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Shirley Temple, who died on February 10, 2014, was that rare example of a Hollywood child star who, when the cameras stopped rolling, carved out a new career.
For four years, she was Hollywood’s biggest box-office star representing the kind of sweet, innocent girl that everyone wanted as their daughter. However, years later, she reappeared as a successful politician.
Shirley Temple was born in Santa Monica, California on 23 April 1928. Encouraged by her mother, she learned to dance while she was just three.
In 1934, Stand Up and Cheer became her first film and the film was a great success. At the age of six she was earning $1,250 a week — more than $21,000 at today’s values.
Across the world, audiences flocked to see her in films such as Little Miss Marker, The Little Colonel and The Littlest Rebel.
In 1935 she was awarded a special Oscar (Academy Award) and her foot and hand prints were added to those of stars such as Jean Harlow and Mary Pickford outside Grauman’s Chinese theatre in Hollywood. The peak of her film career came in 1939 when The Little Princess became a box-office success.
Temple starred in a total of 43 feature films. But she found it difficult to maintain her film career in adulthood and retired from Hollywood in 1950.
She disappeared from the spotlight for nearly 20 years. She returned to the public eye in 1967, as a Republican candidate for Congress. When Nixon became president, he rewarded her with an appointment to the American delegation to the United Nations. Then, in 1974, President Ford appointed her the United States Ambassador(大使) to Ghana. George Bush Snr, appointed her Ambassador to Czechoslovakia.
Shirley Temple drew a line between her childhood stardom and her later political career. “Some people are stuck on this image of the little girl,” she once said. “She is not me. We shouldn’t live in the past; my life is now.” Nevertheless, for many across the world, the name Shirley Temple always called to mind a superstar child.
小题1:Shirley Temple died at the age of _____.
小题2:What happened to Shirley Temple when she was 7 years old?
A.She won a special Oscar.
B.She began to learn to dance.
C.She appeared in her first film.
D.She retired from Hollywood.
小题3:Which of the following represents the peak of Shirley Temple’s film career?
A.Stand Up and Cheer.B.Little Miss Marker.
C.The Little Colonel.D.The Little Princess.
小题4:We can infer that _____.
A.the films in which Shirley Temple starred in adulthood were not popular
B.Jean Harlow and Mary Pickford appeared in the same film with Temple
C.Shirley Temple succeeded in being elected as Congresswoman in 1967
D.Shirley Temple was the youngest person to receive an Academy Award


试题分析:这篇文章通介绍了Shirley Temple的生平,及她的成就。
小题1:计算题:根据Shirley Temple, who died on February 10, 2014,以及Shirley Temple was born in Santa Monica, California on 23 April 1928.可知Shirley Temple在86岁时去世,故选C。
小题2:细节题:根据In 1935 she was awarded a special Oscar (Academy Award) and her foot and hand prints were added to those of stars such as Jean Harlow and Mary Pickford outside Grauman’s Chinese theatre in Hollywood.可知Shirley Temple在七岁时,获得奥斯卡特别奖,故选A。
小题3:细节题:根据The peak of her film career came in 1939 when The Little Princess became a box-office success.可知Shirley Temple电影生涯的巅峰之作是小王子,故选D。
小题4:细节题:根据Temple starred in a total of 43 feature films. But she found it difficult to maintain her film career in adulthood and retired from Hollywood in 1950.我们可以推断出Shirley Temple成年后,演的电影并不受欢迎,故选A。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Tim Richter and his wife, Linda, had taught for over 30 years near Buffalo, New York—he in computers, she in special education.“Teaching means everything to us,” Tim would say. In April 1998, he learned he would need a heart operation. It was the kind of news that leads to some serious thinking about life's purpose.
Not long after the surgery, Tim saw a brochure describing Imagination Library, a program started by Dolly Parton's foundation (基金会) that mailed a book every month to children from birth to age five in the singer's home town of Sevier, Tennessee. “I thought, maybe Linda and I could do something like this when we retire,”Tim recalls.  He placed the brochure on his desk,“as a reminder.”
