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11.That summer an army of crickets(蟋蟀) started a war with my father.Dad cared for insects no more than Mamma,but he could tolerate a few living in the basement.Mamma was a city girl and she said a cricket was just too noisy.Then to support her point she wouldn't go to bed.She drank coffee and smoked my father's cigarettes and paced between the sofa and the TV.Next morning she threatened to pack up and leave,so Dad drove to the store and hurried back.He sprayed poison from a jug.When he was finished he told us that was the end of it.
For a couple of weeks we went back to find dead crickets in the laundry.He suggested that we'd all be better off to hide as many as we could from Mamma.I fed a few dozen to the cat who I didn't like because he scratched for no reason.
However,soon live crickets started showing up in the kitchen and bathroom.Mamma was upset because she thought they were the dead crickets coming back,but Dad said these were certainly new ones.He fetched his jug of poison and sprayed all over until the whole house smelled of poison,and then he sprayed the basement again.
A couple of weeks later,when both live and dead crickets kept turning up,Dad emptied the basement of junk.Then he burned a lot of old newspapers and magazines which he said the crickets had turned into nests.
While we ate supper that evening,the wind lifted some flames onto the wood pile.The only gasoline was in the lawn mower's(割草机) fuel tank but that was enough to create an explosion big enough to reach the house.Once the roof caught,there wasn't much anyone could do.
After the fire trucks left,Mamma took the others to Aunt Gail's.I helped Dad and Uncle Burt carry things out of the house and pile them by the road.We worked into the night and we didn't talk much,while all around the noise of crickets broke our silence.

56.What do we know about the author's mother?A
A.She didn't like insects at all.
B.She liked insects more than his father.
C.She cared for insects very much.
D.She could only tolerate a few insects.
57.The author's father drove to the store to buyB.
A.cigarettes for himself
B.some poison
C.more coffee for his wife
D.some gasoline
58.The author's father burned the old newspapers and magazines because he thoughtC.
A.they were no longer useful
B.the crickets were afraid of fires
C.they became the home of crickets
D.the dead crickets came back to life
59.We learn from the last paragraph thatA.
A.the author's family lost their battle against the crickets
B.the author's parents learned to put up with insects
C.the author's family didn't suffer much in the fire
D.the author's parents got divorced.

分析 本文讲述了作者妈妈不能忍受蟋蟀的叫声,父亲用毒药毒死蟋蟀后再焚烧它们的身体时不小心引着了木堆,割草机油箱中的汽油发生爆炸并波及到房屋,作者的妈妈带着其他人去了Gail婶婶家,作者和爸爸还有Burt叔叔把房屋中的东西搬出去后堆放在路边,并一直忙到晚上,此时打破他们之间沉默的还是蟋蟀的叫声这一故事.

解答 56---59 ABCA
56.A  推理题,第一段中提到作者的爸爸能够容忍在地下室中有几只昆虫,而作者的妈妈在城市中长大,说蟋蟀太吵了,为了证明这一点,她不肯睡觉,喝咖啡,吸烟,甚至要威胁离开,由此可知她根本不喜欢昆虫.故选A.
57.B细节题,根据第一段中"Next morning she threatened to pack up and leave,so Dad drove to the store and hurried back.He sprayed poison from a jug."内容可知,在作者的妈妈的一番折腾后,作者的爸爸开车去商店买回了一些毒药.故选B.
58.C  细节题.根据第四段最后一句"Then he burned a lot of old newspapers and magazines which he said the crickets had turned into nests."爸爸焚烧了大量旧报纸和旧杂志,说蟋蟀已经把报纸和杂志变成了窝.故选C.
59.A    推理题,作者的爸爸用毒药杀死一些蟋蟀,之后木堆起火,割草机油箱中的汽油发生爆炸并波及到房屋,作者的妈妈带着其他人去了Gail婶婶家,作者和爸爸还有Burt叔叔把房屋中的东西搬出去后堆放在路边,并一直忙到晚上,此时打破他们之间沉默的还是蟋蟀的叫声,由此可推断在与蟋蟀的战争中,作者一家失败了.故选A.

