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She handed me a five dollar bill through the car window, then turned and walked away. I don’t know her name, nor where she was going ,but I know I will never forget that stranger who generously saved me from a lot of frustration(挫折) and prevented me from walking a mile or more to my destination.
That day My husband, Leo, and I were already a half hour late for an important conference . We had taken the wrong fork in the expressway, and found ourselves stuck in traffic that was blocked for four miles due to a serious accident.
Just then, one tapped on the window on the passenger side. It was a short, medium-built woman, who was all bundled up in jacket and scarf, wearing jeans and boots. Surprised, I was reluctant, at first, to roll the window down. What could she possibly want? I lowered the window just enough to hear what the woman had to say. Through the window, she shoved a five dollar bill. “I don’t have change,” she said, “but here is an extra five dollar bill. Use it to pay for your parking spot.” I was floored! Was this woman, whom I’d never seen before, actually giving me this much money? Yes, that was exactly what she was doing! She wouldn’t take the check I offered her for the cash. She just walked away.
【小题1】What kept the author and her husband from arriving on time?

A.They had a traffic accident.B.They took a wrong turning.
C.Their car broke down half way.D.The traffic was heavy on the freeway.
【小题2】 The problem the author had in parking their car was that              .
A.they couldn’t pay for parking by check
B.neither of them had money with them
C.they had no five-dollar bill
D.there was no parking lot near the conference
【小题3】The underlined word “dejected” probably means        .
【小题4】.Why was the author unhappy to roll down the window?
A.She was frustrated for coming too late.
B.She feared the woman would beg for money.
C.She didn’t expect to be disturbed(打扰)by strangers.
D.She didn’t know what the woman would do.
【小题5】 The author writes the text to         .
A.warn readers of the difficulty with parking
B.express her gratitude to the stranger
C.talk about her bad experience
D.call on readers to lend a helping hand if possible


解析【小题1】根据We had taken the wrong fork in the expressway, and found ourselves stuck in traffic that was blocked for four miles due to a serious accident 描述可知选B。
【小题1】根据Through the window, she shoved a five dollar bill. “I don’t have change,” she said, “but here is an extra five dollar bill. Use it to pay for your parking spot.”描述可知选C。
【小题1】根据I was floored! Was this woman, whom I’d never seen before, actually giving me this much money? Yes, that was exactly what she was doing!可知选D。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I fell in love with the minister's son the winter I turned fourteen. He was not Chinese. For Christmas I prayed for the boy, Robert. When I found out that my parents had invited the minister's family over for Christmas Eve dinner, I cried in panic. What would Robert think of our shabby Chinese Christmas? What would he think of our noisy Chinese relatives who lacked proper American manners?

On Christmas Eve, my mother created abundant Chinese food. And then they arrived—the minister's family and all my relatives. Robert greeted hello, and I pretended he was not worthy of existence.

Dinner threw me deeper into disappointment. My relatives licked (舔) the ends of their chopsticks and reached across the table. Robert and his family waited patiently for a large plate to be passed to them. My relatives murmured with pleasure when my mother brought out the whole steamed fish. Robert made a face. Then my father reached his chopsticks just below the fish eye and picked out the soft meat. “Amy, your favorite.”he said, offering me the tender fish cheek. I wanted to disappear.

At the end of the meal, my father leaned back and burped(打嗝) loudly, thanking my mother for her fine cooking. “It's a polite Chinese custom to show you are satisfied.”explained my father to our astonished guests. Robert was looking down at his plate with a reddish face. The minister managed to bring up a quiet burp. I was shocked into silence for the rest of the night.

After everyone had gone,my mother said to me,“You want to be the same as American girls on the outside.”She handed me an early gift.It was a miniskirt.“But inside you must always be Chinese.You must be proud that you are different.Your only shame is to have shame.”

It was not until years later that I was able to fully appreciate her lesson and the purpose behind her particular menu. For Christmas Eve that year, she had chosen excellent Chinese food.

64. When the writer found out the minister's family  would come for Christmas Eve dinner, she cried  mainly because ________.

A. she worried about their shabby Chinese Christmas

B. she worried about their Chinese relatives lacking American manners

C. she worried about meeting the minister's family

D. she worried about being laughed at

65.What does “he was not worthy of existence” probably mean? It means________.

