精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
Last November, Nick heard a disorder at a party. A group of people had ____ outside, pointing at something floating in the Bay. As he ran to ____, he soon saw what was wrong: Two kids in a boat were caught in the ____ and being pulled out to sea.
Tim and Jack had climbed into a boat anchored nearby and had rowed out to ____ a football. Reaching beyond the calm waters,  the ____ fitted to the boat caught the wind and pulled it into open water. They tried to row back. But they were no ____ for the wind and turned around in circles. Nick dashed to the farthest of land. The boat was already just a ____ on the sea. He knew that the ____ boat would soon be overtaken by the huge waves, and that it was 2 degrees. Nick jumped into the ____ cold water. Every 90 yards, he raised his head to assess his ____. At one point, he considered turning back before managing to yell to them, “Take down the umbrella!”
Tim battled with the ropes holding the umbrella. Finally he loosened the ropes and ____ the umbrella. Then Nick caught up, but soon waves crashed over the boat, which began to sink. Nick ____ it would be faster to pull them toward the nearest bank. They ____ wore life jackets , which Nick held in one hand, swimming ____.“Are we there?” they asked repeatedly. “Yes,” Nick ____ them each time. It was 30 minutes before they got to the bank and stayed as close as possible for ____. Worn out, Nick had hardly arrived when he ____.It was an hour later when he found himself in a hospital that he came to. Asked what it took him to make the ____ move, he replied:
It is ____ to step out of the comfort zone. Being an onlooker is a cautious existence, but ____ we should never be stuck in. Stand by or stand up.
A.life jacketB.umbrella
A.passed outB.passed away
C.passed offD.passed by


小题1:B 去年11月,尼克听说了在一个聚会上发生了骚乱。一群人“聚集”在外面,指着海湾中好像有什么东西在漂浮。gather“聚集”符合语境。
小题2:A 当他跑过去“调查”时,他发现是一场误会:两个孩子坐着的船随着“浪”漂向了海里。investigate“调查”;find“找到,发现”;ask“问”;join“参加”。
小题3:C 见上题解析,wave“波浪”。
小题4:D 提姆和杰克爬上了一艘停泊在附近的船,划了过去“找回”一个足球。recover“找回”;kick“踢”;borrow“借”;buy“买”
小题5:B 到达了平静的水面,安在船上的“伞”遇到了风,使船驶入了开阔的水面。umbrella“伞”符合语境。此处与51空后的umbrella照应。
小题6:A 他们试着向回划,但是他们“抵不过”风力,在原地打转。no match for“抵不过,不是......的对手,比不过”。
小题7:B 尼克冲到了陆地最远的地方,海中的船此时已经变成了一个黑“点”。dot“点”符合语境。
小题8:B 他知道这样“纤弱的”小船很快就会遇上海里的2级巨浪。delicate“纤弱的,易损的”符合语境。
小题9:A 尼克跳入“刺骨的”海水里,每隔90码伸出头来看看自己的“位置”。bitterly cold“刺骨地寒冷”符合语境。
小题10:A 见上题解析。progress“进步,前进”符合语境。
小题11:D 最后他终于松开了绳子放下了伞。free“释放,使自由”符合语境。
小题12:A 随后尼克赶到了,但随后海浪打坏了船,船开始下沉。尼克“意识到”要尽快将他们托回岸边。decide“断定,决定”符合语境。
小题13:A 他们“笨拙地”穿上救生衣,尼克一手拉着他们,“拼命地”划。awkwardly“笨拙地”符合语境。
小题14:D 见上题解析。desperately“绝望地,拼命地”符合语境。
小题15:B “我们安全了吗?”他们不停地问。“是的”尼克不停地“安抚”他们。comfort“安慰,安抚”符合语境。
小题16:C 从冷得发抖的水中出来后,当然要靠近“温暖”。warmth“温暖,暖和”符合语境。
小题17:A 尼克筋疲力尽几乎昏厥过去。
小题18:D 当被问到是什么趋使他做出这种“英勇的”举动时,他回答道:遇到这种事,从安全舒适的地方站出来(不作旁观者)是很“难”的举动。
小题19:B 见上题解析。tough“艰难的”符合语境。
小题20:C 作为旁观者是小心翼翼的,但是我们不应该陷入其中(成为一名旁观者)。而应该站出来、站起来。此处one指代前面的a cautious existence。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I was in the ninth year at St Joseph’s High School, when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed, but felt that since I’d always been a responsible girl and a good student, this was just a temporary  21 .