Five years later, now retired and with that brochure still on the desk, Tim clicked on imagination library .com. The program had been opened up to partners who could take advantage of book and postage discounts.
The quality of the books was of great concern to the Richters. Rather than sign up online, they went to Dollywood for a look­see. “We didn't want to give the children rubbish,” says Linda. The books reviewed each year by teachers, literacy specialists and Dollywood board members included classics such as Ezra Jack Keats's The Snowy Day and newer books like Anna Dewdney's Llama Llama series.
Satisfied, the couple set up the Richter Family Foundation and got to work. Since 2004, they have shipped more than 12,200 books to preschoolers in their area. Megan Williams, a mother of four, is more than appreciative: “This program introduces us to books I've never heard of .”
The Richters spend about $400 a month sending books to 200 children. “Some people sit there and wait to die,” says Tim. “Others get as busy as they can in the time they have left.”
小题1:What let Tim think seriously about the meaning of life?
A.His health problem.B.His love for teaching.
C.The influence of his wife.D.The news from the Web.
小题2:What did Tim want to do after learning about Imagination Library?
A.Give out brochures.B.Do something similar.
C.Write books for children.D.Retire from being a teacher.
小题3:According to the text,Dolly Parton is________.
A.a well­known surgeonB.a mother of a four­year­old
C.a singer born in TennesseeD.a computer programmer
小题4:Why did the Richters go to Dollywood?
A.To avoid signing up online.
B.To meet Dollywood board members.
C.To make sure the books were the newest.
D.To see if the books were of good quality.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift. Unlike other gifts, it came without wrap(包装).
On September 11th. 1958. Mum gave birth to Richard. After she brought him home from hospital, she put him in my lap, saying. "I promised you a gift, and here it is. " What an honor! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own. I played with it day and night. I sang to it. I told it stories. 1 told it over and over how much I loved it!
One morning, however, I found its bed empty. My doll was gone! I cried for it. Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital. It had a fever. For several days, I heard Mum and Dad whispering such words as "hopeless", "pitiful", and "dying", which sounded ominous.
Christmas was coming. "Don’t expect any presents this year." Dad said, pointing at the socks I hung in the living room. "If your baby brother lives, that'll be Christmas enough.”  As he spoke, his eyes filled with tears. I'd never seen him cry before.
The phone rang early on Christmas morning. Dad jumped out of bed to answer it. From my bedroom I heard him say. "What? He's all right?" He hung up and shouted upstairs. " The hospital said we can bring Richard home!"
"Thank God.'" I heard Mum cry.
From the upstairs window, I watched my parents rush out to the car. I had never seen them happy. And I was also full of joy. What a wonderful day! My baby doll would be home. I downstairs. My sacks still hung there flat. But I knew they were not empty; they were filled with love!
小题1:What happened to the author on September 11 1958 ?
A.He received a dollB.He got a Christmas gift.
C.He became four years old. D.He got a baby brother.
小题2:What does the underlined word “ominous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
小题3:Which word can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?
小题4:What is the passage mainly about ?
A.A sad Christmas day.B.A special Christmas gift.
C.Life with a lovely baby.D.Memories of a happy family.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Henry Ford grew up on an un-electrified farm, and as a young man he followed Edison's career as the inventor became a national role model. Ford took a job at the Edison Illuminating Company working his way up to chief engineer.
In 1896 Ford was thirty-three and, though still working for Edison Co., he had created his first experimental automobile the Ford Quadricycle2 during his off-time. At an Edison company party in New York, Ford had his first chance to meet his hero Edison and was able to explain his new automobile to the great inventor. Edison was impressed. Edison is said to have slammed his fist down_and shouted, “Young man, that's the thing! You have it! Your car is self-contained and carries its own power plant.” Edison himself had been working on the idea, but had only been considering electricity as the power source, so the idea of a gas engine was a somewhat new one.
