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根据一份调查显示, 现在各个高中学校中的高中生面临沉重的学习压力,因此,很多同学课间休息时间也坐在教室里学习,但效果并不理想。就此,英语周报举办一次征文活动,以劝诫这些同学:适当的休息很有必要。现请你以“The Break Between Classes”为题,按以下要求写一篇英语短文,让这些同学从中受到启发。要点如下:





The Break Between Classes

Time seems to be so limited for us senior high school students.










Onea possible version:

The Break Between Classes

Time seems to be so limited for us senior high school students. Thus, with so much work to do, a great many students are always eager to seize every minute to study in and after class, including the ten-minute break. However, the outcome isn’t as satisfying as expected.

As far as I know, we need the short break, of which the significance can’t be overlooked. As a matter of fact, the ten-minute break helps us keep a balance between study and relaxation. Short as the break is, we can refresh ourselves and get well prepared for the next class. Thus, there is no need to push ourselves to study even during the short ten-minute break.

Now I’d like to share with you my ten-minute break activities. During the ten minutes, I will walk out of the classroom, breathe the fresh air, and then make the preparations for the next class. Only in this way can I do my work remarkably well.


试题分析:本文属于提纲作文,要求以“The Break Between Classes”为题来写篇文章劝诫同学们要充分利用课间时间让大脑进行休息以获得更高的学习效率。文章共给出三个要点,在谋篇布局方面,可以采用三段式结构来分别对要点加以介绍,这样可以使文章层次清晰。在介绍每个要点时要充分发挥想象力,利用恰当的连接词或者过渡句以便使文章内容连贯,语言流畅。而且写作时还要尽量使用多种句式结构来丰富文章语言。此外,文章是介绍一种普遍存在的现象,所以可以使用一般现在时。文中可以使用的连接词有:therefore 、as a result 、however、thus等。可能使用的句型有:It is necessary for sb too sth; Oly in this way can we have a good rest。

【亮点说明】本篇书面表达用三个段落分别阐述了三个要点,首先描述存在的现象,然后提出课间休息的必要性,最后介绍自己的做法并提出建议。作者的这种结构安排使文章段落清晰,层次分明。在语言方面,作者使用了丰富的句式结构,比如固定句型there is no need to push ourselves to study even during the short ten-minute break.,让步状语从句Short as the break is和倒装句Only in this way can I do my work remarkably well等,还有As far as I know,with so much work to do,As a matter of fact等大量短语的使用也使文章亮点纷呈,充分显示了作者深厚的语言功底。




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省协作体高考摸底测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

China's exchanges and cooperation with other developing countries reached a new level. China's relations with other major countries grew through interaction.

A. stiffly B. steadily

C. virtually D. entirely



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省温州市十校联合体高二下学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is ____ great pity that the discovery of flight MH 370 still proves to be ____ failure.

A.不填;a B. the; the C. a; a D. a;不填



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省温州市十校联合体高三上学期期初联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I’m sorry I didn’t phone you, but I’ve been very busy ____ the past couple weeks.

A. beyond B. over

C. with D. among



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省温州市十校联合体高三上学期期初联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--- Do you know why Jane was so angry?

--- Her roommate gave in to _________ and opened the letter addressed to her.

A. curiosityB. consideration

C. concern D. convenience



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省桐乡市高二下学期期中测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

British Broadcasting Corporation(the BBC) was founded in 1922, including radio and television services. It is based at Broadcasting House in London.

The BBC is controlled by some governors chosen by the government, but these people have complete freedom and government can’t interfere. That is, the BBC is not the mouthpiece (喉舌) of the government. It has to be as fair as possible in giving radio and television time to, for example, political parties and religious groups.

There is a kind of interesting services in Britain- rental (租借) services. Many people prefer to rent their television sets instead of buying them. The rent for a black and white set is about 80 pence a week. The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. If the sets go wrong, people can have them repaired free of charge or replace immediately.

Everyone who owns or rents a television set has to pay a yearly licence, there is no advertising on BBC radio or television. It is from the sale of licence that the BBC gets most of its money. A licence for a black and white set costs 8 pounds, and for a color set 18 pounds a year.

There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes. Radio I is mainly pop music. Radio 2 deals with light music, sports and other programmes. Radio 3 broadcasts serious music, talks on serious subjects etc. News broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4.

There are special programmes for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and certain parts of England. It also broadcasts programmes about Britain - in many different languages as well as in English to all parts of the world.

1.The BBC Broadcasting House lies in ______.

A. Scotland B. England C. Wales D. Northern Ireland

2.How much should you pay if you rent a color TV set and use it for a year?

A. More than 100 pounds B. About 37 pounds

C. About 83 pounds D. 18 pounds

3.The BBC gets most of its money ______.

A. from the government B. from rental services

C. by selling licences D. by advertising

4.Which of the following is true?

A. You can listen to classical music from Radio 1.

B. If you rent a TV set and there is something wrong with it, you should fix it with your own money.

C. The BBC special programmes are not only for different areas in its own country but also for foreign countries.

D. The BBC broadcasts to foreign countries only in English



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省桐乡市高二下学期期中测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He is a student at Oxford University, ____for a degree in computer science.

A. studied B. studying C. to have studied D. to be studying



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省杭州市高一下学期期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假如你住在一个涉外小区,社区请你帮忙根据以下提示用英文写一封电子邮件, 将周末社区邀请居民参加乡村耕作活动的细节传达给用户。


亲近自然, 锻炼身体




种菜, 养花, 喂鱼等







要求:1. 短文结构完整,意思连贯,语言流畅,语法准确,符合逻辑;

2. 100词左右;

3. 参考词汇:居民resident ; 社区 community








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Experts think that _________ recently discovered painting may be_________ Picasso.

A. the; aB. a; theC. a; /D. the; /