Unfortunately, that was not to be. I didn’t have many friends. I could never share my  22. A deep insecurity destroyed my self-confidence. Soon I  23  to attend classes for many days. I would shut myself in my room for hours.
The examinations were approaching,  24  I simply didn’t care. My parents and teachers were surprised at my bad performance.
One morning, after a particularly  25  lecture from Dad, I stood depressed, in the school assembly.  26 , as the other students marched to their classroom, our principal  27  me. I made my way to Sister Sylvia’s office.
The next 45 minutes were the most  28  moments of my life. Sister Sylvia said she’d noticed a big  29 in me. She wanted to know why I was lagging in studies, so frequently  30 and unhappy. She took my hand in hers and  31 patiently as I spilled out my worries. She then 32  me as I sobbed my pent-up (压抑的)emotions out. Months of frustration and loneliness 33  in her motherly hug.
No one had tried to  34  what the real problem was, but my principal had done it with her simple act of just listening to me with such  35  and caring.
As the examinations approached again, I studied  36 . When the results were  37 , everybody was pleased, but happiest of all was my principal.
I soon made new friends and was happy  38 . But whenever I had a problem, I could always slip into Sister Sylvia’s office for a(n)  39 .
Today I’m a  40  young woman doing my MA and hoping to become a writer. I’ve become an inspiration to several of my friends and cousins, thanks to a kind nun who cared.
A.skipped B.refusedC.regrettedD.forgot
A.preciousB.curiousC.anxious D.serious
A.quality B.changeC.mistake D.faith
A.absent B.dishonestC.aggressiveD.calm
A.lookedB.waited C.listenedD.worked
A.hugged B.acknowledgeC.observedD.educated
A.passed awayB.rode awayC.drove awayD.melted away
A.reveal B.understandC.realizeD.doubt
A.mature B.quietC.smartD.happy


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Steven Spielberg was not  a scholar, and his classmates teased him. Rather than read,  the kid really preferred running around with an 8mm camera, shooting home­made movies, which he showed to friends for a small fee.
In his first year of high school, he dropped out. But  when his parents persuaded him to return, he was mistakenly placed in a learning­disabled class, which lasted one  month. Only when the family moved to another town did he  land up in a more suitable high school, where he eventually  graduated.
After being denied entrance into a traditional film­making school, Steven Spielherg enrolled in English at California State University at Long Beach. Then in 1965, he  recalls, in one of those serendipitous moments, his life  took a complete turn. Visiting Universal Studios, he met  Chuck Silvers, an executive in the editorial department. Silvers liked the kid who made 8mm films and invited him  back sometime to visit.
He appeared the next day. Spielberg, dressed in a dark  suit, carrying his father's briefcase with nothing inside but  a sandwich and candy bars walked confidently up to the  guard at the gate of Universal and gave him a casual wave.  The guard waved back. He was in.
“For the entire summer,” Spielberg remembers, “I  dressed in my suit and hung out with the directors and  writers, including Silvers, who knew the kid wasn't a studio employee, but winked at him. I even found an office  that wasn't being used, and became a squatter (擅自占用他人房子的人). I bought some plastic tiles and put my  name  in  the  building  directory:  Steven  Spielberg,  Room 23C.”
It paid off for everyone. Ten years later, the 28­year­old Spielberg directed Jaws, which took in $470 million,   then the biggest grossing movie of all time. Dozens of films   and awards have followed because Steven Spielberg knew   what his teachers didn't—talent is in the eyes of the filmmaker.
小题1:Why was Steven Spielberg laughed at by his classmates?
A.He was the youngest boy.
B.He was too short for his age.
C.He liked to fight with other boys.
D.He didn't care much about his lessons.
小题2:Why did Steven's friends pay him some money?
A.To see his movies.
B.To use his camera.
C.To look at his photos.
D.To include them in the movie.
小题3:What did Steven Spielberg intend to do after graduating     from high school?
A.Study English at a college.
B.Become a newspaper editor.
C.Work for Universal Studios.
D.Go to a traditional film­making school.
小题4:What could have changed Steven Spielberg's life?
A.Being dressed in a suit.
B.Meeting Chuck Silvers.
C.Missing a film­making school.
D.Working for Universal Studios.
小题5:What can we learn from the story?
A.Always follow our dream and we can make it.
B.We need someone to help us realize our dreams.
C.Anyone can become a film director if he wants to.
D.We should grasp the opportunity that comes our way.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Diana Jacobs thought her family had a workable plan to pay for college for her 21­year­old twin sons: a combination of savings, income, scholarships, and a modest amount of borrowing. Then her husband lost his job, and the plan fell apart.
“I have two kids in college, and I want to say ‘come home',but at the same time I want to provide them with a good education,” says Jacobs.