The words comforted Ford greatly, who immediately set out building a second car which was to become the Model-T.6. The two men became fast friends and would go on camping trips together.When Edison later became limited to a wheelchair, Ford brought an extra one to his house so they could race.At the 50th anniversary of the invention of light-bulb, Ford honored Edison.When Edison spoke, he ended his speech directed at Ford, “ As to Henry Ford, words fail to express my feelings.I can only say that he is my friend.” Therefore it is no surprise that Ford wanted something to remember Edison by after he passed away in 1931.
Once, Ford asked Thomas Edison's son Charles to sit by the dying inventor's bedside and hold a test tube next to his father's mouth to catch his final breath. Ford was a man with many strange behaviors (as was Edison) including some interest in reanimation and spiritualism(夏活通灵术)and some say that he was attempting to catch Edison's soul as it escaped his body in hopes of later bringing the inventor back to life.
The test tube itself didn't turn up until 1950 when it was listed in the Ford possessions after Clara Ford's passing away, and then lost again until 1978 when it was discovered in an exhibit Entitled “Henry Ford-A Personal History” in the Henry Ford Museum. It would then be discovered that the tube was labeled “Edison's Last Breath”.
There is a further mystery of this “last breath” test tube.It would seem as if Edison had quite a last breath indeed, as the Edison Estate holds a collection of 42 test tubes all supposedly containing Edison's last breath.
Regardless of the excitement over the last breath, the test tube is quite touching in its meaning.Although both men were known for all sorts of poor behavior towards their loved ones and mistreatment of employees, between them at least, there was clearly a deep respect and admiration.
小题1:The purpose of the author writing this passage is to          .
A.remind the readers of the importance of the two inventors
B.stress the importance of friendship
C.tell the readers some stories about the two inventors
D.show that love can lead to some poor behaviors
小题2:From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2, we can learn that       .
A.Edison envied what Ford had achieved
B.Edison was annoyed that Ford did better than him
C.Edison was angry because Ford stole his idea
D.Edison was extremely amazed at Ford's new idea
小题3:“The 1ast breath test tube” can probably be regarded as       .
A.a symbol of a friendship and memory
B.a witness to a scientific breakthrough
C.a failure to bring Edison back to life
D.a sign of the two inventors' poor behavior
小题4:It can be learned from the last paragraph that“      ”.
A.Great minds think alike
B.Nobody is perfect
C.Two heads are better than one
D.A friend in need is a friend indeed


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Every school has an ugly girl. In my primary school, it was me.
From first grade through fourth, I had to wear heavy orthopedic(整形外科的)shoes because of my weak ankles. I sounded like overweight elephant wearing bricks whenever I took a single step.
“Hey, Bigfoot!”
“Geez, you’re going to start an earthquake!”
Then in sixth grade I had to start wear glasses. Mom asked for the least expensive ones and that made me look like a fool.
“Four eyes!”
“Couldn’t you cover up more of your faces? Why stop at the eyes?”
In Seventh, I started competing on the city swim team, thinking that if I got a killer body, nobody would notice my face. Wrong again. I loved being fast and winning ribbons now and then, but now I had red, wet eyes from the chlorine(氯) in the pool. I also did not develop a killer body.
I changed my strategy at Eighth grade, the last year of middle school. I offered my help to anyone who needs. I worked for other girls, so they could hang out with their friends. My new program began to work. People who would never have acknowledged my existence before were suddenly seeking me out.
I’d been feeling pretty good until one day I went to Christine’s house to help her fill envelopes. Going into each envelope was invitation to Christine’s birthday party; it was a big event at a fancy hotel. Complete with dinner. She asked me to help her address these envelopes. There was no envelope for me.
My heart was broken. I tried to escape from all the eyes. High school had to be better, right? Yes and no. Now that I’m here, I know there are still lots of shallow people judging you on what you’re wearing or how cool your hair is , but there are also kids who talk to you because they liked your answers or just as you’re kind, honest, and a good friend.