点评 英语记叙文以描写叙述为主,主要描写人物、事件、地点、或过程.特点是,其主题往往潜伏在字里行间,没有直接地表白出来;文章主旨要透过体察所揭示的人物、事件来进行提炼.描写手法大多按时间跨度、空间顺序、上下顺序来展开.阅读记叙文体应采取掠读和扫读的方法,快速抓住文中描写的主要内容,从整体上去把握文章的连贯性,进而大体上揣测出作者的写作意图及情感主线.高考阅读就记叙文设题大多以细节理解为主.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.[1]Mia Hamm was born March 17,1972,in Selma,Ala.She was named women's FIFA World Player of the year in 2001and 2002,and listed as one of FIFA's 125best living players.
[2]She noted,"If you don't love what you do,you won't do it with much passion,"and clearly,she loved playing sports.She was athletic throughout her childhood and,by age 15,became the youngest player ever to join the U.S.Women's National Soccer Team.In 1991,when the team won the FIFA Women's World Cup for the first time,19-year-old Hamm became the youngest American woman to win a World Cup championship.
[3]Afterward,Hamm continued her education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,where her team won four NCAA(美国大学联盟锦标赛) championships and lost just one game out of the 95she played.Recognizing her role,the team named her Female Athlete of the Year in 1993and 1994.Hamm said:"I am a member of a team,and I rely on the team,I respect it and sacrifice for it,because the team,not the individual,is the final champion."
[4]On May 22,1999,Hamm broke the all-time international goal record with her 108th goal in a game against Brazil.Like any player,Hamm has experienced difficulty,but she takes a correct approach."Failure happens all the time,"she has said."It happens every day in practice.What makes you better is how you react to it."
[5]Of course,Hamm grew accustomed to great success during her career.In the 2004Summer Olympic Games,she helped lead Team USA to a gold medal,and her fellow U.S.Olympians chose her to carry the American flag at the Athens Closing Ceremonies.Hamm retired in 2004,at age 32,with 158international goals-still the international record for men or women players.

56.How many times was Hamm named women's FIFA World Player?( no more than 1word)
57.When did Hamm join the U.S.Women's National Soccer Team for the first time?
( no more than 2words)
In 1987
58.What did Hamm think make them win four NCAA championships?( no more than 2words)
59.According to Hamm,how can we overcome failure?( no more than 5words)
By reacting to it correctly
60.Why was Hamm chosen to carry the American flag at the Athens Closing Ceremonies?
(no more than 9words)
Because she led Team USA to a gold medal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.-I think I will give Bob a ring.
-You______.You haven't been in touch with each other for two weeks!(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.I began working in journalism(新闻工作) when I was eight.It was my mother's idea.She wanted me to"make something"of myself,and decided I had better start young if I was to have any chance of keeping up with the competition.
With my load of magazines I headed toward Belleville Avenue.The crowds were there.There were two gas stations on the corner of Belleville and Union.For several hours I made myself highly visible,making sure everyone could see me and the heavy black letters on the bag that said THE SATURDAY EVENING POST.When it was supper time,I walked back home.
"How many did you sell,my boy?"my mother asked.
"Where did you go?"
"The corner of Belleville and Union Avenues."
"What did you do?"
"Stood on the corner waiting for somebody to buy a Saturday Evening Post."
"You just stood there?"
"Didn't sell a single one."
"My God,Russell!"
Uncle Allen put in,"Well,I've decided to take the Post."I handed him a copy and he paid me a nickel(五分镍币).It was the first nickel I earned.
Afterwards my mother taught me how to be a salesman.I would have to ring doorbells,address adults with self-confidence,and persuade them by saying that no one,no matter how poor,could afford to be without the Saturday Evening Post in the home.
One day,I told my mother I'd changed my mind.I didn't want to make a success in the magazine business."If you think you can change your mind like this,"she replied,"you'll become a good-for-nothing."She insisted that,as soon as school was over,I should start ringing doorbells,selling magazines.Whenever I said no,she would scold me.