The Jacobs family did work out a solution: They asked and received more aid from the schools, and each son increased his borrowing to the maximum amount through the federal loan (贷款) program. They will each graduate with $20,000 of debt, but at least they will be able to finish school.
With unemployment rising, financial aid administrators expect to hear more families like the Jacobs. More students are applying for aid, and more families expect to need student loans. College administrators are concerned that they will not have enough aid money to go around.
At the same time, tuition(学费)continues to rise. A report from the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education found that college tuition and fees increased 439% from 1982 to 2007, while average family income rose just 147%. Student borrowing has more than doubled in the last decade.
“If we go on this way for another 25 years, we won't have an affordable system of higher education,” says Patrick M. Callan, president of the center. “The middle class families have been financing it through debt. They will send kids to college whatever it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt.”
Financial aid administrators have been having a hard time as many companies decide that student loans are not profitable enough and have stopped making them. The good news, however, is that federal loans account for about three quarters of student borrowing, and the government says that money will flow uninterrupted.
小题1:According to Paragraph 1,why did the plan of Jacobs family fail?
A.The twins wasted too much money.
B.The father was out of work.
C.Their saving ran out
D.The family fell apart.
小题2:How did the Jacobses manage to solve their problem?
A.They asked their kids to come home.
B.They borrowed $20,000 from the school.
C.They encouraged their twin sons to do part­time jobs.
D.They got help from the school and the federal government.
小题3:Financial aid administrators believe that ________.
A.more families will face the same problem as the Jacobses
B.the government will receive more letters of complaint
C.college tuition fees will double soon
D.America's unemployment will fall
小题4:.What can we learn about the middle class families from the text?
A.They blamed the government for the tuition increase.
B.Their income remained steady in the last decade.
C.They will try their best to send kids to college.
D.Their debts will be paid off within 25 years


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

JANE AUSTEN(1775—1817)is often regarded as the greatest of English women novelists on the strength of her six completed novels.Known particularly for their social comedy and accurate description of human relationships,they are still as widely read today as they have ever been.
The seventh child of a country priest(牧师),Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 at Steventon in Hampshire.Her father ,the Reverend George Austen,was an intelligent and sensitive man who encouraged Jane in her love of reading.From an early age she was familiar with the works of Henry Fielding,Sir Walter Scott,Richardson,Frances Burney and the poet George Crabbe.Her early attempts at writing include burlesques(滑稽作品)of popular romances.When her father retired in 1801 the family moved to Bath,which was later to feature in her novel Northanger Abbey(published in 1818).After his death in 1805 the family moved first to Southampton and then in 1809 to Chawton in Hampshire.where Jane Austen is known to have written her last three novels:Mansfield Park(1814),Emma(1816)and Persuasion(also published in 1818).Although her other novels were written much earlier ,it was not until 1811 that Sense and Sensibility was first published.Pride and Prejudice,which followed in1813,features Jane Austen’own favourite hero,Elizabeth Bennet.
Surrounded by her lively and warm family and wholly buried herself in her writing and housework,Jane Austen led a life often known for its lack of events.She did,however ,attract several admirers and even accepted a proposal of marriage from one admirer-only to change her mind the following morning.Jane Austen’s independent life often seems reflected in her novels,which seem to display the world in miniature(缩影).Sir Walter Scott praised Jane Austen for‘that unique touch which makes ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting’,while Somerset Maugham claimed that she had at her command ‘the most precious gift a novelist can possess’s that of keeping the reader’s interest.Jane Austen died in 1817.
小题1:The underlined word“touch” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to      
小题2:Which of Jane Austen’s novels were published after her death?
A.Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park.
B.Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.
C.Pride and Prejudice and Emma.
D.Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that Jane Austen had a gift for     
A.attracting admirers
B.reflecting her own life in all her novels
C.making dull things and characters interesting
D.holding the readers’ interest
小题4:This passage is most probably a      
A.collection of women novelists and their works
B.comment on Jane Austen and her works
C.brief introduction of Jane Austen
D.description of Jane Austen’s road to success


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I still clearly remember that day. I was on the side of the road for almost four hours with my big Jeep. I put signs in the windows that said, “NEED A JACK(千斤顶). ”
Right as I was about to give up, a truck stopped and a man got off. He sized up(对……做出判断)the situation and went back to take a jack. After about two hours, we finished the job with sweats. We were both dirty. His wife produced a large water jug for us to wash our hands in.
