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. --- I doubt ______ I’ll be chosen for the team.

--- The chance is one tenth ______ you will be chosen.

A. that; that      B. if; that         C. if; whether           D. that; whether


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省嵊泗中学高二下学期第一次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Filled with sorrow, I didn’t notice the hardness of the chair I was sitting on. I was at the funeral of my  21  . The sadness was so great that I found it hard to  22  _ at times.
Suddenly, I heard a  23  open and shut at the back of the church. Quick  24  hurried along the floor. A young man looked around in a  25  and then sat next to me. His eyes were full of tears.
“I’m    26 ,” he explained, though no explanation was   27  . After several eulogies (悼文), he leaned over and commented, “ Why do they keep   28   Mary by the name of ‘Margaret’?” “Because that was her name, Margaret. Never Mary,” I  29  . “No, that isn’t correct,” he insisted. “Her name is Mary, Mary Peters.” “That isn’t    30   this is,” I replied. “Isn’t this the Lutheran church?” “No, the Lutheran church is across the street. I believe you’re at the   31   funeral, sir.”
The solemnness (庄严) of the occasion    32  with the realization of the man’s mistake amused me and I could not help    33  . I looked at the man seated beside me. He was laughing,  34   . I imagined Mother laughing. At the  35  “Amen”, we ran out of the door and into the parking lot.
“I do believe we’ll be the   36  of the town,” he smiled. He said his name was Rick and that   37   he had missed his aunt’s funeral, he asked me out for a cup of coffee. That afternoon began a lifelong    38  for me with this man who attended the wrong funeral. A year after our meeting, we were   39  at a country church. This time we both arrived at the same church, right on time.
Whenever anyone asks us how we   40  , Rick tells them, “Her mother and my aunt Mary introduced us.”
【小题1】       B.neighbor        C. mother     D.  aunt                    

A.whoB.whenC.why D.where


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年吉林省吉林市十二中高二3月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The island Fiji has always been around me in my life. My parents met in Fiji when my father was a teacher as a Peace Corps volunteer and my mother a student. They taught me about its people, culture, foods and religious beliefs.
At the age of two, I made my first trip across the Pacific Ocean to Fiji. My mother and I made that trip unexpectedly because my grandma was ill and longed to see her American granddaughter. Although I have few memories of that first trip, I do remember grandma braiding (编辫子)my hair every day. The brush gliding through my hair is a feeling I will treasure forever because she passed away soon. I returned to America when I was five years old. This time I had a brother, Martin, who was two.
I resisted my third trip to Fiji when I was 15, being a teenager who did not want to spend the summer away from friends. It was this trip, however, that made me realize that Fiji is not just a place to visit but a part of who I am. The smells and sounds and sights came back to me, but the best part was getting to know my relatives.
Vishal was one cousin I quickly bonded with. Born two days before me, I had only known him through pictures before. Though raised oceans apart in different cultures, we talked and laughed about everything from American sports to Fijian dancing. I was able to form close ties with all my cousins, and when I talk about them now, it’s as if I have known them my whole life. Spending time with them helped me understand the traditions and values my mother grew up with. Hospitality and care and respect for family members are central values in Fijian culture.
I truly enjoyed learning about my roots during this trip. Fiji is just like a second home, and I will never forget the time I have spent there.
【小题1】From the passage, we can learn that _______.

A.the author’s parents had been classmates before
B.the author had lived in Fiji for about five years
C.the author had no memories of her grandma
D.people value family in Fijian culture
【小题2】The author resisted her third trip to Fiji because _____.
A.she didn’t want to separate from her brother
B.she didn’t know her cousins there very well
C.she didn’t want to separate from her American friends
D.her grandma had passed away
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE about Vishal?
A.He is younger than the author.
B.The author had met him on her first trip to Fiji.
C.He and the author had lots of common interests.
D.He and the author held different opinions about Fijian culture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省高考模拟冲刺(提优)测试二英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