A. the writer was not interested in his existence

B. he was worthless

C. he should not exist

D. the writer expected his coming

66.The dinner threw the writer deeper into disappointment mainly because________.

A. her relatives licked the ends of their chopsticks

B. her father reached his chopsticks to pick fish for her

C. her father leaned back and burped loudly

D. she childishly expected all of them to act in the same way as Americans at table

67.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A. the writer appreciated her mother's lesson years later

B. the writer must be proud that she is different

C. the mother prepared to show Chinese different food culture

D. the minister's family really enjoyed the food



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年孝感高中高一下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

Two days before Thanksgiving, I was trying to open my mouth wide enough for a mirror and a roll of steel wire. Metal braces (牙齿矫正器)had been on my   31  for weeks, but this was the day for the wire to be adjusted. Only those who have had braces will understand the terrible   32  of being “wired”. For the next 24 hours, it felt like every tooth was being   33  slowly by a giant clawhammer (拔钉锤).  34  drinking water caused pain.
By Thanksgiving Day, I had got used to it.   35  I didn’t use my teeth, the pain was bearable. But this was a day when teeth had to   36  longer than usual. We were   37  at my grandparents’ house with relatives. The house was filled with so many pleasant   38  that we could hardly resist the food. When grandma said, “Dinner is ready!” all the kids   39  to be first in line. I was so excited that I    40  the braces in my mouth and   41  my way up to the head of the line.
I piled my plate high with my favorite corn-on-the-cob(玉米棒子)and   42  my mouth to enjoy it. The pain was   43 . I felt I would never be able to eat again. I put my plate away and ran outside in   44 .
Grandma then took my plate to the   45 . She cut all the corn off that cob and rescued me from my   46 . She handed me my plate piled high with corn. “Thanks,” I said   47 . Then I looked up and   48  a strange light in her eye, a light that is still   49  to me after more than fifty years. That was the Thanksgiving when I discovered something more   50  than good food.

【小题5】As long as                  B.Even though                     C.In case                      D.As though
【小题10】A thought of             B.got out of                 C.complained about       D.forgot about
A.forcedB.createdC.led D.gave
A.timeB.angerC.surprise D.tears


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省荆门市高一上学期期末教学质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

I was doing some last-minute Christmas shopping in a toy store. A nicely dressed little girl was  31  the teddy bears beside her father  32  she saw a little boy walk in and stop in front of the Pokémon toys. His jacket was obviously too small. He had money in his hand.  33 , it seemed to add up to five dollars at most. He was with his father as well, and kept  34  the Pokémon video games. Each time he showed one to his father, his father  35  his head, “No”.

Rather  36 , the boy gave up the video games and chose a picture book  37 . After they walked away, the little girl ran over to the Pokémon video games. She excitedly picked up one   38  on top of the others, and raced down toward the check-out. I picked up my purchases(购买物) and  39  the girl and her father.

Then much to her  40 , the little boy and his father got in line  41  her and me. After the video was paid for and bagged, the little girl  42  it back to the cashier(收银员) and said something secret to her. The cashier smiled and put the  43  under the counter(柜台). I was putting things in my bag when the little boy  44  the cashier. The cashier said, “Congratulations, you’re my hundredth customer today, and you win a(n)  45 !” and she handed the boy the Pokémon game. The boy could only stood there  46 . It was, he said,  47  what he had wanted! The little girl and her father had been standing at the doorway, and I saw the biggest and sweetest smile on her face I have  48  seen in my life.

I suddenly understood that the world is not  49  into the strong who care and the weak who are  50 . We must each in turn care and be cared.

1.                A.looking through  B.getting through   C.dressing up    D.packing up


2.                A.once           B.while           C.after D.when


3.                A.Then           B.Therefore       C.However  D.Otherwise


4.                A.playing         B.electing         C.watching  D.selecting


5.                A.shook          B.nodded         C.moved   D.held


6.                A.anxious         B.upset          C.annoyed  D.concerned


7.                A.either          B.lastly           C.instead   D.indeed


8.                A.laying          B.lying           C.attaching  D.belonging


9.                A.led            B.chased         C.drove    D.followed


10.               A.satisfaction      B.surprise        C.interest   D.happiness


11.               A.between       B.before         C.behind    D.beyond


12.               A.put            B.handed         C.sent  D.carried


13.               A.basket         B.bag            C.bear  D.gift


14.               A.ran up to       B.ran away from   C.got away from  D.came up to


15.               A.award          B.reward         C.prize D.price


16.               A.in trouble       B.in silence       C.in relief   D.in doubt


17.               A.extremely      B.only           C.exactly    D.wonderfully


18.               A.seldom         B.frequently      C.ever  D.hardly


19.               A.divided         B.changed        C.included   D.cut


20.               A.cared for       B.devoted to      C.turned to  D.thought of




科目:高中英语 来源:2014届辽宁省五校协作体高二下学期学期初阶段测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

