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Li Na is a Chinese former professional tennis player,who achieved a careerbest ranking of world No. 2.  She was born on 26 February 1982 in Wuhan,Hubei,China. 1       So at age six,Li followed her father's footsteps and started playing badminton. Just before she turned eight,Li was persuaded to switch to tennis by her coach. 2       This experience affected Li's confidence in later years.

At the end of 2002,Li left the national tennis team to study parttime at Huazhong University of Science and Technology,3       . The Chinese media cited (引用) various reasons for this. Some reported that the relationship between her and her future husband,Jiang Shan,was opposed by the national team's management. Some reported that her coach was too strict and demanding. 4       Li returned to the national team in 2004. However,she quit the national team as well as the staterun sports system in 2008. As a result,Li had the freedom to hire her own coaching staff and she would be solely responsible for the cost of training and coaching and tour expense. 5       Li's rise to prominence (卓越) has sparked a major population growth of tennis players in Asia,earning her the reputation as the region's tennis pioneer.

   A. where she completed her bachelor's degree in journalism

   B. Later,she won two Grand Slam singles titles at the 2011 French Open and 2014 Australian Open.

   C. Her father was a professional badminton player.

   D. Li joined China's National Tennis Team in 1997.

   E. However,her instructors taught tennis through negative reinforcement.

   F. In 2015,Li Na announced that she and her husband are expecting their first child.

   G. While other reports claimed that her request for a personal coach did not go through.

 1.       2.         3      . 4.             5.       



2. E考查转折关系。后文提到这段经历影响了李娜日后的信心,可以推断出这段经历是不愉快的。

3. A考查递进关系。前文提到李娜在华中科技大学求学,此空很可能介绍她完成了自己的学士学位。

4. G考查并列关系。前文提到了李娜离开国家队的原因,她要求请私人教练的请求未通过也可以算是其中之一。

5. B考查顺承关系。后文提到李娜成为了卓越的网球手,有什么比得到两座大满贯赛事冠军更能佐证这点的呢?

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) > 组合训练57


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Time flies like an arrow before we realize it. It is known that nothing are more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by,it will never return back. However,it is a pity that some people don't make full use of their time. They spend a lot of time in sleeping,chatting,playing computer games or other unmeaning matters. They don't realize that wasting time is actually equally to kill themselves. They always regret not have made great achievements. One of the reason may be that they do not make good use of time. Therefore,in order to be success,they should first get into the habit of being on time,it is a sign of cherishing time. Don't put down what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead failure. Don't wait,because you don't know how long it will take when you put off your plan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

From different media,the articles which suggest people to use cellphones 1       (little) are very common. In modern society,radiation is not an unfamiliar word to most people.

Hundreds of experiences have been tested by scientists from home and abroad. 2       they still hardly tell the final effects,they could see the little change. So the common suggestions are using electronic products less. The cellphones are one of the3       ( close) radio control products around us. Everyone uses cellphones to contact,to record files,to get entertainment. The cellphones are more likely to be our best friends who can share our happiness and upset feelings.

4      ,every coin has two sides. As a radio control product,it has radiation which is 5       (like) to damage our health. So many people choose to turn off the cellphones at night. To tell the truth,it does good 6        health and it should 7       (recommend) to follow. But I think that it depends on different persons. For those who have to keep in touch with others,it is quite hard for them to say OK to turn off the cellphones at night. I am one of the people who do not turn off the cellphones. 8       (general) speaking I charge the cellphone all night. I am sure I am not lonely about this.

Although I cannot turn off the cellphone at night,in my mind 9          (turn) off the cellphones at night is very good. So I strongly encourage students,pregnant women,10       (retire) people. . . to turn off the cellphones at night.

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.                  7.         8.                  9.          10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Email has brought the art of letter writing back to life,but some experts think the resulting spread of bad English does more harm than good.

Email is a form of communication that is changing,for the worse,the way we write and use language,say some communication researchers. 1       These are a few of the recently recognized features of email,say experts,which should cause individual and organizations to rethink the way they use email.

Naomi Baron,a professor of linguistics at American University says , " 2       " She also says the poor spelling,grammar,punctuation and sentence structure of emails reflect a growing unconcern to the way we write.

Baron argues that we shouldn't forgive and forget the poor writing often shown in emails. The professor says , "   3      

Others say that despite its poor prose (文字) ,email has finished what several generations of English teachers couldn't: It has made writing fashionable again.

"4       " says Lancashire,a University of Toronto professor of English. "It fills the gap between spoken language and the formal methods of writing that existed before email. It is the purest form of written speech."

Lancashire says email has the mysterious ability to get people who are usually scared by writing to get their thoughts flowing easily onto a blank screen. He says this is because of email's close similarity to speech. "It's like a circle of four or five people around a campfire, " he says.