My mother and I had fought this battle almost as long as I could remember.My mother,dissatisfied with my father's plain workman's life,determined that I would not grow up like him and his people.But never did she expect that,forty years later,such a successful journalist as me would go back to her husband's people for true life and love.

56、Why did the boy start his job young?C
A.He wanted to be famous in the future.
B.The job was quite easy for him.
C.His mother had high hopes for him.
D.The competition for the job was fierce
57、From the dialogue between the boy and his mother,we learn that the mother wasD.
A.excited      B.interested    C.ashamed    D.disappointed
58、What did the mother do when the boy wanted to give up?A
A.She forced him to continue.    B.She punished him.
C.She gave him some money.       D.She changed her plan.
59、What does the underlined phrase"this battle"refer to?B
A.The war between the boy's parents.
B.The arguing between the boy and his mother.
C.The quarrel between the boy and his customers.
D.The fight between the boy and his father.
60、What is the text mainly about?A
A.The early life of a journalist.
B.The early success of a journalist.
C.The happy childhood of the writer.
D.The important role of the writer in his family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.About ten years ago,a young and very successful businessman named Josh was traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street.He was going a bit too fast in his shiny,black,12cylinder Jaguar XKE,which was only two months old.
He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.As his car passed,no child came out,but a brick sailed out and-WHUMP!-it hit the Jaguar's shiny black side door!SCREECH…!!!!Immediately Josh stopped the car,jumped out,seized the kid and pushed him up against a parked car.He shouted at the kid,"What was that all about and who are you?Just what the heck are you doing?!""That's my new Jaguar,that brick you threw is gonna cost you a lot of money.Why did you throw it?"
"Please,mister,please…I'm sorry!I didn't know what else to do!"begged the youngster."I threw the brick because no one else would stop!"tears were streaming down the boy's face as he pointed around the parked car."It's my brother,mister,"he said."He rolled off the curb (路沿) and fell out of his wheelchair and I can't lift him up."Sobbing,the boy asked the businessman,"Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair?He's hurt and he's too heavy for me."
Moved by the words,the young businessman lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapers and cuts,checking to see that everything was going to be OK.He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk toward their home.
It was a long walk back to the black,shining,12cylinder Jaguar XKE--a long and slow walk.Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar.He kept the dent (凹痕) to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention.Feel for the bricks of life coming you.

50.The boy threw a brick at the businessman's car becauseB.
A.he wanted to ask for some money
B.he wanted to get help from the driver
C.the businessman drove at a high speed
D.he hated the brand-new car very much
51.What can we learn from the passage?D
A.Josh would accept the money from the kids.
B.The two kids were Josh's neighbors.
C.Josh's new car broke down easily.
D.Josh was a kind-hearted man.
52.According to the passage,the last sentence meansA.
A.trying to be more understanding seeing others in trouble
B.trying to get ready for the trouble in your future life
C.driving fast in a neighborhood street is dangerous
D.protecting oneself from being hurt.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Jerry Morris died on 28 October 2009.He was 99 years old.You have probably never heard of him.He was a professor of public health.More than 50 years ago he produced one of the most famous epidemiological (流行病学) papers of the 20th century.
His study showed that bus conductors were much less likely to die of heart disease than bus drivers.Why?Because the conductors spent their working day walking.It seems obvious now but in the middle of the last century doctors were puzzled by the rising numbers of people who got heart diseases.Jerry Morris found one of the main causes:a sedentary (久坐不动的) lifestyle.He started exercising for a few minutes each day and lived until his 100th year.
If you wish to protect your heart,you have to do more than wander in the garden.The exercise needs to be reasonable.Jogging is not for everyone and a round trip to the gym takes a couple of hours,plus the monthly membership fee is only good value if you visit regularly.The answer is simple:walk.ks5u
A half-hour purposeful walk five times a week will lower your risk of heart disease,diabetes and strokes.Older people sometimes feel they have left it too late.But it is never too late to start and there are no upper age limits.Start gently.Take your time:a 15-minute flat walk in the nearest park,four or five times a week.Within a month or so,you are already beginning to protect your heart.Build the walks up.When you can comfortably walk for half an hour in the park,go further:try following rivers and canals.
