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16.School meals are junk and don't provide the nutrition a body needs to grow,says Jamie Oliver,and he decides to do something about it.Schoolchildren in France who eat school dinners are likely to have a well-balanced,four-course meal with fresh ingredients (成分) costing up to£1.10 to make.ButBritish schoolchildren are fed mainly cheap-processed meat,frozen pizzas and potato smiley faces,costing on average just 37 pence per meal.
In fact the money spent on school dinners is so small that schools can afford only what some people describe as junk food rather than fresh natural ingredients.This means that their meals don't provide the nutrients and goodness children's bodies need to develop properly.No wonder there's growing concern about the health of the nation's schoolchildren.
Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver was so concerned about school dinners that he decided to try to improve them by teaming up with the kitchen staff at Kidbrooke School in Grenwich.He took a lot of time to learn how to get the kids to stop eating the junk and move to healthy food.This is not easy!But it is possible with some hard work and determination!After a lot of hard work from both Jamie and the school's cooks,Kidbrooke is now serving some of the best school food in Britain.The menu includes fresh butcher's sausages with creamy mash and onion gravy,chilli corn with basmati rice and fresh fruit salad.Incredibly,Jamie and the staff managed to create this healthier menu with the same 37 pence budget.But the school chefs admit cooking healthy food isn't as easy as simply putting burgers and chips in the oven.
Then came the good news!The government has promised to spend£280 million to improve school dinners across the country.Well done Jamie!This means that die national average cost will rise from 37p to 50p in primary schools and from 37p to 60p in secondary schools.
66.What does the author try to tell us in the first paragraph?B
    A.School meals in France are the most expensive in the world.
    B.British schools don't provide the students with healthy food.
    C.School meals in Britain are cheaper than those in France.
    D.British school meals include many kinds of healthy food.
67.British schools provide students with such meals becauseC
    A.most of the school children are too fat
    B.people show little concern about the health of schoolchildren
    C.schools don't have enough money
    D.schools don't want to spend much money
68.From the passage we can see thatD
    A.the British government ignores schoolchildren's health
    B.Jamie creates a healthy menu with the help of the government
    C.schoolchildren in Britain will have the best meals
    D.cooking healthy food is not an easy job
69.The good news for the British is thatD
    A.schoolchildren will have the best food in Britain
    B.the menu Jamie Oliver created is the best
    C.parents have begun to pay attention to children's food at school
    D.the government has begun to do something about the fact
70.What is the best title for this newspaper story?A
    A.A Healthier Menu for School Dinners
    B.Schoolchildren in Britain Can't Develop Properly
    C.Dinners Lacking Nutrients in School
    D.Schools with the Best Food.

分析 本文讲述一个厨师精心研究出一套健康食谱以解决英国学校较差的饮食状况

66.B   根据第一段开头School meals are junk and don't provide the nutrition a body needs to grow判断可知,是英国的学校没有给学生提供健康的食物,故答案为B.
67.C  根据第二段的第一句In fact the money spent on school dinners is so small that schools can afford only what some people describe as junk food rather than fresh natural ingredients.谈到主要的原因是学校没有足够的钱,故答案为C.
68.D 根据第三段结尾…cooking healthy food isn't as easy as simply putting burgers and chips in the oven判断可知,烹饪健康的食物不是一件容易的工作,故答案为D.
69.D 由最后一段Then came the good news!The government has promised to spend£280 million to improve school dinners across the country.Well done Jamie!This means that die national average cost will rise from 37p to 50p in primary schools and from 37p to 60p in secondary schools.可知,政府已意识到了这个问题并许诺提高学校饭菜的质量,故答案为D
70.A 本文讲述一个厨师精心研究出一套健康食谱以解决英国学校较差的饮食状况,故选A项.

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2、要熟悉科普类文章的结构特点.科普类文章一般由标题(Head line),导语(Introduction),背景(Back ground),主体(Main body)和结尾(End)五部分构成.标题是文章中心思想高度而又精辟的概括,但根据历年的高考情况来看,这类阅读理解材料一般不给标题,而要同学们选择标题.导语一般位于整篇文章的首段.背景交待一个事实的起因.主体则对导语概括的事实进行详细叙述,这一部分命题往往最多,因此,阅读时,同学们要把这部分作为重点.结尾往往也是中心思想的概括,并与导语相呼应,命题者常在此要设计一道推理判断题.  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.It is difficult for doctors to help a person with a damaged brain.Without enough blood,the brain lives for only three to five minutes.More often the doctors can't fix the damage.Sometimes they are afraid to try something to help because it is dangerous to work on the brain.The doctors might make the person worse if he operates on the brain.