I still do kind things because I like the feeling I get when I am helping people. I, with my friends, went to Children’s hospital, playing games and reading to the sick kids.
I still had wet red and not a smart look, but you cannot tell me I am not beautiful. Every time I visit hospital, five-year-old Terry grasps my hand, “Morri, you are so nice. I want to grow up to be just like you.”
小题1:Why was Morri laughed at by her classmates when she was in primary school?
A.She had weak ankles and eyesight.
B.Her glasses couldn’t cover up her face.
C.She couldn’t get along well with them.
D.She looked like an overweight elephant.
小题2:Which of the following is the real reason for Morri competing on the city swim team?
A.To win more ribbons.
B.To shift others’ attention from her face.
C.To develop a killer body.
D.To have red wet eyes.
小题3:From what Morri experienced in the last year of middle school, we can learn that __________.
A.her classmates thought highly of her
B.she was popular among her classmates
C.she was often cheated by her classmates
D.her classmates just made use of her
小题4:The passage is intended to encourage people to __________.
A.address as many as invitation envelopes as possible
B.take more sport activities including swimming
C.take others’ comments into careful consideration
D.take positive attitude towards disadvantages in life


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I was shopping at my local supermarket, as I normally have for years. One particular day, I had done about 2 weeks worth of shopping and        toward the register to pay for what I bought. After the cashier(收银员) had scanned my items and I had bagged them up, she stated(说) that the       was $150.
I         into my back right pocket to take the money to pay and noticed that there was no money there.  I started to get       .  I knew my purse was in the car and I was sure I had put the        in my back right pocket. I looked at the cashier with wet eyes and a       look not knowing what to do.  There were people behind me on the line. She told me to speak with the courtesy counter (爱心柜台).  I        and said, “Really? It's        , no one would hand that in!”  But she        me to. “You never know…” she said.
I decided that there was no        in checking so I walked up to a woman behind the counter and said “I have to ask, did anyone        cash by any chance?” She asked “How much?” My face then       .  “$200 in the form of one hundred dollar bills.” I replied.  She said, “       , yes, someone did!” I was so       ! “Who? I want to thank her.”  She pointed to a young girl about 10 years old and said, “She did.”
I walked over to the mom and hugged her. She said, “It wasn't me, it was my       ” .  I said “I know, I wanted to thank you both,       she found it ... it's because of you that I got this back.” I was so happy. I was almost in tears. 
The next day at work, a person in another department        me tickets to the circus(马戏团).  He handed me 5 tickets. Almost        that young girl’s face popped (突然出现) in my head.  After work I went back to the supermarket and stopped at the courtesy counter and asked if she had any idea who that woman was. She smiled and said, “Yes, She is a friend of mine”.  Then I asked her to do me a favor and pass along these 5 tickets to her.
She told me that the family of the little girl who found my money were not rich so they would really        this.  She also said that they had 3 children, so five was the        number of tickets! 
A.headed B.retiredC.hesitatedD.showed
A.percentageB.total C.productD.luggage
A.checkedB.searchedC.reached D.looked
A.particularB.nervous C.curious D.serious
A.money B.card C.purseD.goods
A.forcedB.promised C.discouragedD.encouraged
A.work outB.hand inC.send forD.take away
A.lit upB.broke upC.send offD.burst out.
A.lentB.borrowed C.producedD.offered


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Frida Kahlo’s paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.
Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her  spine(脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but noting was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.
In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.
Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.
小题1:What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?
A.a far better artist
B.a for more gifted artist
C.a much stronger person
D.a much more famous person
小题2:The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by         .
A.polioB.her bent spine
C.back injuriesD.the operations she had
小题3:Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the           .
小题4:What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When I was a child, I was shocked at the idea that my sisters could be my best friends. Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. At the time, the idea of my two sisters being my closest friends seemed strange to me. We fought all the time over toys, food, attention, what to watch on television—you name it, and we quarreled about it at some point. How could my sisters be my best friends? They weren’t the same age as I. We all had our own friends in school.