While I was on my way to Walmart, I was greeted by an elder woman who was working at the door as a greeter, I had a return to make so she stopped me and asked to tag my bag. Usually I would have gotten annoyed because I know I don’t steal, so why does my bag need to be tagged? I’d just witnessed someone ahead of me being not so nice, and treating the lady like she was a nobody. I could see this lady looked to be at retirement age, trying to make ends meet. The look on her face and the energy she gave was that of someone afraid and not knowing where they stood in life. Not to mention the person ahead of me who’d just snatched(夺) a bag back from her and stormed off without even saying thank you. I could tell this woman was hurt by that, and no one knows how many people had been treating her that way all day long.

What if she was a grandmother who’d recently taken care of her grandchildren for whatever season? What if her husband she had to support recently fell sick and they couldn’t afford the medical expenses, so she had to go back to work? What if she just lost everything she had in her retirement and now she had to go back to work?

All she wants is to do her job and do it well. All she wants is to serve customers the way she was trained. All she needs is to be appreciated. Can I be that someone she needs, just for the moment?

I looked her in her eyes as she scanned my bag, smiled and said, “Your hair is beautiful and fits you well!” Her face lit up and she smiled back and began to tell me how much easier it is to manage. It was salt-and-pepper hair and was cut in the prettiest style. She handed my bag back, smiled and told me the service desk was straight down to my left. I said “Thank you!”

1.At the door of Walmart, the old woman_____.

A.asked every customer for money to feed her family

B.was made to welcome customers and check their bags

C.was asked to keep the door open all the time

D.worked as guide to give customers direction

2.Seeing the look of the old woman and the treatment she received, the author_____.

A.became annoyed                       B.showed sympathy

C.was puzzled                            D.turned generous

3.It could be learned from paragraph2 that the author_____.

A.didn’t understand why the old woman did such a job

B.insisted the old woman should stay at home comfortably

C.was sure the old woman was respected by people

D.supposed the old woman might be in trouble for some reason

4.By saying “Your hair is beautiful and fits you well.” the author wanted to ____.

A.make the old woman feel appreciated

B.please her so as not to let her bag tagged

C.praise her for her hair style and clothes

D.confirm her hard work and special beauty



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年重庆市高三10月月考英语卷 题型:阅读理解

A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane just took off.She told him that she would bring him the water in ten minutes.

         Thirty minutes later, when the passenger's ring for service sounded, the air hostess flew in a flurryShe was kept so busy that she forgot to deliver him the water.As a result, the passenger was held up to take his medicine.She hurried over to him with a cup of water, but he refused it.

    In the following hours on the flight, each time the stewardess passed by the passenger she would ask him with a smile whether he needed help or not. But the passenger never paid any attention to her.

When he was going to get off the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to hand him the passengers’ booklet (意见簿). She was very sad. She knew that he would write down sharp words, which might result in the loss of her job. But with a smile she handed it to him.

Off the plane, she opened the booklet, and cracked a smile, for the passenger put it, “On the flight, you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times in all. How can I refuse your sincere smiles?”

That’s right! Who can refuse your twelve sincere smiles from a person?

1.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

        A.The air hostess forgot the passenger’s need on purpose.

         B.The air hostess suddenly realized that trouble was coming.

         C.The passenger wasn’t angry at being ignored.

         D.The passenger was refused to be served.

2.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

         A.The passenger refused to take his medicine.

         B.The passenger set down his anger in the booklet.

         C.The words in the booklet would never affect the air hostess.

         D.The hostess finally moved the passenger with her smile.

3.What kind of person do you think the passenger is?

         A.Forgiving.                B.Curious.                   C.Sharp.                       D.Enthusiastic.

4.As a result, the air hostess would          .

        A.get fired by her company                              B.be hired by the passenger

         C.keep her job                                                      D.get a promotion


