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Life comes in a package, which includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair. Life is a learning process. 1.

Happiness achieved by bringing a smile on another face gives a certain level of fulfillment. _2. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary(暂时的).

3.. It helps us to succeed and teaches us to survive and shows us an exact way, while success brings in money, fame, pride and self—respect. The only way to express our thanks for our success, achievements and happiness is to be respectful to the failure.

Hope is what keeps life going. 4. Hope builds in patience.

5.. Life also teaches us not to regret over yesterday, because it has passed and is beyond our control. Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.

A. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night, there is a day.

B. With each passing day we learn to deal with various situations.

C. Different people have different attitudes towards success and failure.

D. Hope makes us dream.

E. Failure is the path to success.

F. Never stop doing whatever you are fond of.

G. Only when we are in sorrow can we realize the true worth of happiness.








试题分析: 人生好似一个包裹,这个包裹里藏着快乐与悲伤、成功与失败,希望与绝望。人生也是一个学习的过程。那些经历给我们上了全新的课,让我们变得更好。人生教会我们不要对过去的事感到后悔,唯一的选择便是在今天努力工作,这样才能让我们去享受更美好的明天。

1.。由前句内容Life is a learning process.可以判断后句应该是进一步对这句话进行解释,而B选项是说随着每一天的过去,人们都在增加处理问题的能力,内容符合语境,故答案选B。

2.。前句内容是关于幸福感的获得,纵观选项, G选项内容是对前句话的进一步深入,可以承接上下文,故答案选G。

3.。空后内容It helps us to succeed and teaches us to survive and shows us an exact way讲述的是我们可以从失败中所获得的,所以判断E选项内容可以作为本段的主题句,答案选E。


5.。根据后句内容Life also teaches us not to regret over yesterday,可以判断前句内容也是生活教给我们的经验和教训,在众多选项中A项内容符合语境,故答案选A。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江省高二下学期第一次质量检测英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I was puzzled! Why was this old woman making such a fuss about an old copse(矮林) which was of no use to anybody? She had written letters to the local paper, even to a national, protesting about a projected by-pass to her village, and, looking at a map, the route was nowhere near where she lived and it wasn’t as if the area was attractive. I was more than puzzled, I was curious.

The enquiry into the route of the new by-pass to the village was due to take place shortly, and I wanted to know what it was that motivated her. So it was that I found myself knocking on a cottage door, being received by Mary Smith and then being taken for a walk to the woods. “I’ve always loved this place,” she said, “it has a lot of memories for me, and for others. We all used it. They called it ‘Lovers lane’. It’s not much of a lane, and it doesn’t go anywhere important, but that’s why we all came here. To be away from people, to be by ourselves. ” she added.

It was indeed pleasant that day and the songs of many birds could be heard. Squirrels watched from the branches, quite bold in their movements, obviously few people passed this way and they had nothing to fear. I could imagine the noise of vehicles passing through these peaceful woods when the by-pass was built, so I felt that she probably had something there but as I hold strong opinions about the needs of the community over-riding the opinions of private individuals, I said nothing. The village was quite a dangerous place because of the traffic especially for old people and children, their safety was more important to me than an old woman’s strange ideas.

“Take this tree,” she said pausing after a short while. “To you it is just that, a tree. Not unlike many others here.” She gently touched the bark, “Look here, under this branch, what can you see?”

“It looks as if someone has done a bit of carving with a knife.” I said after a cursory inspection.

“Yes, that’s what it is!” she said softly.

She went on, “He had a penknife with a spike for getting stones from a horse's hoof, and I helped him to carve them. We were very much in love, but he was going away, and could not tell me what he was involved in the army. I had guessed of course. It was the last evening we ever spent together, because he went away the next day, back to his Unit.”

Mary Smith was quiet for a while, then she sobbed. “His mother showed me the telegram. ‘Sergeant R Holmes …Killed in action in the invasion of France.’…”

“I had hoped that you and Robin would one day get married.” she said, “He was my only child, and I would have loved to be a Granny, they would have been such lovely babies’- she was like that! ”

“Two years later she too was dead. ‘Pneumonia (肺炎), following a chill on the chest’ was what the doctor said, but I think it was an old fashioned broken heart. A child would have helped both of us.”

There was a further pause. Mary Smith gently caressed the wounded tree, just as she would have caressed him. “And now they want to take our tree away from me.” Another quiet sob, then she turned to me. “I was young and pretty then, I could have had anybody, I wasn’t always the old woman you see here now. I had everything I wanted in life, a lovely man, health and a future to look forward to.”

She paused again and looked around. The breeze gently moved through the leaves with a sighing sound. “There were others, of course, but no one can match my Robin!” she said strongly. “And now I have nothing - except the memories this tree holds. If only I could get my hands on that awful man who writes in the paper about the value of the road they are going to build where we are standing now, I would tell him. Has he never loved, has he never lived, does he not know anything about memories? We were not the only ones, you know, I still meet some who came here as Robin and I did. Yes, I would tell him!”

I turned away, sick at heart.

1.The main purpose of this passage is to ________.

A. draw attention to the damage that wars cause

B. persuade people to give up private interest

C. arouse the awareness of being environmentally friendly

D. introduce a touching but sad love story

2.Which of the following words can best describe Mary Smith?

A. Selfish. B. Faithful. C. Changeable. D. Stubborn.

3.The underlined sentence “I felt that she probably had something there” means ________.