They can be seen more frequently than ever before on college campuses, wearing thick-rimmed glasses while listening to indie(独立的) music. One might find them playing unusual musical instruments, shopping at second-hand stores or expressing themselves in other unique ways. They call themselves hipsters. Being “hip” used to mean following the latest fashion. But gradually the word has evolved into a synonym for “cool”.
Hipsters value independent thinking, progressive politics, an appreciation of creativity and intelligence. Hipsters take pains and pride in not being mainstream. However, their culture has become quite trendy. This irony is central to their culture and offers an interesting paradox.
“I do take things in the mainstream with a grain of salt,” says Ben Polson, a college student at Brown University in the US. Polson describes himself as a hipster and says he often questions what determines popularity, especially regarding music.When lesser-known bands become popular they often lose their former fan base in exchange for a new one. There is a famous hipster saying that goes: I used to like that band before it got popular.
According to Polson, bands’ music changes when they go mainstream. They become “less experimental, doing things just to save popularity and fans. The original elements that we were drawn to slowly dwindle for the sake of popularity.”
Many young adults have started to view hipsters’ outlook as cool and are adopting their counterculture mindset (心态)themselves. This has led to specialized brands, stores and music for the hipster position. Ironically, some such stores, including clothing labels Urban Outfitters and American Apparel, have gained mainstream popularity. This has seemingly diluted(冲淡) the anti-mainstream culture.
“A lot of people that are self-defined hipsters aren’t really hipsters, they’re just trying to conform to the non-conformist(不墨守成规者) to seem cooler,” says Amanda Leopold, a college student from Oberlin College, US. Although Leopold has many unconventional tastes and seems quite individualist, she refuses to classify herself as a hipster.
There is a conflict among hipsters about the very definition of the label. To some, to be a hipster is to be free from cultural constraints. To others, it means wearing a certain style and listening to a specific style of music. The former constantly strives for uniqueness, while the latter strives not to be mainstream.
And yet, the movement is gaining mainstream popularity. “It’s kind of the trend these days; everyone wants to be hip so no one’s hip,” says Leopold. “There have been hipsters since the seventies. It’s only become popular recently.”
Hipsters reject materialism and laugh at mainstream culture. But are they really beyond material comforts? Do they have any ideas of their own if they despise mainstream so much?
Christy Wampole, an associate professor of literature at Princeton University, US, is not so sure. She says the hipster is a contradiction in himself and an easy target of mockery(嘲弄). Writing in The New York Times, Wampole paints a less appreciative picture of a typical hipster.
“The hipster is a scholar of social forms, a student of cool. He studies continuously, searching for what has yet to be found by the mainstream. He is a walking citation(例证); his clothes refer to much more than themselves. He tries to negotiate the age-old problem of individuality, not with concepts, but with material things.”
【小题1】From the passage we can know that hipsters are ____________________________.

A.a group of people who are self-denied
B.a group of students who are good at musical instruments
C.people who follow the latest trends and fashions
D.people who pay no attention to material things
【小题2】The underlined word dwindle in the fourth paragraph may probably mean______________.
【小题3】Leopold refuses to classify herself as a hipster because_______________________.
A.she doesn’t like her own unconventional tastes
B.there are too many specialized brands, stores and music for the hipster position
C.she thinks that a lot of people that are self-defined hipsters aren’t really hipsters
D.the hipsters’ culture has become quite trendy
【小题4】When Leopold said “It’s kind of the trend these days; everyone wants to be hip so no one’s hip”, we can see that she felt a bit ______________.
【小题5】The passage mainly tells us ________________________.
A.the difficult situation of hipstersB.the trend of fashion
C.the changes of the societyD.the culture of hipsters


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届浙江省杭州四中高三第九次教学质检英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