Regular walkers have their own natural gymnasium.There is no membership fee,just some of the finest scenery in the world.Great Britain is the walker's gym.When you have followed the rivers and canals,and are enjoying walking for a couple of hours,head for the coast.Once again,build it up slowly.When you are comfortable with long coastal walks,you can think of our national parks.
67.Jerry Morris is mentioned in the first paragraph mainly toC.
A.make his epidemiological message known to the public
B.praise his research into ways of improving public health
C.introduce the topic of doing exercise and keeping healthy
D.give an example of a person who lives a healthy and long life
68.We can learn from the passage thatC.
A.bus conductors are more likely to die of heart disease than bus drivers.
B.doctors in the 1950s knew why heart diseases kept happening to people.
C.walking is better than doing sports in a gym because it saves time and money.
D.British people love walking because they have free gymnasium with finest scenery.
69.What suggestion does the writer give about walking?B
A.Parks are the best place for walking.
B.Starters should not push themselves too hard.
C.A two-quarter walk a day is suitable for starters.
D.People of old age might not be fit enough to start walking.
70.What might be the best title for this passage?D
A.Long Life Comes from Walking
B.Walking Helps Cure Heart Disease
C.A Walk a Day Keeps the Doctors away
D.An Hour's Walk in Nature is Worth Two in the Gym.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Six years ago,a Miami woman walking through the hall of an office building casually noticed two men standing together.Several minutes after her leaving,the men murdered a person working in the building.Police investigators determined that the woman was the only witness who had seen the two suspects,and could possibly describe them.In an interview with police,her memory of the men proved disappointingly unclear.
Several days later,psychologist Ronald P.Fisher was brought in to get a more complete description from the woman.Fisher's interview produced a breakthrough (突破)-the woman reported a clear picture of one of the suspects.She then recalled several details about his appearances.This information gave police important leads that enabled them to arrest the suspects and close the case.
Police investigators found the help from Fisher because of his rich knowledge in conducting the so-called cognitive (认知的) interview,a kind of memory-rebuilding process.In its original form,the cognitive interview focuses on guiding witnesses through four general recalling techniques:thinking about physical surroundings and personal feelings that existed at the time of past events,reporting everything that comes to mind about those events no matter how broken or unconnected,retelling events in kinds of time orders,beginning to end,end to beginning,forward or backward,and accepting different views while recalling events.
Usually,an interviewer begins the cognitive approach by encouraging the witness to take an active role in recalling information rather than giving answers only to someone else's questions.The witness first describes what happened in his or her own words,with no interviewer interruptions.The interviewer then goes further with specific techniques,such as having the witness tell the details of what happened from different aspects.
Experiments with police detectives trained in this demanding interview method find that they get nearly 50% more information from witnesses than before training,while error rates remain about the same.
56.What is the purpose of this passage?D
A.To give an description of a murder case in an office.
B.To explain why Fisher was invited to a police interview.
C.To describe how cognitive method helps the woman to recall.
D.To give the readers an idea of cognitive interview.
57.The cognitive interview helped the woman to recall more byC.
A.strengthening her memory           
B.giving her encouragement
C.rebuilding her memory             
D.giving her more time
58.It can be inferred from the passage that in a cognitive interview,the interviewer mainly plays aArole.
A.directing          B.questioning    C.disappointing       D.interrupting
59.What is the key point of the cognitive interview?B
A.The interviewer should interrupt the witness from time to time.
B.The witness is encouraged to take an active role in recalling information.
C.The interview should take place outside the police station.
D.The witness should recall details at the scene of the event.
60.Police trained in the cognitive interview method canA.
A.get more information from the witness than before       
B.decrease the error rate
C.solve the cases more quickly      
D.use the method more skillfully than the psychologists.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.One day I was walking home along the street with my iPod on,when suddenly my headphones(耳机) were knocked off my head and a man threw his arm around my neck,saying"Just be quiet."I was being attacked,and this man's arm was gripping (紧夹) onto me!I started screaming and tried to pull him off me,but failed.He was forcing me to walk towards the back of an auto repair shop and he just kept saying:"Be quiet."
