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1. By type, costs can be __________ (分类)into direct costs and indirect costs.

2. The prime minister’s further visit has __________(加强)the cooperation between the two countries.

3. It was a great __________ (荣幸)for me to be able to spend so much time with him here.

4. After a successful career in business, he was __________ (任命)good-will ambassador.

5. I __________ (推测)that we would arrive at 6: 00 p. m. .

6. We began to think less of the goods we can __________ (积累), and more about the good we can do.

7. Bad habits should be _____________ (抛弃)which will do you harm.

8. If you are willing to persevere with the child you will find that your efforts are __________ (回报).

9. The two sisters are so alike that people can hardly _____________ (区分)one from the other.

10. The change in her __________ (外貌)was extraordinary.

 1. classified  2. promoted  3. privilege  4. appointed   5. calculated

6. accumulate   7. abandoned  8. rewarded   9. distinguish 

10. appearance


科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈题库 练考新课堂 高二英语(下) 题型:050


  In order to communicate thoughts and feelings, there must be a conventional system of signs or symbols which mean the same to the sender and the receiver.

  The means of sending communications are too numerous and varied for systematic classification; therefore, the analysis must begin with the means of receiving communication. Reception of communication is achieved by our senses. Sight. hearing and touch play the most important roles.

  Examples of visual communication are gesture and mimicry. Although both frequently accompany speech, there are systems that rely solely on sight, such as those used by deaf and dumb persons. Another means of communicating visually is by signals of fire, smoke, flags, or flashing lights. Feelings may be simply communicated by touch, such as handshaking or backslapping, although a highly developed system of handshaking has enabled blind, deaf, and dumb persons to communicate intelligently. Whistling to someone, applauding in a theater and other forms of communication by sound rely upon the ear as a receiver. The most fully developed form of auditory communication is, of course, the spoken language.

  The means of communication mentioned so far have two features(特点)in common; they last only a short time, and the persons involved must be relatively close to each other. Therefore, all are restricted in time and space.

1.Why does the author explain that he will deal with reception of communication first?

[  ]

A.communication actually takes place when the message is received

B.there are more means of receiving than sending communications

C.it is difficult to organize by type the means of sending communications

D.reception of communications involved use of the senses

2.Applauding is specifically mentioned as an example of ________.

[  ]

A.a simple system of visual communication

B.communication by touch

C.gesture and mimicry

D.communication by sound

3.Which of the following statements about communication by touch is true?

[  ]

A.It is possible to communicate intelligently by touch alone

B.Touch must accompany visual communication

C.Touch is not important as a means of communication

D.There is no well-developed system of communication based on touch

4.Which of the following statements about the ways of communicating ideas and feelings mentioned in the passage is false?

[  ]

A.They can be used to communicate over long distances

B.They require both a sender and a receiver

C.They involve use of conventional signs and symbols

D.They utilize the senses for reception

5.The author specifically mentions that speech is ________.

[  ]

A.necessary for satisfactory communication by gesture

B.the only highly developed form system of communication

C.often used when communicating by touch

D.the mast developed form of communication based on hearing


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省武胜县2010届高三下学期第一次联考 题型:阅读理解

New York City was dealing with a growing public health threat Sunday after tests confirmed (证实) that eight students at a private Catholic high school had contracted(感染)the same strain of the AH1N1 flu that has ravaged (重创) Mexico . Some of the school’s students had visited Cancun on a spring break trip two weeks ago .
Officials reported 68 U.S. cases of AH1N1 flu in five states so far , with the latest in Ohio and New York . Unlike in Mexico , cases in the United State have been mild – and U.S. health authorities can’t yet explain why .
In New York City , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that there were 45 cases , Mayor Michael Bloomberg said .
About 100 students at St. Francis Preparatory School complained of flu-like symptoms(症状) ; further tests will determine how many of those cases are AH1N1 flu. St. Francis is the largest private Catholic high school in the nation , with 2, 700 students . The school canceled classes on Monday and Tuesday in response to the outbreak .
Bloomberg stressed that the New York cases were mild and many are recovering , but said that some family members of students also had flu symptoms .
In Mexico , health officials say a strain of AH1N1 flu has killed up to 160 people and sickened over 2, 000 . New York officials said the flu strain discovered in the patients here is the same strain as in Mexico , though all the New York cases are mild .
AH1N1 flu is a respiratory (呼吸道) disease of pigs caused by type A flu viruses . Human cases are uncommon but can occur in people who are around pigs . It also can be spread from person to person . Symptoms include a high fever , body aches , coughing , sore throat and respiratory congestion .
49.The passage seems to suggest that _________ .
New York City hasn’t done enough to prevent the disease
the AH1N1 flu in the U.S. likely came from Mexico
people appear to have immunity (免疫力) to the virus
children are likely to be infected with the AH1N1 flu
50. What did St. Francis do in response to the outbreak ?
A. The school called off courses .
B. The school handed out masks to every student .
C. The school planned another trip to Cancun .
D. The infected students were required to stay at home .
51.Compared with cases in the U.S. cases in Mexico are _________ .
A. milder      B. more typical     C. more severe      D. more gentle
52. Which is the main idea of the article ?
A. AH1N1 flu is spreading quickly globally .
B. Many people died of AH1N1 flu in Mexico
C. How does AH1N1 flu spread ?
D. AH1N1 flu is confirmed in New York City


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2010届高三下学期5月模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

In Japan, “what’s your type?” is much more than small talk; it can be a more important question in everything from matchmaking to getting a job. By type, the Japanese mean blood type, and no amount of scientific debunking (揭穿) can kill a widely held belief that blood tells all.