Still,he accepts that this newfound freedom to express themselves often gets people into trouble. "Almost every day I get emails that are apologies of previous emails,”he reports. In the US,the number of emails sent in a day exceeds the number of letters mailed in a year. 5      

   A. Email has increased the spread of careless writing habits.

   B. But more people are recognizing the content of a typical email message is not often exact.

   C. Email is often used to send messages,pictures to their beloved ones.

   D. It is also changing the way we interact and build relationship.

   E. The more we use email and its tasteless writing,the more it becomes the normal way of writing.

   F. Email will replace letters in the near future.

   G. Email is a critical new communication technology.

1.       2.                  3.                  4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Everyone has many teachers during the school time. But there is one 1        is the best among them always staying with you. That is interest.

Interest can be 2        very good teacher. It 3       (guide) you to discover things you are interested in and explore the mysteries of some4       (amaze) things. When your teacher asks you to learn something,you are forced to,not active. But if you are interested in something,you will be glad to study it. You will search the Internet to find information or ask someone who knows something about it. You will try your best to analyze it and understand it. Doing so always 5       a good effect 6        yourself.

The famous basketball player,Michael Jordan once said "I love this game. " 7       asked why he could make great8       ( achieve) in basketball. Interest became the teacher of Jordan. The love of basketball took him into the glory of success.

9       (root) in everyone*s heart,interest is not far away from us. What's the most important is how you take it. Our hearts are many wireless stations,the 10       you receive messages sent by interest,the more successful you will be.

1.                  2.                  3.         4      . 5.       

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

One Sunday morning,there were many people in Zhong Shan park. All a sudden,a woman shouted, "Stop,thief!He's snatched my bag! " Heard this,a few people began to run after him. There were an old man sat quietly on a bench nearby. As the snatcher was running beside him,the old man quickly picked up his umbrella and put it between the snatcher's leg. The young man fell down heavy on the ground. Sooner two policemen came and arrested him. The woman thanked the old man,and the people around praised the old man for his clever.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Happiness training at work can be extremely good for the company as well as the individual. A few short training days can produce huge benefits. 1       There are so many benefits of happiness training at work. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Happiness at home;One of the benefits for happiness at work is that people will go home happier. Being happier at home translates into a benefit to business because a better mental state and a proper rest will mean employees can work more efficiently and productively the next day. 2       Emotional intelligence:There is a change toward stress reduction,as people are taught happiness and begin to practise it at work. 3       It will increase the individual's skills to deal with problems,and the ability to improve his selfcontrol.

Increased focus:Happiness is responsible for creating an increased ability to focus on the job at hand or the problem to be solved. 4       Loving work:Happiness at work creates the environment for people to actually love what they do. They begin to experience the feeling of loving their work. Since an employee spends 8  to 10 hours,5 days a week at work,it accounts for a great deal of his life.

Feeling appreciated: 5       When you make someone feel appreciated,he feels better about himself and what he is doing for the company. He feels like he is making a contribution to the other people in the company and to the people who buy the products and services of his company. Employees feel they are making a difference.

   A. People will waste less time and be more in the "flow".

   B. Happiness increases emotional control for the individual.

   C. The cost is very small,but the positive effects can be everlasting.

   D. Happiness exists when you look at the overall picture of your life.

   E. It's also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.

   F. They will be far less likely to take time off either because of poor health or excuses.

   G. How do all these benefits take place not only for the worker but for the management as well?

1.                  2,                  3.                  4.           5.        


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This morning I got up early and went to school as usually,only find there was nobody in the classroom because it was Sunday. "How a bad memory I have !" I couldn't help laughing. Stand in front of the school gate,I began to wonder what to do next. Suddenly a good idea occurs to me. " Why not get together with some good friends for a picnic in such a fine weather?" I immediately telephoned some of my best friends,but they all agreed to come to join me. About two hours late,we finally arrived a pleasant park with trees and flowers here and there. We really enjoyed us hugely


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Robert:Oh,look at the sky,Betty!It looks like rain. Betty:I hope it won't rain.

Robert:That's not 1        the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.

Betty:We cannot have a picnic 2        good weather. We need sunshine for all the games and entertainment.

Robert:Yeah,sunshine―   3       not too much!Do you remember last year? Betty:Surely I do. It was so hot that all we did was to look for shade and look for ways to 4        from the sun.

Robert:And no one wanted to participate in any of the games. All we wanted was cold drinks.

Betty:If there5         (be) a little wind to cool us off...

Robert:But there was not. Just the burning sun and we nearly got6         (burn) . Betty:     7          ( obvious) we don't have that problem this year. Did you hear the weather forecast?

Robert:No. I was watching a football match and forgot8       ( stop) it for the weather forecast. Maybe it will only be a short shower,which cools things off a little. That 9       not be bad. Betty:Wish10       were true.

1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.       