My mother never let the three of us forget that sisters are lifelong friends. Her wish like most parents’ was to give us something that she never had. Growing up as an only child, she longed for (渴望) siblings. When she gave birth to three daughters, the fulfillment (实现) of her dream had only just begun. She had given each of us a gift and she wanted to make sure we did not take that gift for granted. She would frequently tell us how lucky we were. But there were other, more subtle (难以察觉的) ways that she encouraged us to grow closer. She never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other, as not to cause jealousy or bitterness between sisters. She constantly took us places together—skating, shopping and swimming, so that we developed common interests. And when we were teenagers, Mom always punished us equally, giving us yet another bonding (密切相连) experience.
We didn’t always get along beautifully and fought just like any other siblings. But somewhere in between Mom’s lectures, the family vacations and the shared memories, we realized that our mother was right. Today I share things with my sisters that I do with no one else. My sister Cindy and I ran the New York City Marathon together, side by side, even holding hands when we crossed the finish line. When my sister Karen got married, I was her maid of honor(伴娘). Cindy and I traveled through Europe together and even shared an apartment for two years. The three of us trust each other with our greatest secrets.
It was twenty-three years ago that my mother first asked me who my two best friends were. Today she doesn’t have to. She already knows.
小题1:As a child, the author was shocked at her mother’s idea because ________.
A.her sisters seemed strange to her
B.her sisters didn’t like to be her friends
C.none of the girls had their own friends
D.they didn’t have much in common
小题2:The underlined word “siblings” in the passage probably means _________.
小题3:How did the author’s mother encourage her three daughters to grow closer?
A.She punished her daughter differently.
B.She showed equal love to her daughters.
C.She encouraged her daughters to do sports.
D.She often took her daughters to many places.
小题4:The best title of the passage could be ________.
A.The Greatest GiftB.Mother’s Love
C.Growing ExperiencesD.Unforgettable Memories


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My three-year-old granddaughter, Tegan, went with her parents to a family gathering at the home of her other grandparents. Everyone was having a wonderful time visiting and catching up on all the latest family news.
Like most children, Tegan was having a good time playing with all the toys that were different from her own and that were kept for children to play with at her grandparents’ house. In particular, Tegan had found a little tea set and had begun pretending that she was having a tea party. She set up all the place settings and arranged her table with the great care and elegance that only a three-year-old can create. Meanwhile, her Daddy was engrossed in conversation, and as he continued to chat with his family, Tegan would hand him a cup of "tea". Her Daddy, who always tries to participate in her games, would pause for a few seconds from his conversation, and say all the proper words and gestures for her tea party which would thrill Tegan. He would request two lumps of sugar. He would tell her how wonderful her tea tasted, and then he would continue his adult conversation with his family.
After going through this routine several times, her Daddy suddenly awoke to reality as he had a flash of concern in his mind: "She is only three years old, where is she getting this ‘tea’ that I've been dutifully drinking?" He quietly followed her, without her knowing, and his fears were growing stronger as he saw her turn and go through the bathroom door. Sure enough, there she was stretching up on her tippy toes reaching up to get her ‘tea’ water -- out of the container of water that grandpa used to soak his false teeth!
小题1:At the family gathering, the adults __________.
A.watched their favorite TV programs
B.talked about what happened at home
C.drank tea while chatting
D.arranged tables for children’s games
小题2:Which of the following phrases can replace the underlined phrase “was engrossed in” in Paragraph 2 ?
A.got tired ofB.got annoyed by
C.was absorbed inD.was puzzled at
小题3:What can be learned from the text ?
A.Tegan was unhappy to be left alone at the gathering.
B.Tegan’s father often played with her in games.
C.Tegan refused to apologize for what she had done.
D.Tegan’s father cared nothing about what she was doing.
小题4:Tegan’s Dad followed her secretly to find out __________.
A.whether there was any tea left
B.how she made tea so wonderful
C.where she got the sugar for tea
D.what kind of tea he had drunk

