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The business of the company was growing so fast that the manager had to _____ more workers.

A. take in B. take on C. take up D. take after








科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高二下学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

According to the information from the airline, a small sinking part of the runway of the airport is _______ for the accident.

A. to blame B. to be blamed C. to blaming D. to be blaming



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省南昌市高三8月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

____ the government’s record on unemployment, their chances of winning the election look poor.

A. Given B. To give

C. Giving D. Having given



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I stopped at a grocery store the other day because I was about to go on a long drive and I wanted to buy my favorite for the trip. It wasn’t the store I go to, just one I passed along the way.

As I walked up to the entrance, I a man and a boy who was about 10 or 12 years old  at the front of the store. The man handed half-sheets of white paper as customers walked past. I walked up to them with , wondering what cause they . As I got closer, I saw that they had two carts (购物车) starting to fill with .

I said hello and the man greeted me and  me one of the pieces of paper, that they were collecting donations for the homeless. On the paper was a simple  of food items: peanut butter, noodles, pasta sauce, canned fruits and vegetables. It also included a short story about the boy and his to collect food donations since the age of 8. 

I was really that someone so young would be so interested in helping others. I told him it was a(n) idea and that he should be proud of himself. He smiled.

Then, I went inside to get my drink. , the store didn’t have it. , I wasn’t upset, because by then I felt I had another mission. I went through the store, things from the list, then brought them back out to the boy and put them in the cart. They thanked me and offered me a(n) (candy, I think).

As I walked back to my car, the boy’s well-intentioned spirit with me. How inspiring to a young boy with a resolve to do good deeds, and the courage to act on it.

1.A. cigar B. beer C. drink D. snack

2.A. hardly B. normallyC. intentionallyD. consciously

3.A. noticedB. watchedC. feltD. recognized

4.A. sitting B. lyingC. hiding D. standing

5.A. customersB. salesmen C. childrenD. drivers

6.A. astonishmentB. curiosityC. concernD. anxiety

7.A. presentedB. devoted C. disapprovedD. represented

8.A. money B. clothesC. groceriesD. vegetables

9.A. sold B. showed C. brought D. handed

10.A. whisperingB. explainingC. advisingD. analyzing

11.A. advertisementB. posterC. menuD. list

12.A. effortsB. attemptsC. plansD. puzzles

13.A. convincedB. touchedC. discouraged D. reminded

14.A. specificB. flexible C. awesome D. imaginable

15.A. Surprisingly B. Eventually C. Thankfully D. Unfortunately

16.A. then B. Therefore C. StillD. However

17.A. picking B. packing C. gathering D. holding

18.A. inspiration B. treat C. praiseD. award

19.A. struckB. agreed C. stuck D. arose

20.A. come across B. bring upC. see throughD. care for



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I _____ of your trying to earn some money by taking part time jobs, but please don’t neglect your studies at university.

A. assess B. acquire C. appreciate D. approve



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省五校高三第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

[1] Boys whose fathers work very long hours are more likely to be aggressive, according to a new research. A study of more than 1,400 children found those boys, whose fathers worked more than 55 hours a week, were more aggressive than their peers, yet the same thing didn’t happen to daughters. What’s more, mothers’ working hours did not seem to affect it.

[2] Now, further research needs to be carried out to find out why this happens in males, and to look for ways to tackle it. In Germany, 15 percent of fathers of children, aged three and four, worked 55 or more hours a week. Dr. Jianghong Li said, “It is possible when fathers work very long hours, children are less well monitored after school, especially if mothers also work full time hours. There is some evidence young boys are less well monitored than girls, when fathers have high work related demands. As a result, it will cause more problems.

[3] The average amount of time parents spend with their children has increased in recent years, but the quantity and quality of parent-child time is still raised as a concern. Studies in the US and Australia point to a desire among parents to work fewer hours and spend more time with their children. A wish among children is that parents would come home from work less tired and stressed.

[4] The finding provides evidence to support equal opportunities for mothers and fathers to share parenting and work responsibilities. Instead of focusing on negative effects of mothers’ working hours, policy makers should pay attention to negative results of fathers’ long working hours for children’s emotional well being. Fathers should be urged not to work long hours, but to have a greater share of parenting responsibilities.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage? (no more than 11 words)


2.How much time should fathers work a week at most according to the passage? (no more than 5 words)


3.What would happen if fathers work too long hours? (no more than 10 words)


4.What’s the desire among children according to the passage? (no more than 10 words)


5.What does the text suggest to us? (no more than 10 words)




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省五校高三第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It has been accepted that all the students ____ put on masks before going to school in case they are infected with flu virus.

A. shall B. will

C. need D. may



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省九江市七校高二下学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When I was two years old, something happened which I have never forgotten. It was early spring, and there was a light mist over the trees and fields. The other young fellows and I were feeding at the lower end of the field when we heard the distant cry of dogs.

The oldest among us lifted his head to listen. “There are the hounds(猎犬)”, he said, and immediately raced off. The rest of us followed him to the top of the field where we could see several fields beyond.

Soon the dogs were all racing down the field next to ours, making a loud “yoyoyoyo” sound. After then came men on horses, some in green coats. Suddenly, the dogs became silent and ran around with their noses to the ground.

“They’ve lost the smell of the hare.” said the old horse. “Perhaps it will escape.” But the dogs began their “yoyoyoyo” again and came at full speed towards our field. Just then a hare, wild with fear, ran towards the trees. The dogs jumped over the stream and ran across the field, followed by the huntsmen. Six or eight jumped their horses over the stream, close behind the dogs. Before the hare could get away, the dogs were upon her with wild cries. We heard a terrible scream, and that was the end of the hare. One of the men picked her up and held her by the leg. She was covered in blood, but all the huntsmen seemed pleased.

I was so greatly surprised that at first I did not see what was happening by the stream but when I did look, I saw a sad sight. Two fine horses were down, one in the stream struggling to stand up and the other on the grass with one of his legs broken. One rider, who seemed unhurt, was climbing out of the water, but the other lay quite still. “His neck is broken,” said my mother. “I can’t understand why men are so fond of this sport. They often hurt themselves and ruin good horses, all for one hare that they could get more easily in other ways. But we are only horses, and don’t know why men do these things.”

They carried the dead rider to our master’s house, and then came back to the black horse on the grass. The animal was in great pain and one of his legs was broken. Someone ran to our master’s house and came back to the horse with a gun. Soon after there was a loud bang and a terrible cry, and the black horse did not move any more.

1.What does “I” in the passage refer to?

A. A scared hare.                      B. A young horse.

C. A fierce dog.       D. A brave hunter.

2.Which word can be used to describe my true feeling at the scene of the hunting?

A. Sad. B. Pleased. C. Angry. D. Delighted.

3.The men hunted the hare at the cost of the lives of____________.

A. one rider and one horse          

B. two riders and two horses

C. six or eight huntsmen and a dog

D. the oldest horse and a huntsman

4.The best title for the passage would be____________.

A. What a Poor Hare           

B. My Terrible Childhood Memory

C.  A Black Horse     

D. Scenery in the Field

5.The writer probably holds the view that ____________.

A. hunting is a nice outdoor activity

B. it is dangerous to hunt wild animals

C. hunting dogs are good helpers to huntsmen

D. human beings should treat animals well



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高二期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—What about ____ book?

—It’s too difficult ____ book for beginners.

A.the; a   B.a; a   C.a; the    D.the; the