A. I thought there might be something hidden in the woods by Mary Smith

B. I guessed there might be a story related with Mary Smith

C. I thought there might be some reason for Mary Smith’s protest

D. I guessed there might be a secret purpose of Mary Smith.

4.What was probably the carving on the wounded tree?

A. The date when Robin Holmes would leave for army.

B. Their wish that this place and tree would last long.

C. Their names and a heart with a sign of arrow through it.

D. Their protest against the war which tore them apart.

5.In Mary’s opinion, which of the following might have caused Robin’s mother’s death?

A. Pneumonia B. A chill on the chest C. A heart attack D. Severe sorrow

6.The “tree” probably stands for ________.

A. her romance. B. her determinationC. her sadness D. her dream



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江瑞安龙翔高级中学高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

They ___________to put their hearts into study..

A. have made their minds B. have made their mind

C. have made up their minds D. have made up their mind



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江巨人中学等三校高二下第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

----Tony, do remember to send the report to the sales manager!


A. Made it. B. Got it.

C. Heard it. D. Followed it.



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江巨人中学等三校高二下第一次联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You will succeed in the end ________ you give up halfway.

A. even if B. as though

C. as long as D. unless



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省灵宝市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达





1. 广交朋友

2. 可自由表达思想

3. 利于外语学习

1. 浪费时间

2. 影响学习

3. 可能上当受骗



1. 文章必须包括表中的全部内容

2. 词数:100左右。

3. 参考词汇:网络朋友 on-line friends上当受骗 to be cheated






科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省灵宝市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

One afternoon, my son Adam asked me,“Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”

I thought for a minute, and then I said,“I’ll explain, you can just wait until we make a quick     at the grocery store. I have something   to show you.”

At the grocery store, we some apples—red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam,“It’s time to your question.” I put one apple of each on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a look on his face.

“People are like apples. They come in all    colors, shapes and sizes. On the  ,some of the apples may not     look as delicious as the others.” As I was talking, Adam was   each one carefully.

Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them,   them back on the table, but    a different place.

“Okay, Adam ,tell me which is which.”

He said,“I  tell. They all look the same now.” “Take a bite of .See if that helps you which one is which.”

He took   ,and then a huge smile came across his face.“People are    like apples! They are all different, but once you    the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside.”

He totally   it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else.

1.A.although    B.so C.because D. if

2.A. stop B.start C. turn D. stay

3.A. expressive B.encouraging C. informative D. interesting

4.A. bought B.counted C. saw D. collected

5.A.check B.mention C.answer D.improve

6.A.size B.type C.shape D.class

7.A.worried B.satisfied C.proud D.curious

8.A.ordinary B.normal C.different D.regular

9.A.outside B.whole C.table D.inside

10.A.still B.even C.only D.ever

11.A.examining B.measuring C.drawing D.packing

12.A.keeping B.placing C.pulling D.giving

13.A.on B.toward C.for D.in

14.A.mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

15.A. each one B.each other C.the other D.one another

16.A.admit B. consider C. decide D. believe

17.A.big bites B.deep breaths C.a firm hold D.a close look

18.A.just B.always C.merely D.seldom

19.A.put away B.get down C.hand out D.take off

20.A.made B.took C.got D.did



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省灵宝市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

She always loses her way when she is out by herself because she has no     of direction.

A.sense B.feeling

C.touch D.scene



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河南省新野三高高三8月第一次阶段性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A typical day at work for Cesar Millan might include putting on his running shoes and taking a four?hour jog with 40 dogs—large and small, young and old. Amazingly, most of those dogs belong to him. The rest are at the heart of his work; they are troubled dogs sent to Millan to learn good behavior.

Obviously Millan, star of the TV show “Dog Whisperer” and author of the best?selling book Cesar's Way,has a special gift for working with these animals.

Growing up on a farm in Mexico, Millan knew he wanted to work with dogs. His first job, at age 15,was helping a veterinarian (兽医).He was so good at calming scared dogs and handling all kinds of situations that people started calling him “el perrero”, Spanish for “the dog boy”.Since then, he has built a rewarding career around his favorite animal.

“My grandfather taught me at an early age not to work against nature,”he explains. In nature, dogs_are_pack_animals. They form a group and follow one leader. Millan's specialty is teaching people to be pack leaders for their dogs.

Studying dogs on the farm where he grew up,Millan realized they need lots of exercise to be calm. He explains his approach,“Exercise and discipline first,and then affection!”He says a lot of people get it backwards because they don't realize what dogs really need. Therefore, while he trains dogs, he teaches owners to understand that their pets need rules. He's helped famous people like Oprah Winfrey and movie star Will Smith and everyday people too.

To find the right career, Millan encourages kids to do what they enjoy. “A lot of people don't realize I've been working with dogs for more than 20 years—long before my TV show or book. Success followed me because I was following my dream of being the best dog trainer in the world.”

1.By saying “dogs are pack animals”(in Para.4),the author means that________.

A.dogs like to live with people

B.dogs are easier to be trained

C.few dogs can be leaders

D.dogs live in groups

2.Which of the following would Millan agree with?

A.Dogs are quiet animals.

B.Dogs should be trained on farms.

C.Rules are more important than love in training dogs.

D.Famous people have more problems in training dogs.

3.What does Millan advise children to do when it comes to choosing a job?

A.Do what interests them.

B.Never give up and they will succeed.

C.Share their ideas with many other people.

D.Receive training long before they succeed.


