doesn't repair the friendship,it will at least make you live in peace.

1. How is the relationship between Amanda and Joanna?

   A. They get along well.

   B. They are best friends.

   C. They don't like each other.

   D. They often quarrel with each other.

2. The underlined part “gets worked up” can be replaced by “ ”.

   A. gets very busy   B. gets very angry

   C. becomes exhausted   D. becomes humorous

3. What is bothering Amanda?

   A. Stacy often ignores her.

   B. Stacy always tries to control her.

   C. Stacy doesn't empty the dishwasher.

   D. Stacy makes friends with someone she dislikes.

4. Amanda plans to.

   A. move out next year

   B. let Stacy move out soon

   C. make an apology to Stacy

   D. talk to Stacy immediately

5. Carolyn advises Amanda to .

   A. try to change Stacy

   B. ask Joanna for help

   C. be nice and tolerant

   D. move out immediately


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Since the invention of Guitar Hero and similar computer games,it is no longer necessary to imagine what it would be like to play along with the Beatles - you can come together with them in the virtual world. 

   Bill Wyman,former bass player in the Rolling Stones,has pointed out that music video games discourage kids from learning to play real instruments. My own experience suggests quite the opposite.

   Last year,I bought Guitar Hero III for our 14-year-old son,Jack. Jack quickly mastered the process and entered an intense period of playing the game.

   A few months later,while I was away on tour,a couple of his friends came around with a real electric guitar. Playing Guitar Hero had taught them how to play along to a track. Now they wanted to see if they could apply that to the real thing. Jack's friends taught him how to play along to his favourite songs using just his index finger on the bass string. He got it right away.

   Guitar Hero had helped him over the first difficulty for guitar players 一 how to strum the strings with one hand while making chord shapes with the other. He never plays Guitar Hero now,preferring to rock out in the garage with his mates.

   Despite my attempts at getting him to learn an instrument,it was Guitar Hero that taught him the basics of playing and built up his confidence to the extent that he was able to make a recognisable sound the first time he plugged in.

   So let's not complain about a game that encourages kids to become music fans and,in our son's case,gives them the basic skills needed to learn how to play guitar.

24. What's Bill Wyman's attitude towards music video games?

   A. Approving. B. Negative.

   C. Unconcerned. D. Curious.

25. The first time Jack played with a real electric guitar,he.

   A. did it successfully

   B. taught his friends how to play

   C. didn't know how to strum the strings

   D. didn’ t know how to play along to a song 

26. Jack's case shows .

   A. Guitar Hero is a useful game .

   B. kids should learn an instrument

   C. parents should encourage their kids

   D. computer games are harmful for kids

27. What's the best title for the text?

   A. A new computer game

   B. The story of a guitarist

   C. In defence of Guitar Hero

   D. The best way to play guitar


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

           3 Brilliant British Races BOGNOR BIRDMAN (JULY 18-19) 

   Every summer,thousands of people from around the world gather in Bognor Regis on the southern coast of England to see who can fly the longest distance in homemade flying machines before jumping into the English Channel. The record,set in 1992,is 292 feet. Frequently,participants compete in special clothes. Dr. Who and his Tardis,a group of flying doughnuts(油炸圈饼) ,and a skateboarding cow have all taken the leap in past competitions. They didn't get so far.


   Chickens are extremely difficult to train,but that doesn 51 stop about 50 international hen owners from entering their birds in the World Hen Racing Championships each year in Bonsall,England. Keeping alive a century-old tradition,the hens race along a 50-foot course. While some owners let their untrained chickens “wing it,” others try to get their chickens into competition shape with daily“sprints (短跑) ” during the months leading up to the race. 


   Mowing the lawn(刈草坪) for 12 hours straight is some people's idea of an impossibility. For others,it's the most interesting part of the summer. Drivers start their engines at 8:00 in the evening,and,in teams of three,work straight through the night until 8:00 the next morning,averaging 25 mph. Last year,the winning team finished a record 311 miles on the course in Billingshurst,England,doing justice to the association's motto: “Per Herbam Ad Astra,” or “Through the Grass to the Stars."