I tried to put $20 in the man’s hand, but he wouldn’t take it, so instead I went up and gave it to his wife as quietly as I could. I thanked them up one side and down the other. I asked the little girl, their daughter, where they lived, thinking maybe I’d send them a gift. She said they lived in Mexico. They were in Oregon now so Mommy and Daddy could pick cherries for the next few weeks. After that, they were going to pick peaches, and then go back home.
After I said my goodbyes and started walking back to the Jeep, the girl called out and asked if I’d had lunch. When I told her no, she ran up and handed me a tamale(玉米粽子). I thanked them again and walked back to my car. When I opened the tamale, what did I find inside? My $20 bill! I ran to the truck and the guy rolled down his window. He saw the $20 in my hand, started shaking his head smiling, and with what looked like great concentration said in English: “Today you, tomorrow me. ”Then he rolled up his window and drove away, with his daughter waving to me from the back.
This family, working on a seasonal basis where time is money, took a couple of hours to help a stranger while others passed by quietly.
Since then I’ve helped many people like the Mexican family. I didn’t accept money. But every time I was able to help, I felt as if I was putting something in the bank.
小题1: From the passage we know that   .
A.the Mexican man couldn’t speak English
B.the author’s car broke down on the road
C.the Mexican family came to Oregon for a visit
D.$20 was a small amount for the Mexican family
小题2: Why did the author give the money quietly to the man’s wife?
A.Because the man had refused to accept it.
B.Because the man’s wife needn’t wash her hands.
C.Because the author thought the Mexican family was poor.
D.Because the author thought the man’s wife would take it.
小题3: The Mexican man helped the author because he tended to think that   .
A.it was completely wrong for others to pass by quietly
B.it was quite easy to help the author mend the Jeep
C.it was possible that everyone might get into trouble
D.the author was a polite stranger and needed the help
小题4: Which of the following is TRUE about the author?
A.He hated those who didn’t offer help.
B.He would send a present to the family soon.
C.He wondered why they didn’t take the money.
D.He considered helping others as saving money in the bank.
小题5: What can we infer from the passage?
A.The Mexican family lived a richer life than the author.
B.The Mexican family did seasonal work in Oregon each year.
C.The author was inspired to help others by the Mexican family.
D.What made the writer moved was the tamale given by the girl.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I grew up in Jamaica Plain, an urban community located on the outskirts of Boston, Massachusetts. In the 1940's it was a wholesome, specific little community. It was my home and I loved it there; back then I thought I would never leave. My best friend Rose and I used to collectively dream about raising a family of our own someday. We had it all planned out to live next door to one another.
Our dream remained alive through grade school, high school, and even beyond. Rose was my maid of honor when I got married in 1953 to the love of my life, Dick. Even then she joked that she was just one perfect guy short of being married, thus bringing us closer to our dream. Meanwhile, Dick aspired to be an officer in the Marines(海军)and I fully supported his ambitions. I realized that he might be stationed far away from Jamaica Plain, but I told him I would relocate and adjust. The idea of experiencing new places together seemed somewhat romantic to me.
So, in 1955, Dick was stationed in Alaska and we relocated. Rose was sad to see me leave, but wished me the best of luck. Rose and I remained in touch for a few years by regular phone call but after a while we lost track of one another. Back in the 1950's it was a lot more difficult to stay in touch with someone over a long distance, especially if you were relocating every few years. There were no email addresses or transferable phone number and directory lookup services were available at best.
I thought of her several times over the years. Once in the mid 1960's ,when I was visiting the Greater Boston area, I tried to determine her whereabouts but my search turned up empty-handed. Jamaica Plain had changed drastically in the 10 years I was gone. A pretty obvious shift in income demographics was affecting my old neighborhood. My family had moved out of the area, as did many of the people I used to know. Rose was nowhere to be found.
52 years passed and we never spoke. I've since raised a family of five, all of whom now have families of their own, and Dick passed away a few years ago. Basically, a lifetime has passed. Now here I am at the doorstep to my 80th birthday and I receive a random phone call on an idle Wednesday afternoon. "Hello?" I said. "Hi Natalie, it's Rose," the voice on the other end replied. "It's been so long. I don't know if you remember me, but we used to be best friends in Jamaica Plain when we were kid" she said.
We haven't seen each other yet, but we have spent countless hours on the phone catching up on 52 years of our lives. The interesting thing is that even after 52 years of separation our personalities and interests are still extremely similar. We both share a passion for several hobbies that we each picked up independently several years after we lost touch with one another. It almost feels like we are picking up right where we left off, which is really strange considering the circumstances.
Her husband passed away a few years ago as well, but she mailed me several photographs of her family that were taken over the years. It's so crazy, just looking at the photos and listening to her describe her family reminds me of my own; a reasonably large, healthy family. Part of me feels like we led fairly similar lives.