My mind froze with fear.Then I heard my great-grandmother's voice in my head.She was saying:"Come on now,I know you are stronger than that!"She was the rock in our family until she died four years ago.
I have never had any self-defense(自卫) training,but I went for it-I let out a loud scream as I kicked my leg back into his shin(胫骨)!He let go of me and I ran off.When I looked back to see if he was running after me,I saw he was running in the opposite direction.Then I ran like crazy to a nearby drugstore.
I asked the girl at the counter for O1 phone and called my mom.She picked me up five minutes later and I explained what happened through sobs."I am calling the police!"She exclaimed.When we got home,two officers were waiting for us and I told them what had happened.
After my experience,I was afraid to do anything.Things slowly got better,but I still don't like anyone going near my neck.
The fear isn't totally gone-after all,the guy is still out there somewhere.But I had a new understanding of my own strength.I never expected to be able to fight off an attacker.I am stronger than I realized.
61.How did the author get rid of the man?D
A.Her great-grandmother came and helped.
B.She used all her strength to pull him off her.
C.Her loud scream scared the attacker and people came to help.
D.Her great-grandmother's words gave her the strength to defend herself.
62.After the author escaped from the man,B.
A.she called the police               
B.she called her mother
C.she screamed to get more attention 
D.she looked back to remember his appearance
63.What does the underlined word"sobs"in Paragraph 4 probably mean?C
64.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?B
A.The accident left no influence on the author now.
B.The attack made the author more confident in a way.
C.The author Suddenly remembered some self-defense moves.
D.The author was so frightened that she did nothing to fight back.
65.What might be the author's purpose of writing this passage?D
A.To show the importance of self-defense training.
B.To warn teenagers of possible dangers on the way to school.
C.To show how brave she was while she was being attacked at that time.
D.To share her experience and tell us that we are perhaps not as weak as we thought we were.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.It is early morning in northern Gaza.The streets are filled with children on their way to school.Most carry backpacks almost as big as themselves.All are dressed in clean and tidy uniforms.It is quite an incongruoussight as they walk past piles of destroyed buildings from Israel's military operation earlier this year.
In the Elyen family home,nine-year-old Huda is nervous.Her mother is still preparing sandwiches.Huda is worried she will be late for school.
As bags are packed and hair curled,there is not much wriggle (身体扭动) room for the three school-aged children here.The Elyens live in a weak,one-bedroom shelter.
Their house was destroyed and one of their cousins killed in an Israeli airstrike in January.Amer,their father,is worried about the winter.He tells me he cannot afford a proper roof.
He has been out of work for three years,ever since Israel forced heavy restrictions (限制) on border crossings into the Gaza Strip (加沙地带),damaging the already weak local economy.
Amer says he hopes his children will finish their schooling,regardless of poverty or violence.
He had to leave school as a young boy to help support his brothers and sisters.He firmly believes that education can open doors to a better life.
But many of Gaza's schoolchildren are less optimistic.They know that no matter how educated they are,opportunities are scarce.Unemployment is unavoidable.
Escaping Gaza for a better life elsewhere is almost impossible,as neighboring Israel and Egypt keep their crossings with Gaza pretty much sealed shut.
Schooling is also repeatedly interrupted by conflict.This is sometimes due to violence but mainly because of military action by Israel.Israel says this is in response to rocket by Gaza militants (激进分子),aimed at Israeli citizens.
55.The underlined word"incongruous"in the first paragraph probably meansD.
A.not famous                             
B.not familiar 
C.not beautiful                           
D.lacking in harmony
56.From the passage,we can infer the following EXCEPTD..
A.Elyen's family is very poor.
B.there are five people in Elyen's family in total                         
C.it is very difficult to find a job in northern Gaza
D.people in Gaza can make a living by escaping Gaza
57.According to the passage,which of the following about Amer is true?A
A.He supports his children to go to school.
B.He will manage to get a proper roof.
C.He had a good education when he was young.
D.He thinks that education is of little importance.
58.The main idea of the passage should be (that)B.
A.the present situation in Gaza
B.the children in Gaza are hungry for learning
C.the life of people in Gaza
D.the poor children in Gaza.