In the year that just ended, four of Japan’s top 10 best-sellers were about how blood type determines personality, according to Japan’s largest book distributor, Tohan Co. Taku Kabeya, chief editor at Bungeisha, thinks the appeal comes from having one’s self-image confirmed; readers discover the definition of their blood type and “It’s like ‘Yes, that’s me!’“

As defined by the books, type As are sensitive perfectionists but overanxious; type Bs am cheerful but weird and selfish; Os are curious, generous but stubborn; and Abs are arty but mysterious and unpredictable. All that may sound like a horoscope(占星), but the public doesn’t seem to care. Nowadays matchmaking agencies provide blood-type compatibility (兼容性) tests, and some companies make decisions about assignments based on employees’ blood types. Children at some kindergartens are divided up by blood type, and the women’s softball team that won gold at the Beijing Olympics used the theory to customize each player’s training.

Blood types, determined by the proteins in the blood, have nothing to do with personality, said Satoru Kikuchi, associate professor of psychology at Shinshu University. “It’s simply false science, “he said, “The idea encourages people to judge others by the blood types, without trying to understand them as human beings. It’s like racism.” This use of blood-typing has disreputable (名声不好的) roots. The theory was imported from Nazi race ideologues (空谈家) and adopted by Japan’s militarist government in the 1930s to breed better soldiers. The idea was abandoned years later and the craze faded. It resurfaced in the 1970s, however, as Masahiko Nomi, a supporter with no medical background, gave the theory mass appeal. His son, Toshitaka now promotes it through a private group, the Human Science ABO Center, saying it’s not intended to rank or judge people but to smooth relationships and help make the best of one’s talents.

1. That many Japan’s best-sellers were about blood type implies ____________.

A. this topic is used by many people in small talks

B. Japanese attach great importance to blood type

C. people don’t want to have confirmed self-image

D. the definition of blood type leads to arguments

2. According to the passage, ________ may face more pressure while performing a task.

A. type As   B. type Bs    C. type Os    D. type ABs

3. Kikuchi compared blood type determinism to racism because ______________.

A. both blood type and race are determined by the proteins in the blood

B. neither blood type nor race is related to our character and personality

C. both of them judge people without considering their individualities

D. blood type determinism believes human abilities are decided by race

4. Who introduced the blood type theory to Japan?

A. Nazis from Germany.                                  B. Japan’s militarist government.

C. A supporter called Masahiko Nomi.         D. Human Science ABO Center.



科目:高中英语 来源:四川省武胜县2010届高三下学期第一次联考 题型:阅读理解



New York City was dealing with a growing public health threat Sunday after tests confirmed (证实) that eight students at a private Catholic high school had contracted(感染)the same strain of the AH1N1 flu that has ravaged (重创) Mexico . Some of the school’s students had visited Cancun on a spring break trip two weeks ago .

Officials reported 68 U.S. cases of AH1N1 flu in five states so far , with the latest in Ohio and New York . Unlike in Mexico , cases in the United State have been mild – and U.S. health authorities can’t yet explain why .

In New York City , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that there were 45 cases , Mayor Michael Bloomberg said .

About 100 students at St. Francis Preparatory School complained of flu-like symptoms(症状) ; further tests will determine how many of those cases are AH1N1 flu. St. Francis is the largest private Catholic high school in the nation , with 2, 700 students . The school canceled classes on Monday and Tuesday in response to the outbreak .

Bloomberg stressed that the New York cases were mild and many are recovering , but said that some family members of students also had flu symptoms .

In Mexico , health officials say a strain of AH1N1 flu has killed up to 160 people and sickened over 2, 000 . New York officials said the flu strain discovered in the patients here is the same strain as in Mexico , though all the New York cases are mild .

AH1N1 flu is a respiratory (呼吸道) disease of pigs caused by type A flu viruses . Human cases are uncommon but can occur in people who are around pigs . It also can be spread from person to person . Symptoms include a high fever , body aches , coughing , sore throat and respiratory congestion .

49.The passage seems to suggest that _________ .

New York City hasn’t done enough to prevent the disease

the AH1N1 flu in the U.S. likely came from Mexico

people appear to have immunity (免疫力) to the virus

children are likely to be infected with the AH1N1 flu

50. What did St. Francis do in response to the outbreak ?

A. The school called off courses .

B. The school handed out masks to every student .

C. The school planned another trip to Cancun .

D. The infected students were required to stay at home .

51.Compared with cases in the U.S. cases in Mexico are _________ .

A. milder      B. more typical     C. more severe      D. more gentle

52. Which is the main idea of the article ?

A. AH1N1 flu is spreading quickly globally .

B. Many people died of AH1N1 flu in Mexico

C. How does AH1N1 flu spread ?

D. AH1N1 flu is confirmed in New York City