Dr.Robert White,a famous professor and doctor,thinks he knows a way to help.He thinks doctors should make the brain very cold.If it is very cold,the brain can live without blood for 30minutes.This gives the doctor a longer time to do something for the brain.
Dr.White tried his idea on 13monkeys.First he taught them to do different jobs,and then he operated on them.He made the monkeys'blood go through a machine.The machine cooled the blood.Then the machine sent the blood back to the monkeys'brains.When the brain's temperature was 10°C,Dr.White stopped the blood to the brain.After 30minutes he turned the blood back on.He warmed the blood again.After their operations the monkeys were like they had been before.They were healthy and busy.Each one could still do the jobs the doctor had taught them.
29.The biggest difficulty in operating on the damaged brain is thatA.
A.the time is too short for doctors
B.the patients are often too nervous
C.the damage is extremely hard to fix
D.the blood-cooling machine might break down
30.The brain operation was made possible mainly byD.
A.taking the blood out of the brain
B.trying the operation on monkeys first
C.having the blood go through a machine
D.lowering the brain's temperature
31.With Dr.White's new idea,the operation on the damaged brainA.
A.can last as long as 30minutes
B.can keep the brain's blood warm
C.can keep the patient's brain healthy
D.can help monkeys do different jobs
32.What is the right order of the steps in the operation?B
a.send the cooled blood back to the brain
b.stop the blood to the brain
c.have the blood cooled down
d.operate on the brain


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Dear Alcohol,
You've been around forever.I can remember all the pain you've caused for me.
Do you remember the night you almost took my father's life?I do.He loves you.Sometimes I think he loves you more than he loves me.He's addicted to you,to the way you promise to rid him of his problems only to cause more of them.You just sat back and laughed as his car went spinning through the street,crashing into two other cars.He wasn't the only one hurt by you that night.
Do you remember the night of my first high school party?You were there.My friends were intrigued by you.They treated you as if they were never going to see you again,drinking all of you that they could.I spent two hours that night helping my friends who had fallen completely."I'm so embarrassed,"they said as I held their hair back so that they could vomit (呕吐)."I'm sorry,"they said when I called taxies for them,walking them out and paying the driver in advance."This won't happen again,"they said as they were sent to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped.Two 15-year-old girls slept in hospital beds that night thanks to you.
Do you remember the night when you took advantage of my 17-year-old neighbor who had to drive to pick up his sister from her dance lessons?Do you know how we all felt when he hit another car and killed the two people in the other car?He died the next morning too.His sister walked home from her dance lesson,and passed police cars and a crowd of people gathering on the sidewalk just two blocks away from the dance studio.She didn't realize her brother was in the midst of it all.She never saw him again.And it's all your fault.
I wish you'd walk out of my life forever.I don't want anything to do with you.Look at all the pain you've caused.Sure,you've made people happy too from time to time.But the damage you've caused in the lives of millions is inexcusable.Stop luring (引诱) in the people I love.Stop hurting me,please.
4.What is author's purpose in writing to alcohol?C
A.To introduce Mr.Alcohol to the readers
B.To describe the harm alcohol did to his family.
C.To show how much alcohol can hurt people.
D.To show the great fun that alcohol can bring to people's life.
5.What did alcohol do to the author's father?D
A.It made him crash into two other cars and killed his life.
B.It made him drink too much and he had to get his stomach pumped.
C.It made him kill two other people when driving.
D.It made him get into a car accident and badly injure himself.
6.The underlined phrase"were intrigued by"is closest in meaning toB.
A.were familiar with
B.were interested in
C.were disappointed with
D.were satisfied with
7.What is the tone of the article?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.If you love adventure and excitement,then Hunter's best-selling Warriors series is for you.The fantasy books follow four cat clans (部落)as they try to survive in the wilderness.In the newest book Thunder Clan warrior,Ash fur has been mysteriously murdered.This sets three warrior cats named Holly leaf,Lion blaze and Jay feather on a journey to find the killer.
The three friends must deal with other problems,too.Jay feather is searching for his parents,but he must struggle against many lies to find them.Holly leaf encounters her own barriers when her clan refuses to follow the warrior rule.And Lion blaze discovers some unbelievable secrets.Besides,the cats face many dangers and the chance that another warrior will disappear forever.