21. The Bognor Birdman event.

   A. was first held in 1992

   B. is actually a local festival

   C. features high-tech flying machines

   D. has an unbeaten record in recent two decades

22. The underlined phrase “wing it” in the text probably means .

   A. compete with their wings spread

   B. compete without preparation

   C. race along the course nonstop

   D. race with trained chickens

23. What do the three races have in common?

   A. They are irregularly scheduled.

   B. They are held in the same season.

   C. They are all held in coastal areas.

   D. They are all traditional competitions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


假定你是学生会主席李华。你的美国朋友卡尔正在你市度假,请你代表学生会给他写一封电子 邮件,邀请他给同学们做报告。要点如下:

1. 时间:下周三下午3点到5点;

2. 报告内容:如何提高英语口语,美国学生的日常生活以及中美差异。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾己为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Carl,



 Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Sometimes it can be great having English as a first language. It's a language of business,culture and entertainment,and is 61. (official) the most popular language to learn. However,there are also disadvantages of 62. (raise) as a native English speaker.

   First of all,it can be incredibly difficult 63. (communicate) with native speakers of other languages when all they want to do is practise 64. English. Sometimes they're jpst doing it to be helpful. However,it doesn't exactly help the English speaker in 65. end. I am currently living with a native French speaker,who

66.(find) it far easier to speak English with me than French. While it's 67. (stressful) for me to speak English,it certainly isn't helping my French much.

   It might seem that English speakers are very confident and outgoing. However,when it comes to learning other 68. (language) , native English speakers are also very shy and unwilling to speak. As a result,they are too afraid to try and learn another language,for fear 69. looking stupid.

   On the whole,I'm glad 70. I can speak English. However,being a native English speaker can also have its drawbacks,as strange as it might sound.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   My history teacher Mrs. Sherman in my 11th grade is a great influence on me. She was the person who helped me develop an interest in 41 . Most importantly,she had faith in me,forcing me to 42 myself and helped me become the first in my family to attend a four-year college.

   To 43 her,I say at the beginning of one of my books that it has been written for her. I hadn’t 44 her in nearly a decade,but I knew: She changed my 45 — I owed her forever. When she got word of what I'd done,Mrs. Sherman reached out to me. I was 46 just to receive her email. Mrs. Sherman was a giant in my life. To see a 47 from her — I feel like I was 17 again.

   After a few emails back and forth,Mrs. Sherman told me a secret: she was 48 ,and she needed a new kidney (肾)49,I got in touch with Sheryl Sandberg,who was also one of Mrs. Sherman's 50 and who is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of Facebook and we started to search for potential donors.

   One of my readers was thought to be a 51 . So,naturally,we started getting 52 . Then,a twist of fate Beth,the potential donor,was discovered to have a cancerous tumor (^5%) on her own kidney. We were 53 to learn this.

   Beth would need an operation,but she could be 54 . She kept thanking me over and over for 55 her life. But we all know the 56 . Beth saved her own life — by being so 57 ,and volunteering to save the life of a 58 .

   Though we re still looking for a donor match for Mrs. Sherman,we believe we will find one eventually 59 there are so many people out there who are 60 to do something good in this world.

41. A. learning   B. working   C. designing   D. acting

42. A. help   B. relax   C. believe in   D. turn to

43. A. encourage   B. thank   C. support   D. comfort

44. A. remembered   B. missed   C. seen   D. trusted

45. A. habit   B. life   C. dream   D. interest

46. A. confused   B. terrified   C. relieved   D. thrilled

47. A. picture   B. note   C. book   D. word

48. A. old   B. tired   C. lonely   D. sick

49. A. Immediately   B. Suddenly   C. Generally   D. Finally

50. A. teachers   B. colleagues   C. students   D. friends

51. A. partner   B. match   C. connection   D. target

52. A. surprised   B. satisfied   C. interested   D. excited

53. A. embarrassed   B. shocked   C. worried   D. annoyed

54. A. cured   B. examined   C. protected   D. served

55. A. changing   B. improving   C. saving   D. enjoying

56. A. secret   B. reality   C. symbol   D. truth

57. A. proud   B. smart   C. kind   D. patient

58. A. stranger   B. leader   C. writer   D. reader

59. A. as   B. if   C. when   D. until

60. A. able   B. quick   C. brave   D. willing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

11. The boy put the birthday gift intoa box,

a stamp to it and mailed it.

   A. fixed   B. stressed   C. attached   D. signed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    It was a beautiful morning. My friend Bob had persuaded us have a country walk and picnic,start from his village. So soon as we had left the village we found the footpath. The sun began to get hotter as we walk across the fields. Sometimes we stopped to look at wild flowers,and Bob knew most of their name. After a few hours we reached for a lake and stopped to eat our sandwiches. It wasn't until I sat down that I realised how much my feet hurt. I lay down for the rest,but no sooner had I closed my eyes' that Bob said we should set off again. Final the village came into view. It was a great relieve to get back to Bob’s house!

