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The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage ________ the other car.

A.of B.at C.to D.on



【解析】C 句意:这次事故是我的过错,因此我不得不赔偿对方车辆的损失。名词damage后需加介词to,意为“对……的损坏”。又如:The accident did a lot of damage to the car.这一事故把汽车损坏得很严重。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届北京市高二下期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

our earth, or else it will be no longer fit for us to live on.

A. Protected B. To protect

C. Protecting D. Protect



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届云南省高二下学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:信息匹配

It’s sometimes hard to understand a teenager. It’s even harder if a teenager doesn’t agree with you . 1.

Listen to what the teenager has to say. 2. While you may not entirely agree with what he’s saying, the tension will be lessened if the teenager feels like you are listening and trying to understand him. Also, he might return the favor and give you the chance to talk as well. It’s best to have a conversation where both of your opinions matter rather than fight and possibly hurt each other in the process.

Understand that while teenager may appear grown up and perhaps even sound matured, his mind has not fully developed, and he cannot think like an adult all the time. 3. However, this doesn’t mean you’re completely right or he deserves to be ridiculed or treated like a child.

4. However, remember that the teenager should understand when “no” is “no”. Avoid bringing up a compromise every time you disagree on something. This might teach him that he can always get away with what he wants ,whenever he wants it.

If the conversation launches into an argument, stop it. Tell him that you both need to calm down and think clearly or the problem will never be solved. If he refuses to listen to you and continues arguing , step out of the room and allow time for both of you to settle down. Do not scold him or shout back. Your words will possibly be lost on the teenager since you both are too angry to listen to each other. 5.He still needs to learn, and he doesn’t know everything.

A.Avoid having a bad tone, including accusations in your words.

B.This article tells you how to disagree with a teenager in a kind manner.

C.Bring up the topic after a while and make sure you listen to each other patiently.

D.People like being listened to, so give him the chance to express his opinion.

E.Come up with a compromise if the situation allows one.

F.Find the good points the teenager has and mention the negative points as well.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解3(解析版) 题型:完型填空

We always want what we cannot have. When we're young, we want to stay out late, have romantic relationships, and be ____. However, when we're ____, we want to go back to being young and we ____ the days when we didn't have to worry about complex love affairs, ____ pressure, and money problems.

Young people believe adulthood ____ freedom from parents and schoolwork. When they get older, they feel that ____ is freedom from work pressure and family responsibilities. To ____ this feeling, people say, “The grass is always ____ on the other side of the fence.”

As ____, we like to be like adults but as young adults, we ____ to be young again. We think about staying out late and ____ our own money to spend. Suddenly, they see that love can result in ____ hearts; staying out late makes it hard to get ready for ____ the next morning. They find out that adult life is not as ___ as they thought it would be and suddenly, ____ becomes very scary.

Life is ____. It gives us time to ____ but also requires us to work. The time will come when we must grow up and we will always look back wishing we ___ being young a bit longer. That time will not come back. It is normal to want what we cannot have but the ___ is that to be happy is to appreciate what we have. That is the first step to grow up. ____ life becomes more complex, we will not regret the time we wasted wishing we were adults.

1.A.comfortable B.dependent C.independent D.polite

2.A.older B.defeated C.married D.confident

3.A.like B.forget C.regret D.miss

4.A.study B.job C.age D.health

5.A.creates B.shows C.means D.limits

6.A.childhood B.adulthood C.parenthood D.neighborhood

7.A.reduce B.describe C.experience D.understand

8.A.greener B.thinner C.yellow D.colorful

9.A.researchers B.teenagers C.adults D.elders

10.A.wish B.decide C.return D.stop

11.A.making B.having C.worrying about D.showing off

12.A.healthy B.ambitious C.broken D.excited

13.A.breakfast B.school C.exercise D.work

14.A.rich B.busy C.poor D.easy

15.A.life B.love C.career D.future

16.A.long B.short C.fair D.beautiful

17.A.study B.think C.play D.live

18.A.stopped B.enjoyed C.imagined D.tried

19.A.reason B.result C.dream D.truth

20.A.If B.When C.Unless D.Before



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解3(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Butterflies ________ a sweet liquid produced by flowers, which bees and other insects collect.

A.carry on B.feed on

C.put on D.focus on



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解2(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The tale of a heroic pet

Luke has always been my closest companion these past five years. In fact, he is very obedient to me ____ when I take care of other furry friends in our shelter.

As you already know, there have been a lot of forest fires during the ____ season. Many forests are badly ____ by fire each year. Not far from our shelter, a forest caught fire during this hot summer and a heat wave has been going on for three days.

Luke rushed towards the forest where flames gave out a fierce heat. There's no longer any ____ at the moment to wait for Luke to come back to the shelter. ____, I was waiting for the fireman to ____ me his death in the forest. Suddenly, a fireman burst into my office and ____ me that my dog Luke succeeded in saving four kittens that were ____ by the flames. According to the fireman, Luke seized the kittens, one by one moving them to a(n) ____ place.

I ____ accompanied the firemen to the forest to pick up the rescued kittens. Once on the ____ of the incident, Luke was not there. Then we heard the sound of a dog came from the forest barking furiously. I ___ the sound of my dog Luke. The firemen followed the tracks of the dog ____ they found him barking loudly by the side of a(n) ____ fireman who was lying on the ground and desperately waiting for ____.

Thanks to Luke, four kittens and a fireman were saved. That day, I was very proud of Luke for his heroic ____. Luke showed much compassion for both animals like him and for a man trying to put out the fire with his ____. Honestly, my happiness is great and immeasurable.

I visited the fireman in his house accompanied with Luke. What a ____ scene when the fireman hugged Luke ____ to his chest! “One thousand thanks, Luke, for saving my life,” the fireman said.

This true story of love and compassion shows us that pets are loving and caring. We should love and protect them, for little animals can make enormous things for ____.

1.A.specially B.especially C.obviously D.simply

2.A.spring B.summer C.winter D.autumn

3.A.damaged B.disappeared C.harmed D.injured

4.A.sign B.point C.use D.hope

5.A.As usual B.At last C.In fact D.In general

6.A.call B.tell C.persuade D.visit

7.A.suggested B.comforted C.informed D.encouraged

8.A.struck B.burnt C.discovered D.trapped

9.A.ideal B.safe C.unusual D.homely

10.A.immediately B.politely C.closely D.suddenly

11.A.scenery B.view C.sight D.scene

12.A.recognized B.found C.caught D.focused

13.A.before B.unless C.until D.when

14.A.brave B.excited C.calm D.injured

15.A.dogs B.firemen C.rescue D.passersby

16.A.tales B.actions C.responses D.events

17.A.tools B.devices C.colleagues D.friends

18.A.memorable B.terrible C.lovely D.threatening

19.A.tightly B.carefully C.slowly D.slightly

20.A.firemen B.dogs C.kittens D.humans



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解2(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Don't worry about my illness. What I need is ________ but a few days' rest.

A.anything B.everything C.something D.nothing



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空+完形填空+阅读理解1(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The project will help people understand the many threats to the natural environment ________ endangered plants and animals live.

A.which B.when C.where D.that



科目:高中英语 来源:2014高考英语疯狂冲刺倒计时:单项填空(谓语大舞台)阅读理解(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The moment I completed the 800?meter race in the school sports meet, my legs ________.

A.gave out B.gave away

C.gave in D.gave up