"Hunter"is really a pen name for Victoria Holmes and two other authors,Kate Cary and Cherith Baldry.They chose Hunter to cover the three of them because of Red Wall,a very successful book written by Brian Jacques.It is a similar animal fantasy about rats and mice.Because Warriors was going to fit into that bracket,they wanted their books to go into the bookshelves next to his.So they needed a name alphabetically that would be close to Jacques.Hunter fits perfectlyi
"My favorite character is Jay feather.You never know if he is on the side of the angels or not.He's got a quite dark side about him.In terms of the cat that I would like to be my best friend,that would be Cinder pelt.She is so cool.She has a great sense of humor and she is a good medicine cat.Even if she isn't a warrior,she tries to make the best of her destiny (命运).I really admire that in her,"said Victoria Holmes,one of the authors,

35.The three warrior cats go on a journey mainly toC.
A.survive in the wilderness
B.protect another warrior from disappearing
C.find the killer that murdered Ash fur 
D.look for some adventure and excitement
36.From the second paragraph,we can learn thatC.
A,Jay feather likes to tell lies and isn't trusted
B.the warrior rule of Holly leaf,s clan is terrible
C.the journey is not easy for the three cats
D,there are lots of unbelievable secrets among the clans
37.The authors chose Hunter as the pen name becauseD.
A.the book is about the hunting of cats
B.they all admired the fantasy author Brian Jacques
C.the books should be placed into the bookshelves marked as"H"
D.they wanted their books to be best-sellers just like Jacques'Red Wall
38.Which of the following is NOT true about Cinder pelt according to Victoria Holmes?B
A.She has a sense of humor.
B.She is on the side of the angels.
C.She attempts to make the best of her destiny.
D.She is a good medicine cat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.So you're trying to cut back on spending.Congratulations.You've made a wise decision but it is not necessarily a path that is easy to follow.The temptation to over-spend is an ever-present,inviting itch(痒) that you'll need to avoid scratching(抓挠).But,armed with the right set of principles,you can keep it at bay
Step 1
If you are going shopping,make sure you only take enough money with you to buy what you need.Extra money is often an excuse for extra spending.If you shop with charge cards,be sure that credit limit is only high enough to keep you from making impulsive(冲动的)purchases.
Step 2
Separate necessary spending and indulgence(放纵)spending.It's a good way to keep that money from flying out of your wallet.If you always pay for necessities first then you won't have the cash flow for the extras that,while you'd love to have them,you don't really need them.
Step 3
Take another person along who understand your goal  of keeping spending down.They can be your second conscience when you see that cute purse on sale and are attempting to justify the purchase.A frown and a shake of the head from your shopping buddy might be the extra signal  that persuades you to leave it behind.
Don't spend more than you have to,even on necessities.Shopping around you'll find that many everyday items that you do have to buy can be bought for less.Try the store brand instead of the name brand,and shop where you can find bargains.Saving a little money in this area may allow you a bit of self-indulgent spending now and then,as long as you have to"earn"that extra spending by saving.
36.What can we infer from the first paragraph?C
A.The customers are traveling on the sea     
B.The customers are trying to spend less.
C.The customers can't help spending more.
D.There are principles about spending.
37.What can  we do to stop ourselves from spending impulsively?B
A.Avoid a company going to shop with you.
B.Limit the amount of money you take.
C.Spend less on what you need most
D.Pay for what you need most first.
38.According to the passage,A.
A.using charge cards encourages extra spending
B.people often buy things that they don't want
C.the shopping buddy may help you spend more
D.you should buy whatever you want
39.The purpose of the author writing this article isD.
A.to give advice on how to shop
B.to help customers shop wisely
C.to guide people in using credit cards when showing
D.to offer advice on how to keep spending down
40.What does the word"it"the first paragraph refer to?D
A.Scratching     B.Itch
C.Spending.     D.Over spending.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Research shows that childhood friendships are important indicators of future success and social adjustment.Children's relationships with peers (同龄人) strongly influence their success in school,and children with fewer friends are more at risk of dropping out of school,becoming depressed and other problems.
Making and Keeping Friends Is More Than Child's Play
When 6-year-old Rachel returned to school on a recent Monday morning,her eyes immediately scanned the playground for her friend Abbie.Though they were only separated by a weekend,the girls"ran right into each other's arms and hugged,"recalls Rachel's mother Kathryn Willis of Gilbert."It was like a scene from a movie."
Most parents instinctively (本能地) know that having friends is good for their child.Experts agree that friendship is not simply child's play,but a powerful predictor of social adjustment throughout life.
A Skill for Life
"Childhood friendships serve as a very important training ground for adulthood,"says Dr.Robbie Adler-Tapia,psychologist with the Center for Children's Health & Life Development at the East Valley Family Resource Center.
Researcher William Hartup states,"Peer relations contribute significantly to both social and cognitive (认知的) development."Hartup concludes that the single best childhood predictor of adult social adaptation is not school grades or classroom behavior,but rather,how well a child gets along with other children.