I don't think the numerous similarities between our two lives are a coincidence either. I think it shows that we didn't just call each other best friend we truly were best friend and even now we can be best friends again. Real friends have two things in common: a compatible personality and a strong-willed character. The compatible personality is what initiates the connection between two people and a strong-willed character at both ends is what maintains the connection. If those two ingredients are present in a friendship, the friendship is for real, and can thus sustain the tests of time and prolonged absence without faltering.
小题1:What was the dream of the writer and Rose when young except that_____?
A.They could have a family of their own
B.They could marry a promising husband
C.They planned to become neighbors
D.They could go to the same school
小题2:Why did they become apart when going older?
A.Because the writer got married ,so Rose was sad
B.They held a different opinion on their life
C.The writer’s husband had to move from one place to another
D.Their community had to be rebuilt
小题3:Which was not the reason for their loss in touch?
A.At that time ,there were no advanced communication methods
B.The job of the writer’s husband was changeable
C.There were no such services for them to keep the same number when moving
D.They hadn’t written to each for a long time
小题4:The writer failed to find Rose in the mid of 1960’s, because ____?
A.Rose left her homeland.
B.Rose wouldn’t like to see her
C.the surroundings there had changed a lot.
D.they lost in touch for a long time
小题5:What can we infer from the text?
A.Rose had been making every effort to look for the writer
B.Compared with the writer, Rose lived an unhappy life.
C.Both of the husbands died before their wives.
D.It is a coincidence that there were a lot of similarities between them
小题6:We can learn from the passage that ____________.
A.a friend in need is a friend indeed
B.life without a friend is a life without sun
C.friendship is a love without wings
D.the world is but a little place after all.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

"How was school, Ben?" I asked my   after he began kindergarten(幼儿园)  this year. "The work is too          and there's not enough time to play." he replied with a deep          .
I couldn't help but remember Ben's mother. my daughter, Jane, and her         to the first day of school. When Julie         home that afternoon. I asked her the same question . She also replied with a long,          face but her answer was a little different as she announced . " I didn't learn to       today."
What a disappointment for a little girl who thought  she would       know how to read her little books after the first day of school. I had to explain to her that she would        learn to read but didn't happen quite that fast.
My        went back to my school days again I could almost         the chalk dust in the air. I suppose few schools still use chalk and blackboards. They have probably been         with newer equipment and large computer screens
On the first day of school, the expectation was s0      that I would be up early in the morning and         long before it was time to leave for school We  .       about 6 blocks to school         new shoes that felt tight and carried our small supplies inside a cigar box from one of the local stores. The stores must have saved cigar boxes just to give to us children .We        them from year to year until they fell apart.
The first day of school was a new beginning, although there might be       on the first day. The doors of knowledge had been opened and we     great learning adventures. It is an    in our lives that most of us remember. It's a big step for a small child toward leaving babyhood and so  "there isn't enough time to play".


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I stopped at a grocery store the other day because I was about to go on a long drive and I wanted to buy my favorite       for the trip. It wasn’t the store I        go to, just one I passed along the way.
As I walked up to the entrance, I        a man and a boy who was about 10 or 12 years old      at the front of the store. The man handed        half-sheets of white paper as customers walked past. I walked up to them with        , wondering what cause they      . As I got closer, I saw that they had two carts (购物车) starting to fill with       .
I said hello and the man greeted me and       me one of the pieces of paper,        that they were collecting donations for the homeless. On the paper was a simple      of food items: peanut butter, noodles, pasta sauce, canned fruits and vegetables. It also included a short story about the boy and his      to collect food donations since the age of 8. 
I was really      that someone so young would be so interested in helping others. I told him it was a(n)      idea and that he should be proud of himself. He smiled.
Then, I went inside to get my drink.       , the store didn’t have it.        , I wasn’t upset, because by then I felt I had another mission. I went through the store,        things from the list, then brought them back out to the boy and put them in the cart. They thanked me and offered me a(n)     (candy, I think).
As I walked back to my car, the boy’s well-intentioned spirit     with me. How inspiring to        a young boy with a resolve to do good deeds, and the courage to act on it.
A.cigarB.beer C.drink D.snack
A.Surprisingly B.Eventually C.ThankfullyD.Unfortunately
A.thenB.Therefore C.StillD.However
A.picking B.packingC.gathering D.holding
A.inspiration B.treatC.praiseD.award
A.struckB.agreed C.stuck D.arose
A.come acrossB.bring upC.see throughD.care for