Early this morning, I got up to make a batch of Rice Krispie Treats for my neighbor across the hall. She barely greets me when we see each other, and her sweet little boy, who's now four,  has picked up her mother's manner and will not talk to me, either.
Last Monday, she had called the firefighters when a pan I'd forgotten on the stove caused my flat to fog up while I was out taking a walk. When I came home, the street in front of our apartment house was blocked by a police car, a fire truck and an ambulance! The instant I saw them, I remembered the pan! Luckily, nothing serious had happened, and all my neighbors agreed with the firefighter who said, "It could have happened to anyone." When I thanked the neighbor who had called the firefighters-let's call her Ivy-and apologized for causing the trouble, she just asked if my cats were all right.When I said they were fine, she said, "Well, that's ok then," and turned into her flat.l felt strangely safe, knowing that even though we don't get along, she'd done the right thing and didn't blame me.So, the Rice Krispie Treats.
Last Christmas, my neighbor carelessly let it out that she was holding a grudge (怨恨) towards me because of an incident we'd had four years ago.I had particularly apologized and asked if there was anything I could do to improve our relationship. She would not accept my apology.
It had taken me a lot of courage to apologize and ask that question instead of insisting that we both shared responsibility for what had happened.Her flat-out refusal to make amends(补偿) really shocked and saddened me.After that, I decided I'd just leave her be-a relationship takes two to work.So, you see, I was really scared she was going to refuse my offer again, leaving me standing on her doorstep, facing the closed door and holding my plate of treats. I know some people have a hard time understanding how the possibility of rejection can make an adult so afraid, but that's just the way I felt.
Then, I reminded myself of how loving and good I had felt yesterday when I'd done some random acts of kindness (thanks to helpothers.org), after telling myself: Feet the fear,  and do it anyway! So I put the squares of Rice Krispie Treats on a beautiful plate, opened my apartment  door-and there she was, standing in the hallway.I smiled and said, "Hi," but when she saw me, she turned on her heels and went back inside, even though she seemed to have just stepped out.I went after her, regardless, and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I've got something for you ! I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you were paying attention on Monday." When she heard me speaking, she turned around. As I held the plate towards her, explaining these were very sweet American treats, and that she could just try and see whether she and her family would like them, her eyebrows winged up-and she took the plate.l was so happy and excited.We then talked a bit about how she'd become aware of the smoke in my flat, and parted ways.
Back in my place, I did a "happy dance", because I had dared to be kind even though I hadn't been sure at all my kindness would be welcome.I do hope that our relationship will slowly get better; I know I was and still am biased(存有偏见)towards her at times, but even if we don't make amends, I want to be able to be kind without depending on other people's behaviors and reactions .
【小题1】The neighbor held a grudge towards the writer most probably because_____.

A.the writer's cats disturb her neighbor frequently
B.the writer didn't thank her for calling the firefighters
C.the writer never apologized to her for her misbehaviors
D.the writer had an unpleasant experience with the neighbor long ago
【小题2】 From Paragraph 4, we can learn that the author_____.
A.was afraid of being rejected again by her neighbor
B.didn't know how to get along with her neighbor
C.didn't admit it was her fault in the last incident
D.refused to forgive her neighbor's rude behavior
【小题3】 After the writer said "Feel the fear, and do it anyway!", she decided to_____.
A.do an act of kindness
B.leave her neighbor be
C.apologize to her neighbor once more
D.do something to let her neighbor down
【小题4】What can we learn about the writer?
A.She was a professional dancer.
B.She often had quarrels with her neighbor.
C.She had a bias against her neighbor sometimes.
D.She had an unpleasant experience at Christmas this year.
【小题5】 What does the author try to tell us?
A.Don't punish yourself because of other's mistakes.
B.We should be kind to others, regardless of their behavior.
C.We must keep a good relationship with our neighbors.
D.When we make a mistake, we should have the courage to admit it.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省揭阳一中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:写作题

With the development of economy, people tend to pursue high quality living conditions. Most of the parents try their best to offer their children comfortable circumstances, but they seldom have time to stay with their children. In my opinion, no matter how busy they are, they should make the best of their time to stay with their children.
Every time when parents take them to the amusement park, help them to prepare their birthday parties, applaud for them when they are competing in the sports meeting, the time they spend with children will become treasure in their memories.
Children need the direction from their parents. There are some wrong behaviors in our society such as dishonesty, violence and so on. Children have weak resistance in defending this negative influence. In this case, parents' instructions seem to be very important to children's growth. Parents should sit down smd talk with them about what they should do and should not do.
I do not deny that there are some disadvantages in spending too much time with children. Some parents restrict their children, and give them little freedom to develop their interests. Therefore, I emphasize that parents should educate and instruct their children appropriately in their spare time apart from their busy work.