The work of Arizona State University professor of developmental psychology Gary Ladd proves that just as being able to make and keep friends is beneficial to kids,so is the lack of friends detrimental.
Good Friendships Don't Just Happen
Experts agree that it is essential for children to establish high-quality friendships.But,researchers warn,these friendships don't necessarily just happen.Often,a good friendship begins with involved parents.
Valley psychologist Dr.Lynne Kenney Markan believes kids should be taught social skills in much the same way they are taught math and reading.
Bad Company
Many parents worry about the quality as well as the quantity of their child's friendships."When she was in 1st grade,her supposed'best friend'began calling her names and threatening to hurt her,"says Mindy Miller."My daughter wasn't allowed to talk to or even look at other girls in her class.It really crushed (压跨) her spirit.I told my daughter she didn't need a'friend'like that."
"I'll bend over backwards to help my son get together with a friend I think is good for him,"Adler-Tapia says."I don't look at it as manipulation (操纵),just positive parental involvement."

63.The example of Rachel and Abbie is used to illustrate thatA.
A.childhood friendship is of great significance to their growth
B.a positive friendship helps children solve emotional and physical problems
C.it is a proven fact that peer friendship is the most rewarding experience throughout life
D.Rachel missed her friend Abbie very much because of their separation of one weekend
64.The underlined word"detrimental"could be replaced byD.
A.aggressive   B.disappointing   C.ridiculous   D.harmful
65.We can learn from the passage that high-quality friendship most probably results fromD
A.social skills and good study habits
B.school grades and classroom behaviors
C.academic success and social adaptation
D.positive parental involvement and social skills
66.From the last paragraph we can conclude that Dr.Robbie Adler-Tapia agrees thatB
A.parents should regard making friends as something that just happens
B.it's wise for parents to support and encourage healthy peer relationships
C.parents only need to help their children to cope with difficult social situations
D.parents are supposed to encourage their children to make as many friends as they can.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.In the summer of 1999,a small town called Golcuk was shaken by a big earthquake in north-western Turkey.It destroyed the whole town and other nearby places.Soon enough,help from other countries flew there for one purpose,"saving lives".Nowadays wherever an earthquake strikes,other countries are ready to send help.That is really something that,as human beings,we should be proud of.
When the earthquake struck,I was living in my hometown of Ankara,capital of the Turkey.Despite the 220-mile distance between the two locations,we still were able to feel the shakes.
I had a chance to visit Golcuk a couple times when I was a kid.My uncle who lives in Germany has a summer house there,and every summer they stay in Golcuk for their yearly vacation.After the quake struck,we couldn't contact them,so we didn't know if they were in Golcuk or in Germany during the quake.Our unsuccessful attempts worried us,and the only thing we wanted to hear was that they were OK.Without wasting any more time,my brother,my sister's husband,and I decided to drive there to check on them by ourselves.
When we were driving,the damage of the earthquake started to show itself right away.Big,wide,tall trees were laid down on the side of the road.Getting closer to Golcuk,we found the impact of the earthquake was getting worse.Inside the town was total destruction.
It wasn't easy to figure out the streets among the ruins.Finally,we were able to find my uncle's apartment and thank God,it was still standing,but nobody was there.Later on we found that they hadn't yet visited Golcuk that year.What luck!
Earthquakes are natural disasters and there is no way to avoid them,especially as earthquakes never give a warning in advance.They just strike mercilessly in the middle of the night when people are asleep in their beds.We cannot stop disasters but we can prepare ourselves for their consequences.
56.What is the best title of the passage?A
A.Memory of an Earthquake in Golcuk
B.My Uncle's Yearly Vacation in Golck
C.An Unforgettable Experience
D.Our Unsuccessful Attempts
57.Mentioning"Our unsuccessful attempts"in the third paragraph,the author may NOT refer toD.
A.calling his uncle directly
B.ringing his uncle's family members
C.contacting his uncle's neighbors
D.going to Germany
58.On their way to search for their uncle,they foundC.
A.their uncle spent their yearly vacation in Golcuk every year
B.it was not difficult to find their uncle's house
C.the damage of the earthquake was worse than expected
D.their uncle hadn't visited Golcuk that year
59.From this passage,we can learn thatA.
A.help from other countries will come to the quake-hit country
B.people know how to get rid of earthquakes
C.they went to Golcuk immediately the quake happened
D.the author has never seen his uncle before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.There are many choices to make in life but _______ is more important than what goes on in your heart.(  )
A.nothingB.neitherC.noneD.no one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题


